1908 Colonel Sam Drive
Oshawa, Ontario L1H 8P7
Your inquiry should be accompanied by your Vehicle Identiï¬cation Number (VIN).
Online Owner Center Online Owner Center (United States only) The Owner Center is a resource for your GM ownership needs. Speciï¬c vehicle information can be found in one place. The Online Owner Center allows you to: (cid:127) Get e-mail service reminders. (cid:127) Access information about your speciï¬c vehicle, including tips and videos and an electronic version of this owner manual. (cid:127) Keep track of your vehicle’s service history
and maintenance schedule.
(cid:127) Find GM dealers for service nationwide. (cid:127) Receive special promotions and privileges
only available to members.
My GM Canada (Canada only) My GM Canada is a password-protected section of gmcanada.com where you can save information on GM vehicles, get personalized offers, and use handy tools and forms with greater ease. Here are a few of the valuable tools and services you will have access to:
− My Showroom: Find and save information on
vehicles and current offers in your area.
− My Dealers/Retailers: Save details such as
address and phone number for each of your preferred GM Dealers or Retailers.
− My Driveway: Receive service reminders and
helpful advice on owning and maintaining your vehicle.
− My Preferences: Manage your proï¬le,
subscribe to E-News and use tools and forms with greater ease.
Refer to www.MyGMLink.com on the web for updated information and to register your vehicle.
To sign up to My GM Canada, visit the My GM Canada section within www.gmcanada.com.
Customer Assistance for Text Telephone (TTY) Users To assist customers who are deaf, hard of hearing, or speech-impaired and who use Text Telephones (TTYs), Chevrolet has TTY equipment available at its Customer Assistance Center. Any TTY user can communicate with Chevrolet by dialing: 1-800-833-CHEV (2438). (TTY users in Canada can dial 1-800-263-3830.)
Customer Assistance Offices Chevrolet encourages customers to call the toll-free number for assistance. However, if a customer wishes to write or e-mail Chevrolet, the letter should be addressed to: United States — Customer Assistance
Chevrolet Motor Division
Chevrolet Customer Assistance Center
P.O. Box 33170
Detroit, MI 48232-5170
1-800-833-2438 (For Text Telephone
devices (TTYs))
Roadside Assistance: 1-800-CHEV-USA
Fax Number: 313-381-0022
From Puerto Rico:
1-800-496-9992 (English)
1-800-496-9993 (Spanish)
Fax Number: 313-381-0022
From U.S. Virgin Islands:
Fax Number: 313-381-0022
Canada — Customer Assistance
General Motors of Canada Limited
Customer Communication Centre, CA1-163-005
1908 Colonel Sam Drive
Oshawa, Ontario L1H 8P7
1-800-263-3777 (English)
1-800-263-7854 (French)
1-800-263-3830 (For Text Telephone
devices (TTYs))
Roadside Assistance: 1-800-268-6800
Overseas — Customer Assistance Please contact the local General Motors Business Unit. Mexico, Central America and Caribbean Islands/Countries (Except Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands) — Customer Assistance
General Motors de Mexico, S. de R.L. de C.V.
Customer Assistance Center
Paseo de la Reforma # 2740
Col. Lomas de Bezares
C.P. 11910, Mexico, D.F.
Long Distance: 011-52-53 29 0 800
GM Mobility Reimbursement Program
This program, available to qualiï¬ed applicants, can reimburse you up to $1,000 of the cost of eligible aftermarket adaptive equipment required for your vehicle, such as hand controls or a wheelchair/scooter lift. The offer is available for a very limited period of time from the date of vehicle purchase/lease. For more details, or to determine your vehicle’s eligibility, visit gmmobility.com or call the GM Mobility Assistance Center at 1-800-323-9935. Text telephone (TTY) users, call 1-800-833-9935. General Motors of Canada also has a Mobility Program. Call 1-800-GM-DRIVE (463-7483) for details. TTY users call 1-800-263-3830.
Roadside Assistance Program
In the U.S., call 1-800-CHEV-USA
In Canada, call 1-800-268-6800
Service available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
As the owner of a new Chevrolet vehicle, you are
automatically enrolled in the Chevrolet Roadside
Assistance program. This value-added service is
intended to provide you with peace of mind as you
drive in the city or travel the open road.
Who is Covered?
Roadside Assistance coverage is for the vehicle
operator, regardless of ownership. A person driving
this vehicle without the consent of the owner is
not eligible for coverage.
The following services are provided in the U.S.
during the Bumper-to-Bumper warranty period and,
in Canada, during the Base Warranty coverage
period of the New Vehicle Limited Warranty, up to
a maximum coverage of $100.
(cid:127) Fuel Delivery: Delivery of enough fuel for the customer to get to the nearest service station (approximately $5 in the U.S. and 10 litres in Canada). Service to provide diesel may be restricted. For safety reasons, propane and other alternative fuels will not be provided through this service.
(cid:127) Lock-out Service: To ensure security, the
driver must present the vehicle registration and personal ID before lock-out service is provided. Lock-out service will be covered at no charge if you are unable to gain entry into your vehicle. If your vehicle will not start, Roadside Assistance will arrange to have your vehicle towed to the nearest authorized dealership. In the U.S., replacement keys made at the customer’s expense will be covered within 10 miles (16 km).
(cid:127) Emergency Tow From a Public Roadway or
Highway: Tow to the nearest dealership for warranty service or in the event of a vehicle-disabling accident. Winch-out assistance when the vehicle is mired in sand, mud, or snow.
(cid:127) Flat Tire Change: If your vehicle has a spare tire, installation of the tire in good condition will be covered at no charge. The customer is responsible for the repair or replacement of the tire if not covered by a warrantable failure. (cid:127) Jump Start: No-start occurrences which
require a battery jump start will be covered at no charge.
Additional Services for Canadian Customers (cid:127) Trip Routing Service: Upon Request,
Roadside Assistance will send you detailed, computer-personalized maps, highlighting your choice of either the most direct route or the most scenic route to your destination, anywhere in North America, along with any helpful travel information we may have pertaining to your trip. To request this service, please call us toll-free at 1-800-268-6800. We will make every attempt to send your personalized trip routing as quickly as possible, but it is best to allow three weeks before your planned departure date. Trip routing requests will be limited to six per calendar year.
(cid:127) Trip Interruption Beneï¬ts and Assistance:
In the event of a warranty related vehicle disablement, while en route and over 250 kilometres from original point of departure, you may qualify for trip interruption expense assistance. This assistance covers reasonable reimbursement of up to a maximum of $500 (Canadian) for (A) meals (maximum of $50/day), (B) lodging (maximum of $100/night) and (C) alternate ground transportation (maximum of $40/day). This beneï¬t is to assist you with some of the unplanned expense you may incur while waiting for your vehicle to be repaired. Pre-authorization, original detailed receipts and a copy of the repair order are required. Once authorization has been given, your advisor will help you make any necessary arrangements and explain how to claim for trip interruption expense assistance.
(cid:127) Alternative Service: There may be times, when Roadside Assistance cannot provide timely assistance, your advisor may authorize you to secure local emergency road service, and you will be reimbursed up to $100 upon submission of the original receipt to Roadside Assistance.
In many instances, mechanical failures are covered under Chevrolet’s Bumper-to-Bumper warranty, and the duration of the Base Warranty Coverage for Canadian customers of the new Vehicle Limited Warranty. However, any cost for parts and labor for non-warranty repairs are the responsibility of the driver. For prompt and efficient assistance when calling, please provide the following to the Roadside Assistance Representative: (cid:127) Your name, home address, and home
telephone number.
(cid:127) Telephone number of your location. (cid:127) Location of the vehicle.
(cid:127) Model, year, color, and license plate number. (cid:127) Odometer reading, Vehicle Identiï¬cation
Number (VIN), and delivery date of the vehicle.
