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is also a source of important information. The officer’s

out the window: Left arm straight out

in advance


You may not


to open a door.

to be careless and make

in your vehicle: Buckle up.

it means “always expect the

very important safety device

do. Be ready for their mistakes.

cars to open doors into traffic. Watch

to run stop signs when you are on a through street. Be

Defensive Driving The best advice anyone can give about driving is: Drive defensively. Please start with a (See ‘Safety Belts” in the Index.) Defensive driving really means “be ready for anything.” On city streets, rural roads, or freeways, Assume that pedestrians or other drivers are going mistakes. Anticipate what they might Expect children to dash out from behind parked cars, often followed by other for children. Expect occupants in parked movement in parked cars-someone may be about Expect other drivers ready to brake if necessary as you go through intersections. have to use the brake, but if you do, you will be ready. If you’re driving through a shopping center parking lot where well-marked lanes, directional arrows, and designated parking areas, expect some drivers to ignore all these markings and dash straight toward one part of the lot. Pedestrians can be careless. Watch for them. In general, you must give way if you know you have the right to pedestrians even Rear-end collisions are about the most preventable common. Allow enough following distance. It’s the best defensive driving maneuver, in both city and rural driving. You never know when front of you is going to brake or turn suddenly. Here’s a time for driving Research studies show that the most and driving, every week, dangerous time 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. Driving the same distance on a Sunday at just a little more dangerous than dangerous. That leads to the next part.

is Sunday. The most is Sunday 3 a,m. to 4 a.m. The safest time is Sunday from 3 a.m. isn’t it is at 10 a.m. It’s about 134 times more

final bit of information about defensive driving. The most dangerous In fact, GM

of way. of accidents. Yet they are

in the US. is very early on Sunday morning.

fall on the same day. That day

the least dangerous times for

the vehicle

there are



Drunken Driving Death and injury associated with drinking and driving is a national tragedy. It’s the number one contributor victims every year. Alcohol takes away three things that anyone needs to drive a vehicle. Judgment Muscular Coordination

to the highway death toll, claiming thousands


4 Vision

are the result of someone who

25,000 motor vehicle-related deaths occur

or someone else, such as a pedestrian, had

Police records show that half of all motor vehicle-related deaths involve alcohol-a driver, a passenger been drinking. In most cases, these deaths was drinking and driving. Over each year because of alcohol, and thousands of people are injured. Just how much alcohol one should drink alcohol and then drive. But much”? It can be a lot less than many might think. Although each person and situation, here is some general information on the problem. The Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) four things:

of someone who

is too much

if a person plans to drive? Ideally, no

if one does, then what’s “too

is drinking depends upon

it depends on

How much alcohol is in the drink.

4 The drinker’s body weight.

The amount of food that is consumed before and during drinking. The length of time it has taken the drinker

to consume the alcohol.

4-1 0

According to the American Medical Association, a 180-pound (82 kg) person (355 ml) bottles of beer in an hour will end up who drinks three 12-ounce of about 0.06 percent. The person would reach the same BAC with a BAC by drinking three 4-ounce (120 ml) glasses of wine or three mixed drinks each had 1-1/2 ounces It’s the amount of alcohol that counts. For example, three double martinis person’s BAC would be close to 0.12 percent. A person who consumes just before or during drinking will have a slightly lower BAC level.

(45 ml) of a liquor like whiskey, gin or vodka.

(3 ounces or 90 ml of liquor each) within

if the same person drank an hour, the






4-1 1

Your Driving and the Road

of 0.10 percent. In

to drive is affected well of many

0.05 percent, and that the effects

0.05 percent.

0.10 percent after three

All drivers are impaired at BAC levels above

of being in an accident increases sharply for 0.05 percent or above. A driver with a BAC level

0.08 percent, and in some other countries it’s lower than to six drinks (in one it depends on how much alcohol is in the

The law in most US. states sets the legal limit at a BAC Canada the limit is that. The BAC will be over hour). Of course, as we’ve seen, drinks, and how quickly the person drinks them. But it’s very important to keep in mind that the ability below a BAC of 0.10 percent. Research shows that the driving skills people are impaired at a BAC approaching are worse at night. Statistics show that the chance drivers who have a BAC of of 0.06 percent (three beers in one hour for a 180-pound or 82 kg person) of having an accident. At a BAC level has doubled his or her chance percent, the chance of that driver having an accident is six times greater; at a level of 0.15 percent, the chances are twenty-five times greater! And, the body takes about an hour of coffee or number of “I’ll be careful” isn’t the right answer. What to take sudden action, as when a child darts into the street? higher BAC might not be able to react quickly enough There’s something else about drinking and driving that many people don’t know. Medical research shows that alcohol in a person’s system can make crash injuries worse. That’s especially true for brain, spinal cord and heart if anyone who has been drinking-driver or injuries. That means that passenger-is is higher than that the chance of a crash itself is higher for drinking drivers. I CAUTION

in a crash, the chance if that person had not been drinking. And we’ve already seen

to rid itself of the alcohol in one drink.

cold showers will speed that up.

if there’s an emergency, a need

of being killed or permanently disabled

of 0.10

No amount

A person with a to avoid the collision.

Drinking and then driving is very dangerous. Your L perceptions, and judgment will be affected by even a small amount of alcohol. You could have a serious-or even fatal-accident if you or ride with a driver drive after drinking. Please don’t drink and drive who has been drinking. Ride home in a cab; or if you’re with a group, designate a driver who will not drink.


