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tkparking brake. is released.


Fog Lamps (If Equipped)

Use your fog lamps for better &ion in foggy or misty conditi.ons. Your parking lamps or low-beam headlamps must be on for your fog lamps to. work.

The fog lamp switch is on tne Instrument panel under the lamp switches. Press the side of the. switch with the fog lamp symbol to turn the fog lamps on. Press OFF to turn them off. A light will glow in the switch when the fog lamps are on. Remember, fog lamps alone will not give off as much light .as your headlamps. Never use your fog lamps in the dark without turning on your headlamps. Fog lamps will go off whenever your high-beam headlamps come on. When the high-beam headlamps go off, the fog lamps will come on agah. Interior Lamps Brightness Control Turn the.switch next to the headlamp switch up to make your ,instrument panel and transfer case lights brighter. Turn the switch all the way up to. turn on the. interior lamps.

. . .


Mirrors Inside Daymight Rearview Mirror

Turn the INT LIGHTS d i m e r switc;h up until it clicks- to tugn on the dome lamp.

Press the tab under the .mirror to .reduce glare ftom headlamps behind you..


Outside Manual Adjust Mirror Adjust your outside mirrors so you can just see the side of your vehicle. You can fold them before entering a car wash. P.dl the mirrors in toward the vehicle. Push the mirrors back out when finis.he.d. Power Remote Control Mirror

The control is located .on the driver’s door armest. Turn the control to L or R to choose the mirror, then press the arrows on the outside switch ring to adjust the mirror.

Convex Outside Mirror Yo.ur passenger’s side mirror is convex; A convex mirror’s surface i s curved so you can see more from the driver’s seat.

A convex mirror can make things (like other vehicles) look farther away than they really are. If you cut too sharply into the right lane, you could hit a vehicle on your right. Check your inside mirror or glance over your shoulder before changing lanes.

Storage Compartments Glove Box To open your glove box, squeeze the lever at the top of the glove box and lower the door. Two cup depressions are provided for your convenience, but the glove box should not be open while driving.


Door Storage You will find a storage compartment on each door. Front Storage Area

If your vehicle has the center armrestcompartment, lift the cover .to expose the storage area which slots f6r cassettes and a coinholder. Some vehicles may have a storage pocket on the- back of the bucket or 60/40 bench seats.

If yaur vehcle has this-c.ons.ole compartment, squeeze the front lever while lifting the top to :open It. You can store cassettes in the slQts in the front of the compartment: If you have a compact disc player, you may store compact discs inside the console.

Ashtrays, and. Cigarette .Lighter The front:ashtray c:ornpletely pulled out to the open position before the ashtr-ay cover 0pen.s and smoking. material can be deposited.


Don't put papers and other things that burn into your ashtray. If you do, cigarettes or other smoking materiai-s eodd set them on fire causing damage.

TO remove the front ashtray, lift the release tab as high as possible, then remove the tray. To use, the lighter, press it in all the way, and let go. When it's rezdy, it will pop back by itself.



Don't hold a cigarette lighter in with your hand while it is heating. If you do, it won't be able to back-away from the heating element when it% feady, That can make it overload, damaging the lighter and the heating element.

I TO block out gl.are, you can swing down the top and

bottom.visors? You can also swing the bottom visor from side to side. Your vis'ors may have an extensimthat can be pulled our for additional glare protection and a strap for holding. small items, such as 'maps. Visar 'Vanity Mirror Full the sun visor down and lift the. cover to e.xpose tbe vanity mirror.


Illuminated Visor Vanity Mirror (If Equipped)

Accessory Power Outlets (If Equipped) If y.ou have accessory power outlets, you can plug-in auxiliary electrical equipment. The acc'essary power outlets are located below the cigarette lighter. Just pull down from the: top of the door and follow the proper installatian instructions that are included with any equipment you install. These circuits are protected by a fBSe . maximum current levels.

and. have

Pull the sun vkor down and lift the mirror cover to turn on the lamps.


When using the accessory power outlets, maximum electrical load must not .exceed 25 amps. Always turn off any electrical equipment when not in use. Leaving electrical equipm-ent on far extended periods will drain your battery.

Instrument Panel

A. Air Vents. B . Instrument Cluster C. Electronic Transfer Case

(If .Equipped)

D. Comfort Controls

E. Glove Box E Ashtray G. Cigarette LighterPower


Outlets (If Equipped)


H. Storage Compartment

I. Audio System J. Lamp Controls K. Brake Release Fog Lamps

(If Equipped)


Instrument Panel .Cluster Your instrument clwstef is designed to let you know at a gl-ance how yollr vehicle is running.,. You'll h o w how fast you% goi~g, about how much firel you've use$,.. and many other things you'll need to -how to drive safely .and ec~onomically.






P R N O D 2 1 I n D o ' o n r l

Standard Cluster




Optional Cluster


Speedometer and Odarneter Your speedomexer le~yycru see your speed in both miles per hour (mph) and- kilometers per hour. (kdh). Your .odometer shows how far your vehicle has been drives in .either miles ( u s d i n the United States) or kilometers (mxl in Canada). Your odometer is tamper re-sistmt.. It will show ..silver.lines between: the numbers- if solneorie tries .to turn it back. You may wonder what happens ifyour vehicle needsa new o:dometer instalIe:& If fh-e new' m e can b.e :set to- the mikage total, ofthe old odometer, then it must be. But if it can't, .thell it's set at -zero, ahd. a label must be put on the- dtivef's door to show the :.old mileage reading when the new OdQImteK was instakd.

P i p Odometer The trip odameter can tell you how fx. your vehicle has been driven since you last set the trip adorn-eter t.0 zero. To set th,e trip adumeter to zero, press the button near the :restd-ou-t.- Tachometer- [If '&pipped) The tachometer displays the engine speed in revolutions per minute (rpm,).

Esch tadmrneter has a different limit dep.ending:.on the powertrain in your vehicle. The tachometer has -three areas: normal operating raqge, red warning range and red. dan-ger range.



Do not operate the eqgin.e with the tachornetwin the red range, OF engine damage will QCCUT.

-Warning Lights, Gages and Indicators This part-describes the warn-ing lights and gages that .may be on your vehicle. The pictures will help you .locate them. Warning lights and gages dan signal that somexhing is wrong before it becomes serious enough to cause an expensive repair or replacement. Paying attention to your warning iights and gages could also Save you or others from'injury. Warning lights come ofi when there- may be or is a 'problem with one of your vehic-le's Eurictions. As y0.u will see in the detailson the next few pages, some warning lights come on briefly when you start the engine jitst'to.Jet you know they're working. If y0.u are familiar with thi.s. section, you should-.not-be alarmed when this happens. Gages. can indicate when there .may be. or is a problem with one.of-:your vehicle's €unctions. Often gages and warning lights work togethex to let you.-know when there's a prabklem with your vehicle:.

The :safety bekt light will also C C ~ on a d stay -on €or .ab.out 20 seconds, then it will-flash for about 55 seconds. Tf the driver's belt is already buckled, neither th:e tone- nor the fight will come ,on.

._ . .


Air Bag. Readiness-L-ight There is '.an air hag readines.s light on the instrumen-t panel, which shows A1R.BA.G. The syste.m checks the. air. bag's electrical system for malfunction-s. The light ,tells .you, if thereis -an ekctrical pmbkm. The system check ificlndes .the ak bag sensors, the ,air bag. nzQdule, the wiring. and the diagnostic module. For- more infcjrmation on the air bag system, s,ee "Air Bag" in the Index.

'This, light will come on when you start your engine, and it will flash for a few -seconds. Then the light :should go Out.. This means ,the system is r"eady.


If-tbe air bag readiness light stays on afterylau start the efi.gine or c.omes on wh&n you are drivingj. yo.ur air bag s.ystem may not work properly. Have :your vehicle serviced right away.

The air bag readiness light sho.uid. flash.for a few seconds when you turn the. ignition key to RUN. If the light doesn't come on. then, have it- fixed SO it will be ready to warn you if there is a problem.


The charging system light will c.ome on briefly when you turn on the ignition, but the engine is not -running, as- ,a cheek to show -you it is- working.

1t:should go .out once the engine. is Iuming. If it stays on, or corms on while you are driving; you may have a problem with the chargigg system. It c'ould. indicate that you have problems with a generator ,dsive belt, or %math& ekctrical probIern. Have it checked right away. Driving whilethis light is. on could drain ,your b.attery. If you must drive a short distance. with the light an, be, certain to turn. off all your wxssories, .such as the radio a d a i r conditioner.

Voltmeter Gage

When your engine is not runqjng, bllt the ignition is on (in the.RUN position), this gage shows your battery's state of charge-in DC volts.

Reading.s in either warning zone indicate a pdss.ible problem- in the electrical :system. Have the whick s;erviced .as som as. possible.

.Brake System WarningLlght ‘Your v&iiele”s hydraulic brake system is divided into- .two pam. If one part’t working, thc other part. can -still work and stop you. For go.od haking, though, you need both parts working well. ‘If the warning. light comes- an, thae could be a brake problem. Have ymr brake system inspected right -away.