(cid:127) Description of the problem. While we hope you never have the occasion to use our service, it is added security while traveling for you and your family. Remember, we are only a phone call away. U.S. customers call Chevrolet Roadside Assistance: 1-800-CHEV-USA (1-800-243-8872), text telephone (TTY) users, call 1-888-889-2438, Canadian customers call 1-800-268-6800. Chevrolet and General Motors of Canada Limited reserve the right to limit services or reimbursement to an owner or driver when, in their sole discretion, the claims become excessive in frequency or type of occurrence. Roadside Assistance is not part of or included in the coverage provided by the New Vehicle Limited Warranty. Chevrolet and General Motors of Canada Limited reserve the right to make any changes or discontinue the Roadside Assistance program at any time without notiï¬cation.
Towing and Road Service Exclusions Speciï¬cally excluded from Roadside Assistance coverage are towing or services for vehicles operated on a non-public roadway or highway, ï¬nes, impound towing caused by a violation of local, Municipal, State, Provincial, or Federal law, and mounting, dismounting or changing of snow tires, chains, or other traction devices.
Courtesy Transportation To enhance your ownership experience, we and our participating dealers are proud to offer Courtesy Transportation, a customer support program for new vehicles. For warranty repairs during the Bumper-to-Bumper (U.S.) or Base Warranty Coverage period (Canada), provided by the New Vehicle Limited Warranty, interim transportation may be available under the Courtesy Transportation program. Several courtesy transportation options are available to assist in reducing your inconvenience when warranty repairs are required.
Courtesy Transportation is not a part of the New Vehicle Limited Warranty and is available only at participating dealers. A separate booklet entitled “Warranty and Owner Assistance Information†furnished with each new vehicle provides detailed warranty coverage information. Scheduling Service Appointments When your vehicle requires warranty service, you should contact your dealer and request an appointment. By scheduling a service appointment and advising your service consultant of your transportation needs, your dealer can help minimize your inconvenience. If your vehicle cannot be scheduled into the service department immediately, keep driving it until it can be scheduled for service, unless, of course, the problem is safety-related. If it is, please call your dealership, let them know this, and ask for instructions. If the dealer requests that you simply drop the vehicle off for service, you are urged to do so as early in the work day as possible to allow for the same day repair.
Transportation Options Warranty service can generally be completed while you wait. However, if you are unable to wait, GM helps to minimize your inconvenience by providing several transportation options. Depending on the circumstances, your dealer can offer you one of the following: Shuttle Service Shuttle service is the preferred means of offering Courtesy Transportation and participating dealers can provide you with shuttle service to get you to your destination with minimal interruption of your daily schedule. This includes one-way or round trip shuttle service within reasonable time and distance parameters for the dealer’s area. Public Transportation or Fuel Reimbursement If your vehicle requires overnight warranty repairs, and public transportation is used as ‘shuttle service,’ the reimbursement is limited to the associated shuttle allowance and must be supported by original receipts.
In addition, for U.S. customers, should you arrange transportation through a friend or relative, limited reimbursement for reasonable fuel expenses may be available. Claim amounts should reflect actual costs and be supported by original receipts. Courtesy Rental Vehicle Your dealer may arrange to provide you with a courtesy rental vehicle or reimburse you for a rental vehicle that you obtain if your vehicle is kept for an overnight warranty repair. Rental reimbursement will be limited and must be supported by original receipts. This requires that you sign and complete a rental agreement and meet state/provincial, local, and rental vehicle provider requirements. Requirements vary and may include minimum age requirements, insurance coverage, credit card, etc. You are responsible for fuel usage charges and may also be responsible for taxes, levies, usage fees, excessive mileage, or rental usage beyond the completion of the repair. Generally it is not possible to provide a like-vehicle as a courtesy rental.
Additional Program Information All program options, such as shuttle service, may not be available at every dealer. Please contact your dealer for speciï¬c information about availability. All Courtesy Transportation arrangements will be administered by appropriate dealer personnel. General Motors reserves the right to unilaterally modify, change or discontinue Courtesy Transportation at any time and to resolve all questions of claim eligibility pursuant to the terms and conditions described herein at its sole discretion.
Vehicle Data Collection and Event Data Recorders Your vehicle, like other modern motor vehicles, has a number of sophisticated computer systems that monitor and control several aspects of the vehicle’s performance. Your vehicle uses on-board vehicle computers to monitor emission control components to optimize fuel economy, to monitor conditions for airbag deployment and, if so equipped, to provide anti-lock braking and to help the driver control the vehicle in difficult driving situations. Some
information may be stored during regular operations to facilitate repair of detected malfunctions; other information is stored only in a crash event by computer systems, such as those commonly called Event Data Recorders (EDR). In a crash event, computer systems, such as the airbag Sensing and Diagnostic Module (SDM) in your vehicle may record information about the condition of the vehicle and how it was operated, such as data related to engine speed, brake application, throttle position, vehicle speed, safety belt usage, airbag readiness, airbag performance, and the severity of a collision. If your vehicle is equipped with StabiliTrak®, steering performance, including yaw rate, steering wheel angle, and lateral acceleration, is also recorded. This information has been used to improve vehicle crash performance and may be used to improve crash performance of future vehicles and driving safety. Unlike the data recorders on many airplanes, these on-board systems do not record sounds, such as conversation of vehicle occupants.
Others, such as law enforcement, may have access to the special equipment that can read the information if they have access to the vehicle or the device that stores the data. If your vehicle has OnStar®, please check the OnStar® subscription service agreement or manual for information on its operations and data collection.
Collision Damage Repair If your vehicle is involved in a collision and it is damaged, have the damage repaired by a qualiï¬ed technician using the proper equipment and quality replacement parts. Poorly performed collision repairs will diminish your vehicle’s resale value, and safety performance can be compromised in subsequent collisions.
To read this information, special equipment is needed and access to the vehicle or the device that stores the data is required. GM will not access information about a crash event or share it with others other than: (cid:127) with the consent of the vehicle owner or, if the
vehicle is leased, with the consent of the lessee, in response to an official request of police or similar government office,
(cid:127) as part of GM’s defense of litigation through
the discovery process, or
(cid:127) as required by law. In addition, once GM collects or receives data, GM may: (cid:127) use the data for GM research needs, (cid:127) make it available for research where
appropriate conï¬dentiality is to be maintained and need is shown, or
(cid:127) share summary data which is not tied to a speciï¬c vehicle with non-GM organizations for research purposes.
Collision Parts Genuine GM Collision parts are new parts made with the same materials and construction methods as the parts with which your vehicle was originally built. Genuine GM Collision parts are your best choice to assure that your vehicle’s designed appearance, durability, and safety are preserved. The use of Genuine GM parts can help maintain your GM New Vehicle Warranty. Recycled original equipment parts may also be used for repair. These parts are typically removed from vehicles that were total losses in prior accidents. In most cases, the parts being recycled are from undamaged sections of the vehicle. A recycled original equipment GM part, may be an acceptable choice to maintain your vehicle’s originally designed appearance and safety performance, however, the history of these parts is not known. Such parts are not covered by your GM New Vehicle Limited Warranty, and any related failures are not covered by that warranty.
Aftermarket collision parts are also available. These are made by companies other than GM and may not have been tested for your vehicle. As a result, these parts may ï¬t poorly, exhibit premature durability/corrosion problems, and may not perform properly in subsequent collisions. Aftermarket parts are not covered by your GM New Vehicle Limited Warranty, and any vehicle failure related to such parts are not covered by that warranty. Repair Facility GM also recommends that you choose a collision repair facility that meets your needs before you ever need collision repairs. Your GM dealer may have a collision repair center with GM-trained technicians and state of the art equipment, or be able to recommend a collision repair center that has GM-trained technicians and comparable equipment.