4-1 2

Control of a Vehicle You have three systems that make They are the brakes, the steering and the accelerator. to do their work at the places where the tires meet the road.

your vehicle go where you want it to go. All three systems have


or ice, it’s easy to ask more of

to decide to push on the brake pedal. That’s

Sometimes, as when you’re driving on snow those control systems than the tires and road can provide. That means you can lose control of your vehicle. Braking Braking action involves perception time and reaction time. First, you have time. Then you have to Average reaction time It might be less with one driver and as long as two or three seconds more with another. Age, physical condition, alertness, coordination, and eyesight all play a part. So do alcohol, drugs and frustration. But even in 314 of a second, a vehicle moving at 60 mph (100 kmlh) travels 66 feet (20 m). That could be a lot of distance in an emergency, so keeping enough space between your vehicle and others And, of course, road (whether it’s pavement icy); tire tread; and the condition of your brakes.

bring up your foot and is about 3/4 of a second. But that’s only an average. or

actual stopping distances vary greatly with the surface

or gravel); the condition of the road (wet, dry,

do it. That’s reaction time.

is important.


of the

4-1 3

Your Driving and the Road

Most drivers treat their brakes with care. Some, however, overwork the braking system with poor driving habits.

Avoid needless heavy braking, Some people drive in spurts-heavy acceleration followed by heavy braking-rather than keeping pace with traffic. This is a mistake. Your brakes may not have time between hard stops. Your brakes will wear lot of heavy braking. Don’t “ride” the brakes by letting your left foot rest lightly on the brake pedal while driving.

out much faster

to cool

if you do a


“Riding” your brakes can cause them to overheat to the point that h they won’t work well. You might not be able time to avoid an accident. hot they will require “riding” the brakes.

If you “ride” your brakes, they will get

a lot of pedal force to slow you down. Avoid

to stop your vehicle in


NOTICE ‘Riding” the brakes wears them out much faster. You would need costly wake replacement much sooner than normal, and mnomy.

it also reduces fuel

If you keep pace with the traffic and allow realistic following distances, you will eliminate a lot of unnecessary braking. That means better braking and longer brake life.

4-1 4

If your engine ever stops while you’re driving, brake normally pump your brakes. your engine stops, you will still have some power brake assist. will use it when take longer

you brake. Once the power assist is used up,

If you do, the pedal may get harder to push down.

to stop and the brake pedal will be harder to push.

but don’t

If But you it may

Anti-lock Brakes (ABS) Your vehicle has an advanced electronic braking system that can help keep under control. When you start your vehicle and begin momentary motor or clicking noise. This is the

ABS system testing itself.

to drive away, you may hear


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Here’s how anti-lock works. Let’s say the road is wet. You’re driving safely. of you. Suddenly an animal jumps out in front You slam on the brakes. Here’s what happens with A computer senses that wheels are slowing down. The computer separately works the brakes at each front wheel and at the rear wheels. The anti-lock system can change the brake pressure faster than any driver could. The computer is programmed to make the conditions. You can steer around the obstacle while braking hard.

most of available tire and road


4-1 5

Your Driving and fhe Road

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on wheel speed and

As you brake, your computer keeps receiving updates controls braking pressure accordingly. CAUTION A Anti-lock doesn’t change - the brake pedal, If you get too close to the vehicle in front of you, the time you need to get your foot up to you won’t have time to apply your brakes if that vehicle suddenly slows or stops. Always leave enough room up ahead to stop, even though you have anti-lock brakes.

To Use Four-wheel Anti-Lock: Don’t pump the brakes. Just for you. You may feel the brakes vibrate, or you may notice some noise, but this is normal.

hold the brake pedal down and let anti-lock work

4-1 6

Brake System Warning Light


This light appears on your instrument cluster to warn you braking system needs service. See “Brake System Warning Light” Index. Disc Brake Wear lndicators Disc brake pads have built-in wear indicators that make a high-pitched warning sound when the brake pads are worn and new pads are needed. The sound may come and go or be heard all the time your vehicle (except when you are pushing on the brake pedal firmly).

if your regular in the

is moving


The brake wear warning sound means that sooner or later your your brakes won’t work well. That could hear the brake wear warning sound, have your vehicle serviced.

lead to an accident. When you

NOTICE Continuing to drive with worn-out brake pads could result in costly brakt repair. ome driving conditions or climates may cause a brake squeal when the brakes are first applied or lightly applied. This does wrong with your brakes.

not mean something


4-1 7

Your Driving and the Road

If your

if you ever hear a

Also, the rear

to normal height, or if

of brake

if the brake pedal does not return

up and firmly applying the brakes a few

Rear Drum Brakes Your rear drum brakes don’t have the wear indicators, but rear brake rubbing noise, have the rear brake lining inspected. brake drums should be removed and inspected each time the tires are removed for rotation or changing. When you have the front brakes replaced, have the rear brakes inspected, too. Brake linings should always be replaced as complete axle sets. Brake Pedal Travel See your dealer there is a rapid increase in pedal travel. This could be a sign trouble. Brake Adjustment Every time you make a brake stop, your disc brakes adjust for wear. brake pedal goes down farther than normal, your rear drum brakes may need adjustment. Adjust them by backing times. Braking In Emergencies Use your anti-lock braking system when you need to. With anti-lock, you can steer and brake at the same time. In many emergencies, steering can help you more than even the very best braking. Steering Power Steering If you lose power steering assist because the engine stops or the system fails to function, you can steer but Steering Tips Driving on Curves It’s important A lot of the “driver lost control” accidents mentioned on the news happen on curves. Here’s why: Experienced driver or beginner, each of us of the tires against the road physics when driving on curves. The traction surface makes it possible for the vehicle to change its path when you turn the front wheels. If there’s no traction, inertia will keep the vehicle going the same direction. understand this.

