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You might be able to correct the emission system malfunction by considering the following: Did you recently put fuel into your vehicle? If so, reinstall the fuel cap, making sure to fully install the cap. See Filling the Tank on page 5-9. The diagnostic system can determine if the fuel cap has been left off or improperly installed. A loose or missing fuel cap allows fuel to evaporate into the atmosphere. A few driving trips with the cap properly installed should turn the light off.


(cid:129) (cid:129) (cid:129) Did you just drive through a deep puddle of water? If so, your vehicle’s electrical system might be wet. The condition is usually corrected when the electrical system dries out. A few driving trips should turn the light off. Have you recently changed brands of fuel? If so, be sure to fuel your vehicle with quality fuel. See Gasoline Octane on page 5-5. Poor fuel quality causes the engine not to run as efficiently as designed. You might notice this as stalling after start-up, stalling when you put the vehicle into gear, misfiring, hesitation on acceleration, or stumbling on acceleration — these conditions might go away once the engine is warmed up. This will be detected by the system and cause the light to turn on. If you experience one or more of these conditions, change the fuel brand you use. It will require at least one full tank of the proper fuel to turn the light off. If none of the above steps have made the light turn off, your dealer/retailer can check the vehicle. Your dealer/retailer has the proper test equipment and diagnostic tools to fix any mechanical or electrical problems that might have developed.

Emissions Inspection and Maintenance Programs Some state/provincial and local governments have or might begin programs to inspect the emission control equipment on your vehicle. Failure to pass this inspection could prevent you from getting a vehicle registration. Here are some things you need to know to help your vehicle pass an inspection: Your vehicle will not pass this inspection if the check engine light is on or not working properly. Your vehicle will not pass this inspection if the OBD (on-board diagnostic) system determines that critical emission control systems have not been completely diagnosed by the system. The vehicle would be considered not ready for inspection. This can happen if you have recently replaced the battery or if the battery has run down. The diagnostic system is designed to evaluate critical emission control systems during normal driving. This can take several days of routine driving. If you have done this and your vehicle still does not pass the inspection for lack of OBD system readiness, your dealer/retailer can prepare the vehicle for inspection.


Oil Pressure Gage

United States


The oil pressure gage shows the engine oil pressure in psi (pounds per square inch) when the engine is running. Canadian vehicles indicate pressure in kPa (kilopascals). Oil pressure may vary with engine speed, outside temperature and oil viscosity, but readings above the low pressure zone indicate the normal operating range. When the oil pressure reaches the low pressure zone, the OIL PRESSURE LOW STOP ENGINE message will appear in the Driver Information Center (DIC). See DIC Warnings and Messages on page 3-65
and Engine Oil on page 5-15 for more information.

A reading in the low pressure zone may be caused by a dangerously low oil level or some other problem causing low oil pressure. Check your oil as soon as possible.


Do not keep driving if the oil pressure is low. If you do, your engine can become so hot that it catches fire. You or others could be burned. Check your oil as soon as possible and have your vehicle serviced.

Notice: Lack of proper engine oil maintenance may damage the engine. The repairs would not be covered by your warranty. Always follow the maintenance schedule in this manual for changing engine oil. If your vehicle is a Two-mode Hybrid, see the Two-mode Hybrid manual for more information.


Oil Pressure Light


Do not keep driving if the oil pressure is low. If you do, your engine can become so hot that it catches fire. You or others could be burned. Check your oil as soon as possible and have your vehicle serviced.

Notice: Lack of proper engine oil maintenance may damage the engine. The repairs would not be covered by your warranty. Always follow the maintenance schedule in this manual for changing engine oil.

This light will come on briefly when you start your engine. If it does not, have your vehicle serviced.

When the light comes on and stays on, it means that oil is not flowing through your engine properly. You could be low on oil and you might have some other system problem. Security Light

For information regarding this light and the vehicle’s security system, see Content Theft-Deterrent on page 2-22.


Fog Lamp Light

Highbeam On Light

The fog lamp light will come on when the fog lamps are in use.

This light comes on when the high-beam headlamps are in use.

The light will go out when the fog lamps are turned off. See Fog Lamps on page 3-18 for more information. Cruise Control Light

See Headlamp High/Low-Beam Changer on page 3-9
for more information. Tow/Haul Mode Light

This light comes on whenever you set the cruise control.

This light comes on when the Tow/Haul mode has been activated.

The light goes out when the cruise control is turned off. See Cruise Control on page 3-12 for more information.

For more information, see Tow/Haul Mode on page 2-37.


Here are some situations you may experience with your fuel gage. None of these indicate a problem with the fuel gage. (cid:129) At the gas station, the fuel pump shuts off before

the gage reads full. It takes a little more or less fuel to fill up than the fuel gage indicated. For example, the gage may have indicated the tank was half full, but it actually took a little more or less than half the tank’s capacity to fill the tank. The gage goes back to empty when you turn off the ignition.

If your vehicle is a Two-mode Hybrid, see the Two-mode Hybrid manual for more information.

Fuel Gage

United States


The fuel gage, when the ignition is on, tells you about how much fuel you have left in your tank. The gage will first indicate empty before you are out of fuel, and you should get more fuel as soon as possible. When the fuel tank is low, the FUEL LEVEL LOW message will appear in the Driver Information Center (DIC). See DIC Warnings and Messages on page 3-65
for more information.


(cid:129) (cid:129) Low Fuel Warning Light

This light, under the fuel gage, will come on briefly when you are starting the engine.

This light and a chime will come on when the fuel tank is low on fuel. There will also be a “FUEL LEVEL LOW” message on the Driver Information Center, see DIC Warnings and Messages on page 3-65 for more information. When you add fuel this light and message should go off. If it does not, have your vehicle serviced.

Driver Information Center (DIC) Your vehicle has a Driver Information Center (DIC). The DIC displays information about your vehicle. It also displays warning messages if a system problem is detected. All messages will appear in the DIC display located below the tachometer in the instrument panel cluster. The DIC comes on when the ignition is on. After a short delay, the DIC will display the information that was last displayed before the engine was turned off. If your vehicle has DIC buttons, see “DIC Operation and Displays (With DIC Buttons)” later in this section and DIC Vehicle Customization (With DIC Buttons) on page 3-73 for the displays available. If your vehicle does not have DIC buttons, see “DIC Operation and Displays (Without DIC Buttons)” later in this section for the displays available.


DIC Operation and Displays (With DIC Buttons) If your vehicle has DIC buttons, the information below explains the operation of this system. The DIC has different displays which can be accessed by pressing the DIC buttons located on the instrument panel, next to the steering wheel. The DIC displays trip, fuel, and vehicle system information, and warning messages if a system problem is detected. The DIC also allows some features to be customized. See DIC Vehicle Customization (With DIC Buttons) on page 3-73 for more information. If your vehicle has DIC buttons, you can also use the trip odometer reset stem to view some of the DIC displays. See “DIC Operation and Displays (Without DIC Buttons)” later in this section.

DIC Buttons

The buttons are the trip/fuel, vehicle information, customization, and set/reset buttons. The button functions are detailed in the following pages.

3 (Trip/Fuel): Press this button to display the odometer, trip odometer, fuel range, average economy, fuel used, timer, and transmission temperature. Some vehicles also display instantaneous economy and an Active Fuel Management™ indicator. T (Vehicle Information): Press this button to display the oil life, units, tire pressure readings, engine hours, and Remote Keyless Entry (RKE) transmitter programming.


U (Customization): Press this button to customize the feature settings on your vehicle. See DIC Vehicle Customization (With DIC Buttons) on page 3-73 for more information. V (Set/Reset): Press this button to set or reset certain functions and to turn off or acknowledge messages on the DIC.

Trip/Fuel Menu Items 3 (Trip/Fuel): Press this button to scroll through the following menu items:

Odometer Press the trip/fuel button until ODOMETER displays. This display shows the distance the vehicle has been driven in either miles (mi) or kilometers (km). Pressing the trip odometer reset stem will also display the odometer. To switch between English and metric measurements, see “Units” later in this section.

Trip Odometer Press the trip/fuel button until TRIP displays. This display shows the current distance traveled in either miles (mi) or kilometers (km) since the last reset for the trip odometer. Pressing the trip odometer reset stem will also display the trip odometer. The trip odometer can be reset to zero by pressing the set/reset button while the trip odometer is displayed. You can also reset the trip odometer while it is displayed by pressing and holding the trip odometer reset stem. The trip odometer has a feature called the retro-active reset. This can be used to set the trip odometer to the number of miles (kilometers) driven since the ignition was last turned on. This can be used if the trip odometer is not reset at the beginning of the trip. To use the retro-active reset feature, press and hold the set/reset button for at least four seconds. The trip odometer will display the number of miles (mi) or kilometers (km) driven since the ignition was last turned on and the vehicle was moving. Once the vehicle begins moving, the trip odometer will accumulate mileage. For example, if the vehicle was driven 5 miles (8 km) before it is started again, and then the retro-active reset feature is activated, the display will show 5 miles (8 km). As the vehicle begins moving, the display will then increase to 5.1 miles (8.2 km), 5.2 miles (8.4 km), etc.


Fuel Range Press the trip/fuel button until FUEL RANGE displays. This display shows the approximate number of remaining miles (mi) or kilometers (km) the vehicle can be driven without refueling. The display will show LOW if the fuel level is low. The fuel range estimate is based on an average of the vehicle’s fuel economy over recent driving history and the amount of fuel remaining in the fuel tank. This estimate will change if driving conditions change. For example, if driving in traffic and making frequent stops, this display may read one number, but if the vehicle is driven on a freeway, the number may change even though the same amount of fuel is in the fuel tank. This is because different driving conditions produce different fuel economies. Generally, freeway driving produces better fuel economy than city driving. Fuel range cannot be reset.