Insuring Your Vehicle Protect your investment in your GM vehicle with comprehensive and collision insurance coverage. There are signiï¬cant differences in the quality of coverage afforded by various insurance policy terms. Many insurance policies provide reduced protection to your GM vehicle by limiting compensation for damage repairs by using aftermarket collision parts. Some insurance companies will not specify aftermarket collision parts. When purchasing insurance, we recommend that you assure your vehicle will be repaired with GM original equipment collision parts. If such insurance coverage is not available from your current insurance carrier, consider switching to another insurance carrier. If your vehicle is leased, the leasing company may require you to have insurance that assures repairs with Genuine GM Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) parts or Genuine Manufacturer replacement parts. Read your lease carefully, as you may be charged at the end of your lease for poor quality repairs.
If an Accident Occurs Here is what to do if you are involved in an accident. (cid:127) Try to relax and then check to make sure you
are all right. If you are uninjured, make sure that no one else in your vehicle, or the other vehicle, is injured. If there has been an injury, call 911 for help. Do not leave the scene of an accident until all matters have been taken care of. Move your vehicle only if its position puts you in danger or you are instructed to move it by a police officer.
(cid:127) Give only the necessary and requested
information to police and other parties involved in the accident. Do not discuss your personal condition, mental frame of mind, or anything unrelated to the accident. This will help guard against post-accident legal action. If you need roadside assistance, call GM Roadside Assistance. See Roadside Assistance Program on page 562 for more information.
If your vehicle cannot be driven, know where the towing service will be taking it. Get a card from the tow truck operator or write down the driver’s name, the service’s name, and the phone number.
(cid:127) Remove any valuables from your vehicle
before it is towed away. Make sure this includes your insurance information and registration if you keep these items in your vehicle.
(cid:127) Gather the important information you will need
from the other driver. Things like name, address, phone number, driver’s license number, vehicle license plate, vehicle make, model and model year, Vehicle Identiï¬cation Number (VIN), insurance company and policy number, and a general description of the damage to the other vehicle.
If possible, call your insurance company from the scene of the accident. They will walk you through the information they will need. If they ask for a police report, phone or go to the police department headquarters the next day and you can get a copy of the report for a nominal fee. In some states/provinces with “no fault†insurance laws, a report may not be necessary. This is especially true if there are no injuries and both vehicles are driveable.
(cid:127) Choose a reputable collision repair facility
for your vehicle. Whether you select a GM dealer or a private collision repair facility to ï¬x the damage, make sure you are comfortable with them. Remember, you will have to feel comfortable with their work for a long time.
(cid:127) Once you have an estimate, read it carefully
and make sure you understand what work will be performed on your vehicle. If you have a question, ask for an explanation. Reputable shops welcome this opportunity.
Managing the Vehicle Damage Repair Process In the event that your vehicle requires damage repairs, GM recommends that you take an active role in its repair. If you have a pre-determined repair facility of choice, take your vehicle there, or have it towed there. Specify to the facility that any required replacement collision parts be original equipment parts, either new Genuine GM parts or recycled original GM parts. Remember, recycled parts will not be covered by your GM vehicle warranty.
Insurance pays the bill for the repair, but you must live with the repair. Depending on your policy limits, your insurance company may initially value the repair using aftermarket parts. Discuss this with your repair professional, and insist on Genuine GM parts. Remember if your vehicle is leased you may be obligated to have the vehicle repaired with Genuine GM parts, even if your insurance coverage does not pay the full cost. If another party’s insurance company is paying for the repairs, you are not obligated to accept a repair valuation based on that insurance company’s collision policy repair limits, as you have no contractual limits with that company. In such cases, you can have control of the repair and parts choices as long as cost stays within reasonable limits.
Reporting Safety Defects
Reporting Safety Defects to the United States Government If you believe that your vehicle has a defect which could cause a crash or could cause injury or death, you should immediately inform the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), in addition to notifying General Motors. If NHTSA receives similar complaints, it may open an investigation, and if it ï¬nds that a safety defect exists in a group of vehicles, it may order a recall and remedy campaign. However, NHTSA cannot become involved in individual problems between you, your dealer, or General Motors. To contact NHTSA, you may call the Vehicle Safety Hotline toll-free at 1-888-327-4236 (TTY: 1-800-424-9153); go to http://www.safercar.gov; or write to:
Administrator, NHTSA
400 Seventh Street, SW.
Washington, D.C. 20590
You can also obtain other information about motor vehicle safety from http://www.safercar.gov.
Reporting Safety Defects to the Canadian Government If you live in Canada, and you believe that your vehicle has a safety defect, you should immediately notify Transport Canada, in addition to notifying General Motors of Canada Limited. You may call them at 1-800-333-0510 or write to:
Transport Canada
Road Safety Branch
2780 Sheffield Road
Ottawa, Ontario K1B 3V9
Reporting Safety Defects to General Motors In addition to notifying NHTSA (or Transport Canada) in a situation like this, we certainly hope you will notify General Motors. Please call the Chevrolet Customer Assistance Center at 1-800-222-1020, or write:
Chevrolet Motor Division
Chevrolet Customer Assistance Center
P.O. Box 33170
Detroit, MI 48232-5170
Service Bulletins Service Bulletins give technical service information needed to knowledgeably service General Motors cars and trucks. Each bulletin contains instructions to assist in the diagnosis and service of your vehicle. In Canada, the service bulletin reference number can be obtained by contacting your General Motors dealer or by calling 1-800-GM-DRIVE (1-800-463-7483). This reference number is needed to order the service bulletin from Helm, Inc. RETAIL SELL PRICE:
$6.00 US + Processing Fee
In Canada, please call us at 1-800-263-3777
(English) or 1-800-263-7854 (French). Or, write:
General Motors of Canada Limited
Customer Communication Centre, CA1-163-005
1908 Colonel Sam Drive
Oshawa, Ontario L1H 8P7
Service Publications Ordering Information Service Manuals Service Manuals have the diagnosis and repair information on engines, transmission, axle suspension, brakes, electrical, steering, body, etc. Transmission, Transaxle, Transfer Case Unit Repair Manual This manual provides information on unit repair service procedures, adjustments, and speciï¬cations for GM transmissions, transaxles, and transfer cases.
Owner Information Owner publications are written speciï¬cally for owners and intended to provide basic operational information about the vehicle. The owner manual will include the Maintenance Schedule for all models. In-Portfolio: Includes a Portfolio, Owner Manual, and Warranty Booklet. RETAIL SELL PRICE:
$35.00 US + Processing Fee
Without Portfolio: Owner’s Manual only. RETAIL SELL PRICE:
$25.00 US + Processing Fee
Current and Past Model Order Forms Technical Service Bulletins and Manuals are available for current and past model GM vehicles. To request an order form, please specify year and model name of the vehicle.
ORDER TOLL FREE: 1-800-551-4123
Monday-Friday 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Eastern Time
For Credit Card Orders Only
(VISA-MasterCard-Discover), visit Helm, Inc. on
the World Wide Web at: www.helminc.com
Or you can write to:
Helm, Incorporated
P.O. Box 07130
Detroit, MI 48207
Prices are subject to change without notice and without incurring obligation. Allow ample time for delivery. Note to Canadian Customers: All listed prices are quoted in U.S. funds. Canadian residents are to make checks payable in U.S. funds.
Accessories and Modiï¬cations ..................... 426
Accessory Inflator ........................................ 496
Accessory Power Outlet(s) .......................... 214
Adding Equipment to Your
Airbag-Equipped Vehicle ........................... 113
Additives, Fuel
............................................ 430
Add-On Electrical Equipment ....................... 526
Air Cleaner/Filter, Engine ............................. 444
Air Conditioning .................................. 217, 220
Passenger Status Indicator ....................... 235
Readiness Light ....................................... 234
Airbag Sensing and Diagnostic
Module (SDM) .......................................... 567
Airbag System ............................................... 96
Adding Equipment to Your
Airbag-Equipped Vehicle ....................... 113
How Does an Airbag Restrain? ................ 104
Passenger Sensing System ...................... 106
Servicing Your Airbag-Equipped Vehicle .... 112
What Makes an Airbag Inflate? ................ 103
What Will You See After an
Airbag Inflates? ..................................... 104
Airbag System (cont.)
