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Rotatian" in the Index for proper rotation pattern and adhtionil -information. (See footnote +.)

. a n d




I S.hort TriplCity Maintenance Schedule I 99,000 Miles (1 65 000 knz)

Change. engine oil and .filter (or every 3 .months, whichever -occurs first). ATI Emisston Control S~rvice, Lu.bricate chassis c.omponents (or every 3 .months, whi-chever occurs first). (See footnote #.>

0 Check readfront axle fluid l.evel and add flu-id as needed. Check constant velocity joints and axk seals for leaking. (.Se.e,footnote *-?I



lOO,.OOO Miles (166 000 km-) 0 Inspect spark plug wires. An Emission Control Service. Cl Replace spark plugs. 0 Change automatic transmission fluid and filter if -the vehicle is mainly driven under one or more of these conditions: - In heavy city traffic where the outside.

An Emission Control Service.

temperature- re:plarly reaches 90°F (32 ' C) or hig-her; In hill-y or mou.ntainous terrain.

- When doing frequent trailer towing. - Uses such .as found in t>axi, police or


delivery service.

(Continz lea) 7-35

100,000 Miles (166 000 km) (Continued) If you do no.t use your vehicle under any of these conditions, the fZuid andfilter do not require changing. Manual ,transrnis.sion fluid doesn’t require change. Inspect Positive Crankcase Ventilation (PCV) valve. An Emission Control Service.

150,000 Miles (240 000 h) 0 Drain, flush and refill cooling system (or every 60 months since last service, whichever occurs first). See “Engine Coolant” in the Index €or what to we. Inspect hoses. Clean radiator, c.ondenser, pressure cap and neck. Pressure test cooling system and pres.sure cap-. An Emission Control Service.







The services shown in this sc.hedule up to 100,000 miles (166 000 km) should be performed after 100,000 miles (1 66 000 km) at the same interva1.s. -The services shown at 150,000 miles (240 000 km) should be performed at the same interval after 150,000 miles (240 000 km). ;See “Owner Chcekcs and Services” and “Periodxc- :.. Maintenance Inspections” following. Footnotes j’ The U.S. Environmental ProtectiQn or the California Air Resources Board-has determined that the fail.ure to perfam this .m:ai-ntenance-item will nat‘nullify the emissi‘on warranty or limit recall liability prior to- the- completion of the vehicle’s useful life. We, however, urge that all recommended maintenance services be perforrne:d at the indicated intervals and the maintenance be recorded.

# Lubricate the front suspension, ball joints, steeking linkagcand transfer cas-e shift linkage, parking brake cable guides, propshaft splines, universal joints and brake pedal springs, -k A good time ta check your brakes is during tire rotation. See “’Brake S-ystem Inspection” under “Periodic Mafritenafice Inspections” in Part C of this schedule. -‘E* Drive axle service (see “Recom.mended Fluids and Lubricants’‘ in the Index for proper lubricant to use): Differential -- Drain fluid and refill .at first. eagine -&I change. At subsequent oil changes, check fluid level and add fluid as need.ed. Standard Differential -- Ch:eck fluid level and add fluid as needed at every engine oil change. More frequent lubrication may be require.d for heavy-duty or off-road use.


Long. Tripmighway .Maintenance


0 Check readfront .axle fluid level and add fluid as needed. Check constant velocity joints and axle seals for leaking. (See footnote *?)

0 Rotate tires. See “Tire Inspection and

Rotation” in the Index for proper rotation pattern and additional information. (See footnote +.)





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. - ... ,

Maintenance Schedule



Chang.e engine oil and filter (or every 12 months, whichever occurs first). An Ernis8inn Control Service.

/J Lubricate, chassis. components (or every

1-2 months, w hickever occurs- first). (See footnote: #.)

Check rearlfront axle fluid level and actd fluid .as nee.ded. Cheek constant velocity joints .and axl-e seals for leaking. (See footnote ** .)

0 Rotaktires. See “Tire Inspection and

Rot-ation” in the Index for proper rotation pattern and addi~ional. information. (See footnote +)



rrip/Highway Maintenance Schedule I


22,500 Miles (37 500 km) CI Change engine oil’ and filter (or every

I2 months., whichever occurs: first) An. Em.ission Conmi Service... Lubricate chzssis. components (or every 12 months, whichever occurs first). (See footnote #..)

c] Check rem-/frQnt .axle fluid lever and add fluid. as needed. Check constant-velocity joints: and axle seals for leaking. (See .footnote ** .)

0 Rotate tires. See ‘‘Tire Zr



Rotation’’ in the- In&x for proper rotation pattern and additional infixmation. - (See footnote. +.)



Long Tripmighway Maintenance Schedule 30,000 Miles (50 000 km) 0 Change engine oil and filter (or every

12 months, whiche.ver occurs first). An Elnission Control Service.

El Lubricate chassis components (or every

12 months, whichever 0-ccurs first). (See footnote #.) Check readfront axle fluid level and add fluid as needed, Check canstant velocity joints and axle seals for leaking. (See footnote * * .)

n Fur Two.-Wheel-Drive vehicles only: Clean -and repack the. front wheel bearings (or. at‘ each brake relining, whichever occurs first).

El Rotate tires. See “Tire Inspection and

Rotation” in the hdex for proper rotation pattern and additional information: (See fQotnote +.) Replace fuel filter. An Emission Cmwol Service. (See otnote?.)

0 Replace air cleaner filter- An Emiss-ion Couitrol Servicei





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.. .


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, .

Lung TripMlighway -Maintenance Schedule 37,500 Miles (62 500 km) 0 Change engine. oil and filter (or every

. .

. .

12 months, whichever occurs first). An Entission Cuntrol Service. Lubricate components (or every 12 months, whichever occurs. first). (See footnote #.)

Chec-k rear/front axle fluid level and add fluid as ne-eded. Check constant velocity joints and axle seals .for leaking. (See footnote *?)

0 Rotate tires. See “Tire Inspection and

Rotation” in the Index for proper rotaiio pattern and additional information. (See footnote +.)





Long Trip/Highway Maintenance ,Schedule 45,000 Miles (75 000 kmj El Change engine oil and filter (or every

12 months, whichever occ,urs first). An Emission Control Service.

0 Lubricate- chassis compone.nts (or ever,y

12 months, whichever 0-ccurs first). (See footnote #.)

0 Check readfront axle fluid Level and add fluid as needed. Check constant velocity joints and axle seals for leaking. (See footnote 4’*.)

0 Rotate tires.. See “Tire Inspection and

Rotation” in the Index for proper rotation pattern and additional informati.on. (See footnote +.)






Schedule, I

, ,

. .-;_

Lorig -Trip/Highway Maintenance 50,000 Miles (83 000 km) 0 Change automatic transmission fluid and filter if the vehicle is mainly driven under one OF more of these conditions: - In heavy city traffic where the outside

temperature regularly reaches 90 O F (32" C) or higher..