This li.ght shouId came on briefly when you turn the ignition key to RUN. If it do-e-sn’ t come on then, have it fixed so it will be ready to warn you if t11ei3e7.s 8 problem..


Your brake sysrem may not be working properly if the brake system warning light is on. Driving with the brake system warning light on can lead to an accident. If the light is still on after you’ve pulled off the road and stopped carefully, have the vehicle towed for service.

.When the ignition is on, the brakesystem warning light will also c0rn.e oa when yo.u.:set y.@ur parking brake. The light will stay .on if your parking brake doesn’t release fully. If it stays on after your parking brake is fully -released, it means you have a brake problem.

If the light camcs .gn while you are- driving, pull off the road aid stop carefully. You may notice ,that the pedal is .harder-t=o push. Or, the pedal may $0 closer to the floor. ‘kmay ‘take ionger to. stop. If the-light is sail1 on, have the- vehicle tawed for service, (S:ee- “Towing Your Vehicle”’. in the Index.)


Anti-Lock Brake System Warning., Light, 1 With the anti-lock brake

system, this Light will come on when. yau start .youx engine and may stay


Engine Coolant Temperature -Gage

This gage shows the..engin-e coolant temperature, If the

moves -into

It means that your engine:co‘olant has overheated. Ifyou have been operating your vehicle grrtder .normal driving should ‘the foad, stop your C.ondifions, y ~ u vehicle. and tm off the engine as soon as possible. In “ on the Road,r’ this mangal shows you what to do. See “Engine Ovefheittit~g” in the Index.


Malfunction Indicator Lamp (Service Engine Soon Li-ght)'


Yaw vehicle is eq-uipped with a computer which monitors .operation of the fuel, igniti.on and ernis-sion control systems.

If you keep driving your vehicle with this-light on, ,after a while,- your ernitision controls may not work as: well, your fuel economy may not be as- good and your engine may not run as. smoothly. This could lead to. costly repairs that may not be covered by your warranty.


This .system is called OBD I1 (On-Board Diagnostics-Second Generation) and. is intended to .assure that ernisstons are. at acceptable levels,fo.r the l-ife of the vehicle, helping to produce a clearier environment, (In Canada,:OBD I1 is replaced by Enhanced Diqgnostics.) The SERVICE ENGINE SOON light comes on to indicate that there is a-problem..ancl service is require-d. Malfunctions often will be indicated by the system before .any proble,m is apparent. This may prevent more serious. damage t o your vehicle. This system is al-so designed to assist your servi:ce:technician in correctly di-agnosing any malfunction.

This light should ceme on, as a check to show you it is working, when the ignition is on and the engine is not running. If the light doesn't come an, have-it repaired. This light will also come on during a malfuncti-on in one of two ways:

Light Flashing -- A misfire condition has been detected. A misfire increases vehicle-emis-sions and may damage the emission control-system on your vehicle. Dealer or qualified service center diagnosis and service is'required. L&ht On: Steady -- .An erni,ssion control system malfunction has been detected on your vehicle. Dealer or qualified service center diagnosis. and service may b:e required.

If the Light Is-Flashing The EolloMiling may prevent- mare. serious damage. to your vehicle: e Reducing vehicle speed. 0 Avoiding hard accekrations. a Avoiding steep uphill grades.

If the L,ight Is On Steady Y~u'may be able to correct the erni.ssion system malfunction by considering the following: Did you recently put fuel into your vehicle? If so, reinstall the. fuel cap, making sure to' fully install the :cap. The diagmstic. determine ifthe fuel ciap has been left off or improperly installed. A&ose ar

The oil pressure gage shows the -engine oil pressure in psi (poutlds pet square inch) when theen@ne is running.


Don't Keep driving if the oil pressure is.Iow.'If yowdo, your engine can become sa, hot that it catc-hes fire.-You or others could be burmd. .. Che-ck your oil as soon as possible and have your vehicle serviced.


Damage to your engine from neglected oil probkms.can be- costly and is. not covered by' your warranty.

Shift Light

Check Gages Light.

You have the SHIFT light if you have a manual transmission. This light comes- on very briefly as a bulb check wh-en you start the engine. Shifting when the indicator light is on will help you get the best fuel economy. See “Shift Light” in the Index.


Daytime Running Lamps Indicator Light


This light is ,on the instrument panel. It goes on whenever the DIU are on, the ignition is on, the headlamp switch is off and the parking brake- is released.


The CHECK GAGES light will come on briefly when y9u are starting the engine.


If the light comes on and stays on while you are driving, check your coolant temperature and engine oil pressure gages to see if they are in the warning zones.


When the ignition is on, the fuel gage-tells you about how ,much fuel you have remaining.



Section 3 Comfort Controls and Audio Systems

In this section, you’ll find out how to operate the comfort control and audio systems offered with your vehicle; Be sure to read about the particular systems supplied with your vehicle.

3-2 3 -2 3-3 3-4 3 -4 3 -4 3-5 3 -6 3 -6 3-6


Comfort Controls Standard Climate Control System Optional Climate Control Syste-m Air Conditioning (Option) Heating Ventilation System Defogging and Defro.sting Audio Systems Setting the Clock Setting the Clock for AM-FM Stereo with Compact Disc- Player and Automatic Tone Control AM-FM Stereo



3- 13

3-17 3-19 3-19 3-20 3-21 3-21

AM-FM Stereo with Cassette Tape Player (If Equipped) AM-FM Stereo with Cassette Tape PlayeT and Equalizer (If Equipped) AM-FM Stereo with Compact Disc Player and Automatic Tone Control (if Equipped) Theft-Deterrent Feature Understanding Radio Reception Tips About Your Audio System Care of Your Cassette Tape Player Care of Your Compact Discs Fixed Mast Antenna


Cumfort Controls With these systems, you can control the heating, cooling and ventilation in your vehis1.e; Standa.rd Climate Control System

Fan Control The. switch withdx fan synib-01 changes the'-fan speed. To increasethe $an -speed,, move the switch upward t6wa.$d HI. To decrease the fan spe-ecl, move-the switch. downward toward LO,

Tempe. lure Knob . . h o b regulates the temperature .af the air The: upper c:omi.n-g through the system. Turn the knob clockwise for warmer air. Turn the knob countellclockwi,se-.%or cooler air. Mode Knob The lower knob allows you to c.11oose the direction of air delivery. OFF: This setting. turns-off all heating functions. Some outside air will still come out of the heater outlet wlrenever the: vehicle is moving forward. /J VENT: This setting directs airflow thmogh the ins-trument p.anel outlets. +fl BI-LEVEL: This setti'ng directs air through the - b e heater floor outlets and the-instrument palxel outkts. +fl HEATER.: This setting directs warm.ed air through the h-eater floor outlets and windshield defmstef outlets. w. +' BLEND: Airflow is divided equally between the he.ater floor autiet and the- windshield. defro~skr outlets. DEFROST This setting directs mbsf air thraugh the windshield defroster ootlits. and sixhe through the heater outlets.

Optional Climate Control System

Mode. Knob The lower knob allows you to choose the direction of aif delively. OFF: This setting turns the system off. Some outside air will still enter the vehicle whenever the vehicle i.s tnsving foxward. MAX. A/C: This setting maximum coo, with the 1east:amount of wor,k. MAX A/C recircalates m.uch of the air-inside your vehicle so it c001.s quickly. A/%: This setting cools the air erite-kng your vehicle and directs it through th,e instrument pxnel outlets.

The switch with the:fan symbol changes the fan speed. To.increase the f a speed, rnove.the s-witch upwatd towai-d HI. To -de.g-e.ase the fan speed, move the. swi.tch downward toward Lo.

Temperature Kmb The uppe-r kn0.b regulates the .temperature of the air corning thfuugh'the system. Turn the knob clchAwisc far warmer air. Turn the knab counterclockwise for cbolet air.

BI-LEVEL A K : Air is delivered thTough the

I, a. 3.. #' heater iloor outlets 8s well as the instmnent panel outlets. /.I VENT: This setting directs airflow thr-ough the instrument panel outlets. The air conditioning compresso~ is not working when VENT is selected. + ' , HEATER: This s-etting directs warmed air th,rough the heater floor outlets an-d winds-hield defroster outlets. +' BLEND: Airflow is divided -equalfybetween the heater floor outlet and the windshield defroster outlets. %? DEFROST This setti-ng direct,s ~ O S C air. through th,e windshield- defroster ou-tkts .and Some thmugh the heater owlets.


Heating The heater -works best i f ' p u keep; you^ windows ck whi1.e using it.. On cold days, us.e HEATER with the temperature knob-turned clockwise. BLEND iS .useful in cool weather when you have fog or ice on the wind-shield or side windows. If yoLuse the- optional engirie coolant'heater before starting your engine, your heating system will produce warmer air fasier to heat the,pa,ssenger compartmgent in cold. weather, 'S-ee "Engine Coolmt'Heater'' in the' Index, Ventilation System For mild outsid&:V3npaature:s when little heating or c-ooling is needed, me VENT to: direct sir through your vehic1.e. Airflow is tllrough the'ihnstrumalt panel outlets. Your vehicle's ventilation gystem supplies outside air to the inside of your vehick wkin it i s moving,. When the .vehicle is not rn0vin.g you can-get outside ~r to ilow -through by selecting any mode and an.y fan ,

Air Conditioning (Option)


0 Keep the hood and front air inlet free of ice, snow or

any other obstruction (such as 1eave.s). The heater and defroster will work-far better, reducing the chance of fogging the inside- of your windows.

a When you enter a vehicle in cold:weather, move the €an control to HI for a few moments. before driving- off. This helps clear the intake ducts of snow and moisture, and re-duces the chance of fogging .the inside of your windows. Keep the air path under the front se.ats clear of objects. This he1p.s air to- circulate throughout your vehicle.