When Should an Airbag Inflate? ............... 101
Where Are the Airbags? ............................. 99
Antenna, Fixed Mast ................................... 370
Antenna, XMâ„¢ Satellite Radio Antenna
System .................................................... 370
Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS) .................... 377
Anti-Lock Brake, System Warning Light ....... 239
Appearance Care
Aluminum Wheels .................................... 523
Care of Safety Belts and Built-in
Child Restraint Harness ........................ 520
Chemical Paint Spotting ........................... 524
Child Restraint Pad .................................. 520
Cleaning Exterior Lamps/Lenses .............. 521
Cleaning the Inside of Your Vehicle .......... 517
Fabric/Carpet ........................................... 518
Finish Care .............................................. 522
Finish Damage ......................................... 524
Instrument Panel, Vinyl, and Other
Plastic Surfaces .................................... 520
Leather .................................................... 519
Sheet Metal Damage ............................... 524
Tires ........................................................ 523
Underbody Maintenance ........................... 524
Appearance Care (cont.)
Vehicle Care/Appearance Materials .......... 525
Washing Your Vehicle .............................. 521
Weatherstrips ........................................... 521
Windshield, Backglass, and
Wiper Blades ........................................ 522
Audio System(s) .......................................... 284
Audio Steering Wheel Controls ................. 367
Care of Your CD and DVD Player ............ 369
Care of Your CDs and DVDs ................... 369
Chime Level Adjustment ........................... 370
Fixed Mast Antenna ................................. 370
Mobile Digital Media System .................... 345
Navigation/Radio System, see
Navigation Manual ................................ 309
Radio with CD ......................................... 286
Rear Seat Audio (RSA) ................... 340, 343
Setting the Time ...................................... 285
Theft-Deterrent Feature ............................ 367
Understanding Radio Reception ............... 368
XMâ„¢ Satellite Radio Antenna System ...... 370
Automatic Door Lock ................................... 131
Automatic Transaxle
Fluid ........................................................ 445
Operation ................................................. 155
Battery ........................................................ 465
Electric Power Management ..................... 210
Run-Down Protection ............................... 211
Before Leaving on a Long Trip .................... 395
Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS) ................. 377
Emergencies ............................................ 379
Parking .................................................... 159
System Warning Light .............................. 238
Brakes ........................................................ 462
Braking ....................................................... 376
Braking in Emergencies ............................... 379
Break-In, New Vehicle ................................. 150
Bucket Seats, Rear ....................................... 13
Built-in Child Restraint ................................... 85
Bulb Replacement ....................................... 471
Front Turn Signal, Parking and
Daytime Running Lamps ....................... 473
Halogen Bulbs ......................................... 471
License Plate Lamps ................................ 475
Replacement Bulbs .................................. 475
Taillamps, Turn Signal, Stoplamps and
Back-up Lamps ..................................... 473
Buying New Tires ........................................ 490
Calibration ................................................... 254
California Fuel ............................................. 429
California Proposition 65 Warning ................ 427
Canadian Owners ........................................... 3
Capacities and Speciï¬cations ...................... 533
Captain Chairs, Rear ..................................... 22
Carbon Monoxide .............. 141, 163, 399, 412
Care of
Safety Belts and Built-in Child
Restraint Harness ................................. 520
Your CD and DVD Player ........................ 369
Your CDs and DVDs ................................ 369
Cargo Lamp ................................................ 210
CD, MP3 ..................................................... 301
Chains, Tire ................................................. 496
Charging System Light ................................ 237
Engine Light
............................................ 242
Checking Things Under the Hood ................ 436
Chemical Paint Spotting .............................. 524
Child Restraints
Built-In Child Restraint ............................... 85
Child Restraint Systems ............................. 63
Infants and Young Children ........................ 59
Child Restraints (cont.)
Lower Anchors and Tethers for Children ....... 70
Older Children ........................................... 56
Securing a Child Restraint in a
Rear Seat Position ................................. 77
Securing a Child Restraint in the
Right Front Seat Position ........................ 80
Where to Put the Restraint ........................ 68
Chime Level Adjustment .............................. 370
Cigarette Lighter .......................................... 216
Aluminum Wheels .................................... 523
Child Restraint Pad .................................. 520
Exterior Lamps/Lenses ............................. 521
Fabric/Carpet ........................................... 518
Finish Care .............................................. 522
Inside of Your Vehicle .............................. 517
Instrument Panel, Vinyl, and
Other Plastic Surfaces .......................... 520
Leather .................................................... 519
Tires ........................................................ 523
Underbody Maintenance ........................... 524
Washing Your Vehicle .............................. 521
Weatherstrips ........................................... 521
Windshield, Backglass, and
Wiper Blades ........................................ 522
Climate Control System ............................... 217
Air Filter, Passenger Compartment ........... 228
Dual ......................................................... 220
Outlet Adjustment ..................................... 223
Rear ............................................... 224, 226
Collision Damage Repair ............................. 568
Comfort Guides, Rear Safety Belt ................. 52
Compact Spare Tire .................................... 516
Compass ..................................................... 254
Content Theft-Deterrent ............................... 146
Control of a Vehicle ..................................... 376
Convenience Center .................................... 186
Convenience Net ................................ 185, 186
Engine Temperature Gage ........................ 241
Heater, Engine ......................................... 154
Cooling System ........................................... 454
Cruise Control ............................................. 200
Cruise Control Light .................................... 247
Cupholder(s) ................................................ 180
Customer Assistance Information
Courtesy Transportation ........................... 565
Customer Assistance for Text
Telephone (TTY) Users ......................... 560
Customer Assistance Offices .................... 560
Customer Satisfaction Procedure .............. 556
Customer Assistance Information (cont.)
GM Mobility Reimbursement Program ...... 561
Reporting Safety Defects to
General Motors ..................................... 573
Reporting Safety Defects to the
Canadian Government .......................... 573
Reporting Safety Defects to the
United States Government .................... 573
Roadside Assistance Program .................. 562
Service Publications Ordering
Information ........................................... 574
Daytime Running Lamps/Automatic
Headlamp System .................................... 205
Defensive Driving ........................................ 372
Delayed Lighting .......................................... 208
Delayed Locking .......................................... 130
DIC Compass .............................................. 254
Disc, MP3 ................................................... 301
Doing Your Own Service Work .................... 427
Dome Lamp ................................................ 207
Automatic Door Lock ................................ 131
Delayed Locking ...................................... 130
Door (cont.)