- In hilly or mount.aincrus terrain.


- When doing frequent trail-er towing. - Uses such :as. € a n d in taxi, police or

delivery service.

I f y 0 u . d ~ not w e your veh:icle undm any uf these cgnditions, the fluid andfilter do- not require changing. Manuall trall.$rnission fluid doesn't require change.




Long Tripmighway Maintenance Schedule 52,500 Miles (87 500 km) 0 Change engine oil and filter (or every

12 months, whichever occurs first). An Emission Contml Service.

0 Lubricate chassis components (or every

12 months, whichever occurs first). (See footnote #.)

Check readfront axle fluid level and add fluid as. needed. Check constant velocity joints and axle seals for leaking. (See footnote ‘Y)

[7 Rotate tires. See “Tire and

Rotation” in the Index for proper rotation pattern and additional information. (See footnote +.)




Long Trip/Highway Maintenance Schedule I 60,000 Miles (100 000 km) I7 Change engine oil and filter (or every

12 months, whichever occurs fist). An Emission Cuhtror! Service,.

0 Lubricate chassis components [or eve.ry

12 months, whchever occurs. first). (See footnote.#.)

IJ Check readfront axle fluid level and add fluid as needed. Check constant velocity joints and axle seals for leaking. (See footnote *.* .>

0 For Two-Wheel-Drive vehicles only: Clean and repack the front wheel bearings.. (or at each bkake relining, whichever occurs first). Rotate tires. See “Tire Inspection and Rotation” in the Index for proper rotation pattern and additional information. (See footnote +.)


Inspect engine ac.cessory drive belt.

An Ernissbn Control Service. (See footnoteJf .)

0 Replace fuel filter. 0 Replace air cleaner filter. An EyMission Control Service. Inspect fuel tank, cap and lines for damage ofleaks. Inspect fuel cap gasket for any damage. Replace parts as needed-. An Emission Control Service. (See fuotnote?.)

67,500 Miles (112 500 km) 0 Change engine oil and filter (or every 12 months, whichever occurs first). An Emission Control Service.

0 Lubricate chassis components (or every

12 months, whichever occurs first). (See footnote #.)

0 Check readfront axle fluid level and add fluid as needed. Check constant velocity joints and axle seals for leaking. (See footnote *?j

0 Rotate tires. See “Tire Inspection and

Rotation” in the Index for proper rotatj 1 pattern and additional information. (See footnote +.)




I Long Tripmighway Maintenance Schedule I 75,000 Miles (125 000 knt) Ll Change engine oil -and filter (or every

S2 months, whichever occur-s first). An EJnixsjon Control Semt-ce.

0 Lubricate chassi-s components (or every

12 months, whichever occurs first). (See footnote #.)

0 Check readfront axle fluid level and add fluid as needed. Check constant velocity joints and axle sea1.s for leaking. (See footnote **.)

[7 Rotate tires. See “Tire Inspection and

Rotation” in the Index for proper rotation pattern and additi.ona1 information. (See footnote +.)





I Long Tripmighway Maintenance Schedule I 82,500 Miles (137 500 km) 0 Change engine oil and filter (or -every

12 months, whichever occurs first). An Emission Cot.lrrob Service.

0 Lubricate chas-sis components (or every

12 months, occurs first). (See footnote. #.)

0 Check redfront axle fluid, 1e.vel and add fluid as nee-ded. Check coLn.stant velocity joints and axle seals for leaking. (See footnote *?)

Cl Rotate tires. See “Tire Inspection and

Rotation” in the Index for proper rotation pattern and additional info,rmation. (See.footnote +.)





I Long Trip/Highway Maintenance Schedule .‘I 90,000 Miles (150 000 km) 0 Change engine oil .and filter (or every

1.2 month,s, whxhever occurs first). An Emission Corttrol Service-.

0 Lubricate chassis components (or every

12 months, whichever occurs first). (See footnote #.)

CJ Check readfront axle flui.d level and add fluid as needed. Check constant velocity jo-ints and .axle seals for leaking. (See footnote *?.>

0 .For Two-Wheel-Drive vehicles only: Clean and repack the front wheel bearings (or at each brake relining, whichever occurs first).

-0 Replace fuel filter.

An E~nissiuvz Cuntrol Service. (See footnote?.) Replace air cleaner filter; An Emission Control service..

0 Rotate- tires. See ““Tire Inspectbn and

Rotation” in the Index for proper rotation p-attern and -additional information. (See footnote +.)





Long Tripmighway Maintenance Schedule 1 97,500 Miles (162 500 km)

Change engine oil and-filter (or evely 12 months, whichever: occui-s first). An Emission Control Service. Lubricate chassis components (or every 12 months, whichever’ occurs first). (See footnote #->

Check readfront axle fluid level and add fluid as needed, Check constant velocity j0int.s and axle seals for leaking. (See footnote >k*.)

0 Rotate tires. See “Tire.Inspection and

Rotation” in the Index for proper rotation pattern and additional information. (See footnote +.)




Long TripMighway Maintenance Schedule I 100,000 Miles (166 000 km) [z1 Inspect spark plug wires. &I Emission Control Service. Replace spak plugs. An Emission Controt ..Service.

U Change automatic transmission fluid and filter if the vehicle is mainly driven under one or mo-re a€ these conditions:

- In heavy ci.ty traffic where the outside

temperature reg;ularly reaches 90 O F (32°C) or-higher.

- In hilly or mou-ntainaus terrain. - Wke.n; aoi-ng frequent trailer towing,

Long Tripmighway Maintenan t Schedull-

- Uses such as found -in taxi, police or

delivery service.

If you do not use your vehicle unde.r any of these coiiditions, th.efluid andfilter do not require changing. Manual transmission fluid does.n’t require change.

a 1ns.pest Positive Crankcase Ventilation


(Pcv) valve. A-n Emission Control Service.

150,000 Miles (240 000 km) 0 Drain, flmh .and refill cooling system (or every 60 months since last service., whichever occurs .first). See “Engine @oolant” in the Index ‘for what to use. Inspect hoses. Clean radiator, condenser, pressure. cap. and neck. Pressure test the cooling system and pres.sure cap. An Emission Con‘tvul Service.

, .

Check-s and Services

Part B: Owns Lis.ted.below are owner checks and services which shouldbe performed at the intervals specified to help ensure the safety, dependability and emission control perfomance of your vehicle. Be sure any necessary repairs are completed’ at once. Whenever my.fluids or lubricants are added to. your vehicle, m&e sure they are the proper ories, as shown in Part D. At Each Fuel Fill

:vel Check

Engine I Check the engme oil level and-add the proper oil if necessaty. See “Engine Oil” in the Index for further details, Engine Coolant Level Check- Check the engine .coalant level .and add DEX-COOL@ coolant mix. if necessary. See “Engjne Coolafit” in the Index €or further details.