If you’ve ever tried to steer a vehicle on wet ice, you’ll

to take curves at a reasonable speed.

it will take much more effort.

is subject to the same laws of


4-1 8

a curve, do it before you

of your tires

on good weather and road conditions.

curve is banked, and your

to go slower.

a curve, speed

to go, and slow down.

is the one factor you can control.

a curve depends on the condition

a sharp curve. Then you suddenly

road surface, the angle at which the

to reduce your speed as you approach

so you can “drive” through the curve. Maintain

The traction you can get in and the speed. While you’re in Suppose you’re steering through accelerate. Those two control systems-steering and acceleration-can overwhelm those places where the tires meet the road and make you lose control. What should you do if this ever happens? Let up on the accelerator peaal, steer the vehicle the way you want it Speed limit signs near curves warn that you should adjust your speed. Of course, the posted speeds are based Under less favorable conditions you’ll want If you need enter the curve, while your front wheels are straight ahead. Try to adjust your speed reasonable, steady speed. Wait to accelerate until and then accelerate gently into the straightaway. When you drive into a curve at night, it’s harder to see the road ahead of you because one good reason to drive slower. Steering in Emergencies There are times when steering can be more effective than braking. For example, you come over car suddenly pulls out from nowhere, parked cars and stops right braking-if you can stop That’s the time for evasive action-steering around the problem. Your vehicle can perform very well in emergencies like these. First apply your brakes. It is better Then steer around the problem, to the left or right depending on the space available. An emergency like this requires close attention and are holding the steering wheel at the recommended you can turn it But you have

a hill and find a truck stopped in your lane, or or a child darts out from between

to remove as much speed as you can from

it bends away from the straight beams

in time. But sometimes you can’t; there isn’t room.

in front of you. You

a full 180 degrees very quickly without removing either hand. to act fast, steer quickly, and just as quickly straighten the

you are out of the curve,

of your lights. This is

can avoid these problems by

a possible collision.

a quick decision. If you 9 and 3 o’clock positions,

4-1 9

Your Driving and the Road

wheel once you have avoided the object. You must then be prepared back to your original lane and then brake to a controlled Depending on your speed, this can be rather violent for an unprepared driver. This is one of the reasons driving experts recommend that you use your

safety belts and keep both hands on the steering wheel. -


to steer


is a good reason

off the edge of

find sometime that your right wheels have dropped

The fact that such emergency situations are always possible to practice defensive driving at all times. Off-Road Recovery You may a road onto the shoulder while you're driving. If the level of the shoulder should be fairly easy. Ease the way, steer so that your vehicle straddles the edge can turn the steering wheel the pavement edge. Then roadway.

is only slightly below the pavement, recovery off the accelerator and then,

if there is nothing

in of the pavement. You

up to 1/4 turn until the right front tire contacts

turn your steering wheel to go straight down the



of the pavement, do NOT steer

(100 mm) or more below the If there is not enough room to

try again.

too much steering angle, the vehicle may jump back onto

If the shoulder appears to be about four inches pavement, this difference can cause problems. pull entirely onto the shoulder and stop, then follow the same procedures. But if the right front tire scrubs against the side more sharply. With the road with so much steering input that it crosses over into the oncoming traffic before you can bring it back under control. Instead, ease off again on the accelerator and steering input, straddle the pavement once more, then Passing The driver of a vehicle about for just the right moment, accelerates, moves around the vehicle ahead, then A simple maneuver? goes back into the right lane again. is a Not necessarily! Passing another vehicle on a two-lane highway potentially dangerous move, since the passing vehicle occupies the same lane in as oncoming traffic for several seconds. judgment, or a brief surrender passing driver face collision. So here are some tips

to pass another on a two-lane highway waits

to frustration or anger can suddenly put the

A miscalculation, an error

to face with the worst of

all traffic accidents-the head-on

for passing: “Drive ahead.” Look down the road, situations that might affect whatsoever about making a successful pass, wait for a better time.

to crossroads for your passing patterns. If you have any doubt

to the sides, and


Your Driving and the Road

or stops.

to pass isn’t aware


on your side

to accelerate so to move into the other

If you can see a turn or an intersection, delay your

it’s all right to pass

of the vehicle you want

if the road seems empty

to pass is coming up, start

if the vehicle ahead suddenly slows

in the right lane and don’t get too close. Time your move

Watch for traffic signs, pavement markings, and lines. sign up ahead that might indicate a pass. A broken center line usually indicates (providing the road ahead is clear). Never cross a solid line of the lane or a double solid line, even approaching traffic. If you suspect that the driver of your presence, tap the horn a couple of times before passing. Do not get too close to the vehicle you want to pass while you’re awaiting an opportunity. For one thing, following too closely reduces your area of vision, especially if you’re following a larger vehicle. Also, you won’t have adequate space Keep back a reasonable distance. When it looks like a chance but stay you will be increasing speed as the time comes lane. If the way is clear to pass, you will have a “running start” that more than makes up for the distance you would lose And if something happens only slow down and drop back again and wait for another opportunity. If other cars are lined up to pass a slow vehicle, wait your turn. But take care that someone isn’t trying the slow vehicle. Remember blind spot. Check your mirrors, glance over your shoulder, and start your change signal before moving out are far enough ahead of the passed vehicle inside mirror, activate your right lane change signal and move back into the right lane. (Remember that your right outside mirror vehicle you just passed may seem really is). Try not to pass more Reconsider before passing the next vehicle. Don’t overtake a slowly moving vehicle too rapidly. Even though the brake lights are not flashing, If you’re being passed, make of you. Perhaps you

than one vehicle at a time on two-lane roads.

to glance over your shoulder and check the

to pass you as you pull out to pass

of the right lane to pass. When you in your

to cancel your pass, you need

is convex. The to be farther away from you than it

it may be slowing down or starting to turn. it easy for the following driver to get ahead

by dropping back.

little to the right.

to see its front

to cause you

can ease a

left lane


to existing conditions, and by not

to steer, and constantly seek an

to do what the driver has asked.

in a curve causes tires to slip and lose in the acceleration skid too much throttle causes the

Loss of Control Let’s review what driving experts say about what happens when the three control systems (brakes, steering and acceleration) don’t have enough friction where the tires meet the road In any emergency, don’t give up. Keep trying escape route or area of less danger. Skidding In a skid, a driver can lose control of the vehicle. Defensive drivers avoid most skids by taking reasonable care suited “overdriving” those conditions. But skids are always possible. The three types of skids correspond to your vehicle’s three control systems. In the steering or cornering In the braking skid your wheels aren’t rolling. skid, too much speed or steering cornering force. And driving wheels to spin. A cornering skid and an acceleration skid are best handled foot off the accelerator pedal. If your vehicle starts to slide (as when you turn a corner on a wet, snow- accelerator pedal as soon as you feel the vehicle start the way you want the vehicle vehicle will straighten out. As it does, straighten the front wheels. Of course, traction is reduced when water, snow, ice, gravel, to slow down and adjust your driving is on the road. these conditions. It is important to slow down on slippery surfaces because stopping distance will be longer and vehicle control more limited. While driving on a surface with reduced traction, sudden steering, acceleration, or braking (including engine braking by shifting to a lower gear). Any sudden changes could cause the tires to slide. You may not realize the surface is slippery until your vehicle is skidding. Learn to recognize warning clues-such road to make a “mirrored surface”-and slow down when you have any doubt. Remember: Any anti-lock braking system (ABS) helps avoid only the braking skid. Steer the way you want

to go. If you start steering quickly enough, your

as enough water, ice or packed snow on the

or ice-covered road), ease your foot

For safety, you’ll want

try your best to avoid

by easing your

off the

to go.