Defogging and- Defrosting On cool, Ilumid days, use BLEND to keep me windshield and side windows clear. Use DEFROST to remove fog or ice from the windshield quickly .in extreme humid or .cold conditions. Turn the temperature knob clockwise ,and move the fan control toward H I ,

You can mote the,outkts to direct the. flow of air; Gr cl.os;e the out1et.s altogether. When you Close an outlet, it. will increase the flow of air coming out p;.f any outl.ets that are open.

Your Delco@ audio system has -been designed to operate easily afid give years df 1iste.hg pleasure. You will.,get the mast enjoyment out of it if yuu acquaint yourxelf with It first. Find out what your Delco system can do and how to operate-all its coatr.ols, to be swe you're getting the most 0-ut of the advanced erigineerhg that went into it. Setting the Clock Press SET. Within five seconds, press and hold SEEK uri-ti1 the correct minute appears on the. display. Press and hoId SCAN -until the ccmect hour appears on the di,splay.

Press and, hold HR until the correct hour appears .on the display. Press and hold.MIN until the correct minute appears on the display. To display the clock with the ignition off, pres-s RECALL and .the time will be displayed for -a €ew seconds, There is an initial two-sec-ond delay before-the goes into the time-set mode.


Playing the .Radio. PWR-VOL: This knob turns :the system on .and. off -and controls the volume. To increase. volulme, turn the h o b clockwise. Turn it counterclockwise to decrease volume. RECALL: Display the time. with the ignition off by plxessing this knob. 'When the radio is .playing, press this knob to r e d 1 the station frequency.

Finding a Station AM-FM: Press the lower knob to switch between, AM and F M . The display shows your selection. TUNE: Turn the lower knob to tune in radio stations. SEEK: Press this button to go to the next higher station land stop. ' 1 'SCAN: Press this button to listen to. each station for a few seconds. The fadio will go to the next station, stop for a few seconds, then go to the next station. SCAN will appear on the display. Press SCAN again to stop scanning. PUS.HBUTTONS: The four numbered pushbuttons let you return to your favorite stations. You can set up to 14 stations (seven AM and seven FM). Fist: 1. Turn the radio on. 2. Press AM-FILI to select the band. 3. Tune in the desired station. 4. Press SET. (SET will appear on the display.) 5. Press one of the four pushbuttons, within five

seconds. Whenever you press that numbered button, the station you set will return.

6. Repeat the steps for each pushbutton.

In addition to the-four stations already set, up to three more stations may be preset on each band by pressing. two adjoining buttons at the same time. Just: 1. Tune in the desired station. 2. Press S-ET. (SET will appear on the display.) 3. Press two adjoining pushbuttons at the same time, within five seconds. Whenever you press the same two buttons, the station you set will return.

4. Repeat the steps for each pair of pushbuttons.

Setting the Tone BASS: Slide this lever up- or down to increase or decrease bass. TREBLE: Slide this lever up or down to .increase or decrease treble. If a station is weak or noisy, you may want to decrease the treble.

Adjusting the Speakers BAL: Turn the control behind the upper knob to move the sound to the left or right speakers. The middle position balances the sound between. the speakers. FADE: Turn the control behind. the lowex knob to move the sound to the front or rear speakers. The middle position balances the sound between the speakers.


AM-FM Stereo with Cassette Tape Player (If Equipped)

Playing the Radio PWR-VOL: This knob turns the system on and off and controls- the- volume, To increase volume, turn the knob. clockwise. Turn it countetclsckwise to. decrease vol~me-. RCL: Display the time with the ignition off by pressing thi-s knob. When the radio is playing,.press this knob to recall the station freq,uency.


Finding a Station .AM-FM: Press the lower knob to switch betwe-en AM and FM. The display shows your selection. TUNE: Turn the lower knob to tune in radio stations, SEEK: Press this button to go to the next higher station and stay there. SCAN: Press this button to listen to each station for a few seconds, The radio will go to the next station, stop for a few seconds, then go to the ne.xt station. SCAN will appear on the display. Press SCAN again to stop scanning. PUSHBUTTONS: The four numbered p-ushbuttons let you return to your favorite. stations. You can set up to 14 stations (seven AM and seven FM). Just: 1. Turn the radio on. 2. Press AM-FM to select the band. 3. Tune in the desired slation, 4. Press SET. (SET will appear on the display.) 5. Press one of the four pushbuttons, within five

seconds. Whenever you press that numbered button, the stalion you set will return.

6. Repeat the steps for each pushbu.tton.

1. Tune in the desired st.ation. 2. Press SET. (SET will .appear on the display.) :3. Pres-s two ackjoini~ngpuslibuttixis at.tksame-time, within five .s&mds. Whenever you press the s-arne two butto.ns, the statim yau set will return.

fox each. pair of pushhttons.

4: Repeat the s~~eps Sktting ths Tone BASS.: $lid.e this lexr u p r .down to,-increase or decrease bass. TREBLE: Slide this lever up,or down to- increase or decrease .treble. If a stati0.n is we.& or noisy, y.ou:may want to decrease the treble.

FADE: Turn the control behind. the h the sound to the front or rear speakers. The .middle position balances the souhd between the speakers.

knob to move

Playing a Cassette Tape Your tape player is built to work best with tapes that are 30. to 45 minutes tong 0.n each si-&- Tapes longer than that are- so thin they may not work well in this player. Once the tape, is. playing, use the PWR-VOL, BAL Qnd FADE knobs just as yob do for the radioi A lighted arrow will-be displayed to show tape play direc.ti;on. FORWARD: Press the arrow button in the direcrian that the lighted arrow points to advance qui.c-kly t o another part of the tape. Press STOP-EECT lightly to-stop forwarding and play the tape. REVERSE: Press the arrow button in the direction that the lighted arrow points to reverse qGckly to another part of the tape. Press STOP-EJECT lightly to stop revefsing:and play the tape. PROG: PESS. this knob to-go from: m e si-de of the tape to the other. STOP-EJECT Press this button eo re.rnove the tape or -stop 'phying the. tape ijn .ordet to play'the radio. Lf you 1e;ave a cassette tape in the player while :listening to the, radio, it may :bec:ome w@m.


AM-FM Stereo with Cassette Tape Player and Equalizer (If Equipped)

.Playing the- Radio PWR-VOL: This knob turns the system on and oftand c,ontrols the vnl.ume. To increase volume, turn the knob el.ockwise. Turnit counterdo-ckwise to decrease v~olurne. RCL: Disp1.a~ the time with the ignition off by presshg .this kxiob. When the r.adio is playing, press this kn0.b to recall station frequency.

AM-ST Press this button to tune an AM station that ..broadcasts in ste.reo. Your STEREO. light wiIl come on when you’re receiving AM stereo. If you press AM-ST and there- is no more noise, it ‘means the station is weaki You’ll hear the bewr if YOU do not use AM-ST. Press the button again to turn off stereo. ~Firrding a Station AM-FM: Press the lower knob to switch between AM and FM. The display shows your selection. TUNE: Turn the lower knob to tune in .radio stations. $EEK: Press this button to go to the ne-xt higher station and stay there. SCAN: Pr.ess thisbutton to listen to each station fgr a few seconds. The radio will go to the next statiofl, stop for a few seconds, then go to the next station. SCAN will appear-on the display. Press SCAN again to .stop scanning.


2. pres.^ select the bana. -3. 'Tune in the desired station. 4, Pres-s SET. (SET will appear on the display,)

BAL: Tnrfi. the. cmtrol b-ehiad the knob to move .the sound to the- Ieft mright The middIe positian balances the -soundL between the speakem FADE:: Turn the control. behind the ?.Qwer knob to move- the stjund to the froat or r e g speakers. The, middle- position balances the .sound between the speakers.

Cr02: This buttbn lets- you ser me system for the type or casse.tte being used- :If you, we using chrome ow metal tapes, p r e s the button in. PROG: Press this knob to go fi-om one side of the tape to the other. STOP-E JECE Press this button-to remove the tape-aii stop playing, the tape in order t0 play the raaio. If you leave a cassette tape in the player while listening to {he fadio, it may become warm. Your Delco system ma,y be able toxeceive C-QUAhd@ stereo broadcasts.. Many AM statiomaround the country use C-QUAM to produce stereo althaugh some do not. C-QUAM is a re-gistered trademark of'.Motmo,la, h c . If your system can get C-QUAM Sign.als, your STEREO light will come on when you a e receiving stere:o.