Dual Sliding Doors ................................... 131
Locks ....................................................... 128
Power Door Locks ................................... 129
Power Sliding Door .................................. 134
Programmable Automatic Door Unlock ..... 131
Position, Safety Belt ................................... 38
Driver Information Center (DIC) ................... 249
DIC Operation and Displays ..................... 249
DIC Vehicle Personalization ..................... 275
DIC Warnings and Messages ................... 256
At Night ................................................... 388
City .......................................................... 393
Defensive ................................................. 372
Drunken ................................................... 373
Freeway ................................................... 394
Hill and Mountain Roads .......................... 397
In Rain and on Wet Roads ...................... 390
Rocking Your Vehicle to Get it Out
.......... 404
Winter ...................................................... 399
Dual Climate Control System ....................... 220
Rear Seat Entertainment System ..... 309, 324
Electric Power Management ........................ 210
Electrical System
Add-On Equipment ................................... 526
Fuses and Circuit Breakers ...................... 527
Headlamp Wiring ..................................... 527
Instrument Panel Fuse Block ................... 528
Power Windows and Other Power
Options ................................................. 527
Underhood Fuse Block ............................. 530
Windshield Wiper Fuses ........................... 527
Air Cleaner/Filter ...................................... 444
Battery ..................................................... 465
Check and Service Engine Soon Light ..... 242
Coolant .................................................... 448
Coolant Heater ......................................... 154
Coolant Temperature Gage ...................... 241
Drive Belt Routing .................................... 551
Engine Compartment Overview ................ 438
Exhaust ................................................... 163
Oil ........................................................... 439
Oil Life System ........................................ 442
Overheated Protection Operating Mode .... 453
Overheating ............................................. 451
Starting .................................................... 152
Folding Tray ................................................ 183
Front Console Storage Area ........................ 183
Front Reading Lamps .................................. 209
Front Turn Signal, Parking and
Daytime Running Lamps .......................... 473
Fuel ............................................................ 428
Additives .................................................. 430
California Fuel .......................................... 429
E85 (85% Ethanol) ................................... 431
Filling a Portable Fuel Container .............. 435
Filling Your Tank ...................................... 433
Fuels in Foreign Countries ....................... 432
Gage ....................................................... 248
Gasoline Octane ...................................... 429
Gasoline Speciï¬cations ............................ 429
Low Warning Light ................................... 248
Fuses and Circuit Breakers ...................... 527
Instrument Panel Fuse Block ................... 528
Underhood Fuse Block ............................. 530
Windshield Wiper ..................................... 527
Entry Lighting .............................................. 208
Event Data Recorders (EDR) ...................... 567
Exit Lighting ................................................ 209
Extender, Safety Belt ..................................... 55
Exterior Lamps ............................................ 204
Engine Air Cleaner ................................... 444
Finish Damage ............................................ 524
Fixed Mast Antenna .................................... 370
Flashers, Hazard Warning ........................... 194
Flash-to-Pass .............................................. 197
Flat Tire ...................................................... 499
Flat Tire, Changing ...................................... 500
Flat Tire, Storing ......................................... 513
Automatic Transaxle ................................. 445
Power Steering ........................................ 459
Windshield Washer .................................. 460
Engine Coolant Temperature .................... 241
Fuel ......................................................... 248
Speedometer ........................................... 232
Tachometer .............................................. 232
Garage Door Opener .......................... 169, 170
Octane ..................................................... 429
Speciï¬cations ........................................... 429
Glove Box ................................................... 180
GM Mobility Reimbursement Program .......... 561
Hazard Warning Flashers ............................ 194
Head Restraints ............................................ 13
Headlamp Wiring ......................................... 527
Bulb Replacement .................................... 471
Daytime Running Lamps/Automatic
Headlamp System ................................ 205
Headlamps (cont.)
Flash-to-Pass ........................................... 197
Halogen Bulbs ......................................... 471
Headlamps and Sidemarker Lamps .......... 471
High/Low Beam Changer ......................... 197
On Reminder ........................................... 205
Wiper Activated ........................................ 205
Headlamps and Sidemarker Lamps ............. 471
Heated Seats ................................................ 10
Heater ................................................ 217, 220
Highbeam On Light ..................................... 247
High-Speed Operation, Tires ........................ 486
Highway Hypnosis ....................................... 396
Hill and Mountain Roads ............................. 397
Checking Things Under ............................ 436
Release ................................................... 437
Horn ............................................................ 194
How to Use This Manual ................................ 4
How to Wear Safety Belts Properly ............... 37
Ignition Positions ......................................... 151
Infants and Young Children, Restraints .......... 59
Inflation - Tire Pressure ............................... 485
Instrument Panel
Overview .................................................. 192
Instrument Panel (I/P)
Brightness ................................................ 206
Cluster ..................................................... 231
Interior Lamps Control ................................. 207
Jump Starting .............................................. 466
Keyless Entry System ................................. 120
Keys ........................................................... 119
Labeling, Tire Sidewall ................................. 478
Battery Run-Down Protection ................... 211
Cargo ...................................................... 210
Dome ....................................................... 207
Electric Power Management ..................... 210
Exterior .................................................... 204
Front Reading .......................................... 209
Interior Control ......................................... 207
Rear Reading .......................................... 209
LATCH System
Child Restraints ......................................... 70
Level Control ............................................... 411
License Plate Lamps ................................... 475
Liftgate ........................................................ 141
Airbag Readiness ..................................... 234
Anti-Lock Brake System Warning ............. 239
Brake System Warning ............................. 238
Charging System ..................................... 237
Light (cont.)
Cruise Control .......................................... 247
Highbeam On .......................................... 247
Low Fuel Warning .................................... 248
Malfunction Indicator ................................ 242
Oil Pressure ............................................. 246
Passenger Airbag Status Indicator ............ 235
Passenger Safety Belt Reminder .............. 233
Safety Belt Reminder ............................... 232
Security ................................................... 247
TCS Warning Light
.................................. 240
Traction Control System (TCS) Warning ..... 240
Delayed ................................................... 208
Entry ........................................................ 208
Exit .......................................................... 209
Loading Your Vehicle ................................... 404
Lockout Protection ....................................... 131
Automatic Door Lock ................................ 131
Delayed Locking ...................................... 130
Door ........................................................ 128
Lockout Protection ................................... 131
Power Door ............................................. 129
Programmable Automatic Door Unlock ..... 131
Loss of Control
........................................... 387
Low Fuel Warning Light ............................... 248
Luggage Carrier .......................................... 184
Maintenance Schedule
Additional Required Services .................... 542
At Each Fuel Fill ...................................... 545
At Least Once a Month ............................ 545
At Least Once a Year .............................. 546
Introduction .............................................. 536
Maintenance Footnotes ............................ 543
Maintenance Record ................................ 552
Maintenance Requirements ...................... 536
Normal Maintenance Replacement Parts .... 550
Owner Checks and Services .................... 544
Recommended Fluids and Lubricants ....... 548
Scheduled Maintenance ........................... 539
Using ....................................................... 537
Your Vehicle and the Environment ............ 536
Malfunction Indicator Light ........................... 242
Manual Rear Quarter Windows .................... 144
Manual Seats .................................................. 9
DIC Warnings and Messages ................... 256
Manual Rearview Mirror ........................... 165