WincBshield Washer Fluid Level Check the windshield washer fluid level in the windshield washer tank and -add the proper fluid -if 7-54

mcessary. See “Windshield Washer Fluid” in &e %-&x for furth-er details . At Least Once a lvlonm Tire Idation Check. Make sure tires are inflated to the c0rre6t presSut~%. See “Tires” in the Index far further details. Cassette Deck Service Clean. cassette deck. Cleaning should be done every 50 hours of tape play. See “Audio. $ystems” in the Indr .for further details; At Least Twice a Year Restraint Sy.stem Check Make sure the safety belt. reminder light. and all y ~ u r belts, buckles, latch plates., retractors and anchorag-es :are wo1kin.g properly. Look for any other loose. or dam,aged safety be1.t system parts. If you see anything that mixht keep a safety belt system from doing its job, have it repaired. Have any torn or frayed safety belts -replaced. Also look for any opened or broken air bag coverings, and have. them repaire.d or replaced. (The air bag system does not need regular maintenance.)

Wiper Blade Check 1ns.pect.wiper blades for wear: or cracking. Replace blade- inSerts: that app-ear worn or damaged or ihatstreak .OI- miss areas ofthe windshield. Also. sec “Wiper Blades, Cleaning” .in the Index. Manual Transn@gton Check Check the transmissicm fluid level; add if needed. Se.G “Ma~ual Tran$mis,sion” in the‘hdex. Check for leaks. A fluid b s s may indicate a proble-IB. Have the system inspected and repaiced if needed. Automatic Transmission Check the transmis-sim fluid level; add if heeded. See “Auto’matic Tfanslliissi6.n” in the Ifid~x. A fluid loss may indicate a problem. Check the system .and repiair if needed. Hydraulic Clutch System Check Cheekthe fluid level in the clutch res-ervoir. See- “Hydraulic Clutch Fluid” in the Index. A fluid 1 0 s ill this system could indicate a problem. Have the system insgected and repaired at o.nce.

At Least Four Times a Year Tailgate Lubrication Service Lubricate ,-tailgate latch bolt, hand1.e assembly pivot points, and hinges with lubricant recommended in Part D. A-t Least Once a Year Key Lock Cylinders Service Lubricate the key lock cylinders with the lubricant specifi-ed in Bart D.

Body Lubrication S:ervice Lubricate all body door arid fuel door hring-es, latches and locks including the glove box, consde Qoors-an.d the body hood, and any moving seat hardware. Lubricate the- h o d safety lever pivot and prop rad pivot. Part D tells you what use. More frequent lubrication may be: requirkd when exposed to a corrosive endironmeat.

Starter Switch Chl

When you are doing this check, the vehicle could move.suddedy. Ifit does, you or others could be injured.. Follow the steps below.

1. Befbre you start, be sure you have enough room

around the vehicle.

2. Firmly apply.bath the parking brake (se:e “Parking

Brake” in the- Index if necess:ary) and the regular brake. NOTE: Do not us‘e the accel&ator pedal, afi-d be ready to turn off the engine immediately if it. starts. 3”. 3 On automatic t.ran-smission vehicles, try to start the -engine in each gear, The staxter should work only in PARK (P) o r - N E U m (N). If the starter works in any other position, your vehicle needs service. On manual timsmission vehicles, put the shift lever in NEUTRAL (N), push the clutch down halfway and try to start the engine. The starter should work only when the clutch is pushed do-wn all the way to the- flaor. If the starter works when the clutch isn’t pushed all the way dawn, your vehicle needs service.


When -you are doing this check, the. vehicle could move suddenly. If‘ it, does, you or others could be injured. Follow the step3 .. b.e.low,

1. Before yo,u start, be sure you have enough room

around the vehicle. It should he parked on a level surface.

2. Firmly .apply the parking brake (see “‘Parking -,rake”

in the Index- if ner - .. sary). NOTE: Be ready to apply the regular brake immediately if the. vehicle begins to move.

3. With the engine off, turn the key to the RUN

position, but don’t start the engine.. Without applying- -the regular brake, try to move-the shift lever 0u.t of PARK (P) with normal effort. If the shift Iever moves out 0.f PARK (P), your vehicle’s BTSI needs serviee.

Ignition Transmission Lock Check While parked, and with the parkmg brake set, try to turn the ignition key to LOCK in each .shift lever p.o,sition. With an :automatic transmission, the key should turn t.0 LOCK o.dy when the shift lwer is in PARK (P).

On vehicles with a key release: butto-n, try tQ turn the key to LOCK without pressing the button. The key should turn to LOCK Only when you press the key butfon. On all ve,hlcle:s, the key should c.ome out only-in LOCK

Barking Brake and Automatic Transmission

IK (P) Mechanism Check

me.-- IOU. are doing this cheek, your vehicle could begin to move. You or others could be injured an-d property could be damaged. Make sure there-is room in front of your vehicle- b case it begins too roll. Be ready to apply the regular brake at once should the vehicle begin ta move.

Park on .a fairly steep hill, with the vehide facing downhill. Keeping your foot on the regular br,ake, set the parking brake.

To chec-k the. parking brake’s holding ability: ‘With the engine running-and transmission in NEUTRAL (N), slowly remove foot pressure from the regular brake pedal. Do; this until the vehicle is held by the parking brake only.

9 To c h a k the PARK (P) mechafiism’s holding ability:

With the eng-ine running, shift to PARK (P). Then release all brake-s.

Part C: .Periodic Maintenance Inspections Listed below are inspections ,and services which should be-peffomed:at least twice a year (for ins‘tanck, each spring and fall). You should let your GM dealer’s service department .or other qualified service center do these jobs. Make sure m y necessary repairs are completed at once. .Proper procedures to perform tliese services ‘may be. found in a GM service manual. See “SService and Owher Public-ations” in the Index. Steering, Suspension and Front Drive Axle Boot and Seal Inspeetion the front and rear -suspension a.nd steering system. for damaged, l ~ a s e .or missing parts, sig-ns of wear or lack of iubrication. Inspect the power steering lines-.and hoses for-proper hook-up, binding, leaks, cracks, chafing, etci Clean and then inspect the drive axle boo1 seals for ~d&.rila-ge, te&s UT lkakage. Replace seals: if necessary.