SEARCH: .Press this; b.utton--to the recessed position.. Press the-lighted arrow to skip tQ the-next..selection. Pres the opposite direction . ~ Q W the cun-ent'selection QY skip to the pTevious seIectim.

that knot: lighted to replay


AM-FM Stereo with Compact Disc Player and Automatic Tone Control (If Equipped)

Haying. the Radio PWR-VOL: Press: this k m b to turn the system on an-d off. To increase vohlme, turn the knob clockwise, Turn it: countercIockwise to decrease volume. The knob is capable of rotating continuously. RECALL.: Display the time with the ignition off by pressing thi-s button. When the radio is playing, press this button to recall the station frequ.ency. SCV: Your system has a feature called Speed-Compensated-Volumc (SCV). With SCV, your au.cli.0 system adjusts automat-ically t:, make u ~ , f ~ r road

and-wind .noise as you drive. Set the volume x t h e desired Ievel. Move the control ring behind the upper knob clockwise to adjust the SCV. Then; as you drive, SCV automatically increases the volume, as necessary, to overcome- noise at any particular speed. The volume level .should always sound the same to you as YOU. drive. If you don't want to w e SCV, turn. the control all the way down. Each detent on the co.nt1-ol ring allows for volume compensatio.n at -a fastm-ate of speed.

Finding a Station AM-FM: Press this button to swi.tch between AM, FMl and FM2. The display will show YOLII' selection. TUNE.: Press this knob lightly so it extends. Turn it to cho-ose radio. stations. Push the knob- back into its stored position when you're not using it.. SEEK: Press the right arrow to tune to the next higher srdtion and the left mow to tune to the next lower station and stay there. The sound wfl1 mute while seeking. SCAN: P r e s and hold; SEEK for two seconds until S,CAN appears on the display. SCAN allows you to Iisten to stations for a few seconds. The receiver will continue to scan -and lmmentarily stop at each station until you press the button again. The sound will mute while. scanning.

3- 13

PUSHBUTTOJW The six numbered pushbuttons let you return to:,your favorite s-tations. You can set up to 18 stations (six AM, six FM1 and six FM2). Just: 1. Torn .the radio on.

4. Pre-ss AUTO TONE t9 Select the Setting you prefer. -5. Press and hold a i e of the four puhbutto-ns. The-

souad will m-ute. When it returns, release the button. Wl1e.never you that numbered button, the station you set will.Teturn -and the tone you select-ed will be XatomaticaUy selected for that buttan.

6. Kepedt the steps for. each pushbuttun.


BASS: Press lightly on this knob tu release it from its stored positi.on. TLI~II the knob clockwise to increase bass and counterclockwise, to decrease bass. When the BASS colitrol is rotakd, the AUTO TONE setting will chmge to MAN. "TREB: Press lightly on this knob to release it from its stored position. Turn the knob clockwise to increase treble and counterclockwise to decrease treble. Whe.n the TREB con.h-oJ. is rotated, thc AUTO TONE. setting will change. to MAN. If a station is weak -or noisy, you may want to decrease the tteble. Push t h a e knobs back into their stored positi.ons when you'r-e not using than. AUTO TONE: Press this button to select among the five preset.-equalization s-ettings and tailor .the sound to the music or voice being heard. Ehch time you press th-e button, the selection will switch to one of the preset settings of CLASSIC-, NEWS, ROCK, POP or JAZZ. The display will shy.w which made the receiver is. in. To return to-the ~ ~ a n u a l mode, press and release this buttqn until. MAN appears 01.1 the. d:kplay. This wilI return the t0n.e adjnstment tQ the BASS and TREB- controls. If a BASS or TREB contfol is rotated, the AUTO TONE settingwill change to MAN.

BAL.: Press- lightly or-this k-noh to release- it from its stored position. 'Turn the control clodwise to adjust sound to the right speakers and counteTc1o;ckwise. to .adjust sound to the left speakers. The middle position balances the sound between the speakers. FADE: Press lightly on this knob to release it from its stored position. Turn the control clockwise to adjust the s.ound to the front and counterclockwise for the. rear speakers. The middle .position.balancas the sound .between the: speakers. Push these knobs hack into their stored positims when. you're not using them. FIay,ing a. Compact .Disc PWR: Press this: knob. to turn the system on. (Please ndte that you can also turn the system on when you insert a compact disc into the player with the- ignition on.) Insert a disc partway info the slot, label side up. The player will pull it in. Wait a few seconds- and the- disc. should plzy. CD and a CD symbol wiill also appear on the display. Anytime you are playing-a CD, the letters CD will be next to the CD symbod.




is designed to distlourage theft -of .yo-ur THEFTLOCK radio.. It works by wing a secret cod9. to disable all m&o functions whenever batrery power is- removed. The .THEFTLOCK feature for the radio may be used.. or igrrared. If igriofed,. the system plays. normally -and ~e :radio is not p t e c t e d by'the featufe, If THEFTLO'CM is activated, your radio will no.t operate if-stolen. When THEFTLOCK-is 8c.tivated;the-radio will display L0.C to in.&cate a 1ocked:conditian anytime battery power is re;lnoved. If YOU^ battery loses powerfor any rewon, you must unlock the radio with the seem code before it will op-erare.

The instructions which follow ,explain how to enter. your secfe't code to activate the THEFTLOCK system. It is recommended that. you read through all niad s,teps befure starting the procedure.

1. Write down any three or €our-digit:numbex from

000 to 199.9 and Beep it i.n a safe pla-ce separtite from the vehicle.

2. Turn the ignitbn t.0 ACCESSORY .or RUN. 3.. Turn the iradio off. 4. Press the 1 and 4 buttons .together. Hold them down until --- shdws on the display. Next you will use the: semet code number which you h-me. written d.own.

5. Press MN &ad 006' will ,appear on the Bisplay. 6. Pres:$ MN again to -mke the last two di.gits agree

7 . Press HR to make the first one or two digits agre:e your code.

with your c.ode.

8. Pres;s AM-FM after you have confirmed that the

code matches- the sixrat code. you Rave- written down. The ,display.will show REIp to 1e.t you know that ypu .need to repeat Steeps- 5 through 7 to confirm your secretwde.

IJn1ockin.g ,the ThefWeterrent Feature After a Power LOSS Enter -your secret c.ode as fsllows-; pause, n.0. more. than 1.5 -secbnds between steps: 1. LQC appears wheri the igni-ticm i s OD. 2. Press MN and 000. will appear oh the display. 3. Press MN again to make the last two digits agree

with your .code.

4. Press-HR to make the first one or- tvmdigits agree

with your code.

5. Press AM-FM after you h m e c0nfirrne.d .that the,

code matches the secret code you hav&written dawn. The display will show SEC, indi-ca-tin,g.the radio is now Qperable and se;cure.

If you enter the wrong code. eight times; INOP will appear on the.display. You will have-to wait an hour with th-e ignition on before ya.u can rry agah. try-again';you will only have-three chances tc, enter the. &-rect c.ode.before INC)P-appemsi-

Disabling the Theft-Deterrent Feat-ure Enter yoor secret-code as follows; pause no mor'e than 15 seconds between steps: 1. Turn the ignition to ACCESSORY or RUN. 2. Turn the. radio off. 3. Piess the 1 and 4 buttons together. Hold them aown

.until SEC shows--ox~

the display.

4. Press MNand 000 will appear cm the display. 5. PPess MNagain tu make the last two digits agree

with your Code.

6. Press I3.R to make the €irst one or two di@ zgree

with;yGur codei

7. Press AM-FM af1e.r yau have confirmed that the

code matches the secret code you have written down. indicating that the radio is The display will show - - - j no longer secured.

If the wde.. entered is .incorre.ct, SEC will appear on the display. The will remain secured until the correct code is entered. -When battery power is removed and later app1ie:d to a J secure.d radio, the radia won't. turn appearon the-display.

sind LOC will

To:unlock a secured radio, see "Unlrxking the Theft-Det-errent Feature After a Power Loss" earlier i.n this section.

ff" Stereo FM. ste.ere.0 will give. you the best sound. B.ut FM signals will reach only about 10 to 40 miles (16. to 65 km). Tall buildings or:hills can inte?fere with FM signals, causing. the sound to: dome and. go.

stxioris to intwfeit-with each other. AM can pick

AM The range for most AM stations i s greater than fm FM, especially at n.ight. The longer rangc, however, can c&e up noise from things like storms and pawer lines. Try reducing the treble-@ reduce this noise- if you ever get it. Tips About Your Au,dio System Hearing -damage from loud noise is almos1 undet.ectabk until it is too late, Your hearing. can .adapt to higher volumes of sound. Sound that seems normal c8n be loud and harmful to your hearing. Take. precautions by adjusting-the volume cuntrol, on your radio to a safe sound lwei before your hearing adapts to it.


e of Your Cassette Tape- Player

NOTXCE: vehicle -- like a tape player, CB radio, mobile Before you add. any sound equipment .to your telephone or two-way radio =- be sure you can add what you want. If you can, it’s very important to do it pruperly.-Added sound :equipment may interferewith the operation of .your ve.hicle’s engine, Delco;’ radio or other system-s, and -even damage them. Your vehicle’s systems may inteifere Mth the opemtion of sound eq~pnent that has heen added improperly. So, befamadding sound equipment, check with yo.ur dealer and be sure to check. Federal rules- coxering mobile .radib and telephone units.