Outside Convex Mirror ............................. 166
Outside Heated Mirrors ............................ 166
Outside Power Mirrors ............................. 165
Mobile Digital Media System ....................... 345
MP3 ............................................................ 301
MyGMLink.com ............................................ 559
Navigation/Radio System, see
Navigation Manual ................................... 309
New Vehicle Break-In .................................. 150
Normal Maintenance Replacement Parts ..... 550
Odometer .................................................... 232
Odometer, Trip ............................................ 232
Off-Road Recovery ...................................... 385
Engine ..................................................... 439
Pressure Light .......................................... 246
Oil, Engine Oil Life System ......................... 442
Older Children, Restraints ............................. 56
Online Owner Center ................................... 559
OnStar® System, see OnStar® Manual ........ 167
Other Warning Devices ................................ 194
Outlet Adjustment ........................................ 223
Outlet(s), Accessory Power .......................... 214
Convex Mirror .......................................... 166
Heated Mirrors ......................................... 166
Power Mirrors .......................................... 165
Overhead Console ....................................... 181
Overhead Console Switchbank .................... 211
Overheated Engine Protection
Operating Mode ....................................... 453
Owner Checks and Services ....................... 544
Owners, Canadian .......................................... 3
Paint, Damage ............................................ 524
Park Aid ...................................................... 212
Park (P)
Shifting Into ............................................. 160
Shifting Out of ......................................... 161
Assist ....................................................... 212
Brake ....................................................... 159
Over Things That Burn ............................ 162
Passenger Airbag Status Indicator ............... 235
Passenger Compartment Air Filter ............... 228
Passenger Sensing System ......................... 106
Passing ....................................................... 385
PASS-Key® III ............................................. 148
PASS-Key® III Operation ............................. 148
Accessory Outlet(s) .................................. 214
Door Locks .............................................. 129
Electrical System ..................................... 527
Outlet 115 Volt Alternating Current ........... 215
Rear Quarter Windows ............................. 145
Retained Accessory (RAP) ....................... 152
.......................................................... 10
Sliding Door ............................................. 134
Steering Fluid .......................................... 459
Windows .................................................. 144
Pretensioners, Safety Belt ............................. 55
Programmable Automatic Door Unlock ......... 131
Questions and Answers About Safety Belts ...... 36
Radiator Pressure Cap ................................ 451
Radios ........................................................ 284
Care of Your CD and DVD Player ............ 369
Care of Your CDs and DVDs ................... 369
Navigation/Radio System, see
Navigation Manual ................................ 309
Radio with CD ......................................... 286
Rear Seat Audio ............................. 340, 343
Setting the Time ...................................... 285
Theft-Deterrent ......................................... 367
Understanding Reception ......................... 368
Rear Climate Control System ............. 224, 226
Rear Reading Lamps .................................. 209
Rear Safety Belt Comfort Guides .................. 52
Rear Seat Audio (RSA) ...................... 340, 343
Rear Seat Entertainment System ........ 309, 324
Rear Seat Operation ..................................... 13
Rear Seat Passengers, Safety Belts .............. 48
Rear Windshield Washer/Wiper .................... 199
Rearview Mirrors ......................................... 165
Reclining Seatbacks ...................................... 11
Recommended Fluids and Lubricants .......... 548
Recreational Vehicle Towing ........................ 410
Remote Keyless Entry System .................... 120
Remote Keyless Entry System, Operation ...... 121
Removing the Flat Tire and
Installing the Spare Tire ........................... 504
Removing the Spare Tire and Tools ............ 501
Replacement Bulbs ..................................... 475
Reporting Safety Defects
Canadian Government
............................. 573
General Motors ........................................ 573
United States Government ....................... 573
Restraint System Check
Checking the Restraint Systems ............... 114
Replacing Restraint System Parts
After a Crash ........................................ 115
Retained Accessory Power (RAP) ................ 152
Right Front Passenger Position,
Safety Belts ............................................... 48
Assistance Program ................................. 562
Rocking Your Vehicle to Get it Out .............. 404
Routing, Engine Drive Belt .......................... 551
Running the Engine While Parked ............... 164
Safety Belt
Safety Belts
Passenger Reminder Light ....................... 233
Pretensioners ............................................. 55
Reminder Light ........................................ 232
Care of Safety Belts and Built-in
Child Restraint Harness ........................ 520
Driver Position ........................................... 38
How to Wear Safety Belts Properly ............ 37
Questions and Answers About
Safety Belts ............................................ 36
Rear Safety Belt Comfort Guides ............... 52
Rear Seat Passengers ............................... 48
Right Front Passenger Position .................. 48
Safety Belt Extender .................................. 55
Safety Belt Use During Pregnancy ............. 48
Safety Belts Are for Everyone .................... 32
Shoulder Belt Height Adjuster .................... 47
Safety Warnings and Symbols ......................... 4
Scheduled Maintenance ............................... 539
Bucket Seats, Rear .................................... 13
Captain Chairs ........................................... 22
Head Restraints ......................................... 13
Seats (cont.)
Heated Seats ............................................. 10
Manual ........................................................ 9
Power Seats .............................................. 10
Rear Seat Operation .................................. 13
Reclining Seatbacks ................................... 11
Third Row Seat ......................................... 27
Second Row Center Console ...................... 183
Secondary Latch System ............................. 511
Securing a Child Restraint
Rear Seat Position ..................................... 77
Right Front Seat Position ........................... 80
Security Light .............................................. 247
Service ........................................................ 426
Accessories and Modiï¬cations .................. 426
Adding Equipment to the Outside of
Your Vehicle ......................................... 428
California Proposition 65 Warning ............. 427
Doing Your Own Work ............................. 427
Engine Soon Light ................................... 242
Publications Ordering Information ............. 574
Servicing Your Airbag-Equipped Vehicle ....... 112
Setting the Time .......................................... 285
Sheet Metal Damage ................................... 524
Shifting Into Park (P) ................................... 160
Shifting Out of Park (P) ............................... 161
Shoulder Belt Height Adjuster ........................ 47
Signals, Turn and Lane-Change .................. 196
Sliding Door, Power ..................................... 134
Sliding Doors, Dual ..................................... 131
Spare Tire
Accessory Inflator ..................................... 496
Compact .................................................. 516
Installing .................................................. 504
Removing ................................................ 501
Storing ..................................................... 513
Speciï¬cations, Capacities ............................ 533
Speedometer ............................................... 232
StabiliTrak® System ..................................... 381
Starting Your Engine ................................... 152
Steering ...................................................... 383
Steering Wheel Controls, Audio ................... 367
Steering Wheel, Tilt Wheel .......................... 195
Storage Areas ............................................. 180
Convenience Center ................................. 186
Convenience Net ............................. 185, 186
Cupholder(s) ............................................ 180
Floor Console Storage Area ..................... 183
Folding Tray ............................................. 183
Glove Box ................................................ 180
Luggage Carrier ....................................... 184
Overhead Console ................................... 181
Storage Areas (cont.)
Second Row Center Console ................... 183
Stuck in Sand, Mud, Ice, or Snow ............... 403
Sun Visors .................................................. 145
Overhead Console ................................... 211
Tachometer ................................................. 232
Turn Signal, Stoplamps and
Back-up Lamps ..................................... 473
TCS Warning Light ...................................... 240
Theft-Deterrent, Radio ................................. 367
Theft-Deterrent Systems .............................. 145
Content Theft-Deterrent ............................ 146
PASS-Key® III .......................................... 148
PASS-Key® III Operation .......................... 148
Third Row Seat ............................................. 27
Tilt Wheel .................................................... 195
Tires ........................................................... 477
Aluminum Wheels, Cleaning ..................... 523
Buying New Tires ..................................... 490
Chains ..................................................... 496
Tires (cont.)