Exhaust System Inspection Imp-ect the complete exhaust system. Irmspecrthe. body near the exhaust. system. Lo& for broken, ,damaged., miss-iqg ox-.aut-of-pa.sition parts as: well a;s ppen scams, holes, Ioase connections or. other conditions which could cause a heat build-up- in the floor pan 91- could let exhaust fumes into the vehicle. See “Engine Exhaust” in the Index. Ra,diator- and Heater Hose Inspection Inspect the hoses and have them replaced. if they are cracked, swollen or deteriorated. Inspect all pipes, fittings and c1amp.s; replace as needed. Throttle: Linkage. Inspectton Inspect the throlttle linkage for interference or binding, and for dam-age or missjng parts. Replace- parts .as needed. Replace, any cables that lime h g h effort oti excessive wear. Do not lubricate accelerator and.c;ruise- control cabl-es.

Drive Axle Service Check redfront axle fluid Ievcl and add as neede,d. Check constant velocity joints and axle seals for leaking. Tra-nsfm Case (Four-wheel Drive) lnsp.e.ction Every 12 months or'at oil change intervals, check front axle and transfer c.ase-and add lubricant when necessary. Check vent hose at transfer ms-e for kinks and proper installation. Mare-frequent lubrication may be.&quired on.of€-road u-se.


: Re@ornrmended Fluids

NOTE: Fluids and lubricants identified below by name, part or specification may be obtained from your GM dealer.


Engine- Oil

I Engine Coolant

Coolant Supplement Sealer

FLUIDLUBRICANT Engine oil with the American Petroleum Institute Certified For Gasoline Engines “Starburst” symbol -of the proper viscosity. To deterniine the preferred viscosity for your vehicle’s engine, see “Engine Oil” in the Index. 50/50 mixture of clean water (preferably distilled) and use only GM Goodwrench-@ DEX-COOL TM or Havoline’ DEX-COOL TM coolant. “Engine C.oolant” in the Index. GM Part NO. 3634621 or equivalent ‘with a complete flush and refill.


Hydraulic Brake System

Hydraulic Clutch System

Power Steering System

Manual Transmission with V6 Engine Manual Transmission with L4 Engine Automatic Transmission Key Lock Cylinders


Delco Supreme 11 * Brake Fluid (GM Part No. 12377967 or equivalent DOT-3 brake fluid). Hydraulic Clutch Fluid (GM Part No. 12345347 or equivalent DOT-3 brake fluid). GM Power Steering Fluid (GM Part No. 1052884 - 1 pint, 1050017 - 1 quart, or equivalent). Synchromesh Transmission Fluid (GM Part No. 12345349 or equivalent). Manual Transmission Fluid (GM Part No. 12377916 or equivalent).

DEXRON@-I11 Automatic Transmission Fluid. Multi-Purpose lubricant; Superlube@ (GM Part No. 12346241 or equivalent).


Chassis Lubrication

Front Wheel Bearings

Differential, Front- and Rear Axle Transfer Case

Windshield Washer Solvent


Chassis lubricant (GM Part No. 12377985 or equivalent) 01: lubric-ant .mee,;quiremen~s of NLGI # 2, Category LB or GC-LB. Wheel bearing lubricant meeting- .requirements of NLGI # 2, Category GC or GC-LB- (GM Part No. 105 1 344 or equivalent). Axle Lubricant (GM PartNo. 105227.1) SAE 80W-.90 GL-5 Gear Lubricant. DEXRON@-111 Automatic Transmission Fluid. GM O.ptikleen@ Washer-Solvent (GM Part No. 1051515) or equivalent.

USAGE Transfer Case Shift Lever, Propeller Shaft Slip Splines- .and Joints Clurch Pushrad to Clutch Fork J-oint


Chassis lubricant (G-M Part No. l23779-'85 or equivalent) or- lubricant meeting requirements af NLGI # 2, Category LB or GC-LB. Chassis lubricant (GM Part No. 12377985 or equivalent) .or lubricant me-eting requirements of NLGI # 2, Category LB or GC-LB. Chassis lubricant (GM Part No. 12377985 or equivalent) or lubricant meeting requirements of NLGI # 2., Category LIB or'GC-LB.


Lubriplate lubricant aerosol (GM Part No. 12346293 or equivalent) or lubricant meeting requirements of-NLGI ## 2, Category LB or GC-LB. MU~~~-€‘U~POS~ (GM PartNo. l2346241 or equivalent).

lubricant, S U ~ ~ ~ U I X ’

USAGE ~~~~ Weatherstrip Conditioning ~~~~~ Weatherstrip Squeaks


Dielectric Silicone Grease (GM Part No. 12345579 or equivalent). Midti-purpose lubricant, Superlube@ (GM Part No. 12346241 or equivdent).

See “Replacement Parts” -in the Index for recmmnmended replacement filters, valves and spark plugs.

Multi-Purpose lubricant, Superlube’ (GM Part No. 12346241 .or equivalent).

USAGE Hood Latch Assembly, Pivots, Spring Anchor and Release Pawl Tailgate Handle Pivot Points, Hinges, Latch Bolt and Linkage €hod and Door Hinges


Part E: Maintenance Re.cOrd After tbe .scheduled services. are performed, record the :date, odometer. readkg and who performed the. service in the boxes provided’ aftex the maintenance interval.

Any additional information from “Owner Checks.and Services” OF “Periodic Mairitenance” can. be added on the following recard pages, Also, YQLI should relain .all maintenance receipts. Your owner infgmation portfolio is a convenient place to store them.

Maintenance Record







Maintenance. Record




Maintenanc-e Record





Maintenance Record






Section 8 Customer Assktance Information

Customer Satisfaction Procedure

Chevrolet dealers have the facilities, trained technicians and up-to-date. information to promptly addres-s any concerns you may have. However, if a concern has not been resolved to your complete satisfaction, .take the following steps: STEP ONE -- Discuss your ccmcern with a member sf dealership management., Normally, concerns. can b.e quickly resolved at that level. .If the matter has already been reviewed with ,the, Sales, Service or Parts Manager, contact the. awner of the dealership ox. the Gene4 Manager.


STEP TWO -- If after c-ontacting a member of dealership 'management, it appears your concern cahnot be resolvkd by the dealership without €urther help, contact the Chevrolet Customer Assistance. Center: by calling 1 cmtact GM of Canada Customer Communication Centre in Oshawa by c-alling 1-800-263-3777 (English) .or 1-800-263-7854 (French). For help outside of the United. States and Canada, call the following-numbers as appropriate:

-.800-222- 1020, In Canada,

In Mexico: (525) 625-3256

0 In herto. Rico: 1-8.00-495-9992 (English) or

1-800-49-6-9993 (Sp-anish)

0 In-the U..S. Virgin :Islmds: 1--800-496-9894 0 In the Dominican Republic: 1-800-75 1-4135

(English) or 1-8'00-75 1-41.3.6 (Spanish)

0 In the Bahamas: [email protected]

Ia Bermuda, Barbiados, Antigua anclthe British Vi-rgin Islands-: 1-800-534-0122 In all other Caribbean countries: (809) 763- 13 15. 0 In o.&-er overs:as.I-ocatiuns, call GM International

Psad.u:ct Center in Ca-nada at: (905) 644-4 112.