Care of Your Compact IXscs



Section 4 Your Driving. and the- Road

Were-. you’ll find information ,ab.aut driving on different kinds o.frodds and in varyir@ weatkr-er c’oiiditians. We”ve ako inc1ude.d many other useful tips ;on driving.

4-2 4-3 4-6 4-6 4-5) 4-1 1 4-12 4-13 4-14 4-2.9 4-3..1 4-34 4-35

Defmsive.Driving Drunken Driving Control of a Vehicle Braking Steering Off-Road Recovery Passing Loss. of Control Driving Guidelines Diiving at-Night Driving in Rain .and on Wet Roads City Driving Freeway Driving

4-3 6 4-37 4 3 7 4-39 4-43


4--44- 4-49 4-49

B-ef6x.e Leaving- on a Long Trip Hi,ghway Hypnosis Hill and Mountain Roads Wint-eter DriviQg (Four-Wheel .Drive with: the. Manual Recreaii-ana;l Vehide Tbwing Shift Transfer Ca$e Only) Recreational Vehicle Towitlg (Except Four-wheel Drive with the Manud SMt Transfe-r Ca,s e) Loading Your Vehic1.e Pickup Conversion to Chassis Cab Towing a Trailer

Defensive Driving The best advice anyone can give about driving is: Drive defensively. Please start with a very important safety device in your vehicle: Buckle up.. (See “Safety Belts” in the Index.) Defensive driving- really me.ans “be ready €or anything.” On city streets, rural roads or freeways, it means “alw.ays expect the unexpected.’’ Assume that pedestrians or o,ther drivers are going to be careless and make mistakes. Anticipate what .they might do. Be ready for their mistakes. Rear-end collisions are about the most preventable of- accidents. Yet they,are common. Allow enough following distance. It’s the best defensive driving maneuver, in both city and-rural driving. You never know when the vehicle in front of you. is going to brake .or turn suddenly.


Drunken Driving Death and injury asscxiated with drinking md driving is a nati0n.a.l .tragedy. 11's the. riumber one c6ntjribLttor tQ the h.ighway de.ath toll, claiming thomands of victims .every year.



m Muscular Coordination

The BLo.o,d Alcohc\l Cowentratiorr (BAC) of someone who is drinking depends upon four things:

The'amount of alcohol .consume,d The.drinker 's- body weight The-:mount of fo:od that is a1 durin-g -drinking The length of time it has taken the drinber'to consumE the- alcohol.

Ac.cording tq the, AniGrican Medical. As:Sso.c.iati~n, a 18U-lb. (-8.2 kg) person wha drinks three. 12-ounce (3.55 ml) bottles, in an -hour will, end up with.-& BAC :of ab0u.t 0.06 perc.ent.-The person would reach the same BAC by drinking three &ounce (~120 rnl) glasses of wine or three mixed drinks if :ex& h a d . 1- 1/2 ~unces (45 ml) -.of.& liquor like. whiskey, .gin a~ vodka


Since alcohol is carried in body water, this rneansIthat a woman gerieitally will reach a higher BAC level t l i a a man of her s:ame body weight when each has -number of drinks. The law in many U.S. states sets the legal at P BAC of 0,l-0 percent. In a growing number af U S . stsltes, and throughout Canada, the limit is 0.08 percent. In surne other countries, if's even lower. The BAC limit for? all commercial drivers in the United-States is 0.04 percent. The BAC will be over 0.1'0 percent after three to six .drinks (in one hour). Of co.urse, as w e k seen, it depe.nds on haw muGh alcoho1.k in the &irk,. ana-how quickly the person drinks hem. But the ability to drive is affected well below a BAC of 0.10 percent. Research shows that the driving, skills of many peep-le are impaired at a BAC .approaching 0.05 percent, and that the effects are wo1s.e a f night. All: 'drivers are impaired at BAC-levels above 0.05 percent. Statistics show that the chance of being in a collision increases sharply for drivers who have a BAC of 0.05 ',percent or above. A driver with. a'BAC level of :0.06 percent- has doubledhis or her chance of haying- a cdolli&on. At a.BAC level of 0...10 percent? the chance of this drives having a collision is 12 times greater; at a level of 0. I5 percent, the chance is 25 times greater!

It% the- amount of alcohol that counts For. example, if the same person drank three double martiriis (3- ounces- or 90 ml of liquor-each) within an hour, the person's BAC would be close to 0.12 percent. A person who consumes food just before or during drinking-will have a somewhat lower BAC level. There is a gender difference, too. Women generally have a lower relative percentage of body water than men.


. . ..

The body takes about an hour to rid itself of the alcohol in one drink. No amouht of coffee or number of cold ,showers will speed that up. “I’ll be. careflul” isn’t the Tight answer. What if $here’s an emergency,-.a-n.eed to $&e -sudden action, as when .a .child darts into.. the =strG,e.t? :A p-~rsori with even, a .mderate B.AC mi,ght not’be able :Xo react quickly e~~augh There’s something-else ab.0u.t drinking ,and driving that ‘mmy people don’t know. MediGal rese’aPch showsthat l%ak-cihol in:a pefsun’s system: can make .crash injuries worse, especi-ally injuries to the brain, spinal e-md or he-art. This mearis that when anyone who has been drinking --- driver or passenger -- is- ill a ci-ash, that person’s. ch:ance: of ‘being lulled or permanently di:sabled if the ,person had-mt been drinking. is.hi@her tk

to avoid the collision.

Drinking and then driving is. very dangerous., Your reflexes, perceptions, attentiveness and j-udg:me.nt can be affected by ‘even a sman amount of alcohol. You can have a.serious -- or even fatal --- collision if you drive after drinkhg. Please don’t-drink m d drive or ride with a driver who has been drinking. Ride home in a cab; or if- you’re with a group, designates driver who d l

not drink.


You have three systems that make your vehicle go where you want it to go. They are the brakes, the steering and the accelerator. All three systems have to do their work at the places where the tires meet the-road.

Braking action involves perception time and reaction time First, you have to decide to push ob the brake pedal. That’s perception time. Then you.have to bring up your foot and do it. That’s reaction time. Average reaction time is -about 3/4 of a second. But that’s only an average. It might .be less with me driver and as long as two or three seconds or more with another. Age., physical condition, alertness, co.ordinati.on and eyesight all play a part. So do aIcohol, drugs and frustration. But even in 314 of a second, a vehicle moving at 60 mph (100 km/h) travels 66 feet (20 m). That could be a lot of distance in an emergency, so keeping -enough space between your vehicle and others is important, And, of course, actual stopping distances vary greatly with the surface of the road (whether it’s pavement or gravel); the condition of the road (wet, dry, icy); tire tread; the condition of your brakes; the weight of the vehicle and the amount .of brake force applied.

Sometimes, as when you’re driving on snow or ice, it’s easy to ask more of those control systems than the tires and road can provide. That means you can lase c.ontrol of your vehicle. 4-6

Anti-Lock Brakes (ABS) Your vehicle has anti-lock bmk& (ABS). ABS is an advanced .electronic braking systeni that will help prevent a braking skid. When you start your engine and begin to drive away, your-anti-lok brake system will check. itself. Yau may hear a rnsrnentary motor or clicking-noise, w-file this ‘test is going on. This is normal.


If there’s a problem with the. anti-lock brake system, -this war‘i&g.Iight will stay an. See. “Anti-Lo& Brake System Warning Light” in th.e Index.

If your-engine ever s t q s while you’se driving, brake normally but do;n’:t pul~ip your brakes. Ifyou do, th-e ,p%ed-al may get hard-er-to puGh .down. If -your.engi-ne ‘stops, you will-s~tal have some power you will a-se it when you brake; Once the power.asskt is used up, it may take long-er to stop afid thelljrake pedal will .be .harder to zrush.

assist. B:ut


The anti-lock system em change the brake p~essure faster than any driver could. ?%e computer is programmed to make the most of available tire and road tronditions.

Here’s how anti-lock works. Let’s. say the road is wet. You’re driving safely; Suddenly-an animal jumps out in front of you. You slam on the brakes, Here’s what happens with ABS. A computer senses that wheels are slowing down. If one of the wheels is about to stop rolling, the computer will separately work the brakes at each front wheel and at the rear wheels.

You cansteer around the obstacle while braking hard. As you brake, your computer keeps receiving updates- on wheel speed and controls braking pressure accordingly.

Steering Tips

It’s important to take at a reasonable sp-eed. A lot of the “drivet lo‘st ci3ntml”‘accidents meritionedl ~ l i the slews happen on curves. Here’-s why

Remember: Anti-lock dsesn’t change tbc- -time y.ou :need :to get yo.ur f o ~ t up to .the brake ped,ai or always decrease stopping diskan&. get-to6 cl~,se to thcvehicle in front of YOU; you won’t have time to apply your brzikes vehicle suddelily .slows or siop-s. Always i-eave e.nough mom up ahead to si.op, even though you have anti-lockrbpkes.