Changing a Flat Tire ................................ 500
Cleaning .................................................. 523
Compact Spare Tire ................................. 516
Different Size ........................................... 492
High-Speed Operation .............................. 486
If a Tire Goes Flat ................................... 499
Inflation - Tire Pressure ............................ 485
Inflator, Accessory .................................... 496
Inspection and Rotation ............................ 487
Installing the Spare Tire ........................... 504
Removing the Flat Tire ............................. 504
Removing the Spare Tire and Tools ......... 501
Secondary Latch System ......................... 511
Storing a Flat or Spare Tire and Tools ......... 513
Tire Sidewall Labeling .............................. 478
Tire Terminology and Deï¬nitions ............... 482
Uniform Tire Quality Grading .................... 493
Wheel Alignment and Tire Balance ........... 494
Wheel Replacement ................................. 494
When It Is Time for New Tires ................. 489
Recreational Vehicle ................................. 410
Towing a Trailer ....................................... 412
Your Vehicle ............................................. 410
Control System (TCS) .............................. 379
Control System Warning Light .................. 240
StabiliTrak® System ................................. 381
Fluid, Automatic ....................................... 445
Transaxle Operation, Automatic ................... 155
Trip Odometer ............................................. 232
Turn and Lane-Change Signals ................... 196
Turn Signal/Multifunction Lever .................... 195
Ultrasonic Rear Parking Assist (URPA) ........ 212
Understanding Radio Reception ................... 368
Uniform Tire Quality Grading ....................... 493
Universal Home Remote System ........ 169, 170
Operation ........................................ 171, 176
Control ..................................................... 376
Damage Warnings ....................................... 5
Loading .................................................... 404
Symbols ...................................................... 5
Vehicle Data Collection and
Event Data Recorders .............................. 567
Vehicle Identiï¬cation
Number (VIN) .......................................... 526
Service Parts Identiï¬cation Label .............. 526
Vehicle Personalization
DIC .......................................................... 275
Ventilation Adjustment .................................. 223
Visors .......................................................... 145
Warning Lights, Gages and Indicators ......... 230
DIC Warnings and Messages ................... 256
Hazard Warning Flashers ......................... 194
Other Warning Devices ............................ 194
Safety and Symbols ..................................... 4
Vehicle Damage .......................................... 5
Alignment and Tire Balance ..................... 494
Different Size ........................................... 492
Replacement ............................................ 494
Where to Put the Restraint ............................ 68
Windows ..................................................... 143
Manual Rear Quarter ............................... 144
Power ...................................................... 144
Power Rear Quarter ................................. 145
Backglass, and Wiper Blades, Cleaning ..... 522
Washer .................................................... 198
Washer Fluid ........................................... 460
Wiper Blade Replacement ........................ 476
Wiper Fuses ............................................ 527
Wipers ..................................................... 197
Windshield, Rear Washer/Wiper ................... 199
Winter Driving ............................................. 399
Wiper Activated Headlamps ......................... 205
XM Radio Messages ................................... 307
XMâ„¢ Satellite Radio Antenna System ......... 370
Your Vehicle and the Environment ............... 536
2007 Chevrolet Uplander Owner Manual M
Seats and Restraint Systems ....................... 7
Front Seats
.............................................. 9
Rear Seats
............................................. 13
Safety Belts
............................................ 32
Child Restraints
...................................... 56
Airbag System ........................................ 96
Restraint System Check
....................... 114
Features and Controls .............................. 117
..................................................... 119
Doors and Locks
.................................. 128
............................................... 143
Theft-Deterrent Systems
....................... 145
Starting and Operating Your Vehicle
..... 150
.................................................. 165
OnStar® System ................................... 167
Universal Home Remote System .......... 169
Storage Areas
...................................... 180
Instrument Panel ....................................... 189
................... 192
................................... 217
Instrument Panel Overview Climate Controls
Warning Lights, Gages, and
.......................................... 230
............ 249
................................... 284
Driving Your Vehicle ................................. 371
Driver Information Center (DIC) Audio System(s)
Your Driving, the Road, and Your
.............................................. 372
................................................. 410
Service and Appearance Care .................. 423
................................................. 426
...................................................... 428
Checking Things Under the Hood
......... 436
Bulb Replacement
................................ 471
Windshield Wiper Blade Replacement
... 476
..................................................... 477
Appearance Care
.................................. 517
Vehicle Identiï¬cation
............................. 526
Electrical System .................................. 526
Capacities and Speciï¬cations
................ 533
Customer Assistance Information ............. 555
Customer Assistance and
........................................ 556
...................... 573
Index .......................................................... 577
Reporting Safety Defects
Maintenance Schedule .............................. 535
.......................... 536
Maintenance Schedule
This manual describes features that may be available in this model, but your vehicle may not be equipped with all of them. For example, more than one entertainment system may be offered or your vehicle may have been ordered without a front passenger or rear seats. Keep this manual in the vehicle, so it will be there if it is ever needed when you are on the road. If the vehicle is sold, leave this manual in the vehicle.
Canadian Owners A French language copy of this manual can be obtained from your dealer or from:
Helm, Incorporated
P.O. Box 07130
Detroit, MI 48207
GENERAL MOTORS, GM, the GM Emblem, CHEVROLET, the CHEVROLET Emblem, and the name UPLANDER are registered trademarks of General Motors Corporation. This manual includes the latest information at the time it was printed. We reserve the right to make changes after that time without further notice. For vehicles ï¬rst sold in Canada, substitute the name “General Motors of Canada Limited†for Chevrolet Motor Division whenever it appears in this manual.
Litho in U.S.A. Part No. 15869247 A First Printing
©2006 General Motors Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
How to Use This Manual Many people read the owner manual from beginning to end when they ï¬rst receive their new vehicle. If this is done, it can help you learn about the features and controls for the vehicle. Pictures and words work together in the owner manual to explain things.
Index A good place to quickly locate information about the vehicle is the Index in the back of the manual. It is an alphabetical list of what is in the manual and the page number where it can be found.
Safety Warnings and Symbols There are a number of safety cautions in this book. We use a box and the word CAUTION to tell about things that could hurt you if you were to ignore the warning.
These mean there is something that could hurt you or other people.
In the caution area, we tell you what the hazard is. Then we tell you what to do to help avoid or reduce the hazard. Please read these cautions. If you do not, you or others could be hurt.
You will also ï¬nd a circle with a slash through it in this book. This safety symbol means “Do Not,†“Do Not do this†or “Do Not let this happen.â€
Vehicle Damage Warnings Also, in this manual you will ï¬nd these notices: Notice: These mean there is something that could damage your vehicle. A notice tells about something that can damage the vehicle. Many times, this damage would not be covered by your vehicle’s warranty, and it could be costly. But the notice will tell what to do to help avoid the damage. When you read other manuals, you might see CAUTION and NOTICE warnings in different colors or in different words. There are also warning labels on the vehicle. They use the same words, CAUTION or NOTICE.
Vehicle Symbols
The vehicle has components and labels that use
symbols instead of text. Symbols are shown along
with the text describing the operation or
information relating to a speciï¬c component,
control, message, gage, or indicator.
If you need help ï¬guring out a speciï¬c name of a
component, gage, or indicator, reference the
following topics:
(cid:127) Seats and Restraint Systems in Section 1
(cid:127) Features and Controls in Section 2
(cid:127) Climate Controls in Section 3
(cid:127) Warning Lights, Gages, and Indicators in
Instrument Panel Overview in Section 3
Section 3
(cid:127) Audio System(s) in Section 3
(cid:127) Engine Compartment Overview in Section 5
These are some examples of symbols that may be found on the vehicle:
Section 1
Seats and Restraint Systems
Front Seats ..................................................... 9
Manual Seats ................................................ 9
Power Seats ............................................... 10
Heated Seats .............................................. 10
Reclining Seatbacks .................................... 11
Head Restraints .......................................... 13
Rear Seats .................................................... 13
Rear Seat Operation ................................... 13
Bucket Seats ............................................... 13
Captain Chairs ............................................ 22
Third Row Seat ........................................... 27
Safety Belts .................................................. 32
Safety Belts: They Are for Everyone ........... 32
Questions and Answers About Safety
Belts ........................................................ 36
How to Wear Safety Belts Properly ............. 37
Driver Position ............................................. 38
Shoulder Belt Height Adjustment ................. 47
Safety Belt Use During Pregnancy .............. 48
Right Front Passenger Position ................... 48
Rear Seat Passengers ................................ 48
Rear Safety Belt Comfort Guides ................ 52
Safety Belt Pretensioners ............................ 55
Safety Belt Extender ................................... 55
Child Restraints ............................................ 56
Older Children ............................................. 56
Infants and Young Children ......................... 59
Child Restraint Systems .............................. 63
Where to Put the Restraint .......................... 68
Lower Anchors and Tethers for
Children (LATCH) .................................... 70
Securing a Child Restraint in a Rear
Seat Position ........................................... 77
Securing a Child Restraint in the Right
Front Seat Position .................................. 80
Built-In Child Restraint ................................. 85
Airbag System .............................................. 96
Where Are the Airbags? .............................. 99
When Should an Airbag Inflate? ................ 101
What Makes an Airbag Inflate? ................. 103
How Does an Airbag Restrain? ................. 104
Section 1
Seats and Restraint Systems
What Will You See After an Airbag
Inflates? ................................................. 104
Passenger Sensing System ....................... 106
Servicing Your Airbag-Equipped Vehicle .... 112
Adding Equipment to Your
Airbag-Equipped Vehicle ........................ 113
Restraint System Check ............................. 114
Checking the Restraint Systems ................ 114
Replacing Restraint System Parts
After a Crash ......................................... 115
Front Seats
Manual Seats
Use the lever located on the front of the seat to adjust the seat forward or rearward. Pull up on the lever to unlock the seat. Slide the seat to where you want it and release the lever.