Re€er to your Warranty and Qwner Assistance 'Information booklet for addres;ses of GM Overseas 0ffice.s. When contacting Chevrolet, pkas% -remember that. yam. concern will likely be resolved in the deal-ership, using the dealer's facilities, ,equipment and personnel. That is why we suggest you f d l o ~ ~ you have aconcern. Custo,mer Assistance for Text Telephone (TTY) Users To assist customers who -are, hard of-heaxing, or speech-impaired and srirho use Text Telephones (TTYs.1,. Chevrolet h-as TTY equipment availabie at its Customer Assistance Center. Any TTY user can communicate with Chevro1e.t by dialing: 1-800-833;-,CHEV. (TT-Y users in Canalda can dial 1-800-263-3830.)

.Step One- first if

For.prampt assistame, please have the follo.wing information -available to give the Customer Assistance Repres.entative.

Yournme, address, home and business telephone numbers

@ - Vehicle Identification Number (This is available'

fr0.m- the vehjcle regjgtration or title, or the plate at the top left af the.instrument panel and visible thraugh the windshield.)

0 Dealership naxi~e and 1oe:ation 0 Vehide~delivety date-and present mileage

.Nature ofconcern

We.en6ourage you tcj call us SO we can give your inquiry prompt attention. However, if you wish to write Chevrolet, address your inquiry to:

Chevrolet Motor Divisim Chevrblet Customer. As-&afice Center P.O. Box 7047 TZOY, MI 4.8007-~c)47

In Canada, write to:

General MQtors of C.amda Limited Customer Comr;nunic.ation Centre, 163-005 El08 Colonel Sam Drive Oshawa, Ontario LlH 8P7

Chevrolet/Geo Roadside Assistance Program

111 1P

To enhance Chevrolet’s- strong commitment to customer satis€action, Chevrolet is excite,d to announce the establishment of the Chevrolet/Geo Roadside Assistance Center. As the owner of a 1997 Chevrolet/Geo, membership in Roadside Assistance is free.


0 .Roadside Ba~l:c Care services (as -outlined above)


I. FREE.Non-Wmanty Towing (to the-clasest dealer-

.fmm :a legal roadway) FREE LucksmitWKey Service (when keys me lost on the road or 1oCke.d inside) FREE..Flat Tire Serviw (sp.are ins.t.alled on the wad)


The Koadside Assistance Center uses companies. that will provide you with quality and priofity service. When raadside services are required, our advisors will explain any payment obligations that may b.e: inc.urred-for utilizing outsi:cle.-s.ervices..

Canadian Roadside Assistance Vehicles purchased in Canada.ha;ve an extensive 'Roadstde Asistance program :accessible -from anywhere -in Canada or- the United Stales. Please refer to .the separate brochure. pro-vided'by the dealer or call 1-800-268-6800 for emergency services;

9 C ~ C W ~ O W G ~ C I

couttesy- Ttaasportation is not part,

ofthe Bump,er to Bumper New Vehicle .Liniite,d Warranty. (%evrdet/Geo re-ves. the right to make any chang,es or discontinue Courtesy Transportation at any time without notification.


in this program.

GM Participation in an Alternative Dispute Resolution Program This prcgram .is available iil all 50 states. and the District of Co1urnbi.a. Camdim 'owners refer- to your Warrm-q and Owner Assistance Information booklet for information on the Canadian Motor Vehicle Arbitration Plan (CAMVAP). General Mo-tors reserves the right to .change eligibihty limitations &d/or to discontinue its -. :participation 'Both Chevrolet and your Ghevrolet dealer are committed .to making sure you are completely satisfied with your new vehicle. Our experience has shown that, if a situation arises where you feel your concern has. not: been :;adequately addressed, the Customer Satisfactim Proct-a-e idescdbed earlier in h s section is very successful. 'There may be instances where an impartial third party :can assist in arriving at a solution to a disagreement. iregarding vehicle repairs or interpretation of the New 'Vehicle Limited Warranty.. To assist- in resolving these disagreements, Chevrolet voluntarily participates in BBB AUTO LINE.

BBB AUTO LINE is an out-of-court program administered by the Better Bureau system to settle ,automotive disputes. This p-rogram'is available free of charge to customers. who currently own or lease a GM vehicle. If you are not satisfi-ed after following the Customer Satisfaction Procedure, you may contact the BBB using the toll-free te1ephon.e number, or write the.m at the following address:

BBB AUTO LINE Council of Better Business Bureaus, Inc. 4200 Wilson Bou-levard Suite 8'00 Arlington, VA 22203-1 804 Telephone: 1-.800-9-55-5 100

To'.file a claim, you will be asked to provide your 'name and..address, your Vehicle Identification N.umber (VIN) and a statement of the nature of your-eomplajnt. Eligibility is limited by vehi-cle age -and mile-agej and other factors.

We:prefer yuu utilize the Customer Satisfaction Procedure. before you Tesort to AUTO LINE, but you may cantact the ElBB at any the-. The BBB. will attempt to resolve the complaint seming:as: an interme-diary. If this mediation is .unsuccessful, an informal hearing will be -scheduled: whexe :eligible c.ustomer9 may present their cas.& to an iinpartid third-party arbitratar. The arbitrator will make .a decision which you may accept or reject. If you accept the decision, GM will1 .be .bound by that decision. The entire dispute resolution procedure. should ordinarily take about 40 days from the -time you file:a claimuntil a deaision is made. Some state taws may require y.ou to use-this program .before filing a claim with a state-run arbitration program .of . i n . the courts. .For further information, contzct the BBB at 1-800-955-5100 or the Chevrolet Customer Assistance Center at. 1-800-222- 1020.

-Your vehicle comes with a separ.ate warranty booklet that contains detiiikd warranty information.

REPORTING SAFETY DEFECTS TO THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT If you .believe that your vehicle. has a defect which could cause a crash or could cause injury or death, you-should immediately inform the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), in addition to notifying General Motors. If NHTSA receives similar complaints, it may open an investigation, and if it finds that a safety defect exists in a group of vehicl,es, it may order a recall -and remedy campaign. However, NHTSA cannot become involved in individual problems between you, your dealer or General Motars. To contact NHTSA, y.ou 'may either call the Auto Safety Hotline toll-free at 1-800-424-9393 (ar-366-0123 in the Washington, D.C. area) or write to:

NHTSA, U-.S, Department -of -Transportation Washington, D.C. .205:90

You can also obtain other.hformatfon:about motor vehicle. safety from the Hotline.