U.s,ing.Anti.-LthA Don’t pump the’bisakes. Just hdd the brake pedzl down and let anti-lock you. You ‘may feel the brake.$ vibrate., or you-may notice som-e noise, but this is- ::normal. Ofi vehicles Mth-four-wheel drive, your ;anti-lockbrakes work at all times- -- whether ,you are in two-wheel driveor fuur-wheel:&.ive. Braking in Emergencies, With m-ti-lock, you can steer and brake at thc same .time-. In many emergencies., st.eering can kip, you more than even the very $est braking.

Power Steering If you lose p ~ w e r steeringatssist because the e.ngine stop;s or the system is not fiw.dt?orriag, you can .but i t will take much more effort.

What shoula-you do if this ever nappens? E,as,e up on the .acceIerator.pedd, steer the vehicle .the way y ~ u . want it to go, .md:&xv down.

Stea3n.g in Em


Off-Road Recovery You may find soriletime that your right wheels have dropped off the. edge of a road onto the shoulder while y ~ i ’ r e driving.

,attintion .arid a

An eri~rgency like this requires t10 quick decision. 1fy.0~1 are. holding the steering wheel at the rec,omme,nded-9 and 3 o’elock-..positims, you can turn it a full 180 de,grees. very quickly without removing hand. But you have tomt h s t , ste,er quickly, and. j u s t as quickly straighten the wheel once you have avoided the object.. The fact that such emergency situations always possible is a-goD.d reason to pmctice. defensive driving at all times and wexr safety b.elts properly.

Tf the level of .the shoulder is only slightly below the pavemefit, recovery should be fairly easy. Ease off tlie accelerator and then, if there is nothing in the way7 steer so. that your-vehicle straddies the edge of the pavement. You- cm turn the st.eering wheel up taone-quarter turn until the right front tire contacts -the pavement edge. Then turn your steering wheel to’ go straight dawn the roadway,

9 Do not ge.t too c-lose to the vehicle you-want to

pass while you’re: awai,ting .an opportunity. For ode thing; following t0.0 closely redu.c:es your area of vision, espec:ially if you’re a larger- vehicle. Also, ydu won’t have. adequate space if the vehicle ahead suddenly.Slciws or stops. Keep back 8 reasondble .distance;

Pas.sin.g The fiver.of-a vehicle-about to pass another on a two-lane highway wahs for just the-fiight moment, acceIerates, moves around the vehicle ahead, thmgaes back inta the right-lane- again. A simple mamuver? Not necessaiIy! Passiixg amther vehicle on a twa-law highway is a potentixlly dangerous, since the p&sing;vkhicle occupl& .the same lane as oncoming traffic fbr several secands. A miscalculation, an error in judgment, or zbrief’surrend.a to frustration or anger cas suddenly put the pas-sing driver face to faice with the worst of all triffic -accidefiTs -- the head-on c.o:Uision. Zio~here ,me some .tip fur-passing:

“%>sive ahead.” Look down the mad, to the sides and to crossroad8 far situations ,that might affee.t your passing pattans. E you have any doubt whatsoever about -making a.successfu1 p-ass, wait for a better

* Check your mirrors, glance over your shoulder and.

start your left lane change signal before-moving out of the right.lane to pass. When you are far enough ahead of the passe.d vehicle to see its front in your inside -01, activate your right lane change sigmd and-move back into the. ri,ght lane. (Remember that your-right outside ,mirror is convex. The vehicle you juslpassed may seem to be farther away from y6u than it really is.) Tfy not co p.ass mufe ,than one vehicle ,at a time on two-lane’roads. Reconsider before passing the next vehicle. D.on’:t overtake-.a slowly moving vehi-de too rapidly. Even though the brake -1amp.s are not flashing, it m.a.y be slowing down or starting to, turn.

Qi If+ you’re being .passed, make it easy- for the

fallowing driver to get..ahead .of you. Perh,aps you can ease.& little to the right.

Let’s review what driving expmts s-ay about what happens when the thre.e con.trol systems- (brakes., steering, and,acceleration) don’t have enough friction where the tifes ”meet the road to do what the drivt?r has asked.. In any emergency, don’t give u p Keep trying to steer and constantly seek an escape route-or a e a of less danger.

In a. skid, a driver cn lose control of .the vehicle, Defensive drivers .avoid most skids by taking reasonable care suited t9 existing conditiolrs, and by not “overdriving” those conditions.. But- ,&ids are always -pa.ssible. The three typcis of skids correspond to your vehicle’s three c’0ntro1 syst,erns. In. the. brakifig skid, y0.m whe.eIs much speed or steering in a curve causes tires: to slip and aren’t rpl.ling. Ln the steering or- cornering skid, too lase cornehg, foxce,. And. in the acceleration skid, too much throttle causes the driving wheels- to spin.


A cornering skid and an acceleratioa skid .are best hand1e.d by easing your foot off the accelerator pedal.

Driving Guidelines. Off-IC0a.d Driving with Your Four-Wheel-Drive Vehicle.. This off-road guide is for vehicles that have .four-wheel drive. Also, see “Anti-Lock Brakes” in the Index; If your vehicle doesn’t have :four-wheel drive, you shouldn’t drive off-road”re on a letel, solid surface. Off-road driving can be great fun. But it does have some definite hazards. The greatest of these is the terrain itself, “Off-roading” means .you’ ve left .the great North American road system behind. Traffic. lanes arerft marked. Curves aren.’t.Ij;znked. There are no road -sigm. Surfaces can be slip-pery, rouqh, uphill or &~wnMl. In -short, you’ve gone. ri.ght ba off-road driving involves s o n i new skills. Aad tbat.’s- why it’s very important that you read this guide. You’ll find many driving tips and suggestions. These will help make your off-rbad driving safer and more enjoyable.

to nature.



Cargo on the loa-d.-floar .piled. higher than the seatbacks can be thrown €ofward during a sudden stop. You or y0u.r passengers could be injured. Keep cargo below the top of the seatbacks. Unsecured cargo on the load floor can be tossed about; when driving, over rough terrain. You or your passengers can be struck-by flying objects. Secure the cargo properIy. Heavy laads on the roof raise the vehicle’s center of gravity, making it more likely to roll over, Yuu .can be seriously -or fatally injured if the vehicle rolls over. Put heavy loads iiiside thexargo .area, not on the roof. wward Keep cargo in the cargo ar and low as possible.

You‘ll find other important information in this manual. See “Vehicle Lo-ading,” “Luggage C.arrier” and “Tires” in the Index.


0 The, heaviest things s.hould be on the load floor and forward of your rear axle. Put h-avier items as far forwardas y o u ~ ~ m .

0 Be- sure- the- imd is secured properly, so driving on

the off-road terrain doesn’t toss things around.

Errvironmental Concerns O€f-road driving .can provide wholesome and satisfying recreation. However, it also raises- enviranmental c:dricernS. GM recognizes these concerns and urges every off-roader to follow these- bask rules for protecting the environment:


Traveling, to Remote Areas It-makes sense to: plan yow-.trip, cspechlly when-going ‘to a remote area; Know- the terraiwand plan your ~uute. You are much less likely to get bad surpris-es. Get accurate maps bf trails and terrain. Try to learn of my blocked or closed roads, It’s a1s.o a good idea to travel withat 1eas.r: one o,rner vehicle. If ‘something happens to one of thern,.i€ie-.ather can help quickly. Does your vehide have a winch?. I-f sa, be sure to read the winch instructions. 1n.a remote area, a winch can be handy-if you get: stuck. But you’ll want to h o w how to use it pmperly. Getting .Familiar with Off-Road Driving It’s a good i.dea to practice in !an area that’s safe and .cI.~se?o home before you go info :the wilderness.. Off-road driving;.cloes require some new and-dlnffixent .driving. skills. Here’s what-we mean. Tune you^ senses t~ different kinds of-signals. Your eyes, for example, need to co.nstantly sweep the terrain for unexpected. obstacles. -Yuur ears need to listen for unasual tire .or e:ngine sounds. With youwu-rns, hands, k t and body, you’il need -to respoad to vibrations -and vehicle bounce.

Scanning the Terrain Off-road driving can take: you over many different kinds of tgrrain.. You need to be familiar with the terrain and:its many different f&tures. Here we some things to can-sidei-.

0 Will the surface texture change abruptly up ahead? * Does the travel take .you uphfil or downhill? (There’s

more discussion of .these subjects latert) Will you have :to stop suddenly or change directi-on quickly?

you approach t h g s faster and you h.ave less time to scan the terrain f&- obstacles. you. h.ave Tess time to react.. you have more vehicle bounce when you drive 0Ter:obst~eks.. ybu’ll need. more distance for bfaking, esp-ecjally since you’re OB an unpaved surface.

When you’re driving off-road, bouncing and quick changes in direction can easily throw you out of position. This could c.ause you to lose control .and crash. So, whether you’re driving .on or off the road, you a.nd your passengers-should wear safety belts.

. ...

Driving _. . on Off-Road Hills acr0s.s a Off-road driving often- takes you up, d s w n . ~ ~ hill, Driving safely on. hills requires good judgment and .an tl.nderstanding of what your vehicle can and can’t-do. There are some h.ills that simply cadt .b&, driven, ‘no mattee how well built ,the vehicle.