Average Economy Press the trip/fuel button until AVG ECONOMY displays. This display shows the approximate average miles per gallon (mpg) or liters per 100 kilometers (L/100 km). This number is calculated based on the number of mpg (L/100 km) recorded since the last time this menu item was reset. To reset AVG ECONOMY, press and hold the set/reset button.

Fuel Used Press the trip/fuel button until FUEL USED displays. This display shows the number of gallons (gal) or liters (L) of fuel used since the last reset of this menu item. To reset the fuel used information, press and hold the set/reset button while FUEL USED is displayed.


Timer Press the trip/fuel button until TIMER displays. This display can be used as a timer. To start the timer, press the set/reset button while TIMER is displayed. The display will show the amount of time that has passed since the timer was last reset, not including time the ignition is off. Time will continue to be counted as long as the ignition is on, even if another display is being shown on the DIC. The timer will record up to 99 hours, 59 minutes and 59 seconds (99:59:59) after which the display will return to zero. To stop the timer, press the set/reset button briefly while TIMER is displayed. To reset the timer to zero, press and hold the set/reset button while TIMER is displayed.

Transmission Temperature Press the trip/fuel button until TRANS TEMP displays. This display shows the temperature of the automatic transmission fluid in either degrees Fahrenheit (°F) or degrees Celsius (°C).

Instantaneous Economy and Active Fuel Management™ Indicator If your vehicle has this display, press the trip/fuel button until INST ECONOMY V8 MODE displays. This display shows the current fuel economy at a particular moment and will change frequently as driving conditions change. This display shows the instantaneous fuel economy in miles per gallon (mpg) or liters per 100 kilometers (L/100 km). Unlike average economy, this screen cannot be reset. An Active Fuel Management™ indicator will display on the right side of the DIC, while INST ECONOMY displays on the left side. Active Fuel Management™ allows the engine to operate on either four or eight cylinders, depending on your driving demands. When Active Fuel Management™ is active, V4 MODE will display on the DIC. When Active Fuel Management™ is inactive, V8 MODE will display. See Active Fuel Management™ on page 2-31 for more information.

Blank Display This display shows no information.


Vehicle Information Menu Items T(Vehicle Information): Press this button to scroll through the following menu items:

Oil Life Press the vehicle information button until OIL LIFE REMAINING displays. This display shows an estimate of the oil’s remaining useful life. If you see 99% OIL LIFE REMAINING on the display, that means 99% of the current oil life remains. The engine oil life system will alert you to change the oil on a schedule consistent with your driving conditions. When the remaining oil life is low, the CHANGE ENGINE OIL SOON message will appear on the display. See “CHANGE ENGINE OIL SOON” under DIC Warnings and Messages on page 3-65. You should change the oil as soon as you can. See Engine Oil on page 5-15. In addition to the engine oil life system monitoring the oil life, additional maintenance is recommended in the Maintenance Schedule in this manual. See Scheduled Maintenance on page 6-4 for more information.

Remember, you must reset the OIL LIFE display yourself after each oil change. It will not reset itself. Also, be careful not to reset the OIL LIFE display accidentally at any time other than when the oil has just been changed. It cannot be reset accurately until the next oil change. To reset the engine oil life system, see Engine Oil Life System on page 5-18.

Units Press the vehicle information button until UNITS displays. This display allows you to select between English or Metric units of measurement. Once in this display, press the set/reset button to select between ENGLISH or METRIC units. All of the vehicle information will then be displayed in the unit of measurement selected.

Tire Pressure The pressure for each tire can be viewed in the DIC. The tire pressure will be shown in either pounds per square inch (psi) or kilopascals (kPa). Press the vehicle information button until the DIC displays FRONT TIRES PSI (kPa) LEFT ## RIGHT ##. Press the vehicle information button again until the DIC displays REAR TIRES PSI (kPa) LEFT ## RIGHT ##.


If a low or high tire pressure condition is detected by the system while driving, a message advising you to check the pressure in a specific tire will appear in the display. See Inflation - Tire Pressure on page 5-70
and DIC Warnings and Messages on page 3-65 for more information. If the tire pressure display shows dashes instead of a value, there may be a problem with your vehicle. If this consistently occurs, see your dealer/retailer for service.

Engine Hours Press the vehicle information button until ENGINE HOURS displays. This display shows the total number of hours the engine has run. Relearn Remote Key This display allows you to match Remote Keyless Entry (RKE) transmitters to your vehicle. To match an RKE transmitter to your vehicle: 1. Press the vehicle information button until PRESS V


2. Press the set/reset button until REMOTE KEY

LEARNING ACTIVE is displayed.

3. Press and hold the lock and unlock buttons on the first transmitter at the same time for about 15 seconds. On vehicles with memory recall seats, the first transmitter learned will match driver 1 and the second will match driver 2. A chime will sound indicating that the transmitter is matched.

4. To match additional transmitters at this time,

repeat Step 3. Each vehicle can have a maximum of eight transmitters matched to it.

5. To exit the programming mode, you must cycle the

key to LOCK/OFF.

Blank Display This display shows no information.


DIC Operation and Displays (Without DIC Buttons) If your vehicle does not have DIC buttons, the information below explains the operation of this system. The DIC has different displays which can be accessed by pressing the trip odometer reset stem located on the instrument panel cluster. Pressing the trip odometer reset stem will also turn off, or acknowledge, DIC messages. The DIC displays trip and vehicle system information, and warning messages if a system problem is detected. If your vehicle does not have DIC buttons, you can use the trip odometer reset stem to view the following displays: odometer, engine hours, trip odometer, oil life, Remote Keyless Entry (RKE) transmitter programming, and display language. If your vehicle has DIC buttons, you can use the trip odometer reset stem to view the following displays: odometer, engine hours, trip odometer, and display language.

Trip Odometer Reset Stem Menu Items Odometer Press the trip odometer reset stem until ODOMETER displays. This display shows the distance the vehicle has been driven in either miles (mi) or kilometers (km). Engine Hours To display the ENGINE HOURS, place the ignition in LOCK/OFF or ACC/ACCESSORY, then press and hold the trip odometer reset stem for four seconds while viewing the ODOMETER. This display shows the total number of hours the engine has run. Trip Odometer Press the trip odometer reset stem until TRIP displays. This display shows the current distance traveled in either miles (mi) or kilometers (km) since the last reset for the trip odometer. The trip odometer can be reset to zero by pressing and holding the trip odometer reset stem while the trip odometer is displayed.


The trip odometer has a feature called the retro-active reset. This can be used to set the trip odometer to the number of miles (kilometers) driven since the ignition was last turned on. This can be used if the trip odometer is not reset at the beginning of the trip. To use the retro-active reset feature, press and hold the trip odometer reset stem for at least four seconds. The trip odometer will display the number of miles (mi) or kilometers (km) driven since the ignition was last turned on and the vehicle was moving. Once the vehicle begins moving, the trip odometer will accumulate mileage. For example, if the vehicle was driven 5 miles (8 km) before it is started again, and then the retro-active reset feature is activated, the display will show 5 miles (8 km). As the vehicle begins moving, the display will then increase to 5.1 miles (8.2 km), 5.2 miles (8.4 km), etc.

Oil Life To access this display, the vehicle must be in PARK (P). Press the trip odometer reset stem until OIL LIFE REMAINING displays. This display shows an estimate of the oil’s remaining useful life. If you see 99% OIL LIFE REMAINING on the display, that means 99% of the current oil life remains. The engine oil life system will alert you to change the oil on a schedule consistent with your driving conditions. When the remaining oil life is low, the CHANGE ENGINE OIL SOON message will appear on the display. See “CHANGE ENGINE OIL SOON” under DIC Warnings and Messages on page 3-65. You should change the oil as soon as you can. See Engine Oil on page 5-15. In addition to the engine oil life system monitoring the oil life, additional maintenance is recommended in the Maintenance Schedule in this manual. See Scheduled Maintenance on page 6-4 for more information. Remember, you must reset the OIL LIFE display yourself after each oil change. It will not reset itself. Also, be careful not to reset the OIL LIFE display accidentally at any time other than when the oil has just been changed. It cannot be reset accurately until the next oil change. To reset the engine oil life system, see Engine Oil Life System on page 5-18.


Language This display allows you to select the language in which the DIC messages will appear. To select a language: 1. Press the trip odometer reset stem until

ODOMETER displays.

2. While in the ODOMETER display, press and hold

the trip odometer reset stem for three seconds until the currently set language displays.

3. Continue to press and hold the trip odometer reset

stem to scroll through all of the available languages. The available languages are ENGLISH (default), FRANCAIS (French), ESPANOL (Spanish), and NO CHANGE.

4. Once the desired language is displayed, release the trip odometer reset stem to set your choice.

Relearn Remote Key To access this display, the vehicle must be in PARK (P). This display allows you to match Remote Keyless Entry (RKE) transmitters to your vehicle. To match an RKE transmitter to your vehicle: 1. Press the trip odometer reset stem until RELEARN

REMOTE KEY displays.

2. Press and hold the trip odometer reset stem for

three seconds. The message REMOTE KEY LEARNING ACTIVE will display.

3. Press and hold the lock and unlock buttons on the

first transmitter at the same time for about 15 seconds. On vehicles with memory recall seats, the first transmitter learned will match driver 1 and the second will match driver 2. A chime will sound indicating that the transmitter is matched.