REPORTING SAFETY DEFECTS TO THE CANADIAN GOVERNMENT If you live in Canada, and you believe that your vehicle has a safety defect, you should immediately notify Transport Canada, in addition to notifying General Motors of Gana.da-Limited. You may write to:

Trgnspxt Canadti B.ox 8880 Ottawa, Ontario K1G 3J2

REPORTING SAFETY DEFECTS TO GIZNERAL MOTORS In addition to.notifying NHTSA (.or Transport Canada) in a situation like this, wecertainly hope you’lI notify us. Please call us at 1-800-222-1020 or write:

Chevrolet..Motor Division Chevrb1et:Customet .Assistance Center P.O. Box 7047 Tray, Michigan 4800’7-7.047

In Cmada, pletise call us at 1-8.00-263-3777 (English,) or 1-8:00-2.63-7854 (French). Or, mite: :General Motors of Canada Limited. Cu-stomer Communicat3on Centre 1908 Colonel Sam Drive Oshawa, Ontario: LLH 8P7

Ordering Sg .vice and Owner Publications in Canada aervice, service bulletins; owner’s :manuals and other service literature are available fur -purchase .for all current and past madel General MQ~KS vehicles. The tall-free telephone number for orderiag information in Canada i.s 1-.800-668-553-9.


1997 CHEVROLE-T/GEO SERVICE PUBLICATIONS ORDERING INFORMATIC The foliowing publications covering the operation and servicing of your vehicle- can be purchased by filling ob

-the Service Publication Order Form in this book and mailing it in with your check, rn-oney order,


or credit ca.Ld information to Helm, lncorporated (address below.)



SERVICE MANUALS Service Manuals have the diagnosis and repair information Owner publications-are written directly for Owners and on engines, tra’nsmission, axle, suspension, brakes, intende-d to provide b.asic operational information about thr vehicle. The owner’s manual will include the Maintenance, electrical, steering, body, etc. RETAIL SELL PRICE: $90.00 Schedule for all models. In-Portfolio: Includes a Portfolio, Owner’s Manual and Warranty Booklet. RETAIL SELL PRICE: $1 5.00 Without Portfolio: Owner’s Manual only. RETAIL SELL PRICE: $1 0.00

TRANSMISSION, TRANSAXLE, TRANSFER CASE UNIT REPAIR MANUAL This manual provides information on unit repair service procedures, adjustments and specifications for the 1997 GM transmissions, transaxles and transfer cases. RETAIL SELL PRICE: $40.00 S-ERVlCE BULLETINS- Sewice B-ulletins give technical service information needed to knowledgeably service General Motors cars and trucks. Each bulletin contains instructions to assist in the diagnosis and service of your vehicle.

CURRENT & PAST M0DE.L ORDER FORMS Service Publications are available-for current and past model GM vehicles. To request an order form, please specify year and model name of the vehicle.



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Section 9 Index

Accessory Power Outlets ........................ 2-50 Adding Sound Equipment ........................ 3-20 Add-on Equipment ............................. 4-46 AirBag ....................................... 1-19 Adding Equipment ............................ 1-24 How Does it Restrain .......................... 1-22 How it Works ................................ 1-2 1 Location .................................... l-21 Readiness Light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-20, 2-56 Servicing ................................... 1- 24 What Makes it Inflate .......................... 1-22 What Will You See After it Inflates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-23 When Should it Inflate ........................ 1-22 Air Cleaner ............................... 6-15, 6-69 Air Conditioning ................................ 3-4 Air Conditioning Refrigerants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-70 Alignment and Balance, Tire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-50 Aluminum Wheels, Cleaning ...................... 6-59 Antenna, Fixed ................................. 3-21 Anti-Lock Brake System Warning Light . . . . . . . . . 2-59, 4-7 Anti-Lock Brakes ............................... 4-7 Appearancecare ............................... 6-53 Appearance Care Materials ....................... 6-61 Arbitration Program .............................. 8-9 Armrest, Storage ............................... 2-48

2-49 3-19 3-6 2-19

Ashtrays ...................................... Audio System Tips .............................. Audio Systems .................................. Automatic Overdrive ............................ Automatic Transmission Check ...................................... Fluid .................................. Operation ................................... Park Mechanism Check ........................ Shifting ..................................... Front ....................................... 6-24 Rear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-22, 6-22

7-55 6-17, 6-70 2-17 7-57 2-17


Battery ....................................... 6-35 ChargeLight ................................ 2-56 Jump Starting ................................. 5-3 ..................... Replacement. Keyless Entry 2-7 Warnings .................................... 5-3 BBB Auto Line ................................. 8-9 Better Business Bureau Mediation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-9 Brake Fluid .................................... 6-31 Brake. Parking ................................. 2-28 Brake System Warning Light ...................... 2-58




Cooltint Heater. Engine ............................. 2- 16' C.ourtesy Transportati.on ............................ 8-8 %ruise Control .................................... 2-40 Customer Assi-stanceTnf~'o;l~tio~ -8- 1 Customer Satisfaction Procedure ..................... 8-2


Night . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-29 Off-Road ....... .......... .................. 4-14 0.ncurves ........ ' ............................ 4-9 Rainy C.0 ndixions ............................... 4-3-1 Snowy arid . Icy Conditions .......................... 4-33 ThrQugh Water ............................... 4-33 Wet Roads .................................. 4-31 W1nle.r ......................................... 4-39 . 4-54 With:a Trailer: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Diiving On Cfades While Towing a Tr-ailtr ............ 4-56 Dr.unken Driving. ................................ 4-3



Engine Oil ................... . ............... ...6 -10 . .............. -6-12 Adding ........ ..... Additives ................ .......... ....... :6-14 - ........ . -6- 14 . ............. Chmge Intervals . Che-cking ..................................... 6- 1 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-12 Kind to Use ............. ; . . Pressure Gaig.e-* .......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-62 Used ............... .......................... 6-15' Exhaust,.Engina ..................................... '2-33 Express-Down Window - ......................... 2-3-6 Extender, 'Safety Belt ............................. 1-37 Exterior Metal Parts; Protecting .................... ..6- 5.8




Fourth Gear. Manual TransmhiQn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-20 . Four- Whe:el Drive ......................... 2-22,.6-23 .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . French Language Front Axle .................................... ..+2 4. Front Map Lamps. 2-46 Front Side-marker Lamp Bulb Rephcement . . . . . . . . . . . . ;6 - 3.9: Front Storage Area .............................. 2-48! FrontTowing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-10 Front Turn Signal Lamp Bulb.Replacernent ........... 6-38; Fuel .......................................... 6-3 Filling Your Tank. ................................ 6-5 Foreign Counfr-ies ................................. 6-4 Gage ........................................ 2-64 Fuel Tank Capacity .............................. 6-70 . Fuses and Circuit Breakexs ......................... 6-64