Many hills are simply too steep for, any vehicIe. If you drive up them, you will stall. If you drive down them, you can’t control your speed. If you drive across .them, you will roll over. ‘You could be seriously injured or killed. If you have any doubt about the steepness, don’t drive the hill.

Whe.n y0.U drive over obstacles .or rough terrain, keep a. firm..gkill\ .on the steering wheel; Ruts, troughs or ather -surfaace’featu?es- %a~l jerk-the wheel out of your hands if you’re not prepaced, .When YOU drive humps, rock.; .or other obstades, YOW wheels can leave the gr.ound. Ifthis happens, e-ven with. one or t w ~ wheels, you c d t co.ntrol the vehicle as well or-at all. Eecaus-e you will be on an un-paved surface, it’s. .espe&dly importmt to avoid :sudden acceleration, sudden:.tums of sudden. braking. In a way, .off-.road driving requires a diffkrent. kind of :alertfie$s fmm driving on paved roads :and highw-ays. There are no road signs, pastdspeed limits or signal lights. -You have to. use your own good judgment abaut .what & and what- isa’t. Drinkiagmd driving can be very dangerous on any mad. And’this. is -certainly trclcfor off-road driving. At ‘the very ‘time you need special alertness and driving skills., y-owr-x&kx&$-, pefcepions and judgmen-t can be affected by even a small amount of -alc30hol. You .c:ould have a serid;us- -- 01- even fatal -- ciccident if you drink driver- who has. been drinking. and. drive wride with , See ‘“Drunk@n Driviy” in the Index.


Appraa.ching a ‘Mill

0 What’s beyond the hill? Is there a cliff, an

embankment, a drop-off, a fence? Get out and walk the bill if .. ~ Q U . dodt:bGw. It’s the. sm,m way to. ..find out, Is .the hill simply-too rough? Steep hills ofteahave ruts, gullies, troughs and. exposed rocks because they are more suscepti.ble to th.e effects of erosion.

Is there a constant incline, or does the hill get sharply steeper in places?’


Driving Uphill .Once you decide .you can s:dely drive up the hill, you :need tu take some special steps.

Ease .up on your -:speed as- you approach .the top of the hill. A t t a c h flag to the vehicle- t;~, you mure vigible tr, appmaching traffic on trails or hill-s. Sound the horwas you approach the top ofthe -hill to let opposing traffic knqw yadre there.

Driving to the top (crest) of a hill at full ?peed can cause an accident. There could be a drop-off, embankment, clif€, or even another vehicle. You could be seriously injured or killed. As you near the top of a hill, slow dawn and stay alert.

Turning or driving across steep hills can be. dangerous. Yoa could lose traction, slide sideways, -.and possibly roll over. YOQ could be seriously injured or killed. When driving up hills always try to go straight up.

QZ What.shou1.d I do if my vehicle stalls, or is about

to stall, and I can’t make it up the hill?

A:- If this happens, .thexe are some things you should.

do, and there are some things yo11 must not do. First, here’s what you slzould do:

0 Push the brake pedal to stop the vehicle and

keep it from rollin-g backwards. Also,, qp:ly the parking brake. 2f your engine is still running, shift the transmission to REVERS-E (R), release the parking brake, arid slowly back down the hill in REVERSE (R). If your engine’has stopped running, you’ll need to restart it. With the brake pedal depressed and the parking brake still applied, shift the transmission to PARK (P) (or, shift to NEUTRAL (N) if your vehi-cle has a manual h-ansmi.ssion) and restart the engine. Then, shift-to REVERSE (R), release the parking brake, and slowly back dow’n the hill as straight as possible in REVERSE (R).

Insteixd, apply the regula- br.&e: to st-op the vehicle. Then apply the p.aTki-ng:brake. Shift to REVERSE (R), release the parking -brake, and slowly back straight down. Never attempt to turn around if you are about to stall when going up a hill. If the hill is steep eno.ugh to. stall your vehicle; it:s steep enough to Game yon PO 1-011 over X you tuyn .aTaund. If-you c;an”t. make it up the hill, you must back straight down the hill.


Q.' S.uppose, after.stalling, I try to back down the hiIl and decide I just can't do it. What should I do?

A: Set the. parking brake, put your trammission in PAW (P) (or the manual transmission in FIRST (1)) and turn-off the engine. Leave the vehicle and go get-.some help. Exit on the uphill side. md stay cl&xr of the path the vehicle would take if it rolled downhill. Do not shift.the transfer case to NEUTRAL (N) when you leave the vehicle. Leave it in some gear.

If you have- a manual transfer case shtft lever, shifting the transfer case to NEUTRAL (N) can cause your vehicle to roll. even if the transmission is m PARK (P) (or, if you have the manual transmission, even if you're in gear). This is because the NEUTRAL (N) position on the transfer case overrides the transmission. If you are going to leave your vehicle, set the parking brake and shift the transmission to- PARK (P) (or, put your manual transmission in FIRST (1)). But do not shift the transfer case to the NEUTRAL (N) position. Leave the transfer case in the ZHI, 4HI DI" 4LO position.


Driving Downhill When off-roading takes mnsi.det a number of thi


Heavy braking when goj y-oufbrakes t6 Vverheat and fade. This could cause loss of contra1 and a ,serious accident. -Apply the brakes lightly when descending a: hill and use a low gear to keep ve.hicle speed un.&r control.


.Q: Am I likely to stall when going downhill? A: It’s much more likely to happen ,going uphill. But if

it.happens going downhill, here’s: what to do.

0 Stop your vehicle by applying the- regular brakes.

Apply the parking brake. Shift to PARK. (P) (.or to NEUTRAL (N) with the manual transmission) and, while still braking, restart the engine. S.hift back to a 1.0w gear, release the parking brake, and drive straight down. If the engine- won’t start, get out and get. help.

Q.’ Are there some things-I should notdo when

.driving ’down a hill?

A: Yes! These are important because if you

ignore them you could lose control .and have a serious accident,.

0 When driving downhill, avoid turns that take you across the incline of the hill. A .hill that’s nut too steep to drive down may be too steep tQ drive acro:ss. You could roll over if you don’t drive straight down.

0 Never go down-hill with the transmission in:

N E U T W (N),.or- with the clutch pedal dep&ssed in a .manuai~ shift. This is called “free-wheeling.” Your brakes will. have to do all the work and could overhe’at and. fade.


Driving Across an Incline Sooner or later, an will probably go across the incline of a hill.. If this happens, you have to decide to try to drive a-cross the incline. Here are some. things to consider:

For reasuns like these, yqu need to decide cwehll’y whether tci try to drive across an incline. Just -because the trail goes across the incline. duesn’r-mean you have to drive it. The l.ast vehicle to try it might hi

rolled over.

Drivbg across an incline that’s too stee.p will make-your vehicle roll over. You could be seriously injured or kilIed. If you have any doubt about the steepness of the incline,. don’t drive- across it. Find another route instead.

@ What if I’m driving -across an incline that’s-not too steep, but I hit some loose gravel and-start to slide downhi11. What should I do?

.A: If you feel your vehicle starting to slide sideways, turn downhill. This should help straighten out .the. vehicle and prevent the side slipping. -HoW.ever, a much better way to prevent this is to get’out and “walk the course” so you know what the surface is like. before you drive it.


If your vehicle stalls when you're cmssing . a n incline, be sure you (and your passengers) get out on the uphill side, even if the door there is harder to open. If you get out on the downhill side and the vehicle starts to roll -over, you'll be right in .its path. If you have to walk down the slope, stay out of the path the vehicle-will take if it does roll over.

Getting out on the downhill (low) side of a vehicle stopped across an incline is dangerous. If the- vehicle rolls over, you could be crushed or killed. Always get out on the uphill (high) side of the vehicle and stay- well clear of the rollover path.

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Driving in Mnd, Sand, Snow or Ice When you dxive in mu.d, snow or sarsd, your wheels won’t get good traction. You can’t accelemte as quickly, turning i.s more dif€icult, and you’ll need longer braking distances. It’s best .to use a low..gear when you’re in mud -- the ,deeper the mud, the lower the gear: In really ,deep mud, $he idea is to keep your vehicle- moving s.0 you don’t .!get stuck. When you drive on sand, yo-u’ll sensg a change- in wheel traction, But St will &pmd upon how looseiypacked the ,sand is. On loosely packed sand (as on. beaches or sand dunes) your tires will tend to sink into the sand. This has an effect on steering, accelefating and braking. You may ,w.ant to reduce the air pressure in your tires slightly when driving on :sand. ‘This. will improve traction,

Hard packed mow ;sad ice. oEer the wofWtire’tractioa. On thes~e s-Urfac.e.s, it’s very easy to lase c.on!Td, On wet ice, for example, the traction i.s so paor that you will h,ave diffic-ulty accelerating, And if you d:o gkt, poor sleeting and difficult braking- can cause you to slide out of control.

Driving on frozen lakes, ponds or rivers can be dangerom. Undewater sprirmgs, currents under the ice, or sudden thaws can weaken the ice, Your vehicle could fall through the ice and you and your passengers could drown. Drive your vehicle on -safe-surfaces only.