4. To match additional transmitters at this time,

repeat Step 3. Each vehicle can have a maximum of eight transmitters matched to it.

5. To exit the programming mode, you must cycle the

key to LOCK/OFF.


DIC Warnings and Messages Messages are displayed on the DIC to notify the driver that the status of the vehicle has changed and that some action may be needed by the driver to correct the condition. Multiple messages may appear one after another. Some messages may not require immediate action, but you can press any of the DIC buttons on the instrument panel or the trip odometer reset stem on the instrument panel cluster to acknowledge that you received the messages and to clear them from the display. Some messages cannot be cleared from the DIC display because they are more urgent. These messages require action before they can be cleared. You should take any messages that appear on the display seriously and remember that clearing the messages will only make the messages disappear, not correct the problem. The following are the possible messages that can be displayed and some information about them. If your vehicle is a Two-mode Hybrid, see the Two-mode Hybrid manual for more information.

CHANGE ENGINE OIL SOON This message displays when the engine oil needs to be changed. When you change the engine oil, be sure to reset the CHANGE ENGINE OIL SOON message. See Engine Oil Life System on page 5-18 for information on how to reset the message. See Engine Oil on page 5-15 and Scheduled Maintenance on page 6-4
for more information. CHECK TIRE PRESSURE This message displays when the pressure in one or more of the vehicle’s tires needs to be checked. This message also displays LEFT FRONT, RIGHT FRONT, LEFT REAR, or RIGHT REAR to indicate which tire needs to be checked. You can receive more than one tire pressure message at a time. To read the other messages that may have been sent at the same time, press the set/reset button or the trip odometer reset stem. If a tire pressure message appears on the DIC, stop as soon as you can. Have the tire pressures checked and set to those shown on the Tire Loading Information label. See Tires on page 5-63, Loading Your Vehicle on page 4-35, and Inflation - Tire Pressure on page 5-70. The DIC also shows the tire pressure values. See “DIC Operation and Displays (With DIC Buttons)” earlier in this section. If the tire pressure is low, the low tire pressure warning light comes on. See Tire Pressure Light on page 3-47.


DRIVER DOOR OPEN This message displays and a chime sounds if the driver door is not fully closed and the vehicle is in a drive gear. Stop and turn off the vehicle, check the door for obstructions, and close the door again. Check to see if the message still appears on the DIC.

ENGINE HOT A/C (Air Conditioning) TURNED OFF This message displays when the engine coolant becomes hotter than the normal operating temperature. See Engine Coolant Temperature Gage on page 3-47. To avoid added strain on a hot engine, the air conditioning compressor automatically turns off. When the coolant temperature returns to normal, the air conditioning compressor turns back on. You can continue to drive your vehicle. If this message continues to appear, have the system repaired by your dealer/retailer as soon as possible to avoid damage to the engine.

If you drive your vehicle while the engine is

ENGINE OVERHEATED IDLE ENGINE Notice: overheating, severe engine damage may occur. If an overheat warning appears on the instrument panel cluster and/or DIC, stop the vehicle as soon as possible. See Engine Overheating on page 5-31
for more information. This message displays when the engine coolant temperature is too hot. Stop and allow the vehicle to idle until it cools down. See Engine Coolant Temperature Gage on page 3-47. See Overheated Engine Protection Operating Mode on page 5-33 for information on driving to a safe place in an emergency.

ENGINE OVERHEATED STOP ENGINE Notice: If you drive your vehicle while the engine is overheating, severe engine damage may occur. If an overheat warning appears on the instrument panel cluster and/or DIC, stop the vehicle as soon as possible. See Engine Overheating on page 5-31
for more information.


This message displays and a chime sounds if the engine cooling system reaches unsafe temperatures for operation. Stop and turn off the vehicle as soon as it is safe to do so to avoid severe damage. This message clears when the engine has cooled to a safe operating temperature.

ENGINE POWER IS REDUCED This message displays and a chime sounds when the cooling system temperature gets too hot and the engine further enters the engine coolant protection mode. See Engine Overheating on page 5-31 for further information. This message also displays when the vehicle’s engine power is reduced. Reduced engine power can affect the vehicle’s ability to accelerate. If this message is on, but there is no reduction in performance, proceed to your destination. The performance may be reduced the next time the vehicle is driven. The vehicle may be driven at a reduced speed while this message is on, but acceleration and speed may be reduced. Anytime this message stays on, the vehicle should be taken to your dealer/retailer for service as soon as possible.

FUEL LEVEL LOW This message displays and a chime sounds if the fuel level is low. Refuel as soon as possible. See Fuel Gage on page 3-54 and Fuel on page 5-5 for more information.

HOOD OPEN This message displays and a chime sounds if the hood is not fully closed. Stop and turn off the vehicle, check the hood for obstructions, and close the hood again. Check to see if the message still appears on the DIC.

LEFT REAR DOOR OPEN This message displays and a chime sounds if the driver side rear door is not fully closed and the vehicle is in a drive gear. Stop and turn off the vehicle, check the door for obstructions, and close the door again. Check to see if the message still appears on the DIC.


If you drive your vehicle while the engine

OIL PRESSURE LOW STOP ENGINE Notice: oil pressure is low, severe engine damage may occur. If a low oil pressure warning appears on the Driver Information Center (DIC), stop the vehicle as soon as possible. Do not drive the vehicle until the cause of the low oil pressure is corrected. See Engine Oil on page 5-15 for more information. This message displays if low oil pressure levels occur. Stop the vehicle as soon as safely possible and do not operate it until the cause of the low oil pressure has been corrected. Check the oil as soon as possible and have your vehicle serviced by your dealer/retailer. See Engine Oil on page 5-15. PARK ASSIST OFF If your vehicle has the Ultrasonic Rear Parking Assist (URPA) system, after the vehicle has been started, this message displays to remind the driver that the URPA system has been turned off. Press the set/reset button or the trip odometer reset stem to acknowledge this message and clear it from the DIC display. To turn the URPA system back on, see Ultrasonic Rear Parking Assist (URPA) on page 2-58.

PASSENGER DOOR OPEN This message displays and a chime sounds if the passenger door is not fully closed and the vehicle is in a drive gear. Stop and turn off the vehicle, check the door for obstructions, and close the door again. Check to see if the message still appears on the DIC. REAR ACCESS OPEN This message displays and a chime sounds if the liftgate or liftglass is open while the ignition is in ON/RUN. Turn off the vehicle and check the liftgate and liftglass. Restart the vehicle and check for the message on the DIC display. REMOTE KEY LEARNING ACTIVE This message displays while you are matching a Remote Keyless Entry (RKE) transmitter to your vehicle. See “Matching Transmitter(s) to Your Vehicle” under Remote Keyless Entry (RKE) System Operation on page 2-5 and DIC Operation and Displays (With DIC Buttons) on page 3-56 or DIC Operation and Displays (Without DIC Buttons) on page 3-62 for more information.


REPLACE BATTERY IN REMOTE KEY This message displays if a Remote Keyless Entry (RKE) transmitter battery is low. The battery needs to be replaced in the transmitter. See “Battery Replacement” under Remote Keyless Entry (RKE) System Operation on page 2-5. RIGHT REAR DOOR OPEN This message displays and a chime sounds if the passenger side rear door is not fully closed and the vehicle is in a drive gear. Stop and turn off the vehicle, check the door for obstructions, and close the door again. Check to see if the message still appears on the DIC. SERVICE 4 WHEEL DRIVE This message displays if a problem occurs with the four-wheel-drive system. If this message appears, stop as soon as possible and turn off the vehicle. Restart the vehicle and check for the message on the DIC display. If the message is still displayed or appears again when you begin driving, the four-wheel-drive system needs service. See your dealer/retailer.

SERVICE AIR BAG This message displays if there is a problem with the airbag system. Have your dealer/retailer inspect the system for problems. See Airbag Readiness Light on page 3-40 and Airbag System on page 1-76 for more information. SERVICE BATTERY CHARGING SYSTEM On some vehicles, this message displays if there is a problem with the battery charging system. Under certain conditions, the charging system light may also turn on in the instrument panel cluster. See Charging System Light on page 3-43. Driving with this problem could drain the battery. Turn off all unnecessary accessories. Have the electrical system checked as soon as possible. See your dealer/retailer. SERVICE BRAKE SYSTEM This message displays along with the brake system warning light if there is a problem with the brake system. See Brake System Warning Light on page 3-45. If this message appears, stop as soon as possible and turn off the vehicle. Restart the vehicle and check for the message on the DIC display. If the message is still displayed or appears again when you begin driving, the brake system needs service as soon as possible. See your dealer/retailer.


SERVICE BRAKES SOON This message displays if there is a problem with the brake system. If this message appears, stop as soon as possible and turn off the vehicle. Restart the vehicle and check for the message on the DIC display. If the message is still displayed or appears again when you begin driving, the brake system needs service. See your dealer/retailer. SERVICE PARK ASSIST If your vehicle has the Ultrasonic Rear Parking Assist (URPA) system, this message displays if there is a problem with the URPA system. Do not use this system to help you park. See Ultrasonic Rear Parking Assist (URPA) on page 2-58 for more information. See your dealer/retailer for service. SERVICE STABILITRAK If your vehicle has StabiliTrak® and this message displays, it means there may be a problem with the StabiliTrak® system. If you see this message, try to reset the system. Stop; turn off the engine for at least 15 seconds; then start the engine again. If this message still comes on, it means there is a problem. You should see your dealer/retailer for service. The vehicle is safe to drive, however, you do not have the benefit of StabiliTrak®, so reduce your speed and drive accordingly.