to slide. Quickly steer

or other material to


is a


If at all possible, avoid sharp turns or

is for vehicles that have four-wheel drive. (Also, see

of performing in a wide variety of off-road a higher center of of the higher ground clearance

Driving Guidelines (Utility Models) This multipurpose passenger vehicle is defined as a utility vehicle in Consumer Information Regulations issued by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) of the United States Department of Transportation. Utility vehicles have higher ground clearance and a narrower track to make them capable applications. Specific design characteristics give them gravity than ordinary cars. An advantage better view of the road allowing you to anticipate problems. They are not designed for cornering at the same speeds as conventional 2-wheel drive vehicles any more than low-slung sports cars are designed to perform satisfactorily under off-road conditions. abrupt maneuvers. As with other vehicles of this type, failure to operate in loss of control or vehicle rollover. vehicle correctly may result OffmRoad Driving with Your Four-Wheel Drive Vehicle This off-road guide “Anti-lock Brakes” in the Index.) you shouldn’t drive off-road unless you’re on Off-road driving can be great fun. But The greatest of these is the terrain itself. “Off-roading” means you’ve Traffic lanes aren’t marked. Curves aren’t banked. There are no road signs. Surfaces can be slippery, rough, uphill back to nature. Off-road driving involves some new skills. And that’s why it’s very important that you read this guide. will help make your off-road driving safer and more enjoyable. Before You Go Off-Roading There are some things have all necessary maintenance and service work done. Be sure you read all the information about your four-wheel drive vehicle enough fuel? Is the spare tire fully inflated? Are the they should be? What are the be driving? in the area. Will you be on someone’s private land? necessary permission.

fluid levels up where local laws that apply to off-roading where you’ll If you don’t know, you should check with law enforcement people

You’ll find many driving tips and suggestions. These

left the great North American road system behind.

If your vehicle doesn’t have four-wheel drive,

to do before you go out. For example, be sure

or downhill. In short, you’ve gone right

it does have some definite hazards.

a level, solid surface.

in this manual.

Is there

If so, be sure to get the



Loading Your Vehicle for Off-Road Driving There are some important things to remember about how to load your vehicle.

The heaviest things should be on the load floor and forward axle. Put heavier items as far forward as you can. Be sure the load is secured properly,

so driving on the off-road terrain

of your rear

doesn’t toss things around. rn CAUTION


Cargo on the load floor piled higher than the seatbacks can thrown forward during a sudden stop. You or your passengers could be injured. Keep cargo below the top of the seatbacks. Unsecured cargo on the load floor can be tossed about when driving over rough terrain. You or your passengers can be struck by flying objects. Secure Heavy loads on the roof raise making .it more likely to roll over. You can be seriously or fatally injured if the vehicle rolls over. Put heavy loads inside the cargo area, not on the roof. Keep cargo in the cargo area as far forward

the vehicle’s center of gravity,

the cargo properly.

low as possible.


of trails and terrain. Try to learn of any blocked

in this manual. See “Vehicle Loading”,

You are much less likely

You’ll find other important information “Luggage Carrier” and “Tires” in the Index. Traveling to Remote Areas It makes sense to plan your trip, especially when going to a Know the terrain and plan your route. surprises. Get accurate maps or closed roads. It‘s also a good idea to travel with at least one other vehicle. happens to one of them, the other can help quickly. If so, be sure Does your vehicle have a winch? instructions. In a remote area, a winch can be handy you’ll want to know how Getting Familiar with Off-Road Driving It’s a good idea to practice in an area that’s safe and close to home before you go into the wilderness. Off-road driving does require some new and different driving skills. Here’s what we mean.

to use it properly.

to read the winch

:emote area. to get bad

If something

if you get stuck. But


Your Driving and the Road

to different kinds of signals. Your eyes, for example, need Your ears need

Tune your senses to constantly sweep the terrain for unexpected obstacles. listen for unusual tire or engine sounds. With your arms, hands, feet, and body you’ll need to respond Controlling your vehicle is the key to successful off-road driving. One of the best ways to control your vehicle things to keep in mind. At higher speeds:

is to control your speed. Here are some

to vibrations and vehicle bounce.


you approach things faster and you have less time to scan the terrain for obstacles. you have less time to react. you have more vehicle bounce when you drive over obstacles. you’ll need more distance for braking, especially since you’re on an unpaved surface.

A When you’re driving

off road, bouncing and quick changes in

direction can easily throw you out So, whether you are driving on or to lose control and crash. road, you and your passengers should wear your safety belts.

of position. This could cause you

off the

many different kinds of terrain. You need its many different features. Here are some

Scanning the Terrain Off-road driving can take you over to be familiar with the terrain and things to consider. Surface Conditions Off-roading can take you over hard-packed mud, snow or ice. Each of these surfaces and braking of your vehicle in different ways. Depending upon surface you are on, you may experience slipping, sliding, wheel spinning, delayed acceleration, poor traction, and longer braking distances. Surface Obstacles Unseen or hidden obstacles can be hazardous. bump can startle you are hidden by grass, bushes, snow itself. Here are some things

or even the rise and fall of the terrain

A rock, log, hole, rut, or

to consider:

if you’re not prepared for them. Often these obstacles

dirt, gravel, rocks, grass, sand, affects the steering, acceleration, the kind of

Is the path ahead clear? Will the surface texture change abruptly up ahead?


take you uphill or downhill? (There’s more discussion


Does the travel these subjects later.) Will you have

to stop suddenly or change direction quickly?

or other obstacles, your wheels can leave

if you’re not prepared.