Engine Codlailt Temperdtu~ ........................ '2-59 . Engine-Oil Pressure ............. , ................ 2-62 Fuel ........................................ 2-64 Gas c.3~. ........................................... 6-5; GAWR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-44 Gear 2-17 Glove Box ..................................... - . 2-47 Gross Axle Weight Rating ......................... 4-44 Gross Vehicle Weight Rating ....................... 4-44 .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Guide en Franga is 11 GVWR ......................................... 4 - 4 ~





Rain, Driving ................................... 4-31 Rear Axle .................................. 2-22,6-22 S,eat. Passengers .............................. 1-27 Towing ..................................... 5-11 Rearview Mirror ................................ 2-4.6 Reclining Front Seatbacks ......................... 1-3 RecoveryHaoks ................................ 5-37 Recovery Tank, Coolant ..................... 5-16,6-26 Recreational Vehicle Towing ...................... 4-43 Replacement Bulbs ............................. 6-67 Replacement Parts .............................. 6-69 Replacement, Wheel ..................... : ...... 6-50 Reporting. Safety Defects ......................... 8- 10 Restraints- Check ...................................... 7-54 Checking .................................... 1-37 Child ....................................... 1-30 Replacing Parts After a Crash ................... 1-38 Automatic Transmission ....................... 2- 18 Manual Transmission .......................... 2-21 Right Front Passenger Position .................... 1-25 Roadside Assistance .............................. 8-5 Canadian .................................... 8-7 Rocking Your-Vehicle ........................... 5-37 Rotation, Tires ................................. 6-46


safety Belts ................................... 1-7 Adults ...................................... 1-12

Care ....................................... 6-56 Center Passenger Position ...................... 1-25 Children ............................... 1-28,l-34 Driver Position ............................... 1- 12 Extender .................................... 1-37 1 - 12 How to Wear Properly ......................... Label ...................................... l-38 Lap Belt ............................... 1-26, 1-27 Lap-Shoulder ................................ 1-12 Questions and Answers ........................ 1- 11 Rear Seat Passengers .......................... 1-27 Reminder Light .......................... 1-8,2-55 Replacing After a Crash ........................ 1-38 Right Front Passenger Position .................. 1-25 Use During Pregnancy ......................... 1-25 Why They Work ............................... 1-8 Safety Chains .................................. 4-54 ........................ 8-10 Safety Defects, Reporting ... Safety Warnings and Symbols ....................... 111 Scheduled Maintenance Services .................... 7-4 Seatback Latches ....................................... l-5 ............................... 1-3 Reclining Front Seats and Restraint Systems ........................ 1-1 Second Gear Automatic Transmission ....................... 2- 19 Manual Transmission .......................... 2-20 Service and Appearance Care ...................... 6-1 Service Engine Soon Light ....................... 2-60 Service Parts Identification Label .................. 6-62 Service Publications . . . . . ....................... 8- 12


Service Work. Doing Your Own .................... 6-2 SheetMetaJDamage ................... i . . . . . . . . 6-59 Shift Light ............................... 2-21’2-63 Shifting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-17 IntoPark .................................... 2-29 Out of Park .................................. 2-32 Side Access Panel ............................... 2-5 Signaling Turns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-38 . SIR .......................................... 1-19 Skidding ...................................... 4-13 Sliding Rear Windows ........................... 2-36 SpareTire ..................................... 5-25 Specifications and Capacities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-68, 6-69 Speech Impaired, Customer Assistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-4 Speedometer ................................... 2-54 Stains, Cleaning ................................ 6-55 Starter Switch Check ............................ 7-56 Starting Your Engine ............................ 2- I3 Steam ........................................ 5-12 Steering

Pirk Lock Check ......................

C o l i z i ~ ~ ~ 7-57 In Emergencies ............................... 4- 10 Power ....................................... 4-9 Steering Wheel, Tilt ............................. 2-37 Storage Compartments ........................... 2-47 Storage,.Vehicle ................................ 6-35 Stuck: In Sand, Mud, Ice or Snow .................. 5-36 SunVisors .................................... 2-49 Supplemental Inflatable Restraint .................. 1 - 19 Symbols, Vehicle .................................. v

.......................... 3.20. 7.54 ...............................

Tachometer .................................. 2-54 Tailgate ........................................ 2-9 Lubrication Service ........................... 7-55 Taillamp Bulb Replacement ....................... 6-40 Tape Player Care Theft ......................................... 2-10 3-17 THEFTLOCK TM Thermostat .................................... 6-28 Third Gear. Manual Transmission .................. 2-20 Tilt Steering Wheel ............................. 2-37 Time. Setting ................................... 3-6 Tire Chains ................................... -5-52 Tires Alignment and Balance ......................... 6-50 Buying New ... : ............................. 6-48 ChangingaFlat .............................. 5-23 Cleaning .................................... 6-59 Inflation .................................... 6-45 Inflation Check ............................... 7-54 Inspection and Rotation ........................ 6-46 Pressure .................................... 6-45 Spare ...................................... 5-25 Temperatme ................................. 6-50 Traction .................................... 6-49 Treadwear ..................................... 6-49 Uniform Quality Grading ........................ 6-49 Wear Indicators .............................. 6-47 Wheel Replacement ........................... 6-50 When It’s Time for New ....................... 6-47 Topstrap ..................................... 1-30


TTY Users ....................................... 8-4 Turn . Signal a d Lane Change . Signals ................. 2-3.8 Turn Signals When Towing a Trailer ................ 4-56 Two-Tiered Loading ............................ 4-45

underbody Maintenance ........................ 6-60 Underhood Bulb Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-41 Used Replacement Wheels ......................... 6-51

vanity Mirror Lamp Bulb Replstcernent ............ 6-41 Vehicle Control ...................................... 4-6 Damagewarnings .............................. iv Dimensions ................................. 6-71 6 4 2 Identification Number “Break-In” .................................. 2-11 Loading .................................... 4-44 Stwag. e ..................................... 6-35 Ventilation System ............................... 3.- 4 visors, sun ..................................... 2-49 Voltmeter ...................................... 2-57


warning Devices ............................... 5-2

Waning Lights. Gages and Indimtors ................ 2-55 Washer FIuid. Windshield ........................... 6-29 Washing Your Vehicle ........................... 6-57 Weathemips .................................. 6-57


6-50 Windshield Wipers

Wheel Aliggrnent ............................... Wheel-Nut Torque ......................... Wheel Replacement ............................. Windows .....................................

5-32,6-68 6-50 2-35 Fuses

Express-Down ............................... 2-36 Winter Sliding Rear ................................. 2-36 Wiring, Headlamp Swing-Out .................................. 2-36 Wrecker Towing Windshield Washer ............................. 2-39 Fluid ....................................... 6-29 Fluid Level Check ............................ 7-54 Windshield Wiper .............................. 2-39

Bladecheck ................................. 7-2.5 Blade: Replacement ...................... 6-42,649 ...................................... Driving ................................. 4-39 .............................. 6-63 ................................. 5-7


vic Station Checkpoints


- ~.















Far de~il~d.-inf~rmarion,

refer twthe page number listed, gr see the index in the back of the owner s manual.


The 1997 Chevrslet S-Series Owner’s Manual

1,- 1







9- 1

trols an&how 6 @Crate your audio system.

Seats and Restraint Systems This section tells you how to use your ‘seats-and s;afety belts properly. It also explains the:“SIB” system. Features and Controls This section.expl&s how to start and operate your vehicle. C.omfOrt Contrals and Audio Systems This sectiun tells you -how to adjust the venti-lation and cordfort c Your Driving and the Road .He?& you’ll findhelpful information and tip.s about .the road ami how to drive underdifferent c:onditions. Problems on the Road This scctign tells do. if you have a problem while driving, such as a flat tire or o-verheatd engine, etc. Service and Appearance Care Here the manual tells yon how to keep your vehic-le runriing prgperly and 1o.oking;go.od. Maintenance- Schedule T h i s section tells you when toperform vehicle maintenance and what fluids and lubficants to use. Customer Assistance Information This sectim tells y0.u how to contact Chemolet for assistaxe and how to get s-ervice arid. owner publications., It alS0 @VeS YOU information on “Reporting Safety Defects” on page 8- 10. Index Here’s an alphabetical listing of.almost every subject in this manual: You can use it to quickly Wna, something you want to read.


GENERAL MOTORS, GM, the GM Emblem, CHEVROLET, the CHEVROLET Emblem are 1egistere.d trademarks of General Motors Carporation. This manual includes the. latest information a-t the time it. wasprinted. We reserve the right to:-malce changes in the product after that time without furthet notice. For vehicles first sold in Canada, substitute the name “General Motors of Canada Limited” for Chevrolet Division-whenever it appears in this manual. Please- keep this manudin you- vehicle, so it will be there if you ever need it when you-’re on the road. If you sell the vehicle., please leave this manual in it so the new owner e m use it.

Litho in U.S.A. C970.8..3 Firsi.Edition


We support voluntary technician certification.



National Institutefor




For Canadian Owners ‘Who Prefer a French Language Manual: Aux ,propri&aires canadiens: Vous pouvez vous procurer un exemplaire de ce guide votre concessionaire ou au:

:en franqais chez

DGN Marketing Services Ltd.. 1500 Bonhill Rd. Mississauga, Ontario L5.T 1 C7

OCqpyright General. Motors Corporsr.ticm 1.9.96 All Rights Reserved

How to Use this Manual Many people read.their owner% manual from beginoing. to end when :they-first receive their n.ew vehicle, If you do this., it will help yuu learn about the features and cofitrols for yom vehicle. In this manual, you’II find that-pictures-, and words work together to explain things quickly. Index A gpod place t.0 look-far what y0.u need is the’Index in the back of the manual. It’s an alphabetical list of what’s in the manmi, and the page iumber where you’ll find it.

Safety Warnings and Sy.mbols You will find a number of safety c’autions in this. boGE. We use a box arid the word.CAUTION to tell. you ,about things that. could hurt you’if you -were to ignore the warning;

These mean there is something that could hurt yon or .other people.

In the caution ,area, we tell you what the hazard is. Then we tell you what.-to dq to help avoid or reduce the hazard. Please read these cautims. If you don’t, you or others .could be hurt.


Y6u will.also find a circle with a slash through it in this book. This safety symbol .means. “ D ~ d t , ” “Don’t do this,” or “Don’t let this happen.”

In the notux area, we [ell you about something -that can dam-age your vehide. Many times., this damag-e would not be covered by your warranty, and,uld be costly. Butzthe n,otice will tell you whit to da to help avoid the damage. When you~ead other manuals, you might see CAUTION and NOTICE warnings in different colors or in different words. You’ll also see warning labels on your vehicle. They use- the same words, CAUTION or’NOTICE.

Vehicle Damage Warnings Also, in this:b,o.ok you will find tkse notices:


These mean there .is something that could damage your vehicle.


Vehkle .Symbols. These are sa-me of the s,ymbols you may find on your vehicle.

These- symbols :are important for you and yo,ur passengers whenever your vehicle is driven:




For-example, these symbols are used :on an original battery:






These symbols have to do. with your iamps.:

These symbols are on some Qf your daritroh:

These symbols are used oil warning and indicator lights:

Here are dther symbols you may see:



6 e3














FUSE -%F I ttT ,SPEAKER b p3




Model Reference This manual covers these models:

Extended Cab Pickup

Section 1 Seats and Restraint Systems

Here you’ll find information about the seats in your vehicle and how to use your safety belts properly. You can also learn about some things you should not do with air bags and safety belts.

1-2 1-7 1-11

1-12 1-12 1-19

1-25 1-25

Seats and Seat Controls Safety Belts: They’re for Everyone Here Are Questions Many People Ask About S.afety Belts -- and the Answers How to Wear Safety Belts Properly Driver Position S.upplemental Matable Restraint (SIR) System Safety Belt Use During Pregnancy Right Front Passenger Position

1-25 1-27

1-2.8 1-30 1-34 1-37 1-37 1-38

Center Passenger P.osition Rear Seat Passengers (Extended Cab Jump Seats) Children Child Restraints Larger Children Safety Belt Extender Checking Your Restraint Systems Replacing Restraint System Parts After a Crash


Seats and Seat Controls This; section tdls you about the seats -- how to adjust them, and fold them up- and down. Manual Front Seat

You can lose control of the vehicle if you try to adjust .a manual .driver’s seat while the vehicle is moving. The- sudden movement could startle- and confuse you, or make you push a pedal when you don’t want to. Adjust the driver’s seat only when the vehicle is not moving.

.. . ..


For vehicles without easy entry seats, move the lever under the front of the seat toward the driver’s door to unlock it. Slide the seat to where. you want it. Then release the lever and try to move the seat with your body to make sure the seat is locked into place.

For vehicles with-easy entry seats, move the lever under the. front of the seat up to- unlock it. Slide the seat to where you want it., Then release the lever and try to move the seat with your body to make sure the seat is locked inTo place.

Manual Lumbar Support (Option)

If you have this feature, there will be a knob on the outside bf the driver and passenger bucket seats.

Reclining Seatbacks (Bucket Seats or 60/40 Bench)

To adjust the front seatback, lift the lever on the outer side of the seat.

Turn the knob counterclockwise to increase lumbar support and clockwise to decrease lumbar support.

Release the lever to lock the seatback where you want it. Pull up on the lever and the seat will go to an upright position.