SERVICE SUSPENSION SYSTEM If your vehicle has the Autoride® suspension system, this message displays when the Autoride® suspension system is not operating properly. Have your vehicle serviced by your dealer/retailer. SERVICE THEFT DETERRENT SYSTEM This message displays when there is a problem with the theft-deterrent system. The vehicle may or may not restart so you may want to take the vehicle to your dealer/retailer before turning off the engine. See PASS-Key® III+ Operation on page 2-24 for more information. SERVICE TIRE MONITOR SYSTEM This message displays if a part on the Tire Pressure Monitor System (TPMS) is not working properly. The tire pressure light also flashes and then remains on during the same ignition cycle. See Tire Pressure Light on page 3-47. Several conditions may cause this message to appear. See Tire Pressure Monitor Operation on page 5-73 for more information. If the warning comes on and stays on, there may be a problem with the TPMS. See your dealer/retailer.

SERVICE TRACTION CONTROL If your vehicle has StabiliTrak®, this message displays when there is a problem with the Traction Control System (TCS). When this message displays, the system will not limit wheel spin. Adjust your driving accordingly. See your dealer/retailer for service. See StabiliTrak® System on page 4-6 for more information. STABILITRAK OFF If your vehicle has StabiliTrak®, this message displays when you turn off StabiliTrak®, or when the stability control has been automatically disabled. To limit wheel spin and realize the full benefits of the stability enhancement system, you should normally leave StabiliTrak® on. However, you should turn StabiliTrak® off if your vehicle gets stuck in sand, mud, ice, or snow and you want to rock your vehicle to attempt to free it, or if you are driving in extreme off-road conditions and require more wheel spin. See If Your Vehicle is Stuck in Sand, Mud, Ice, or Snow on page 4-33. To turn the StabiliTrak® system on or off, see StabiliTrak® System on page 4-6.

There are several conditions that can cause this message to appear. (cid:129) One condition is overheating, which could occur if StabiliTrak® activates continuously for an extended period of time. The message also displays if the brake system warning light is on. See Brake System Warning Light on page 3-45. The message could display if the stability system takes longer than usual to complete its diagnostic checks due to driving conditions. The message displays if an engine or vehicle related problem has been detected and the vehicle needs service. See your dealer/retailer. The message also displays if the vehicle is shifted into 4LO.

The message turns off as soon as the conditions that caused the message to be displayed are no longer present.


(cid:129) (cid:129) (cid:129) (cid:129) TIGHTEN GAS CAP This message may display along with the check engine light on the instrument panel cluster if the vehicle’s fuel cap is not tightened properly. See Malfunction Indicator Lamp on page 3-48. Reinstall the fuel cap fully. See Filling the Tank on page 5-9. The diagnostic system can determine if the fuel cap has been left off or improperly installed. A loose or missing fuel cap allows fuel to evaporate into the atmosphere. A few driving trips with the cap properly installed should turn this light and message off.

TIRE LEARNING ACTIVE This message displays when the Tire Pressure Monitor System (TPMS) is re-learning the tire positions on your vehicle. The tire positions must be re-learned after rotating the tires or after replacing a tire or sensor. See Tire Inspection and Rotation on page 5-75, Tire Pressure Monitor System on page 5-71, and Inflation - Tire Pressure on page 5-70 for more information.

TRACTION CONTROL OFF If your vehicle has StabiliTrak®, this message displays when the Traction Control System (TCS) is turned off. Adjust your driving accordingly. See StabiliTrak® System on page 4-6 for more information.

If you drive your vehicle while the

TRANSMISSION HOT IDLE ENGINE Notice: transmission fluid is overheating and the transmission temperature warning is displayed on the instrument panel cluster and/or DIC, you can damage the transmission. This could lead to costly repairs that would not be covered by your warranty. Do not drive your vehicle with overheated transmission fluid or while the transmission temperature warning is displayed. This message displays along with a continuous chime if the transmission fluid in the vehicle gets hot. Driving with the transmission fluid temperature high can cause damage to the vehicle. Stop the vehicle and let it idle to allow the transmission to cool. This message clears and the chime stops when the fluid temperature reaches a safe level.


TURN SIGNAL ON This message displays and a chime sounds if a turn signal is left on for 3/4 of a mile (1.2 km). Move the turn signal/multifunction lever to the off position.

WASHER FLUID LOW ADD FLUID This message displays when the windshield washer fluid is low. Fill the windshield washer fluid reservoir as soon as possible. See Engine Compartment Overview on page 5-14 for the location of the windshield washer fluid reservoir. Also, see Windshield Washer Fluid on page 5-40 for more information.

DIC Vehicle Customization (With DIC Buttons) Your vehicle may have customization capabilities that allow you to program certain features to one preferred setting. Customization features can only be programmed to one setting on the vehicle and cannot be programmed to a preferred setting for two different drivers. All of the customization options may not be available on your vehicle. Only the options available will be displayed on the DIC. The default settings for the customization features were set when your vehicle left the factory, but may have been changed from their default state since then. The customization preferences are automatically recalled. To change customization preferences, use the following procedure.


Entering the Feature Settings Menu 1. Turn the ignition on and place the vehicle in

PARK (P). To avoid excessive drain on the battery, it is recommended that the headlamps are turned off.

2. Press the customization button to scroll through the

available customizable options.

Feature Settings Menu Items The following are customization features that allow you to program settings to the vehicle: DISPLAY IN ENGLISH This feature will only display if a language other than English has been set. This feature allows you to change the language in which the DIC messages appear to English. Press the customization button until the PRESS V TO DISPLAY IN ENGLISH screen appears on the DIC display. Press the set/reset button once to display all DIC messages in English.

DISPLAY LANGUAGE This feature allows you to select the language in which the DIC messages will appear. Press the customization button until the DISPLAY LANGUAGE screen appears on the DIC display. Press the set/reset button once to access the settings for this feature. Then press the customization button to scroll through the following settings:

ENGLISH (default): All messages will appear in English.

FRANCAIS: All messages will appear in French.

ESPANOL: All messages will appear in Spanish.

NO CHANGE: No change will be made to this feature. The current setting will remain. To select a setting, press the set/reset button while the desired setting is displayed on the DIC. You can also change the language by pressing the trip odometer reset stem. See “Language” under DIC Operation and Displays (Without DIC Buttons) earlier in this section for more information.


AUTO DOOR LOCK This feature allows you to select when the vehicle’s doors will automatically lock. See Programmable Automatic Door Locks on page 2-11 for more information. Press the customization button until AUTO DOOR LOCK appears on the DIC display. Press the set/reset button once to access the settings for this feature. Then press the customization button to scroll through the following settings:

SHIFT OUT OF PARK (default): The doors will automatically lock when the vehicle is shifted out of PARK (P).

AT VEHICLE SPEED: The doors will automatically lock when the vehicle speed is above 8 mph (13 km/h) for three seconds.

NO CHANGE: No change will be made to this feature. The current setting will remain. To select a setting, press the set/reset button while the desired setting is displayed on the DIC.

AUTO DOOR UNLOCK This feature allows you to select whether or not to turn off the automatic door unlocking feature. It also allows you to select which doors and when the doors will automatically unlock. See Programmable Automatic Door Locks on page 2-11 for more information. Press the customization button until AUTO DOOR UNLOCK appears on the DIC display. Press the set/reset button once to access the settings for this feature. Then press the customization button to scroll through the following settings: OFF: None of the doors will automatically unlock. DRIVER AT KEY OUT: Only the driver’s door will unlock when the key is taken out of the ignition. DRIVER IN PARK: Only the driver’s door will unlock when the vehicle is shifted into PARK (P). ALL AT KEY OUT: All of the doors will unlock when the key is taken out of the ignition. ALL IN PARK (default): All of the doors will unlock when the vehicle is shifted into PARK (P). NO CHANGE: No change will be made to this feature. The current setting will remain. To select a setting, press the set/reset button while the desired setting is displayed on the DIC.


REMOTE DOOR LOCK This feature allows you to select the type of feedback you will receive when locking the vehicle with the Remote Keyless Entry (RKE) transmitter. You will not receive feedback when locking the vehicle with the RKE transmitter if the doors are open. See Remote Keyless Entry (RKE) System Operation on page 2-5 for more information. Press the customization button until REMOTE DOOR LOCK appears on the DIC display. Press the set/reset button once to access the settings for this feature. Then press the customization button to scroll through the following settings: OFF: There will be no feedback when you press the lock button on the RKE transmitter. LIGHTS ONLY: The exterior lamps will flash when you press the lock button on the RKE transmitter. HORN ONLY: The horn will sound on the second press of the lock button on the RKE transmitter. HORN & LIGHTS (default): The exterior lamps will flash when you press the lock button on the RKE transmitter, and the horn will sound when the lock button is pressed again within five seconds of the previous command. NO CHANGE: No change will be made to this feature. The current setting will remain. To select a setting, press the set/reset button while the desired setting is displayed on the DIC.


REMOTE DOOR UNLOCK This feature allows you to select the type of feedback you will receive when unlocking the vehicle with the Remote Keyless Entry (RKE) transmitter. You will not receive feedback when unlocking the vehicle with the RKE transmitter if the doors are open. See Remote Keyless Entry (RKE) System Operation on page 2-5
for more information. Press the customization button until REMOTE DOOR UNLOCK appears on the DIC display. Press the set/reset button once to access the settings for this feature. Then press the customization button to scroll through the following settings:

LIGHTS OFF: The exterior lamps will not flash when you press the unlock button on the RKE transmitter.