If this happens, even with one

or rough terrain, keep a firm grip on the or other surface features can jerk the wheel

When you drive over obstacles steering wheel. Ruts, troughs, out of your hands When you drive over bumps, rocks, the ground. the vehicle as well or at all. Because you will be on an unpaved surface, it’s especially important sudden acceleration, sudden turns, or sudden braking. In a way, off-road driving requires a different paved roads and highways. There are no road signs, posted speed limits or signal lights. You have to use your own good judgment about what is safe and what isn’t. I CAUTION

or two wheels, you can’t control

kind of alertness from driving on

to avoid

Drinking and driving can be very dangerous

on any road. And this is - b certainly true for off-road driving. At the very time you need special

alertness and driving skills, your reflexes, perceptions and judgment can be affected by even a small amount a serious-or even fatal-accident a driver who has been Index.)

if you drink and drive or ride with in the

drinking. (See “Drunken Driving”

of alcohol. You could have

Driving On Oft-Road Hills Off-road driving often takes you up, down, or across a hill. Driving safely on hills requires good judgment and an understanding and can’t do. There well-built the vehicle.

are some hills

that simply can’t be driven, no matter how

of what your

vehicle can


A Many hills are simply too steep for any vehicle.

If you drive up them,

you will stall. you drive across them, you injured or killed. drive the hill.

If you drive down them, you can’t control your speed.

will roll over. You could be seriously

If you have any doubt about the steepness, don’t



Your Driving and the Road

to decide if it’s one of those

to climb, descend, or cross. Steepness can be hard

Approaching a Hill When you approach a hill, you need just too steep On a very small hill, for example, there may be with only a small change in elevation where you can easily see all the way to the top. On a large hill, the incline but you may not see this because the crest grass, or shrubs. Here are some other things

may get steeper as of the hill

to consider as you approach a


a smooth, constant incline

you near the top, is hidden by bushes,

hills that’s to judge.



or will the surface cause

up or down the hill so you won’t have

Is there a constant incline, or does the hill get sharply steeper places? Is there good traction on the hillside, slipping? Is there a straight path turning maneuvers? Are there obstructions on the hill than can block your path (boulders, trees, logs or ruts)? What’s beyond the hill? fence? Get out and walk the hill find out. Is the hill simply too rough? Steep hills often have ruts, gullies, troughs and exposed rocks because they are more susceptible to the effects erosion.

Is there a cliff, an embankment, a drop-off, a

if you don’t know. It’s

the smart way

to make



Driving Uphill Once you decide you can safely drive up the hill, you need special steps.

to take some

Use a lower gear and get a firm grip on the steering wheel. Get a smooth start up the more power than you need, because you don’t want your wheels spinning or sliding. Try to drive straight up the hill if at all possible. If the path twists and turns, you might want

to maintain your speed. Don’t use

to find another route.

hill and try

to start


hill to let opposing traffic

day. They make you more visible to

h Turning or driving across steep hills can be dangerous.

lose traction, slide sideways, and possibly roll over. seriously injured or killed. When driving up hills, always try straight


You could You could be to go

as you approach the top

of the hill.

flag to the vehicle to make you more visible

to approaching

Ease up on your speed Attach a traffic on trails or hills. Sound the horn as you approach the top of know you’re there. Use your headlights even during the oncoming traffic. ’ I CAUTION

rf\ Driving to the top (crest) of a hill at

ccident. There could be a drop-off, embankment, cliff, or even another vehicle. You could be seriously injured or killed. As you near the top

and stay alert.

slow down

of a hill,

full speed can cause an

I do if my vehicle stalls, or is about to stall, and

Q: What should make it up A: If this happens, there are some things you should do, and there are some things you must not do. First, here’s what you should do:

the hill?

I can’t

it from rolling

is still running, shift the transmission into reverse, release

to stop the vehicle and keep

Push the brake pedal backwards. Also, apply the parking brake. If your engine the parking brake, and slowly back down If your engine has stopped running, you’ll need brake pedal depressed and the parking brake transmission to P (Park) (or, shift to manual transmission) and restart the engine. Then, shift release the parking brake, and slowly back down the hill As you are backing down the hill, put your left hand wheel at the wheels are straight or turned

the hill in reverse.

to restart it. With the still applied, shift the N (Neutral) if your vehicle has a to reverse, in reverse. on the steering

12 o’clock position. This way, you’ll be able

to tell if your

to the left or right as you back down.


must not do if you stall, or are about

Here are some things you when going up a hill. Never attempt depressing the clutch, engine and regain forward momentum. This won’t work. roll backwards very quickly and you could go out

to prevent a stall by shifting into

if you have a manual transmission)

of control.

N (Neutral) (or

to “rev-up” the Your vehicle will

to stall,

Instead, apply the regular brake brake. Shift into reverse, release the parking brake, and slowly back down.

to stop the vehicle. Then apply the parking

Never attempt to turn around if you are about hill. If the hill is steep enough cause you hill, you must back down the hill.

if you turn around.

to roll over

to stall when going up a

to stall your vehicle, it’s steep enough If you can’t make it up the


the hill and decide I just

Q: Suppose, after stalling, I try to back down can’t do it. What should I do? A: Set the parking brake, put your transmission in transmission in first gear), and turn get some help. Exit would take when you leave the vehicle. Leave

on the uphill side and stay clear it in some gear.

if it rolled downhill. Do not shift the transfer case

P (Park) (or the manual off the engine. Leave the vehicle and go

of the path the vehicle to N (Neutral)

Shifting the transfer case to N (Neutral) can cause your vehicle to

rn ‘ roll even if the transmission is

in P (Park) (or, if you Rave the

manual transmission, even if you’re in gear). This is (Neutral) position on the transfer case overrides the transmission. you are going to the transmission to case to the N (Neutral) position. gear). But do not shift the transfer Leave the transfer case in the 2 Wheel, 4 High or 4 Low position.