Driving in Water Light rain causes no specialaff-road driving problems. But .ke.avy rain can .mean flash flooding, and flood waters demand extreme caution. +Find- out how deep the water is before you drive through it. If it’s deep enough to cover your wheel hubs, axles or exhaust pipe, don’t ‘try it -- you probably won’t g-et through. Also, water that deep can damage your axle and other vehicle parts. If the water isn’t too deep, then drive through it slowly. At fast speeds, water splashes on your ignition system and your vehicle can st-dl. Stalling.can also occur if you get your tailpipe under water. And, as long as your tailpipe is ,under water, .you’ll never be able to start your


..;;&I engine. When you gp through water, remember that

when your brakes get wet; it may take you longer to stop.

<,..,..?, , --. . ,. , - ‘ a : i

Driving through rushing water can be dangerous. Deep water can sweep your vehicle downstream and you and your passengers could drown. If it’s only shallow water, it can still wash away the ground from under your tires, and you could lose traction and roIl the vehicle over. Don’t drive through rushing water.

See “Driving Throagh Water” in the Index f6TmGE infoination on driving through water,


.Driving at Night

After Off-Road Driving Remove .any brush. or debris has collected an. the- underbQdy, chassis or under the hood. These accu.mulation-s can be a fire hazard. After operation in mud or. sand, have the br&e linings- cleaned -and checked. These substances can cause glazing- and uneven braking,. C,heck tihe, body struc.ture, steerbig, su$pensioonj wheels, tires .-and exhaust system for damage, Also, check the file1 lines and cooling system for any leakage. Your vehicle will req.uire more frequent service due to aff-rrrad use.. Refer to the Maintenance Schedule fo,r additional infofmation.

Night driving is more dangerous th-an day driving. One reason is that some drivers are likely to be impaire-d -.- by alcohol or drugs, with nieht vision broblems, or by fatigue.


down on glare frqm headl@%qs,..but ,they:als,o make.-a lot of things invi.slble.

D-riving in Rain and on Wet Roa ;

Rain and wet roads can mean driving trouble. On a wet -road, you can’t stop, accelerate or turn as well because your fire-to-road traction isn’t as good. as on dry roads. Arid, if your tires don’t- have much tread .left, you-’11 get even less traction. It’-s alway,s wise to go :slower cautious if rain starts to fall while you are driving. The- surface may get wet suddenly when your reflexes are tuned for driving o,n dry pavement. The heavier the rain, the harder it is: to see. Even if your .windshield wiper blades are in good shape, a heavy rain can make it harder to see road signs and traffic signals, pavernent.maskings, the edge sf the road and even people walking. It’s wise to ke,ep your wiping equipment-in gaod shape and keep your windshield washer tank-filled with washer fluid. Replace your windshield wiper inserts when they show signs of streaking or missing areas on rhe windshieJd, or when strips of rubber start to sep-arate from The inserts..


Wet brakes can cause accidents. They won't work as well in a quick stop and may cause pulling tu one side. You could lose control of the vehicle. After driving through a large puddle of water or a car wash, apply your brake pedal lightly until your brakes work normally.

Driving too fast through large water puddles or even going through same car washes can cause problems, too. The water may affect your brakes. Try to avoid puddles. : .:I But-if you can't, try to slow da.wn before you hit them.

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Driving Through Deep Standing Watw

Hydroplaning usually happens .at higher s.peeds. There just isn’t a hard and fast rule about hydroplanirgi The. best advice is to slow down whenit is raining.


If you drive too quickly through deep puddles or standing, water; water can come in through your engine’s air intake and badly damage your engine. Never driv.e through water that is slightly lower than the underbody of your vehicle. If’you can’t avoid deep puddles or standing water, drive through them very slowly.

Some 0the.r Rainy Weat

Besides slowi~~g down, allow some extra following distance. And be especially careful when you pass another vehicle,. Allow yourself more dear room ahead, and be prepared to have y ~ u r view restricted by mad spray. Have good tires with proper tread depth. (See “Tires” in the Index.)


C.ity Driving.

Here -are ways to increase y.ou safety in city driving.:

.Know the best way to get to where you are. going, Get a city map and plan your trip into an unknown part .of the city just as you wo.uld for a cross-country trip.

m Try to use the freeways that-rim and.erisscr.oss mmst

large &tie-s. You’ll save time -and energy (See. the next part, “Freeway Driving.”) Treat a green light as a warning signal. A traffic ligh.t-is there because the corner is busy emugh to, need it. When a light turns gre,en, and just before you start to Iimve, check both ways for vehicle-s that have not cleared the intersection Or may be running the’ red li-ght.

Orkof the bigg.est problems with city streets is the :amount of traffic on them. You’ll want to watch o.ut for what the other drivers are doing and pay attention to traffic -.signals.


Freeway Driving

Mile fox mile, freeways (also called thruways, parkways, expressways, turnpikes or superhighways) are the safest of-all roads. But they have- their own special rules,. The most important advice on freeway-driving is: Keep up with traffic and keep to the right. Drive at the sam-e s-peed .most of the other -drivers are dri.ving; Too-fast gr too-dow driving. b r e k a smooth traffic flow. Treat .the left lane on a fr-eeway as a passing lane.

At the &irrance, there is usually a ramp that leads to the freeway. If you have a clear view of the freeway as you drive along the entrance ramp, you should. be.gin to check traffic. Try to determine where you exp.e.ct to blend with the flow. Try to merge iritd the gap at close to the prevailing sp%eed. Switch on your turn signal, check your mirrors and glance over your shoulder as often as necessary. Try to blend smoothly with the, traffic flow. Once you are on the freeway, adjust youspeed to the posted limit or to the prevailing rate if it’%$Qwqq Stav in the right lane uniess you want’to pass. Before changing lanes, check y0u.r mirrors. Then use your turn signal. Just before you leave the-lane; glance. quickly over your shoulder, to make-sure there-isn’t another vehickin your “blind” spQt. Once you are moving on the freeway, make certain you allow a reasonable fdhwing distance. Expec-t to move

at night.

When you want to leave the:freeway, move to the-proper lane well in advance. If you miss your exit, do not, under any circumstances, stop and back up, D~.~~ on to the next exit. The exit ramp can be curved, sometimes quite sharply.


Highway Hypnosis :,Is there actually such a condtion as “highway hypnosis”? “Or is it just plain falling asleep at the wheel? .Call it highway hypnosis, lack of awareness; or whatevm. There is something. about an easy stretch of road with the same scenery, along with the hum of the tires on th.e road, the drone of the engine, and the rush of the wind :against .the vehcle that c a i ~ ~ a k e you sleepy. Don’t let it happen .?to you! If it does, your vehicle can leave the soad h.Eess tlzan a second, and you could crash and be injured. What can you do about h.ighway hypnosis? First, be aware that it can .happen. Then here a-e some tips: 0 Make sure. your vehicle: is well ventilated; with a

comfortably cool interior.

0 Keep your eyes moving. Scan -the road ahead and to the sides. Cheek y-our mirrors and your imtruine’nts frequently.

0. If-you get sleepy, p.ull off-the road into a rest, service or-par.king- area and take a asp, get some exercise, or both. For safety, treat drowsiness on the highway as an emergency.

Hill and Mountain Roads-

Driving on steep hills or mountains is different from drivjng .in flat or.ro1ling terrain.


If you drive regularly in steep country, or if you're planning to visit there, here are some tips that can make your trips safer-and more enjoyable. (See "Off-Road Driving" in the Index for information ab.out driving off-road.)

Keep your vehicle in good shape; Check all fluid levels and also the brakes, tires, cooling system and transmission. These pqrts @a work hard on mountain roads. Know how to go down hills. The most important thing to 'know is this: let: your engine do. some of the slowing. down. Shift -to a lower gear when you go down a steep or long hill.

If you .don't shift down, your brakes could get so hot that,they wouldn't work well. You would then have po.or braking or even none going down a hill. You could crash. Shift down to let your engine assist your brakes .on a steep downhill slope.


Coasting downhill in NEUTRAL (N) or WILII the ignition off is dangerous. Your brakes will have to do all the work of slowing down. They could get so hot that they wouldn't work wen. You would then have poor braking or even none going down a hill. You could crash. Always have your e n b e running and your vehicle in gear when you go downhill.

Know how to go uphill. You may want to-shift down to a lower gear. The lower gears help cool your engine and transmission, and you can climb the hill better. Stay in your own lane when driving on two-lane roads in hills- or mountains. Don't swing wide or cut across the center-of the road, Drive at speeds that let -you stay in your own lane. As YOU go over the top of--a hill, be alert. There could be something in your lane, like a stalled car or an accident. YQU may see highway signs an mountains that warn of special problems. Examples are long grades, passing or no-passing zones, a falling rocks area or winding roads. Be alert to these and take appropriate action.

Winter Driving

Here are some tips for winter driving:

Have your vehicle in good shape for winter. You may want to put winter emergency supplies in your vehicle.

Include an ice scraper, a small brush. or broom, n supply of windshield washer fluid, a rag, some winter outer clothing, a small shovel, a flashlight, a red cloth and reflective warning triangles. And, if you will be driving. under severe conditions, include-a small bag of sand, a