LIGHTS ON (default): The exterior lamps will flash when you press the unlock button on the RKE transmitter.

NO CHANGE: No change will be made to this feature. The current setting will remain. To select a setting, press the set/reset button while the desired setting is displayed on the DIC.

DELAY DOOR LOCK This feature allows you to select whether or not the locking of the vehicle’s doors and liftgate will be delayed. When locking the doors and liftgate with the power door lock switch and a door or the liftgate is open, this feature will delay locking the doors and liftgate until five seconds after the last door is closed. You will hear three chimes to signal that the delayed locking feature is in use. The key must be out of the ignition for this feature to work. You can temporarily override delayed locking by pressing the power door lock switch twice or the lock button on the RKE transmitter twice. See Delayed Locking on page 2-11 for more information. Press the customization button until DELAY DOOR LOCK appears on the DIC display. Press the set/reset button once to access the settings for this feature. Then press the customization button to scroll through the following settings: OFF: There will be no delayed locking of the vehicle’s doors. ON (default): The doors will not lock until five seconds after the last door or the liftgate is closed. NO CHANGE: No change will be made to this feature. The current setting will remain. To select a setting, press the set/reset button while the desired setting is displayed on the DIC.

EXIT LIGHTING This feature allows you to select the amount of time you want the exterior lamps to remain on when it is dark enough outside. This happens after the key is turned from ON/RUN to LOCK/OFF. Press the customization button until EXIT LIGHTING appears on the DIC display. Press the set/reset button once to access the settings for this feature. Then press the customization button to scroll through the following settings:

OFF: The exterior lamps will not turn on.

30 SECONDS (default): The exterior lamps will stay on for 30 seconds.

1 MINUTE: The exterior lamps will stay on for one minute.

2 MINUTES: The exterior lamps will stay on for two minutes.

NO CHANGE: No change will be made to this feature. The current setting will remain. To select a setting, press the set/reset button while the desired setting is displayed on the DIC.


CHIME VOLUME This feature allows you to select the volume level of the chime. Press the customization button until CHIME VOLUME appears on the DIC display. Press the set/reset button once to access the settings for this feature. Then press the customization button to scroll through the following settings:

NORMAL: The chime volume will be set to a normal level.

LOUD: The chime volume will be set to a loud level.

NO CHANGE: No change will be made to this feature. The current setting will remain. There is no default for chime volume. The volume will stay at the last known setting. To select a setting, press the set/reset button while the desired setting is displayed on the DIC.

APPROACH LIGHTING This feature allows you to select whether or not to have the exterior lights turn on briefly during low light periods after unlocking the vehicle using the Remote Keyless Entry (RKE) transmitter. Press the customization button until APPROACH LIGHTING appears on the DIC display. Press the set/reset button once to access the settings for this feature. Then press the customization button to scroll through the following settings:

OFF: The exterior lights will not turn on when you unlock the vehicle with the RKE transmitter.

ON (default): If it is dark enough outside, the exterior lights will turn on briefly when you unlock the vehicle with the RKE transmitter.

The lights will remain on for 20 seconds or until the lock button on the RKE transmitter is pressed, or the vehicle is no longer off. See Remote Keyless Entry (RKE) System Operation on page 2-5 for more information.

NO CHANGE: No change will be made to this feature. The current setting will remain. To select a setting, press the set/reset button while the desired setting is displayed on the DIC.


PARK TILT MIRRORS If your vehicle has this feature, it allows you to select whether or not the outside mirror(s) will automatically tilt down when the vehicle is shifted into REVERSE (R). See Park Tilt Mirrors on page 2-57 for more information. Press the customization button until PARK TILT MIRRORS appears on the DIC display. Press the set/reset button once to access the settings for this feature. Then press the customization button to scroll through the following settings:

OFF (default): Neither outside mirror will be tilted down when the vehicle is shifted into REVERSE (R).

DRIVER MIRROR: The driver’s outside mirror will be tilted down when the vehicle is shifted into REVERSE (R).

PASSENGER MIRROR: The passenger’s outside mirror will be tilted down when the vehicle is shifted into REVERSE (R).

BOTH MIRRORS: The driver’s and passenger’s outside mirrors will be tilted down when the vehicle is shifted into REVERSE (R).

NO CHANGE: No change will be made to this feature. The current setting will remain. To select a setting, press the set/reset button while the desired setting is displayed on the DIC.

EASY EXIT SEAT If your vehicle has this feature, it allows you to select your preference for the automatic easy exit seat feature. See Memory Seat, Mirrors, and Pedals on page 1-6
for more information. Press the customization button until EASY EXIT SEAT appears on the DIC display. Press the set/reset button once to access the settings for this feature. Then press the customization button to scroll through the following settings:

OFF (default): No automatic seat exit recall will occur.

ON: The driver’s seat will move back when the key is removed from the ignition. The automatic easy exit seat movement will only occur one time after the key is removed from the ignition. If the automatic movement has already occurred, and you put the key back in the ignition and remove it again, the seat will stay in the original exit position, unless a memory recall took place prior to removing the key again.

NO CHANGE: No change will be made to this feature. The current setting will remain. To select a setting, press the set/reset button while the desired setting is displayed on the DIC.


REMOTE START If your vehicle has this feature, it allows you to turn the remote start off or on. The remote start feature allows you to start the engine from outside of the vehicle using the Remote Keyless Entry (RKE) transmitter. See Remote Vehicle Start on page 2-8 for more information. Press the customization button until REMOTE START appears on the DIC display. Press the set/reset button once to access the settings for this feature. Then press the customization button to scroll through the following settings: OFF: The remote start feature will be disabled. ON (default): The remote start feature will be enabled.

NO CHANGE: No change will be made to this feature. The current setting will remain. To select a setting, press the set/reset button while the desired setting is displayed on the DIC.

MEMORY SEAT RECALL If your vehicle has this feature, it allows you to select your preference for the remote memory seat recall feature. See Memory Seat, Mirrors, and Pedals on page 1-6 for more information. Press the customization button until MEMORY SEAT RECALL appears on the DIC display. Press the set/reset button once to access the settings for this feature. Then press the customization button to scroll through the following settings: OFF (default): No remote memory seat recall will occur. ON: The driver’s seat and, on some vehicles, the outside mirrors will automatically move to the stored driving position when the unlock button on the Remote Keyless Entry (RKE) transmitter is pressed. On some vehicles with the adjustable throttle and brake pedal feature, the pedals will also automatically move. See “Relearn Remote Key” under DIC Operation and Displays (With DIC Buttons) on page 3-56 or DIC Operation and Displays (Without DIC Buttons) on page 3-62 for more information on matching transmitters to driver ID numbers. NO CHANGE: No change will be made to this feature. The current setting will remain. To select a setting, press the set/reset button while the desired setting is displayed on the DIC.


FACTORY SETTINGS This feature allows you to set all of the customization features back to their factory default settings. Press the customization button until FACTORY SETTINGS appears on the DIC display. Press the set/reset button once to access the settings for this feature. Then press the customization button to scroll through the following settings:

RESTORE ALL (default): The customization features will be set to their factory default settings.

DO NOT RESTORE: The customization features will not be set to their factory default settings. To select a setting, press the set/reset button while the desired setting is displayed on the DIC.

EXIT FEATURE SETTINGS This feature allows you to exit the feature settings menu. Press the customization button until PRESS V TO EXIT FEATURE SETTINGS appears in the DIC display. Press the set/reset button once to exit the menu. If you do not exit, pressing the customization button again will return you to the beginning of the feature settings menu. Exiting the Feature Settings Menu The feature settings menu will be exited when any of the following occurs:

The vehicle is no longer in ON/RUN. The trip/fuel or vehicle information DIC buttons are pressed. The end of the feature settings menu is reached and exited.

(cid:129) A 40 second time period has elapsed with no

selection made.


(cid:129) (cid:129) (cid:129) Audio System(s) Determine which radio your vehicle has and then read the pages following to familiarize yourself with its features.


This system provides you with far greater access to audio stations and song listings. Giving extended attention to entertainment tasks while driving can cause a crash and you or others can be injured or killed. Always keep your eyes on the road and your mind on the drive — avoid engaging in extended searching while driving.

Keeping your mind on the drive is important for safe driving. See Defensive Driving on page 4-2. Here are some ways in which you can help avoid distraction while driving.


While your vehicle is parked:

Familiarize yourself with all of its controls. Familiarize yourself with its operation.

(cid:129) Set up your audio system by presetting your favorite radio stations, setting the tone, and adjusting the speakers. Then, when driving conditions permit, you can tune to your favorite radio stations using the presets and steering wheel controls if the vehicle has them.

Notice: Before adding any sound equipment to your vehicle, such as an audio system, CD player, CB radio, mobile telephone, or two-way radio, make sure that it can be added by checking with your dealer/retailer. Also, check federal rules covering mobile radio and telephone units. If sound equipment can be added, it is very important to do it properly. Added sound equipment may interfere with the operation of your vehicle’s engine, radio, or other systems, and even damage them. Your vehicle’s systems may interfere with the operation of sound equipment that has been added. Your vehicle has a feature called Retained Accessory Power (RAP). With RAP, the audio system can be played even after the ignition is turned off. See Retained Accessory Power (RAP) on page 2-27 for more information.

(cid:129) (cid:129) Setting the Clock MP3 Radios with a Single CD or a Single CD and DVD Player If your vehicle has a radio with a single CD or a CD and DVD player, it has a H button for setting the time and date. To set the time and date, follow the instructions: 1. Press the H button and the HR, MIN, MM, DD,

YYYY (hour, minute, month, day, and year) displays.