P (Park) (or, put your manual transmission in first

leave your vehicle, set the parking brake and

because the N If shift

Driving Downhill When off-roading takes you downhill, you’ll want things:

to consider a number of

How steep is the downhill? Will What’s the surface like? Smooth? Rough? Slippery? Hard-packed dirt? Gravel? Are there hidden surface obstacles? Ruts? Logs? Boulders?

I be able

to maintain vehicle control?



What’s at the bottom river bottom with large rocks?

of the hill?

Is there a hidden creek bank or even a

If you decide you can go down a hill safely, then headed straight down, and use a low your brakes and they won’t have your vehicle under control at all times.

try to keep your vehicle

gear. This way, engine drag can


to do all the work. Descend slowly, keeping

’ [ Heavy braking when going down

overheat and fade. This could cause accident. Apply the brakes lightly when descending a low

a hill can cause your brakes

to loss of control and a serious hill and use a


to keep vehicle speed under control. Q: Are there some things A: Yes! These are important because control and have a serious accident.

I should not do when driving down a


if you ignore them you could lose

too steep to drive down may be

When driving downhill, avoid turns that take you hill. A hill that’s not across. You could roll over if you don’t drive straight down. Never go downhill with the transmission in pedal depressed in a manual shift. This is called “free-wheeling.” to do all the work and could overheat and fade. brakes will have


N (Neutral), or with the clutch


the incline of the

too steep to drive

Q: Am I likely to stall when going downhill? A: It’s much more likely downhill, here’s what Stop your vehicle brake. Shift to P (Park) (or still braking, restart the engine. Shift back down. If the engine won’t start, get

to a low gear,

out and get help.

to happen going uphill, But

if it happens going

to do. by applying the regular brakes. Apply

the parking

to Neutral with the manual transmission)

and, while

release the parking brake, and drive straight

Driving Across an Incline Sooner or later, an this happens, you have Here are some things to consider:

off-road trail will probably go across the incline

of a hill. If

to decide whether

to try to drive across the incline.

4-3 1

Your Driving and the Road

to drive the wheel wheels) reduces the


end. But when you

or down may be too steep

A hill that can be driven straight up across. When you go straight up or down a hill, the length of base (the distance from the front wheels to the rear likelihood the vehicle will tumble end over across an incline, the much more narrow track width (the distance between the left and right wheels) may not prevent the vehicle from tilting and rolling over. Also, driving across an incline puts more weight on the downhill wheels. This could cause a downhill slide Surface conditions can be a problem when you drive across a gravel, muddy spots, or even wet grass can cause your tires sideways, downhill. will trip Hidden obstacles can make the steepness you drive across a rock with the uphill wheels, or if the downhill wheels drop into a rut or depression, your vehicle can tilt even more. reasons like these, you need

If the vehicle slips sideways,

to decide carefully whether

it (a rock, a rut, etc.) and

of the incline even worse. If

roll over.

or a rollover.

hill. Loose to slip

it can hit something that

to try to drive

trail goes across the incline doesn’t mean

to try it might have rolled over.

For across an incline. Just because the you have to drive it. The last vehicle


A Driving across an incline that’s

too steep will make your vehicle roll

over. You could be seriously injured about the steepness of the incline, don’t drive across it. Find another route

or killed. If you have any doubt


I hit

should I do?

to slide downhill. What

across an incline that’s not too steep, but

Q: What if I’m driving some loose gravel and start A: If you feel your vehicle starting to slide sideways, turn downhill. This should help straighten out the vehicle and prevent the side slipping. However, a much better way to prevent this know what the surface Stalling on an Incline If your vehicle stalls when you’re crossing an incline, be sure passengers) get out on the uphill side, even open. If you get out on the downhill side and the vehicle you’ll be right in its path. If you have to walk down the slope, stay out of the if it does roll over.

is to get out and “walk the course”

is like before you drive

if the door there is harder


you (and your to

starts to roll over,

path the vehicle will take

so you



- , incline is dangerous. F\

Getting out on the downhill (low) side

or killed. Always get out on the uphill (high) side stay well clear of the rollover path.

of a vehicle stopped across an

If the vehicle rolls over, you could be crushed

of the vehicle and

to keep your vehicle moving

Driving In Mud, Sand, Snow, Or Ice When you drive in mud, snow or sand, your wheels won’t get good traction. You can’t accelerate as quickly, turning is more difficult, and you’ll need longer braking distances. It’s best to use a low gear when you’re in mud-the deeper the mud, the lower the gear. In really deep mud, the idea is so you don’t get stuck. When you drive on sand, you’ll sense a change in wheel traction. But depend upon how loosely packed the sand is. On loosely packed sand (as on beaches or sand dunes) your tires will tend to sink into the sand. This has an effect on steering, accelerating, and braking. the air pressure traction. Hard packed snow and ice offer the worst tire traction. On these surfaces, it’s very easy to lose control. On wet ice, for example, the traction is that you will have difficulty accelerating. And steering and difficult braking can cause you to slide out

in your tires slightly when driving on sand.

You may want

if you do get moving, poor

of control.

so poor

to reduce This will improve

it will


CAUTION If\ Driving on frozen lakes, ponds

or rivers can be dangerous.


Underwater springs, currents under the ice, weaken the ice. Your your passengers could drown. Drive your vehicle on safe surfaces only.

can vehicle could fall through the ice and you and

or sudden thaws

is before you drive through it. If it’s deep

Driving In Water Light rain causes no special off-road driving problems. But heavy rain can mean flash flooding, and flood waters demand extreme caution. Find out how deep the water enough to cover your wheel hubs, axles, or exhaust pipe, don’t try it-you probably won’t get through. Also, water that deep can damage your axle and other vehicle parts. If the water isn’t too deep, then drive through splashes on your ignition system and your vehicle can stall. Stalling can also occur if you get your under water, you’ll never be able water, remember that when your brakes get wet, stop. CAUTION

C Driving through rushing water can be dangerous. Deep water can

tailpipe under water. And, as long as your tailpipe

to start your engine. When you go through it may take you longer

sweep your vehicle downstream and you and your passengers could drown. If it’s only inches deep, from under your tires, and you could lose traction and roll the vehiclc over. Don’t drive through rushing water.

it can still wash away

the ground

it slowly. At fast speeds, water



in mud or sand, have the brake linings cleaned and checked.