You can lose control of the vehicle if you try to adjust a manual driver’s seat while the vehicle is moving. The sudden movement could startle and confuse you, or make you push a pedal when you do not want to. Adjust the driver’s seat only when the vehicle is not moving.
To make sure the seat is locked into place, try to move the seat back and forth with your body.
Power Seats
If the vehicle has power seats, the controls used to operate them are located on the outboard side of the seats.
Heated Seats Your vehicle may have this feature. If it does, the heated seat buttons are located on the climate control panel. This feature will heat the lower cushions of the driver’s and front passenger’s seats.
Press this button once to turn the heated seat on to the high setting.
To adjust the seat, do any of the following: (cid:127) Move the seat forward or rearward by sliding
the control forward or rearward.
(cid:127) Raise or lower the front part of the seat
cushion by moving the front of the control up or down.
(cid:127) Raise or lower the rear part of the seat
cushion by moving the rear of the control up or down.
Driver’s Side Button shown, Passenger’s
Side similar
Both indicator lights next to the heated seat symbol will be lit to indicate that it is on the high setting. Press the button a second time to go to the low setting. One indicator will be lit. Press the button a third time to turn the heated seat off. This feature will turn off automatically when the ignition is turned off.
Reclining Seatbacks
You can lose control of the vehicle if you try to adjust a manual driver’s seat while the vehicle is moving. The sudden movement could startle and confuse you, or make you push a pedal when you do not want to. Adjust the driver’s seat only when the vehicle is not moving.
If the seatback is not locked, it could move forward in a sudden stop or crash. That could cause injury to the person sitting there. Always push and pull on the seatback to be sure it is locked.
Your seats have manual reclining seatbacks. The lever used to operate them is located on the outboard side of the seats.
1. Lift the recline lever. 2. Move the seatback to the desired position, then release the lever to lock the seatback in place.
3. Push and pull on the seatback to make sure it
is locked.
To return the seatback to an upright position, do the following: 1. Lift the lever fully without applying pressure to
the seatback and the seatback will return to the upright position.
2. Push and pull on the seatback to make sure it
is locked.
Sitting in a reclined position when your vehicle is in motion can be dangerous. Even if you buckle up, your safety belts cannot do their job when you are reclined like this. The shoulder belt cannot do its job because it will not be against your body. Instead, it will be in front of you. In a crash, you could go into it, receiving neck or other injuries. The lap belt cannot do its job either. In a crash, the belt could go up over your abdomen. The belt forces would be there, not at your pelvic bones. This could cause serious internal injuries. For proper protection when the vehicle is in motion, have the seatback upright. Then sit well back in the seat and wear your safety belt properly.
Do not have a seatback reclined if your vehicle is moving.
Head Restraints
Rear Seats
Rear Seat Operation The rear seats in your vehicle have levers and straps used to adjust, remove, and reinstall the seats. By using the levers and straps in the correct order, you can easily remove the seats from the vehicle. If your vehicle has second row captain chairs with airbags, the seats cannot be removed. When reinstalling the seats, make sure the seats are in the proper positions. If your vehicle has a second row center console, it can be removed. See Second Row Center Console on page 183. Do not put a seat in the center position because the safety belt cannot be worn properly in this position. See Safety Belts: They Are for Everyone on page 32.
Bucket Seats Your vehicle may have bucket seats in the second row. These seats can be adjusted several different ways.
Adjust the head restraint so that the top of the restraint is at the same height as the top of the occupant’s head. This position reduces the chance of a neck injury in a crash. The height of the head restraints can be adjusted on the ï¬rst and second row seats. Pull the head restraint up or push it down to adjust it. The head restraints on the third row seat cannot be adjusted.
2. Fold the seatback
flat on the seat.
You can do this by either pulling on the nylon strap, located on the rear right hand side of the seat, or by lifting the recline lever, located on the front right hand side of the seatback.
3. Slide the seat all the way back in this position.
Fold and Tumble Feature
Using the third row seating position while the second row is folded, or folded and tumbled, could cause injury in a sudden stop or crash. Be sure to return the seat to the passenger seating position. Push and pull on the seat to make sure it is locked into place.
The second row bucket seats can be folded and tumbled forward. Use this feature for exiting and entering third row seats, if the vehicle has them. 1. Make sure the adjustable head restraints are
in the fully lowered position.
Notice: Folding a rear seat with the safety belts still fastened may cause damage to the seat or the safety belts. Always unbuckle the safety belts and return them to their normal stowed position before folding a rear seat.
4. Release the rear set
of seat hooks from the floor pins by pulling the nylon strap, located at the base of the seat. Use the strap to guide the seat forward.
To return the seat to the original position, do the following: 1. Align the seat so that the rear hooks on the seat are over the rear floor pins. Push down ï¬rmly on the rear of the seat so that the rear hooks attach to the rear floor pins.
2. Try to raise the seat to check that it is locked
to the floor.
3. Pull the nylon strap, located on the rear right hand side of the seat, or lift the recline lever, located on the front right hand side of the seatback, to raise the seatback to the upright position.
If the seatback is not locked, it could move forward in a sudden stop or crash. That could cause injury to the person sitting there. Always push and pull on the seatback to be sure it is locked.
4. Push and pull on the seatback to check that it
is locked.
One of the bucket seats may be equipped with a built-in child restraint. See Built-In Child Restraint on page 85.
Adjusting the Bucket Seats Forward and Rearward There are two adjustment levers on the second row bucket seats that enable them to move forward or rearward.
The other lever is located on the rear of the seat.
To adjust the second row bucket seats forward or rearward, do the following:
1. Lift up either lever and slide the seat forward
or rearward.
2. Release the lever when the seat is in the
desired position.
3. Push and pull on the seat to make sure it is
One is located below the front of the seat.
Folding or Reclining the Seatbacks The seatback on a bucket seat can either be folded forward or reclined using the nylon strap or the recline lever.
Notice: Folding a rear seat with the safety belts still fastened may cause damage to the seat or the safety belts. Always unbuckle the safety belts and return them to their normal stowed position before folding a rear seat. 2. Fold the seatback forward.
If the seatback is not locked, it could move forward in a sudden stop or crash. That could cause injury to the person sitting there. Always push and pull on the seatback to be sure it is locked.
Nylon Strap
Recline Lever
To fold the seatback forward, do the following:
1. Pull the nylon strap, located on the rear right hand side of the seat, or lift the recline lever, located on the front right hand side of the seatback to release the seatback.
To raise the seatback to the upright position from a reclined position, do the following: 1. Pull the nylon strap or lift the recline lever while raising the seatback until it locks to the upright position.
2. Push and pull on the seatback to check that it
is locked.
To recline the seatback, do the following: 1. Pull the nylon strap or lift the recline lever. 2. Press back on the seatback until it is in
the desired position
3. Let go of the strap or lever. Removing the Bucket Seats To remove the bucket seats, do the following: 1. Make sure the head restraint is in the
fully lowered position.
Notice: Folding a rear seat with the safety belts still fastened may cause damage to the seat or the safety belts. Always unbuckle the safety belts and return them to their normal stowed position before folding a rear seat. 2. Fold the seatback flat on the seat, by either
pulling on the nylon strap, located on the rear right hand side of the seat, or by lifting the recline lever, located on the front right hand side of the seatback.
3. Lift either one of the adjuster levers and slide
the seat to the most rearward position. See “Adjusting the Bucket Seats Forward and Rearward†earlier in this section.
4. Release the rear set of hooks from the floor pins by pulling the nylon strap, located at the base of the seat. Use the strap to guide the seat forward.
5. To release the front seat hooks from the floor pins, squeeze the angled bar, located beneath the seat toward the straight crossbar.
6. Remove the seat by rocking it slightly forward,
then toward the rear of the vehicle while pulling it out. This should be done in one motion.
Reinstalling the Bucket Seats
A safety belt that is improperly routed, not properly attached, or twisted will not provide the protection needed in a crash. The person wearing the belt could be seriously injured. After installing the seat,