2. Press the pushbutton located under any one of the

labels that you want to change. Every time the pushbutton is pressed again, the time or the date if selected, increases by one. (cid:129) Another way to increase the time or date, is to press the right ¨SEEK arrow or the \FWD (forward) button. To decrease, press the left ©SEEK arrow or the sREV (reverse) button. You can also turn the f knob, located on the upper right side of the radio, to adjust the selected setting.

Changing the Time and Date Default Settings You can change the time default setting from 12 hours to 24 hours or change the date default setting from month/day/year to day/month/year. To change the time or date default settings, follow these instructions: 1. Press the H button and then the pushbutton

located under the forward arrow that is currently displayed on the radio screen until the time 12H (hour) and 24H (hour), and the date MM/DD (month and day) and DD/MM (day and month) are displayed.

2. Press the pushbutton located under the desired


3. Press the H button again to apply the selected

default, or let the screen time out.


(cid:129) Changing the Time and Date Default Settings You can change the time default setting from 12 hours to 24 hours or change the date default setting from month/day/year to day/month/year. To change the time or date default settings, follow these instructions: 1. Press the MENU button. Once the H option displays, press the pushbutton located under the forward arrow that is currently displayed on the radio screen until the 12H (hour) and 24H (hour), and the date MM/DD (month and day) and DD/MM (day and month) displays.

2. Press the pushbutton located under the desired


3. Press the MENU button again to apply the selected

default, or let the screen time out.

MP3 Radio with a Six-Disc CD Player If your vehicle has a radio with a six-disc CD player, the radio has a MENU button instead of the H button to set the time and date. To set the time and date, follow these instructions: 1. Press the MENU button. Once the H option displays, press the pushbutton located under that label. The HR, MIN, MM, DD, YYYY (hour, minute, month, day, and year) displays.

2. Press the pushbutton located under any one of the

labels that you want to change. Every time the pushbutton is pressed again, the time or the date if selected, increases by one. (cid:129) Another way to increase the time or date, is to press the right ¨SEEK arrow or the \FWD (forward) button.

3. To decrease, press the left ©SEEK arrow or

the sREV (reverse) button. You can also turn the f knob, located on the upper right side of the radio, to adjust the selected setting.


Radio(s) (MP3)

Radio with CD shown,

Radio with Six-Disc CD similar

Your vehicle has one of these radios as its audio system.

Radio with CD and DVD


Radios with CD and DVD Radios with CD and DVD have a Bose® Surround Sound System. Some of its features are explained later in this section under, “Adjusting the Speakers (Balance/Fade)”. If your vehicle has a Rear Seat Entertainment (RSE) system, it has a CD/DVD radio. See Rear Seat Entertainment (RSE) System on page 3-113
The DVD player is the top slot on the radio faceplate. The player is capable of reading the DTS programmed DVD Audio or DVD Video media, (DTS and DTS Digital Surround are registered trademarks of Digital Theater Systems, Inc.). Manufactured under license from Dolby® Laboratories. Dolby® and the double-D symbol are trademarks of Dolby® Laboratories. Radio Data System (RDS) The audio system has a Radio Data System (RDS). The RDS feature is available for use only on FM stations that broadcast RDS information. This system relies upon receiving specific information from these stations and only works when the information is available. While the radio is tuned to an FM-RDS station, the station name or call letters displays. In rare cases, a radio station could broadcast incorrect information that causes the radio features to work improperly. If this happens, contact the radio station.


Playing the Radio O(Power/Volume): Press to turn the system on and off. Turn clockwise or counterclockwise to increase or decrease the volume. Speed Compensated Volume (SCV): Radios with Speed Compensated Volume (SCV) automatically adjusts the radio volume to compensate for road and wind noise as the vehicle speeds up or slows down. The volume level should be consistent while you drive. To activate SCV: 1. Set the radio volume to the desired level. 2. Press the MENU button to display the radio

setup menu.

3. Press the pushbutton under the AUTO VOLUM (automatic volume) label on the radio displays. 4. Press the pushbutton under the desired Speed Compensated Volume setting (OFF, Low, Med, or High) to select the level of radio volume compensation. The display times out after approximately 10 seconds. Each higher setting increases the audio volume to compensate for faster vehicle speeds.

Finding a Station BAND: Press to switch between AM, FM, or XM™ (if equipped). The selection displays. f (Tune): Turn to select radio stations. ©SEEK ¨: Press either SEEK arrow to go to the previous or to the next station and stay there.

To scan stations, press and hold either arrow for a few seconds until a beep sounds. The radio goes to a station, plays for a few seconds, then goes to the next station. Press either arrow again to stop scanning.

The radio only seeks and scans stations with a strong signal that are in the selected band. 4 (Information) (XM™ Satellite Radio Service, MP3, and RDS Features): Press this button to display additional text information related to the current FM-RDS or XM™ station, or MP3 song. A choice of additional information such as: Channel, Song, Artist, and CAT (category) can display. Continue pressing this button to highlight the desired label, or press the pushbutton positioned under any one of the labels and the information about that label displays.

When information is not available, No Info displays.

Storing a Radio Station as a Favorite Drivers are encouraged to set up their radio station favorites while the vehicle is stopped. Tune to your favorite stations using the presets, favorites button, and steering wheel controls, if the vehicle has this feature. See Defensive Driving on page 4-2. FAV (Favorites): A maximum of 36 stations can be programmed as favorites using the six pushbuttons positioned below the radio station frequency labels and by using the radio favorites page button (FAV button). Press the FAV button to go through up to six pages of favorites, each having six favorite stations available per page. Each page of favorites can contain any combination of AM, FM, or XM™ (if equipped) stations.

The balance/fade and tone settings that were previously adjusted, are stored with the favorite stations.

To store a station as a favorite, perform the following steps: 1. Tune to the desired radio station. 2. Press the FAV button to display the page where

the station is to be stored.

3. Press and hold one of the six pushbuttons until a

beep sounds. When that pushbutton is pressed and released, the station that was set, returns.

4. Repeat the steps for each pushbutton radio station

to be stored as a favorite.


The number of favorites pages can be setup using the MENU button. To setup the number of favorites pages, perform the following steps: 1. Press the MENU button to display the radio

setup menu.

2. Press the pushbutton located below the

FAV 1-6 label.

3. Select the desired number of favorites pages by

pressing the pushbutton located below the displayed page numbers.

4. Press the FAV button, or let the menu time out,

to return to the original main radio screen showing the radio station frequency labels and to begin the process of programming your favorites for the chosen amount of numbered pages.

Setting the Tone (Bass/Midrange/Treble)

BASS/MID/TREB (Bass, Midrange, or Treble): To adjust bass, midrange, or treble, press the f knob until the tone control labels display. Continue pressing to highlight the desired label, or press the pushbutton positioned under the desired label. Turn the f knob clockwise or counterclockwise to adjust the highlighted

setting. Adjust the highlighted setting by pressing either SEEK arrow, \FWD (forward), or sREV (reverse) button until the desired levels are obtained. If a station’s frequency is weak or if there is static, decrease the treble.

To quickly adjust bass, midrange, or treble to the middle position, press the pushbutton positioned under the BASS, MID, or TREB label for more than two seconds. A beep sounds and the level adjusts to the middle position.

To quickly adjust all tone and speaker controls to the middle position, press the f knob for more than two seconds.

EQ (Equalization): Press this button to choose bass and treble equalization settings designed for different types of music. The choices are pop, rock, country, talk, jazz, and classical. Selecting MANUAL or changing bass or treble, returns the EQ to the manual bass and treble settings. Unique EQ settings can be saved for each source. If your radio has a Bose® audio system, the EQ settings are either MANUAL or TALK.


Adjusting the Speakers (Balance/Fade) BAL/FADE (Balance/Fade): To adjust balance or fade, press the f knob until the speaker control labels display. Continue pressing to highlight the desired label, or press the pushbutton positioned under the desired label. Turn the f knob clockwise or counterclockwise to adjust the highlighted setting. Adjust the highlighted setting by pressing either SEEK arrow, \FWD, or sREV button until the desired levels are obtained.

To quickly adjust balance or fade to the middle position, press the pushbutton positioned under the BAL or FADE label for more than two seconds. A beep sounds and the level adjusts to the middle position.

To quickly adjust all speaker and tone controls to the middle position, press the f knob for more than two seconds.

If the Rear Seat Audio (RSA) is turned on, the radio disables FADE and the rear speakers mute.

Finding a Category (CAT) Station CAT (Category): The CAT button is used to find XM™ stations when the radio is in the XM™ mode. To find XM™ channels within a desired category, perform the following: 1. Press the BAND button until the XM™ frequency

displays. Press the CAT button to display the category labels. Continue pressing the CAT button until the desired category name displays. (cid:129) Radios with CD and DVD can also navigate the category list by pressing the sREV button or the \FWD button.

2. Press either of the two buttons below the desired

category label to immediately tune to the first XM™ station associated with that category.

3. Turn the f knob, press the buttons below the right or left arrows displayed, or press either SEEK arrow to go to the previous or to the next XM™ station within the selected category.

4. To exit the category search mode, press the FAV button or BAND button to display your favorites again.


Undesired XM™ categories can be removed through the setup menu. To remove an undesired category, perform the following: 1. Press the MENU button to display the radio

setup menu.

2. Press the pushbutton located below the XM

CAT label.

3. Turn the f knob to display the category to be


4. Press the pushbutton located under the Remove label until the category name along with the word Removed displays.

5. Repeat the steps to remove more categories. Removed categories can be restored by pressing the pushbutton under the Add label when a removed category is displayed or by pressing the pushbutton under the Restore All label. Categories cannot be removed or added while the vehicle is moving faster than 5 mph (8 km/h).

Radio Messages Calibration Error: The audio system has been calibrated for your vehicle from the factory. If Calibration Error displays, it means that the radio has not been configured properly for your vehicle and it must be returned to your dealer/retailer for service. Locked: This message displays when the THEFTLOCK® system has locked up the radio. Take the vehicle to your dealer/retailer for service. If any error occurs repeatedly or if an error cannot be corrected, contact your dealer/retailer. XM™ Satellite Radio Service XM™ is a satellite radio service that is based in the 48 contiguous United States and 10 Canadian provinces. XM™ Satellite Radio has a wide variety of programming and commercial-free music, coast-to-coast, and in digital-quality sound. During your trial or when you subscribe, you will get unlimited access to XM™ Radio Online for when you are not in your vehicle. A service fee is required to receive the XM™ service. For more information, contact XM™ at or call 1-800-929-2100 in the U.S. and or call 1-877-438-9677
in Canada.


Radio Messages for XM™ Only See XM Radio Messages on page 3-111 later in this section for further detail.

Playing a CD (Single CD Player) Insert a CD partway into the slot, label side up. The player pulls it in and the CD should begin playing.

Playing a CD(s) (Six-Disc CD Player) LOAD ^: Press this button to load CDs into the CD player. This CD player holds up to six CDs.

To insert one CD, do the following: 1. Press and release the ^ button. 2. Wait for the message to insert the disc. 3. Load a CD. Insert the CD partway into the slot,

label side up. The player pulls the CD in.

To insert multiple CDs, do the following: 1. Press and hold the ^ button for two seconds.

A beep sounds and Load All Discs displays.

2. Follow the displayed instruction on when to insert

the discs. The CD player takes up to six CDs.

3. Press the ^ button again to cancel loading

more CDs.

Insert a CD partway into the slot, label side up. The player pulls it in and the CD should begin playing. To insert a CD while the ignition is off, first press the Zbutton or the DISP knob. If the ignition or radio is turned off while a CD is in the player, it stays in the player. When the ignition or radio is turned on, the CD starts to play where it stopped, if it was the last selected audio source. When the CD is inserted, the CD symbol displays. As each new track starts to play, the track number displays. The CD player can play the smaller 3 inch (8 cm) single CDs with an adapter ring. Full-size CDs and the smaller CDs are loaded in the same manner.


Playing a CD (In Either the DVD or CD Slot) Insert a CD partway into the slot, label side up. The player pulls it in and the CD should begin playing in 5 to 20 seconds for a CD, and in 30 seconds for a DVD, depending on media type and format ranges. If the ignition or radio is turned off, while a CD is in the player, it stays in the player. When the ignition or radio is turned on, the CD starts playing where it stopped, if it was the last selected audio source. The CD is controlled by the buttons on the radio faceplate or by the RSA unit. See Rear Seat Audio (RSA) on page 3-122 for more information. The DVD/CD decks, (upper slot is the DVD deck and the lower slot is the CD deck) of the radio are compatible with most audio CDs, CD-R, CD-RW, and MP3s. When a CD is inserted, the text label DVD or CD symbol displays on the left side of the radio display. As each new track starts to play, the track number displays. The CD player can play the smaller 3 inch (8 cm) single CDs with an adapter ring. Full-size CDs and the smaller CDs are loaded in the same manner.

Care of Your CDs If playing a CD-R, the sound quality can be reduced due to CD-R or CD-RW quality, the method of recording, the quality of the music that has been recorded, and the way the CD-R or CD-RW has been handled. Handle them carefully. Store CD-R(s) or CD-RW(s) in their original cases or other protective cases and away from direct sunlight and dust. The CD or DVD player scans the bottom surface of the disc. If the surface of a CD is damaged, such as cracked, broken, or scratched, the CD does not play properly or not at all. Do not touch the bottom side of a CD while handling it; this could damage the surface. Pick up CDs by grasping the outer edges or the edge of the hole and the outer edge. If the surface of a CD is soiled, clean it with a soft, lint free cloth or dampen a clean, soft cloth in a mild, neutral detergent solution mixed with water. Make sure the wiping process starts from the center to the edge. Care of Your CD and DVD Player Do not add any label to a CD, it could get caught in the CD or DVD player. If a CD is recorded on a personal computer and a description label is needed, try labeling the top of the recorded CD with a marking pen. The use of CD lens cleaners for CDs is not advised, due to the risk of contaminating the lens of the CD optics with lubricants internal to the CD and DVD player mechanism.


If a label is added to a CD, or more than

Notice: one CD is inserted into the slot at a time, or an attempt is made to play scratched or damaged CDs, the CD player could be damaged. While using the CD player, use only CDs in good condition without any label, load one CD at a time, and keep the CD player and the loading slot free of foreign materials, liquids, and debris. If an error displays, see “CD Messages” later in this section. Z EJECT or CD (Eject): Press and release to eject the disc that is currently playing. A CD ejecting from a radio with CD and DVD, ejects from the bottom slot. A beep sounds and Ejecting Disc displays. Once the disc is ejected, Remove Disc displays. The disc can be removed. If the disc is not removed, after several seconds, the disc automatically pulls back into the player.

For the Six-Disc CD player, press and hold for two seconds to eject all discs. Z DVD (Eject): Press and release to eject the disc that is currently playing in the top slot. A beep sounds and Ejecting Disc displays.

If loading and reading of a disc cannot be completed, such as unknown format, etc., and the disc fails to eject, press and hold for more than five seconds to force the disc to eject.

f (Tune): Turn to select tracks on the CD that is currently playing. ©SEEK ¨: Press the left arrow to go to the start of the current track, if more than ten seconds on the CD have played. Press the right arrow to go to the next track.

For Radios with CD and DVD, Press the left arrow to go to the start of the current track, if more than five seconds on the CD have played. If less than five seconds on the CD have played, the previous track plays. Press the right arrow to go to the next track.

If either arrow is held, or pressed multiple times, the player continues moving backward or forward through the tracks on the CD. sREV (Fast Reverse): Press and hold to reverse playback quickly within a track. Sound is heard at a reduced volume. Release this pushbutton to resume playing the track. The elapsed time of the track displays. \FWD (Fast Forward): Press and hold to advance playback quickly within a track. Sound is heard at a reduced volume. Release to resume playing the track. The elapsed time of the track displays.


RDM (Random): With the random setting, the tracks can be listened to in random, rather than sequential order. To use random: (cid:129) Press the CD/AUX button, or for a single CD

player, insert a disc partway into the slot of the CD player. A RDM label displays. To play the tracks from the single CD in random order, press the pushbutton positioned under the RDM label until Random Current Disc displays. Press the pushbutton again to turn off random play.

(cid:129) Press the CD/AUX button, or for a six-disc CD

player, press and hold the ^button. A beep sounds and Load All Discs displays. Insert one or more discs partway into the slot of the CD player. To play tracks from all CDs loaded in a six-disc CD player in random order, press the pushbutton positioned under the RDM label until Randomize All Discs displays. Press the same pushbutton again to turn off random play. To play the tracks from a CD loaded in the radio with CD and DVD, press the DVD/CD AUX button when not sourced to the CD, or insert a disc partway into the slot. A RDM label displays. To play tracks from a single CD in random order, press the pushbutton positioned under the RDM label until Random Current Disc displays. Press the pushbutton again to turn off random play.


BAND: Press to listen to the radio while a CD is playing. The CD remains inside the radio for future listening. For the radio with CD and DVD, press to listen to the radio while a CD or DVD is playing. The CD or DVD remains inside the radio for future listening or for viewing entertainment. CD/AUX (CD/Auxiliary): Press to play a CD while listening to the radio. The CD icon and a message showing the disc and/or track number displays when a CD is in the player. Press again and the system automatically searches for an auxiliary input device, such as a portable audio player. If a portable audio player is not connected, “No Input Device Found” displays.

DVD/CD AUX (Auxiliary): Press this button to cycle through DVD, CD, or Auxiliary when listening to the radio. The DVD/CD text label and a message showing the track or chapter number displays when a disc is in either slot. Press this button again and the system automatically searches for an auxiliary input device, such as a portable audio player. If a portable audio player is not connected, “No Aux Input Device” displays. If a disc is in both the DVD slot and the CD slot the DVD/CD AUX button cycles between the two sources and does not indicate “No Aux Input Device”. If a front auxiliary device is connected, the DVD/CD AUX button cycles through all available

options, such as: DVD slot, CD slot, Front Auxiliary, and Rear Auxiliary (if available). See “Using the Auxiliary Input Jack(s)” later in this section, or “Audio/Video (A/V) Jacks” under, Rear Seat Entertainment (RSE) System on page 3-113 for more information.

If a disc is inserted into top DVD slot, the rear seat operator can turn on the video screen and use the remote control to navigate the CD (tracks only) through the remote control. Radios with CD and DVD Audio Output Only one audio source can be heard through the speakers at a time. An audio source is defined as DVD slot, CD slot, XM™, FM/AM, Front Auxiliary Jack, or Rear Auxiliary Jack. Press the Obutton to turn the radio on. The radio can be heard through all of the vehicle speakers. Front seat passengers can listen to the radio (AM, FM, or XM™) by pressing the BAND button or the DVD/CD AUX button to select CD slot, DVD slot, front, or rear auxiliary input (if available). If a playback device is plugged into the radio’s front auxiliary input jack or the rear auxiliary jack, the front seat passengers are able to listen to playback from this source through the vehicle speakers.

See “Using the Auxiliary Input Jack(s)” later in this section, or “Audio/Video (A/V) Jacks” under, Rear Seat Entertainment (RSE) System on page 3-113 for more information. In some vehicles, depending on audio options, the rear speakers can be muted when the RSA power is turned on. See Rear Seat Audio (RSA) on page 3-122
for more information. Playing an MP3 CD-R or CD-RW Disc Radios with a Single CD or a Six-Disc CD player have the capability of playing an MP3 CD-R or CD-RW disc. For more information on how to play an MP3 CD-R or CD-RW disc, see “Using an MP3” in the index.

Playing an MP3/WMA CD-R or CD-RW Disc Radios with a CD and DVD player have the capability of playing an MP3/WMA CD-R or CD-RW disc. For more information on how to play an MP3/WMA CD-R or CD-RW disc, see “Using an MP3” in the index.


CD Messages CHECK DISC: Radios with a Single CD player or radios with a Six-Disc player displays CHECK DISC and/or ejects the CD if an error occurs. Radios with a CD and DVD player could display other messages when an error occurs: Optical Error: The disc was inserted upside down. Disk Read Error: A disc was inserted with an invalid or unknown format. Player Error: There are disc LOAD or disc EJECT problems.

It is very hot. When the temperature returns to normal, the CD should play.

(cid:129) You are driving on a very rough road. When the

road becomes smoother, the CD should play. The CD is dirty, scratched, wet, or upside down. The air is very humid. If so, wait about an hour and try again. There could have been a problem while burning the CD. The label could be caught in the CD player.

If the CD is not playing correctly, for any other reason, try a known good CD.


If any error occurs repeatedly or if an error cannot be corrected, contact your dealer/retailer. If the radio displays an error message, write it down and provide it to your dealer/retailer when reporting the problem.

Using the DVD Player The DVD player is controlled by the buttons on the remote control, or by the RSA system, or by the buttons on the radio faceplate. See “Remote Control”, under Rear Seat Entertainment (RSE) System on page 3-113
and Rear Seat Audio (RSA) on page 3-122 for more information. The DVD player is only compatible with DVDs of the appropriate region code that is printed on the jacket of most DVDs. The DVD slot of the radio is compatible with most audio CDs, CD-R, CD-RW, DVD-Video, DVD-Audio, DVD-R/RW, DVD+R/RW media along with MP3
and WMA formats. If an error message displays on the video screen or the radio, see “DVD Display Error Messages” under, Rear Seat Entertainment (RSE) System on page 3-113
and “DVD Radio Error Messages” in this section for more information.

(cid:129) (cid:129) (cid:129) (cid:129) (cid:129) Playing a DVD

DVD/CD AUX (Auxiliary): Press this button to cycle through DVD, CD, or Auxiliary when listening to the radio. The DVD/CD text label and a message showing track or chapter number displays when a disc is in either slot. Press this button again and the system automatically searches for an auxiliary input device, such as a portable audio player. If a portable audio player is not connected, “No Aux Input Device” displays. If a disc is in both the DVD slot and the CD slot the DVD/CD AUX button cycles between the two sources and does not indicate “No Aux Input Device”. If a front auxiliary device is connected, the DVD/CD AUX button cycles through all available options, such as: DVD slot, CD slot, Front Auxiliary, and Rear Auxiliary (if available). See “Using the Auxiliary Input Jack(s)” later in this section, or “Audio/Video (A/V) Jacks” under, Rear Seat Entertainment (RSE) System on page 3-113 for more information. O (Power): Press to turn the radio on or off. Turn clockwise or counterclockwise to increase or decrease the volume. Press and hold for more than two seconds to turn off the radio and Rear Seat Entertainment (RSE) system, and to start the parental control feature. Parental control prevents the rear seat occupant from operating the Rear Seat Audio (RSA) system or remote control.

A lock symbol displays next to the clock display. The parental control feature remains on until this knob is pressed and held for more than two seconds again, or until the driver turns the ignition off and exits the vehicle. f (Tune): Turn to change tracks on a CD or DVD, to manually tune a radio station, or to change clock or date settings, while in the clock or date setting mode. See the information given earlier in this section specific to the radio, CD, and the DVD. Also, see “Setting the Clock” in the index, for setting the clock and date. ©SEEK (Previous Track/Chapter): Press the left arrow to return to the start of the current track or chapter. Press the left arrow again to go to the previous track or chapter. This button might not work when the DVD is playing the copyright information or the previews. SEEK ¨(Next Track/Chapter): Press the right arrow to go to the next track or chapter. This button might not work when the DVD is playing the copyright information or the previews. sREV (Fast Reverse): Press to quickly reverse the CD or DVD at five times the normal speed. The radio displays the elapsed time while in fast reverse. To stop fast reversing, press again. This button might not work when the DVD is playing the copyright information or the previews.


\FWD (Fast Forward): Press to fast forward the CD or DVD. The radio displays the elapsed time and fast forwards five times the normal speed. To stop fast forwarding, press again. This button might not work when the DVD is playing the copyright information or the previews. Z(Eject): Press this button to eject a CD or DVD. If a CD or DVD is ejected, but not removed, the player automatically pulls it back in after 15 seconds.

If loading and reading of a CD cannot be completed, because of an unknown format, etc., and the disc fails to eject, press and hold this button for more than five seconds to force the disc to eject.

DVD-V (Video) Display Buttons Once a DVD-V is inserted, the radio display menu shows several tag options for DVD playing. Press the pushbuttons located under any desired tag option during DVD playback. See the tag options listed after, for more information. The rear seat passenger can navigate the DVD-V menus and controls through the remote control. See “Remote Control”, under Rear Seat Entertainment (RSE) System on page 3-113 for more information. The Video Screen automatically turns on when the DVD-V is inserted into the DVD slot.


r/ j(Play/Pause): Press either the play or pause icon displayed on the radio system, to toggle between pausing or restarting playback of a DVD. If the forward arrow is showing on display, the system is in pause mode. If the pause icon is showing on display, the system is in playback mode. If the DVD screen is off, press the play button to turn the screen on.

Some DVDs begin playing after the previews have finished, although there could be a delay of up to 30 seconds. If the DVD does not begin playing the movie automatically, press the pushbutton located under the play/pause symbol tag displayed on the radio. If the DVD still does not play, refer to the on-screen instructions, if available. c(Stop): Press to stop playing, rewinding, or fast forwarding a DVD. r (Enter): Press to select the choices that are highlighted in any menu. y (Menu): Press to access the DVD menu. The DVD menu is different on every DVD. Use the pushbuttons located under the navigation arrows to navigate the cursor through the DVD menu. After making a selection press this button. This button only operates when using a DVD.

Nav (Navigate): Press to display directional arrows for navigating through the menus. q(Return): Press to exit the current active menu and return to the previous menu. This button operates only when a DVD is playing and a menu is active.

DVD-A (Audio) Display Buttons Once a DVD-A is inserted, radio display menu shows several tag options for DVD playing. Press the pushbuttons located under any desired tag option during DVD playback. See the tag options listed after, for more information. The rear seat operator can navigate the DVD-A menus and controls through the remote control. See “Remote Control”, under Rear Seat Entertainment (RSE) System on page 3-113 for more information. The Video Screen does not automatically power on when the DVD-A is inserted into the DVD slot. It must be manually turned on by the rear seat occupant through the remote control power button. r/ j(Play/Pause): Press either the play or pause icon displayed on the radio system, to toggle between pausing or restarting playback of a DVD. If the forward arrow is showing on the display, the system is in pause mode. If the pause icon is showing on the display, the system is in playback mode.

q Group r: Press to cycle through musical groupings on the DVD-A disc. Nav (Navigate): Press to display directional arrows for navigating through the menus. e(Audio Stream): Press to cycle through audio stream formats located on the DVD-A disc. The video screen shows the audio stream changing.

Inserting a Disc To play a disc, gently insert the disc, with the label side up, into the loading slot. The DVD player might not accept some paper labeled media. The player starts loading the disc into the system and shows “Loading Disc” on the radio display. At the same time, the radio displays a softkey menu of option(s). Some discs automatically play the movie while others default to the softkey menu display, which requires the radio’s Play, Enter, or Navigation softkeys to be pressed. The rear seat passenger can also start the disc with the remote control. Loading a disc into the system, depending on media type and format, ranges from 5 to 20 seconds for a CD, and up to 30 seconds for a DVD.


If the RSA system is sourced to the DVD, the movie when reloaded into the DVD player begins to play again. In case loading and reading of a DVD or CD cannot be completed (unknown format, etc.), and the disc fails to eject, press and hold the DVD Z button more than five seconds to force the disc to eject.

DVD Radio Error Messages Player Error: This message displays when there are disc load or eject problems.

Disc Format Error: This message displays, if the disc is inserted with the disc label wrong side up, or if the disc is damaged.

Disc Region Error: This message displays, if the disc is not from a correct region.

No Disc Inserted: This message displays, if no disc is present when the Zor DVD/CD AUX button is pressed on the radio.

Stopping and Resuming Playback To stop playing a DVD without turning off the system, press the cbutton on the remote control, or press the pushbutton located under the stop or the play/pause symbol tags displayed on the radio. If the radio head is sourced to something other than DVD-V, press the DVD/CD AUX button to make DVD-V the active source. To resume DVD playback, press the r/ jbutton on the remote control, or press the pushbutton located