After Off-Road Driving Remove any brush or debris that has collected on the underbody, chassis, or under the hood. These accumulations can be a fire hazard. After operation These substances can cause glazing and uneven braking. Check the body structure, steering, suspension, wheels, tires, and exhaust system for damage. Also, check the fuel lines and cooling system for any leakage. Your vehicle will require more frequent service Section 7 for additional information.

due to off-road use, Refer to


Driving at Night



Night driving is more dangerous than day driving. One reason drivers are likely problems, or by fatigue. Here are some tips on night driving.

to be impaired-by alcohol

or drugs, with night vision

is that some

in the Index for more on

(See “Drunken Driving”

Drive defensively. Remember, this is the most dangerous time. Don’t drink and drive this problem). Adjust your inside rear view mirror to reduce the glare from headlights behind you. Since you can’t see as well, you may need more space between you and other vehicles. It’s hard the vehicle ahead is going Slow down, especially on higher speed roads. up only so much road ahead. In remote areas, watch for animals. If you’re tired, pull off the road in a safe place and rest.

just by looking at its taillights.

to slow down and keep

to tell how fast

Your headlights can light

Night Vision No one can see as well at these differences increase. A 50-year-old driver may require at much light to see the same

night as in the daytime. But as

thing at night as a 20-year-old.

we get older

least twice as


Your Driving and the Road

to wear sunglasses. Your


It can take a second or

to the dark. When

of opposing

of headlights to make certain

to move into your lane. Once you are

to readjust before resuming speed.

of things invisible that should

to put on your sunglasses after you or refreshment area. Eyes shielded to darkness back on the road. But

If there is a line

What you do in the daytime can also affect your night vision. For example, you spend the day in bright sunshine you are wise eyes will have less trouble adjusting to night. But if you’re driving, don’t wear sunglasses at night. They may cut down on glare from headlights, but they also make a lot remain visible-such as parked cars, obstacles, pedestrians, or even trains blocking railway crossings. You may want have pulled into a brightly-lighted service from that glare may adjust more quickly be sure to remove your sunglasses before you leave the service area. You can be temporarily blinded by approaching lights. two, or even several seconds, for your eyes to readjust you are faced with severe glare (as from a driver who doesn’t lower the high beams, or a vehicle with misaimed headlights), slow down a little. Avoid staring directly into the approaching lights. traffic, make occasional glances over the line that one of the vehicles isn’t starting past the bright lights, give your eyes time High Beams If the vehicle approaching you has its high beams on, signal by flicking yours to high and then back headlight beams. If the other driver still doesn’t lower the beams, resist the temptation to put your high beams on. This only makes two half-blinded drivers. On a freeway, use your high beams only in remote areas where you won’t impair approaching drivers. In some places, like cities, using high beams is illegal. When you follow another vehicle on a freeway or highway, use low beams. True, most vehicles now have day-night mirrors that enable the driver to reduce glare. But outside mirrors are not behind can bother the driver ahead. A Few More Night Driving Suggesiions Keep your windshield and all the glass Glare at night is made much worse by dirt the glass can build inside glass surfaces very filmy and can Dirty glass makes lights dazzle and flash more than clean glass would, making the pupils of your eyes contract repeatedly. You might even want

up a film caused by dust. Tobacco smoke also makes

to low beam. This is the usual signal to lower the

be a vision hazard

of this type and high beams from

on your vehicle clean-inside and out.

on the glass. Even the inside of

if it’s left there.



if you need to clean

of a roadway when you are

in your vehicle

keep a cloth and some glass cleaner your glass frequently. Remember that your headlights light up far less in a turn or curve. Keep your eyes moving; that way, it’s Just as your headlights should be checked regularly for proper aim, your eyes be examined regularly. Some drivers suffer from night blindness-the Driving in the Rain

inability to see in dim light-and aren’t even aware of it.

easier to pick out dimly lighted objects.

so should


to go slower and be cautious

if your tires don’t have much tread left, you’ll get even

Rain and wet roads can mean driving trouble. On a wet road you can’t stop, accelerate or turn as well because your tire-to-road traction isn’t on dry roads. And, less traction. It’s always wise are driving. The surface may get wet suddenly when your reflexes are tuned for driving on dry pavement. The heavier the rain, the harder blades are and traffic signals, pavement markings, the edge people walking. Road spray can especially if it comes from a dirty road.

it is to see. Even in good shape, a heavy rain can make it harder

often be worse for vision than rain,

if rain starts to

if your windshield wiper

to see road signs

of the road, and even

as good as

fall while you


So it is wise to keep your wiping equipment in windshield washer tank filled. Replace your windshield wiper inserts when they show signs of streaking or missing areas on the windshield, rubber start to separate

good shape and keep

from the inserts,

or when strips of


Driving too fast through large water puddles or even going through some car washes can cause problems, avoid puddles. But

too. The water may affect your brakes. if you can’t, try to slow down before you hit them.


Try to

in a quick Wet brakes can cause accidents. They won’t work well stop and may cause pulling to one side. You could lose control of the vehicle. After driving through a large puddle of water or a car wash, apply your brake pedal lightly until your brakes

work normally.

build up under

Hydroplaning Hydroplaning is dangerous. So much water can they can actually ride on the water. This can happen enough and you’re going fast enough. When your vehicle is hydroplaning, has little or no contact with the road. You might not without realizing your tires aren’t in constant contact with the road. find out the hard way: when you have you get hit by a gust

be aware of hydroplaning. You could drive along for some time

of wind. You could suddenly find yourself out

to slow, turn, move out to

if the road is wet

your tires that


You could pass-or if of control.


if your tires haven’t much tread if a lot of water is

low. It can happen

Hydroplaning doesn’t happen often. But it can or if the pressure in one or more is standing on the road. If you can see reflections from trees, telephone poles, or other vehicles, and raindrops “dimple” the water’s surface, there could be hydroplaning. Hydroplaning usually happens on higher speed roads. There just isn’t a hard and fast rule about hydroplaning. The best advice is to slow down when raining, and be careful. Some Other Rainy Weather Tips

it is


You may want to use

if it’s raining hard.

Turn on your headlights-not just your parking lights-to help make more visible to others. Look for hard-to-see vehicles coming from behind. your headlights even in daytime Besides slowing down, allow some extra following distance. And be especially careful when you pass another vehicle. Allow yourself more clear room ahead, and be prepared to have your view restricted by road spray. If the road spray Don’t pass until conditions improve. Going more slowly is better than having an accident. Use your defogger Have good tires with proper tread depth. (See “Tires” in the Index.)

if it helps.

is so heavy you are actually blinded, drop back.


Your Driving and the Road

Driving in Fog, Mist and Haze



so mild that you

it might be so thick to

if the taillights are harder to see, the

“read” the fog density

it can be a major hazard.

down the road. If the vehicle ahead

Fog can occur with high humidity or heavy frost. It can be can see through it for several hundred feet (meters). Or that you can see only a few feet (meters) ahead. It may come suddenly an otherwise clear road. And When you drive into a fog patch, your visibility will be reduced quickly. The biggest dangers are striking the vehicle ahead or being struck by the one behind. Try to starts to become less clear or, at night, fog is probably thickening. Slow down to give traffic behind you a chance slow down. Everybody then has a better chance ahead. A patch of dense fog may extend only (kilometers); you can’t really situation with extreme care. One common fog condition-sometimes happen in weather that seems perfect, especially at night or morning in valley and low, marshy areas. You thick, wet haze that may even coat your windshield. You can often spot these fog patches or mist layers with your headlights. But sometimes they can be waiting for you as you come over a hill your windshield wipers and washer to help clear accumulated road dirt. Slow down carefully.

called mist or ground fog-can

for a few feet (meters) or for miles in it. You can only treat the

or dip into a shallow

tell while you’re

in the early

can be suddenly enveloped in

to avoid hitting the vehicle

valley. Start



a light buildup of moisture on the

if your vehicle has them.

off the water droplets that

fog lights

on Driving in Fog get caught in fog, turn your headlights on low beam, even in daytime. see-and be seen-better. Use your

Tips If you You’ll Don’t use your high beams. The light will bounce make up fog and reflect back at you. Use your defogger. In high humidity, even inside of the glass will cut down on your already limited visibility. Run your on the windshield wiper and washer occasionally. Moisture can build up outside glass, and what seems to be fog may actually be moisture on the outside of your windshield. Treat dense fog as an emergency. Try to find a place course you want to respect another’s property, but you might need to put something between you and moving vehicles-space, trees, telephone poles, a private driveway, anything that removes you from other traffic. If visibility is near zero and you must stop but are unsure whether you are away from the road, turn your lights and sound your horn at intervals or when you hear approaching traffic. Pass other vehicles in fog only safely. Even then, be prepared to delay your pass if you suspect the fog is worse up ahead.

if you can see far enough ahead to pass

on, start your hazard warning flasher,

If other vehicles try

to pass you, make

it easy for them.

to pull off the road. Of


Your Driving and the Road

City Driving


of traffic on them.

to watch out for what the other drivers are doing and pay

One of the biggest problems with city streets is amount You’ll want attention to traffic signals. Here are ways

to increase your safety

in city driving: to get to where you are going. Try

not to drive

of the city just as you would

Know the best way around trying to pick out a familiar street or landmark. Get a city map and plan your trip into an unknown part a cross-country trip. Try to use the freeways that rim and crisscross most large cities. You’ll save time and energy. (See the next section, “Freeway Driving.”) Treat a green light as a warning signal. A traffic light is there because light turns green, and just the corner before you start to move, check both ways for vehicles that have not cleared the intersection or may be Obey all posted speed limits. But remember that they are for ideal road, weather and visibility conditions. You may need to drive below the posted limit in bad weather or when visibility is especially poor. Pull to the right (with care) and stop clear or hear emergency vehicles.

running the red light.

of intersections when you see

to need it. When a

is busy enough



Freeway Driving

of the other drivers are

Mile for mile, freeways (also called thruways, parkways, expressways, turnpikes, or superhighways) are the safest of all roads. But they have their own special rules. The most important advice on freeway driving is: Keep up with traffic and keep to the right. Drive at the same speed most driving. Too-fast or too-slow driving breaks a smooth traffic flow. Treat the left lane on a freeway as a passing lane. Entering the Freeway At the entrance there is usually a ramp that leads a clear view of the freeway as you drive along the entrance ramp, you should begin to check traffic. Try to determine where you expect with the flow. find a gap as you move along the entering lane and time your approach. Try to merge into the gap at close signal, check your rearview mirrors as you move along, and glance over your shoulder as often as necessary. Try Driving on the Freeway Once you are on the freeway, adjust your speed prevailing rate if it’s slower. Stay you are on a two-lane freeway, treat left lane as the passing lane. If you are on a three-lane right lane as the slower-speed through lane, the middle lane higher-speed through lane, and the left lane as the passing lane.

If traffic is light, you may have no problem. But

in the right lane unless you

to the posted limit or

as the

to the prevailing speed. Switch on your turn

the right lane as the slow lane and the

to blend smoothly with the traffic flow.

to blend if it is heavy,

to the want to pass. If

freeway, treat the

to the freeway. If you have


Your Driving and the Road


on to the

to move into the

of the

to move slightly slower at night.

there isn’t another vehicle in your “blind” spot.

Before changing lanes, check your rearview mirrors. Then use your turn signal. Just before you leave the lane, glance quickly over your shoulder make sure If you are moving from an outside to a center lane on a freeway having more than two lanes, make sure another vehicle isn’t about same spot. Look at the vehicles two lanes over and watch for telltale signs:
