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1 Your engine is designed to work

with the electronics in your vehicle. If you add electrical parts or accessories, you could change th way the fuel injection system operates. Before adding electrlcal equipment, check with your dealer. If you don’t, your engine might not perform properly. If you ever have to have your vehicle towed, see the part of thi Manual that tells how to do it without damaging your vehicle. See “Towing Your Vehicle’’ in th Index


Driving through Deep Standing Water NOTiCE: [f you drive too quickly throul deep puddles or standing wt :r, water can come in through your engine’s air intake and badly damage your engine. If you can’t avoid deep puddle< nr standing water, drive throul them very slowly

Engine Block Heater (OPTION)

In very cold weather, 0 OF (- 1 8 “C) or colder, the engine block heater can help. You’ll get easier starting and better fuel economy during engine warm-up. To use the block heater: 1. Turn off the engine. 2. Open the hood and unwrap the

electrical cord.

3. Plug it into a normal, grounded

1 10-volt outlet. CA UTiON: A Plugging the cord into an

ungrounded outlet could

cause an electrical shock. Also, the wrong kind of extension cord could overheat and cause a fire. You could be seriously injured. Plug the cord into a properly grounded three-prong 1 10-volt outlet. If the cord won’t reach, use a heavy-duty three-prong extension cord rated for at least 15 amps.

Features & Controls


It is dangerous to get out of your vehicle if rhe shift lever is

Automatic Transmission

There are several different positions for your shift lever.

P (Park)

This locks your rear wheels. It’s the best position to use when you start your engine because your vehicle can’t move easily.

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H T I ~ ~ I- sure to store the cord as it was to keep it aw-f from movin ,-fore, engine parts. If you ,$a;!$$$,. ; $&add be damaged. , . ,Q . , t!!! h,~ I

How long should you keep the block heater plugged in? The answer depends on the weather, the kind of oil you have, and some other things. Instead of trying to list everything here, we ask that you contact a Chevrolet dealer in the area where you’ll be parking your vehicle. The dealer can give you the best advice for that particular area,

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not fully in P (Park) with the parking brake firmly set. Your vehicle can roll. Don’t leave your vehicle when the engine is running unless you have to. If you have left the engine running, the vehicle can move suddenly. You or others could be injured. To be sure your vehicle won’t move, when you’re on fairly level ground, always set your parking brake and move the shift lever to P (Park). See “Shifting into P (Park)” in the Index. I f you are parking on a hill, or if you’re pulling a trailer, also see “Parking on Hills” or “Towing a Trailer” in the Index.

Ensure the shift lever is fully in P (Park) range before starting the engine. Your Chevrolet has a brake-transmission shift interlock. You have to fully apply your regular brakes before you can shift from P (Park) when the ignition key is in the Run position. If you cannot shift out of P (Park), ease pressure on the shift lever - push the shift lever all the way into P (Park) and also release the shift lever button on floor shift console models as you maintain brake application. Then move the shift lever into the gear you wish. (Press the shift lever button before moving the shift lever on tloor shift console models.) See "Shifting out of P (Park)" in this part.

0 R (Reverse) Use this gear to back up.


I Shifting to K (Reverse) while your vehicle is moving forward could damage your transmission. Shift to R only after your vehicle is stopped.

To rock your vehicle back and forth to get out of snow, ice or sand without damaging your transmission, see "Stuck: In Sand, Mud, Ice or Snow, If You're" in the Index.

N (Neutral)

In this position, your engine doesn't connect with the wheels. To restart when you're already moving, use N (Neutral) only. Also, use N when your vehicle is being towed.


Features & Controls

Shifting out of Y (Park) or N (Neutral) while your engine 13 “racing” (running at high speed) is dangerous. Unless your foot is firmly on the brake pedal, your vehicle could move very rapidly. You could lose control and hit people or objects. Don’t shift out of P (Park) or N (Neutral) while your engine is racing.

I I Damage to your transmission

caused by shifting out of P (Park) o N (Neutral) with the engine racin; isn’t covered by your warranty.

@ Automatic Overdrive

This position is for normal driving. If you need more power for passing, md you’re: - Going less than about 35 mph

(56 km/h), push your accelerator pedal abou; halfway down.

- Going about 35 mph (56 km/h) or

more, push the accelerator all the way down.

You’ll shift down to the next gear and have more power.

D (Third Gear)

This is like @I , but you never go into Overdrive. Here are some times you might choose D instead of @ : - When driving on hilly, winding roads - When towing a trailer. so there is less

shifting between gears

I - When going down a steep hill

D 2 (Second Gear) rhis position gives you more power but .ower fuel economy. You can use 2 on lills. It can help control your speed as you go down steep mountain roads, but :hen you would also want to use your xakes off and on.

NOTICE: Don't drive in 2 (Second Gear) more than 5 miles (8 km), or at speeds over 55 mph (88 kmh) you can damage your transmissi Use @ or D as much as possible. Don't shift into 2 unless you are golng slower than 65 mph ( 105 km/h), 1 you can damage your engine.

1 (First Gear) (V6 Engine)

This position gives you even more power (but lower fuel economy) than 2. You can use it on very steep hills, or in deep snow or mud. If the selector lever is put in 1, the transmission won't shift into first gear until the vehicle is going slowly enough.

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Features & Controls

Maximum engine speed is limited to protect driveline components from improper operation.

Manual Transmission

Five-Speed This is your shift pattern. Here’s how to operate your transmission:

1 (First Gear) - Press the clutch pedal and shift into 1. Then, slowly let up on the clutch pedal as you press the accelerator pedal. You can shift into 1 when you’re going less than 20 mph (32 km/h). If you’ve come to a complete stop and it’s hard to shift into 1, put the shift lever in Neutral and let up on the clutch. Press the clutch pedal back down. Then shift into 1.

If your rear wheels can’t rotat don’t try to drive. This might happen if you were stuck in v deep sand or mud or were up

, , against a solid object. You damage your transmission Also, if you stop when goi uphill, don’t hold your vehi there with only the accelerat pedal. This could overheat an damage the transmission. Use your brakes or shift into P (Park) to hold



2 (Second Gear) - Press the clutch pedal as you let up on the accelerator pedal and shift into 2. Then, slowly let up on the clutch pedal as you press the accelerator pedal. 3,4 and 5 (Third, Fourth and Fifth Gears) - Shift into 3,4 and 5 the same way you do for 2. Slowly let up on the clutch pedal as you press the accelerator pedal. To Stop - Let up on the accelerator pedal and press the brake pedal. Just before the vehicle stops, press the clutch pedal and the brake pedal, and shift to Neutral.

Neutral - Use this position when you start or idle your engine. R (Reverse) - To back up, press down the clutch pedal and shift into R. Let up on the clutch pedal slowly while pressing the accelerator pedal. NOTICE: Shift to K (Reverse) only atter your vehicle is stopped. Shifting to R (Reverse) while your vehicl moving could darnage-pur transmission.


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Six-Speed This is your shift pattern. Here’s how to operate your transmission: 1 (First Gear) - Press the clutch pedal and shift into 1. Then, slowly let up on the clutch pedal as you press the accelerator pedal. You can shift into 1 when you’re going less than 20 mph (30 km/h). If you’ve come to a complete stop and it’s hard to shift into 1, put the shift lever in Neutral and let up on the clutch. Press the clutch pedal back down. Then shift into 1.

Also, use Reverse, along with the parking brake, for parking your vehicle.

Features & Controls

2 (Second Gear) - Press the clutch pedal as you let up on the accelerator pedal and shift into 2. Then, slowly let up on the clutch pedal as you press the accelerator pedal. 3,4,S and 6 (Third, Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Gears) - Shift into 3,4, 5 and 6 the same way you do for 2. Slowly let up on the clutch pedal as you press the accelerator pedal. To Stop - Let up on the accelerator pedal and press the brake pedal. Just before the vehicle stops, press the clutch pedal and the brake pedal, and shift to Neutral.

Neutral - Use this position when you start or idle your engine. R (Reverse) - To back up, press down the clutch pedal and shift into R. Let up on the clutch pedal slowly while pressing the accelerator pedal. If you shift from 6 into R, the shift lever must be first placed in the Neutral position centered between 2 and 3 prior to shifting into R.

Your six-speed manual transmission has a feature that allows you to safely shift into R (Reverse) while the vehicle is rolling (at less than 5 mph). You will be “locked-out” if you try to shift into R (Reverse) while your vehicle is moving faster than 5 mph. If you have turned your ignition off and wish to park your vehicle in Reverse, you will have to move the shift lever quickly to the right, “crashing” through the high load spring and then into gear.

shift speeds (MANUAL TRANSMISSION) This chart shows when to shift to the next higher gear for best fuel economy.



3.4L L32 (Code S) 5.7L LT1 (Code P)

I (21-25)


15 (24)

Acceleration Shift Speed to 5 4547 (72-75) (51

2 to 3 21 -28 (34-35)

25 (40)

45 (72)

3 to 4 32-37 -59) 40 (64)


5 to 6 4 50 (80)

If your speed drops below 20 mph (30 km/h), or if the engine is not running smoothly, you should downshift to the next lower gear. You may have to downshift two or more gears to keep the engine running smoothly or for good performance.



, If you skip more than one gear when youdownshift, you could

, , lose control of your vehicle. And

you could injure yourself or others. Don’t shift from 6 to 3, 5 to 2 or 4

NOTICE: If you skip more than one gear when you downshift, or if you race the engine when you downshift, you can damage the clutch or transmission.


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Features & Controls

fl Limited-Slip Rear Axle If you have this feature, your rear axle can give you additional traction on snow, mud, ice, sand or gravel. It works like a standard axle most of the time, but when one of the rear wheels has no traction and the other does, the limited-slip feature will allow the wheel with traction to move the vehicle.

Purking Parking Brake The parking brake uses the brakes on the rear wheels To set the parking brake: Hold the brake pedal down and pull up on the parking brake lever. If the ignition is on, the brake system warning light will come on.

To release the parking brake: Hold the brake pedal down. Pull the parking brake lever up until you can push in the release button. Hold the release button in as you

move the brake lever all the way down. -


Driving with the parking bra cause your rear brakes tc

overheat. You may have to replace them, and you could also da: ge sther parts of your vehicl

If you are on a hill: See “Parking on Hills” in the Index. That section shows how to turn your front wheels. If you are towing a trailer and are parking on any hill: See “Towing a Trailer” in the Index. That section shows what to do first to keep the trailer from moving.


It can IX aangerous to get out of your vehicle if the shift lever

is not fully in P (Park) with the parking brake firmly set. Your vehicle can roll. If you have left the engine running, the vehicle can move suddenly. You or others could be injured. To be sure your vehicle won’t move, when you’re on fairly level ground, use the steps that follow. If you are parking on a hill, or if you’re pulling a trailer, also see “Parking on Hills” or “Towing a Trailer” in the Index.

1. Hold the brake pedal down with your right foot and set the parking brake.

2. Move the shift lever into P (Park)

position like this:

Hold in the button on the lever, and push the lever all the way toward the front of your vehicle.

3. Move the ignition key to LOCK. 4. Remove the key and take it with you.

If you can walk away from your vehicle with the ignition key in your hand, your vehicle is in P (Park).

Features & Controls

.eaving Your Vehicle with the rngine Running AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION)

,A your vehicle with the engine

It can be dangerous

to leave

running. Your vehicle could move suddenly if the shift lever is not fully in P (Park) with the parking brake firmly set. And, if you leave the vehicle with the engine running, it could overheat and even catch fire. You or others could be injured. Don’t leave your vehicle with the

I I engine running unless you have to.

Shifting out of P (Park) (AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION) Your Chevrolet has a brake-transmission shift interlock. You have to fully apply your regular brake before you can shift from P (Park) when the ignition is in the Run position. See “Automatic Transmission” in the Index.

If you have to leave your vehicle with the engine running, be sure your vehicle is in P (Park) and your parking brake is firmly set before you leave it. After you’ve moved the shift lever into the P (Park) position, hold the regular brake pedal down. Then, see if you can move the shift lever away from P (Park) without first pushing the button. If you can, it means that the shift lever wasn’t fully locked into P (Park).

If you cannot shift out of P (Park), ease pressure on the shift lever - push the shift lever all the way into P (Park) and also release the shift lever button on floor shift console models as you maintain brake application. Then move the shift lever into the gear you wish. (Press the shift lever button before moving the shift lever.)

If you ever hold the brake pedal down but still can’t shift out of P (Park), try this: 1. Turn the key to Off. 2. Apply and hold the brake until the end

of Step 4.

3. Shift to N (Neutral). 4. Start the vehicle and then shift to the

drive gear you want.

5. Have the vehicle fixed as soon as you


Parking Your Vehicle (MANUAL TRANSMISSION) Before you get out of your vehicle, put your manual transmission in R (Reverse) and firmly apply the parking brake. If you are parking on a hill, or if your vehicle is equipped to tow a trailer, see “Parking on Hills” or “Towing a Trailer” in the Index.

Features & Controls

Parking over Things That Burn

L / m u I I V I V .

'I'hlngs that can burn could

I.\ touch hot exhaust parts under your vehicle and ignite. Don't park over papers, leaves, dry grass or other things that can burn.

Engine Exhaust

\ Engine exhaust can kill. It contains the gas carbon monoxide (CO), which - you can't see or smell. It can cause unconsciousness and death. You might have exhaust coming in if: * Your vehicle gets rusty underneath. 0 Your vehicle was damaged in a collision. e Your vehicle was damaged when driving over high points on the road or over

Your exhaust system sounds strange or different.

road debris.

m Repairs weren't done correctly. 0 Your vehicle or exhaust system had been modified improperly. If you ever suspect exhaust is coming into your vehicle: e Drive it only with all the windows down to blow out any CO; and

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Have it fixed immediatelv.

Running Your Engine While You’re Parked (AUTOMATIC TRANsMIssIoN) It’s better not to park with the engine running. But if you ever have to, here are some things to know. 1 CAUTION:

u m g tne engme wltn tne alr system control OII coula allow aangerous

L exhaust into your vehicle (see the earlier Caution under “Engine Exhaust”).

Also, idling in a closed-in place can let deadly carbon monoxide (CO) into your vehicle even if the fan switch is at the highest setting. One place this can happen is a garage. Exhaust - with CO - can come in easily. NEVER park in a garage with the engine running. Another closed-in place can be a blizzard. (See “Blizzard” in the Index.)

11 can oe udngeruus LO gel out 01 yuur veriiue 11 lhe sriill lever is riui rully in I L P (Park) with the parking brake firmly set. Your vehicle can roll. Don’t leave your vehicle when the engine is running unless you have to. If you’ve left the engine running, the vehicle can move suddenly. You or others could be injured. To be sure your vehicle won’t move, even when you’re on fairly level ground, always set your parking brake and move the shift lever

to P (Park).

C you are parking on a hill, or if you’re pulling a trailer, also see “Parking on Hills” or Towing a Trailer” in the Index.

Windows Manual Windows Use the window crank to open and close each door window.

Features & Controls

Power Windows (Option) With power windows, switches on the door control each window when the ignition is on or when RAP is present. (See “Retained Accessory Power” in the Index.) The switch for the driver’s window has an Express Down feature. Quickly press and release the switch for the driver’s window and the window will lower completely. You can also open this window any amount by pressing the switch and releasing it when the window has lowered to the position you want.

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To sound the horn, press either horn symbol on your steering wheel.

Tilt Wheel

A tilt steering wheel allows you to adjust ;he steering wheel before you drive. You can also raise it to the highest level to give your legs more room when you exit md enter the vehicle. To tilt the wheel, hold the steering wheel md pull the lever. Move the steering wheel to a comfortable level, then release he lever to lock the wheel in place.


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The Turn SignaUHeadlight Beam Lever

The lever on the left side of the steering column includes your: 0 Turn Signal and Lane Change


0 Headlight Highbow Beam and

Passing Signal

rum Signal and Lane Change ndicator I: ’he turn signal has two upward (for tight) and two downward (for Left) lositions. These positions allow you to ignal a turn or a lane change. b signal a turn. move the lever all the vay up or down. When the turn is inished, the lever will return .utomatically.

0 Windshield Wipers 0 Windshield Washer 0 Cruise Control (Option)

A green arrow on the instrument panel will flash in the direction of the turn or lane change. To signal a lane change, just raise or lower the lever until the green arrow start: to flash. Hold it there until you complete your lane change. The lever will return by itself when you release it. As you signal a turn or a lane change, if the arrows don’t flash but just stay on, a signal bulb may be burned out and other drivers won’t see your turn signal. I f a bulb is burned out, replace it to help avoid an accident. If the green arrows don’t go on at all when you signal a turn, check the fuse (see “Fuses” in the Index) and for burned-out bulbs.

Features & Controls

Headlight HighLow Beam To change the headlights from low beam to high or high to low, pull the turn signal lever all the way toward you. Then release it. When the high beams are on, this blue light on the instrument panel also will be on.

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W i n d s m p e r s You control the windshield wipers by turning the band with the wiper symbol on it. For a single wiping cycle, turn the band to MIST. Hold it there until the wipers start, then let go. The wipers will stop after one cycle. If you want more cycles, hold the band on MIST longer. You can set the wiper speed for a long or short delay between wipes. This can be very useful in light rain or snow. Turn the band to choose the delay time. The closer to LO, the shorter the delay.


For steady wiping at low speed, turn the band away from you to the LO position. For high speed wiping, turn the band further, to HI. To stop the wipers, move the band to OFF.


Windshield Washer At the top of the turn signal lever there's PUSH on it. To a paddle with the word spray washer fluid on the windshield, just ' push the paddle. The washer will continue to spray until you release the paddle. The wipers will clear the window and wipe a few more times before stopping or returning to the previous setting.

Damaged wiper blades may prevent you from seeing well

enough to drive safely. To avoid damage, be sure to clear ice and snow from the wiper blades before using them. If they're frozen to the windshield, carefully loosen or thaw them. If your blades do become damaged, get new blades or blade inserts.

Heavy snow or ice can overload your wipers. A circuit breaker will stop them until the motor cools. Clear away snow 0 1 ice to prevent an overload.

urlvmg wltnout wasner fluid can be dangerous. A bad mud splash can block your vision. You could hit another vehicle or go off the road. Check your washer fluid level often. In freezing weather, don't use your washer until the windshield is warmed. Otherwise the washer fluid can form ice on the windshield, blocking your vision.

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Features & Controls

washer fluid, follow the manufacturer’? instructiopc fnr adding water. Don’t mix warGI with ready-to-use washer fluic.. Water can cause the solutinn tn freeze and damage your washer fluid tank and other parts of the washer systen Also, water doesn’t clean as well as washer fluid. Fill your washer fluid tank only 3/4 full when it’s ver cold. This allows fo expansion, which COUI( damage the tank if it is completely full. Don’t use radiator anurreeze In your windshield washer. It can damage yolw wacher cvctpm and paint.

Cruise Control ( o p m v ) With Cruise Control, you can maintain a speed of about 25 mph (40 km/h) or more without keeping your foot on the accelerator. This can really help on long trips. Cruise Control does not work at speeds below about 25 mph (40 km/h). When you apply your brakes, or push the clutch pedal, if you have a manual transmission, the Cruise Control shuts off.

1 L

Cruise Control can be dangerous where you can’t drive safely at a steady speed. So, don’t use your Cruise Control on winding roads or in heavy traffic.

* Cruise Control can be

dangerous on slippery roads. On such roads, fast changes in tire traction can cause needless wheel spinning, and you could lese control. h n ’ t use Cruise


- = - 8 O


!m .I

2. Get up to the speed you want. 3. Push in the set button at the end of the

lever and release it.

To Resume a Set Speed Suppose you set your Cruise Control at a desired speed and then you apply the brake. This, of course, shuts off the Cruise Control. But you don't need to reset it. Once you're going about 25 mph (40 km/h) or more, you can move the Cruise Control switch from ON to R/A (Resume/Accelerate) for about half a second. You'll go right back up to your chosen speed and stay there.

To Set Cruise Control 1. Move the Cruise Control switch to


A If you leave your Cruise

Control switch on when you're

not using Cruise, you might hit a button and go into Cruise when you don't want to. You could be startled and even lose control. Keep the Cruise Control switch OFF until you want to use


Features & Controls 1

11 There are two ways to go to a higher

speed. Here's the first: 1. Use the accelerator pedal to get to the

higher speed.

2. Push the button at the end of the lever,

then release the button and the accelerator pedal. You'll now cruise at the higher speed.

Here's the second way to go to a higher speed: 1. Move the Cruise switch from ON to R/A. Hold it there until you get up to the speed you want, and then release the switch. To increase your speed in very small amounts, move the switch to R/A for less than half a second and then release it. Each time you do this, your vehicle will go about 1 mph (1.6 km/h) faster.

longer than ha'f a

the .,hicle will keep going faster until you release the switch or apply the brake. You could be startled and even lose control. So unless you want to go faster, don't hold the switch at R/A.

. = 9 8 2


Passing Another Vehicle While Using Cruise Control Use the accelerator pedal to increase your speed. When you take your foot off the pedal, your vehicle will slow down to the Cruise Control speed you set earlier.

To Reduce Speed While Using Cruise Control There are two ways to reduce your speed while using cruise control: 1. Push in the button at the end of the

lever until you reach the lower speed you want, then release it.

2. To slow down in very small amounts,

push the button for less than half a second. Each time you do this, you’ll go 1 mph (1.6 km/h) slower.

Using Cruise Control on Hills How well your Cruise Control will work on hills depends upon your speed, load, and the steepness of the hills. When going up steep hills, you may have to step on the accelerator pedal to maintain your speed. When going downhill, you may have to brake or shift to a lower gear to keep your speed down. Of course, applying the brake takes you out of Cruise Control. Many drivers find this to be too much trouble and don’t use Cruise Control on steep hills.


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Features & Controls

I'o Get Out of Cruise Control There are several ways to turn off the Cruise Control:. 1. Step lightly on the brake pedal or push the clutch pedal, if you have a manual transmission: OR

2. Move the Cruise switch to OFF.

To Erase Speed Memory When you turn off the Cruise Control or the ignition, your Cruise Control set speed memory is erased.

Operation of Lights

Although your vehicle's lighting system (headlights, parking lights, fog lamps, side marker lights and taillights) meet all applicable federal lighting requirements, certain states and provinces may apply their own lighting regulations that may require special attention before you operate these lights. For example, some jurisdictions may require that you operate your lower beam lights with fog lamps at all times, or that headlights be turned on whenever you must use your windshield wipers. In addition, most jurisdictions prohibit driving solely with parking lights, especially at dawn or dusk. It is recommended that you check with your own state or provincial highway authority for applicable lighting regulations.

Main Light Control The main light control is a knob that works these lights: 0 Headlights 0 Taillights

Parking lights 0 License lights 0 Sidemarker lights

Instrument panel lights

Turn the knob to SF- to turn on your

headlights and other operating lights. Turn the knob to pf to turn on your parking lights without your headlights, Turn the knob to OFF to turn off the lights.

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Brightness Control This switch controls the brightness of your instrument panel lights. Turn the switch to brighten or dim the lights. If you

turn the switch all the way up to dv ,

your courtesy lights will come on.

Lights On Reminder If you turn the ignition Off and leave the lights on, you will hear a tone when you open the driver’s door.

Daytime Running Lights (Canada) The Canadian Federal Government has decided that “Daytime Running Lights” (DRL) are a useful feature, in that DRL can make your vehicle more visible to pedestrians and other drivers during daylight hours. DRL are required on new vehicles sold in Canada. Your DRL work with a light sensor on top of the instrument panel. Don’t cover it up. The front turn signal lights will come on in daylight when: 0 The ignition is on

The headlight switch is off, and The parking brake is released.

Features & Controls

At dusk, the exterior lights will come on automatically and the front turn signal lights will go out. At dawn, the exterior lights will go out and the front turn signal lights will come on (if the headlight switch is off). Of course, you may still turn on the headlights any time you need to. To idle your vehicle with the DRL off, set the parking brake while the ignition is in the Off or LOCK position. Then start the vehicle. The DRL will stay off until you release the parking brake.

Fog Lights (Option) Use your fog lights for better vision in foggy or misty conditions. Your parking lights must be on or your fog lights won't work. To turn the fog lights on, push the switch abovego. Push the bottom of the switch to turn the fog lights off. A light on the switch will come on when the fog lights are on. Fog lights will go off whenever your high beams come on. When the high beams go off, the fog lights will come on again.

Interior Lights

Courtesy Lights When any door is opened, several interior lights go on. These lights are courtesy lights. They make it easier for you to mter and leave your vehicle. Courtesy lights include the dome light md other lights throughout the interior of your vehicle.


Front Map Lights Your inside rearview mirror includes two map lights. Each light has its own switch. Use the switch closest to the light to turn it on. The lights will also go on when a door is opened.


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Inside Day/Night Rearview Mirror An inside rearview mirror is attached to your windshield, The mirror has pivots so that you can adjust it up and down or side to side.

You can adjust the mirror for day or night driving. Pull the tab for night driving to reduce glare. Push the tab for daytime driving.

Manual Adjust Mirror Adjust the passenger side outside mirror you by hand so that you can just see the side are sitting in a of your vehicle when you comfortable driving position.

Convex Outside Mirror Your right side mirror is convex. A convex mirror's surface is curvec so you can see more from the driver's seat,

If you aren't used to a convex

L mirror, you can hit another

cut too sharply into the right

vehicle. A convex mirror can make things (like other vehicles) look farther away than they really are. If lane, you could hit a vehicle on your right. Check your inside mirror or glance over shoulder before your changing lanes.

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Features & Controls

Manual Remote Control Mirror Adjust the driver side outside mirror with the lever on the door. Adjust the mirror so that you can just see the side of your vehicle when you are sitting in a comfortable driving position.

Electric Mirror Control (Option) The electric mirror control is on the driver’s door. To adjust either mirror, turn the switch to LEFT or RIGHT. Then use the joystick to adjust the mirror. The control only works when the ignition switch is in Run or Acc, or when RAP is present. (See “Retained Accessory Power” in the Index.)

Twin Lift-OffRoof Panels (oPnoN)

f you have this option, you can remove me or both lift-off roof panels.


Don’t try to remove the T-top panels while the vehicle is

moving. Trying to remove a T-top panel while the vehicle is moving could cause an accident. The panel could fall into the vehicle and cause you to lose control, or it could fly off and strike another vehicle. You or others could be injured. Remove a T-top panel only when the vehicle

I is parked.

. .-

The door key unlocks the panels. Turn the key to the left to unlock the panel.

Then pull on the release handle to unlatch the panel. Lift the outer edge of the panel and pull it toward you.

If a '1-top panel is not stored properly, it could be thrown

sudden maneuver. People in the vehicle could be injured. Whenever you store a T-top panel in the vehicle. always be sure that it is stored securely in the correct storage slot with the T-top handle closed.

Open the close-out panel completely. Place the panel in the correct slot (DRIVER or PASSENGER) in the rear area of your vehicle. Make sure the handle is open and facing you when you put it in the storage slot.

Features & Controls

Push the handle closed to secure the panel in the slot. To lock each panel in the storage area, use your door key.

When installing panels, be sure to align weatherstrips properly. Panels incorrectly installed may leak.

High pressure car washes may cause water to enter your vehicle. Neve] spray water directly at the roof panel joints. This will cause leaks

An improperly 111sw1ea l-rop L panel may fall into or fly off me vehicle. You or others could be injured. After installing a T-top panel, always check that it is firmly attached by pushing up on the underside of the panel.

Reverse the steps above to install the T-top panels.

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T-Top Sunshades 1. Start with the panel marked DRIVER

FRONT. Unlatch the driver-side T-top, raise it halfway and close the latch handle.

2. With the top raised and resting on the center roof rail, slide the flat edge of the sunshade panel (with the vinyl side to the glass) between the glass and plastic trim, making sure the edge marked DRIVER FRONT is pointing to the front of the vehicle.

3. Open the latch and close the T-top. Check to see if there are any gaps showing. Unlatch the T-top and adjust the sunshade as required.

You can store the sunshades in their storage area in the rear of your vehicle. You can also leave them attached to the T-tops. The T-tops can still be removed and placed in their storage slots when the sunshades are attached.

4. Once the sunshade is installed

properly, you can stick the Velcro@ buttons on the glass for a proper fit every time you install the sunshades. To do this, first remove the T-top with the sunshade installed and place it upside down on a table or bench. Take care not to scratch the glass.

5. Pull the sunshade back a little and remove the backing paper from the Velcro@ buttons. Push the sunshade back into place sticking the Velcro@ to the glass,

6. Install the T-top, close the latch and

lock the T-top, Repeat the above steps for the passenger-side sunshade.

91 = - .

Features & Controls

Storage and Compartments

Glove Box To open the glove box, lift up on the lever. Use your door key to lock and unlock it. The glove box has a light inside.

Map Pocket Each door has a map pocket.

Front Console To use the storage area, pull up on the front end of the console. There is a cupholder and light and may be a coinholder in the console,

Cassette and Compact Disc Storage You have a storage area for cassette tapes.

If you have a compact disc player, you will have a storage area for compact discs in your console.

Close-Out Panel The close-out panel can be closed for hidden storage in the rear area of your vehicle. To remove the close-out panel: 1. Close the panel. If the close-out panel

is not closed and resting on the trim panel, it cannot be removed.

2. Pull the panel toward you to unsnap Then slide the close-out panel along the groove in the trim panel.


Reverse the steps to install the panel.

Features & Contr

When carrying large or heavy items, it is a good idea to open the panel and place the items in the rear area.

A An improperly stored close-out , panel could be thrown about the vehicle during a collision or sudden maneuver. You or others could be injured. If you remove the cover, don’t store it in your vehicle. When you put it back, always be sure that it is securely attached with both sides snapped in place.

Sun Visors

To block out glare, you can swing down the visors. You can also swing them to the side . Covered Visor Vanity Mirror Pull down the sun visor and lift the cover to expose the vanity mirror.

Ashtray and Lighter

Front Ashtray Lift up the cover to open the ashtray. To remove it, lift up on the right side of the ashtray. If you have an automatic transmission, the ashtray is near the front of your console. If you have a manual transmission, the ashtray is near your cupholder.

Don’t put papers and 0th

If you It burn into your ashtrc cigarettes or other srr- - - k g IgS

naterials cot :awing dam,

set them on :.


Cigarette Lighter To use the lighter, push it in all the way and let go. When it’s ready, it will pop jack by itself.

f Don’t hold a cigarette lighter in with

your hand while it is heating. If you lo, it won’t be able to back away rom the heating element when it’! ready. That can make it overheat,

naging the lighter and the heating


Floor Mats

Your Chevrolet’s floor mats are custom-fitted to the foot wells. Be sure the driver’s floor mat is in place. If it isn’t, it could interfere with the accelerator or brake pedals.

Features & Controls

Instrument Panel 1. Upper Air Vent 2. Main Light Control 3. Side Upper Air Vent 4. Instrument Cluster 5. Comfort Controls 6. Audio System 7. Side Window Defogger Vent

8. Glove Box 9. Remote Hatch Release 10. Cassette Tape Storage 11. Shift Lever 12. Parking Brake Lever 13. Cupholder 14. Storage Console and Compact Disc

Storage (if equipped)

15. Cigarette Lighter

(Manual Transmission)

16. Ashtray and Coinholder with Mat

(Automatic Transmission)

17. Cigarette Lighter 18. Horn 19. Rear Window Defogger Switch 20. Fog Lamp Switch (if equipped)

9 7 . 9 -

Features & Controls

Instrument Panel and Cluster

Your instrument cluster is designed to let you know at a glance how your vehicle is running. You’ll know how fast you’re going, about how much fuel you have left and many other things you’ll need to know to drive safely and economically.

... 98

Speedometer and Odometer Your speedometer lets you see your speed in both miles per hour (mph) and kilometers per hour (km/h). Your odometer shows how Far your vehicle has been driven, in either miles (used in the U.S.) or kilometers (used in Canada). Your Chevrolet’s odometer is tamper-resistant. If you can see silver lines between the numbers, probably someone has tried to turn it back. The numbers may not be true.

U.S. shown, Canada similar

You may wonder what happens if your Chevrolet needs a new odometer installed. If possible, the new one has to be set to the same reading the old one had. If it can’t be, then it’s set at zero, but a label on the driver’s door must show the old reading and when the new one was installed.

Trip Odometer The trip odometer can tell you how far your vehicle has been driven since you last set the trip odometer to zero. To set the trip odometer to zero, press the knob. Tachometer The tachometer displays the engine speed in thousands of revolutions per minute (rpm).

NOTICE: Do not operate the engine with th- tachometer in the red :are:* n r e n ~ ~ damage may occur.

Warning Lights, Gages and Zndicators

This section describes the warning lights and gages that are on your vehicle. The pictures will help you locate them. Warning lights and gages can signal that something is wrong before it becomes serious enough to cause an expensive repair or replacement. Paying attention to your warning lights and gages could also save you or others from injury. Warning lights go on when there may be or is a problem with one of your vehicle’s functions. As you will see i n the details on the next few pages, some warning lights come on briefly when you turn the ignition key just to let you know they‘re

working. If you are familiar with this section, you should not be alarmed when this happens. Gages can indicate when there may be or is a problem with one of your vehicle’s functions. Often gages and warning lights work together to let you know when there’s a problem with your vehicle. When one of the warning lights comes on and stays on when you are driving. or when one of the gages shows there may be a problem, check the section that tells you what to do about it. Please follow the manual’s advice. Waiting to do repairs can be costly - and even dangerous. So please get to know your warning lights and gages. They‘re a big help.

Features & Controls

Fuel Gage Your fuel page shows about how much fuel is i n your tank. The fuel gage works only when the ignition switch is in the Run position. When the gage pointer first indicates E, you still have a little fuel left (about one to two gallons), but you need to get more right away.

... 100

Here are four concerns some owners have had about the fuel gage. All these situations are normal and do not indicate that anything is wrong with the fuel gage. At the gas station, the gas pump shuts off before the gage reads F. It takes more (or less) gas to fill up than the gage reads. For example, the gage reads 1/2 full, but it took more (or less) than half of the tank's capacity to fill it. The gage moves a little when you turn, stop or speed up. When you turn the engine off, the c gage doesn't go back to E.

Brake System Warning Light Your Chevrolet's hydraulic brake system is divided into two parts. If one part isn't working, the other part can still work and stop you. For good braking, though, you need both parts working well. If the warning light goes on, there could be a brake problem. Have your brake system inspected right away. This light should come on as you start the vehicle. If it doesn't come on then, have it fixed so it will be ready to warn you if there's a problem.


_ _ _ _ ~

CAUTION: \ working properly if the brake Your brake system may not be warning light is on. Driving with the brake warning light on can lead to an accident. If the light is still on after you’ve pulled off the road and stopped carefully, have the vehicle towed for service.

This light will also come on when you set your parking brake, and will stay on if your parking brake doesn’t release fully. If it stays on after your parking brake is fully released, it means you have a brake problem. If the light comes on while driving, pull off the road and stop carefully. You may notice that the pedal is harder to push. Or, the pedal may go closer to the floor. It may take longer to stop. If the light is still on, have the vehicle towed for service. (See “Towing Your Vehicle” in the Index.)

II Anti-Lock Brake System Warning Light With anti-lock, this light will go on when you start your engine and it will stay on for three seconds. If the light doesn‘t come on, have it fixed so it will be ready to warn you if there is a problem.


Features 8t Controls

When your anti-lock system is working, the message LOW TRAC will appear on your instrument cluster. This means that slippery road conditions may exist. Adjust your driving accordingly. The light will stay on for about four seconds after the ABS stops working. The LOW TRAC light also comes on during engine starting as a bulb check.

Engine Coolant Temperature Gage This gage shows the engine coolant temperature. If the gage pointer moves into the red area, your engine is too hot! It means that your engine coolant has overheated. If you have been operating your vehicle under normal driving conditions, you should pull off the road, stop your vehicle and turn off the engine as soon as possible. HOT COOLANT CAN BURN YOU BADLY! In ”Problerns on the Road,” this manual shows what to do. See “Engine Overheating” in the Index.

If the light stays on or comes on when you’re driving, stop as soon as possible and turn the key off. Then start the engine to reset the system. If the light still stays on, or comes on again while you’re driving, your Chevrolet needs service. Unless the regular brake system warning light is also on, you will still have brakes, but not anti-lock brakes. If the regular brake system warning light is also on, see “Brake System Warning Light” earlier in this part.

. ’ 102

Voltmeter You can read battery voltage on your voltmeter. If it reads less than 1 I volts or more than 16 volts while your engine is running, and it stays there, you may have a problem with the electrical charging system. Have it checked right away. Driving with the voltmeter reading in a warning zone could drain your battery.

If you idle your engine for a while, the voltmeter reading might move into the yellow zone. If the reading stays in the yellow zone while you are driving, you may have a problem with the electrical charging system. Have it checked. While the voltmeter reads in the yellow zone, your battery may not be able to power certain electrical accessories, like ABS. (If this happens, your ABS INOP light will come on, See "Anti-Lock Brake System Warning Light" in this part.) It' you must drive a short distance with the voltmeter reading in a warning zone. turn off all your accessories, including your comfort control and audio systems.

Malfunction Ind-kator Lamp (Service Engine Soon Light) A computer monitors operation of your fuel, ignition and emission control systems. This light should come on when the ignition is on, but the engine is not running, as a check to show you il is working. If it does not come on at all, have it fixed right away. If it stays on, or it comes on while you are driving, the computer is indicating that you have a problem. You should take your vehicle in for service soon.

Features & Controls

It you keep driving your vehicle with this fight on, after a while emission controls won’t work well, your fuel economy won’t be good and your engine may not rul as smoothly. This could lead tc costly repairs not covered by y warranty.

. . . 104

Engine Oil Pressure Gage This gage tells you if there could be a problem with your engine oil pressure. The engine oil pressure gage shows the engine oil pressure in psi (pounds per square inch) i n the U.S., or kPa (kilopascals) in Canada, when the engine is running. Oil pressure should be 20 to 80 psi (140 to 550 kPa). It may vary with engine speed, outside temperature and oil viscosity, but readings above the red area show the normal operating range. Readings in the red area tell you that the engine is low on oil, or that you might have some other oil problem. See “Engine Oil” in the Index.

h pressure is low. If you do, your Don’t keep driving if the oil cllgine can become so hot that it I catches fire. You or others could be burned. Check your oil as soon as possible and have your vehicle serviced.


Damage neglected oil problems can be costl)

your engine from

Check Gages Light This light will come on briefly when you are starting the engine. If the light comes on and stays on while you are driving. check your gages to see if they are in the warning areas.

Low Oil Light This light should come on while you are starting your engine. If the light doesn’t come on. have it repaired. If the light comes on while starting your engine and stays on. your engine o i l level may be too low. You may need Index under “Engine Oil.“

to add oil. See the

Low Coolant Light (V8 Engine) This light should come on while you are starting your engine. If the light doesn’t come on, have it repaired. The light also comes on when the coolant in your radiator is low. You may need to add coolant. See the Index under “Engine Coolant.“

. .

I’ Drtvlng w i l t Lllr uw v v w w v u I I A light on could cause your Chevrolet tc overheat. See “Engine Overheating” in the Index. Your Chevrolet could be damaged, and it wouldn’t be covered by your warranty.





. . . .


I n this part you'll find out how to operate the comfort control systems and audio systems offered with your Chevrolet . Be sure to read about the particular system supplied with your vehicle .

Part 3 Comfort Controls & Audio Systems

Comfort Controls ................................................... Heater Controls .................................................. Heating ......................................................... Bi-LevelHeating ................................................. Ventilation ...................................................... Defogging and Defrosting Windows .................................. Air Conditioner Controls ........................................... Cooling ......................................................... Rear Window Defogger ............................................ Flow-Through Ventilation System .................................... Audiosystems ..................................................... Settingtheclock ................................................. AM/FM Stereo with Cassette Tape Player .............................. Delco/Bose AM/FM Stereo with Compact Disc Player .................... Understanding Radio Reception ..................................... Care of Your Cassette Tape Player .................................... Care of Your Compact Discs ........................................ FixedMastAntenna ...............................................

110 110 111 111 112 112 112 113 114 114 115 116 117 121 127 128 129 129

Comfort Controls & Audio Systems

Comfort Controls

With this system, you can control the heating and ventilation in your Chevrolet. [f you have the air conditioning option, you can also control cooling. Your vehicle also has the flow-through ventilation system described later in this aection.


Heater Controls Fan Control Knob % : Turn this knob to select the force of air you want.

Temperature Control Knob Turn the knob to change the temperature of the air flowing from the heating system. Turn it to the right for warmer air and to the left for cooler air. The temperature of the air can not be less than the temperature of the outside air. Air Control Knob OFF: The system is off. j;l : Air flows through the upper air vents.

*E/ : Air is directed through the upper air vents and the heater ducts.

: This setting directs most of the air

through the heater ducts and some of the air through the windshield defroster vents. *A : Air is directed through the windshield defroster vents and the heater ducts.

: This setting directs most of the air

through the windshield defroster vents and some of the air through the heater ducts.

Heating The heater works best if you keep your windows closed while using it. 1. Turn the air control knob to 2. Turn the fan control knob to the right. 3. Turn the temperature control knob to a

comfortable setting.

During initial start-up only, if your vehicle is equipped with an optional engine block heater, you can use it in cold weather (around +20°F/-8 “C or lower) to heat the passenger area better than without it. Because an engine block heater warms the engine coolant, your vehicle’s heating system can more efficiently provide heat for the passenger area of your vehicle. See “Engine Block Heater” in the Index.

Bi-level Heating You may want to use bi-level heating on cool, but sunny days. This setting directs cool air toward your body and warmer air toward your feet. 1. Turn the air control knob to *2 . 2. Turn the temperature control knob to

a comfortable setting.

3. Turn the fan control knob to the right.

111 .

Comfort Controls & Audio Systems

Ventilation For mild outside temperatures when little heating or cooling is needed, you can still direct outside air through your vehicle. 1. Turn the air control knob to r/ , 2. Turn the temperature control knob to a

comfortable setting.

3. Turn the fan control knob to the right.

Defogging and Defrosting Windows 1. Turn the air control knob to 9 .

2. Turn the temperature control knob all

the way to the right.

3. Turn the fan control knob to the right.

Air Conditioner Controls (OPTION) The air conditioning system uses the same controls as the heating system, except that the air control knob has two extra settings, described below. For an explanation of all the controls, see “Heater Controls” earlier in this part.

MAX: Provides maximum cooling or quick cool-down on very hot days. This setting recirculates most of the air inside your vehicle. If it is used for long periods of time, the air may become dry. This setting directs air through the upper air vents. A/C: Use for normal cooling on hot days. This setting cools outside air and directs it through the upper air vents.

The air conditioner compressor operates

in MAX, A/C and in 9, t2 and 9

when the outside temperature is above freezing. When the air conditioner is on, you may sometimes notice slight changes in your vehicle’s engine speed and power. rhis is normal because the system is designed to cycle the compressor on and Dff to keep the desired cooling and help fuel economy.

Cooling The air conditioner works best if you keep your windows closed. On very hot days, open the windows just long enough for the hot air to escape. 1. Turn the air control knob to A/C for

normal cooling. For faster cooling move the knob to MAX.

2. Turn the temperature control knob to

a comfortable setting.

3. Turn the fan control knob to the right.

Comfort Controls & Audio Systems

(OPTION) The rear window defogger uses a warming grid to remove fog from the rear window. Press the right side of the switch to turn on the defogger. An indicator light will come on to remind you that the defogger is on. The defogger will turn off automatically after about ten minutes of use. If you turn it on again, the defogger will operate for about five minutes only. You can also turn the defogger off by pressing the left side of the switch.

Do not attach anything like a temporary vehicle license or a decal across the defogger grid on the rear window.

lsomething else sharp on the inside of the rear window. ^If you do, you could cut or damage the warming grid, and the repairs wouldn't be

System Your Chevrolet's flow-through ventilation system supplies outside air into the vehicle when it is moving. Outside air will also enter the vehicle when the heater or the air conditioning fan is running.

D Keep the air path under the front seats

clear of objects. This helps air to circulate throughout your vehicle.

Audio Systems

Your Delco@ audio system has been designed to operate easily and give years of listening pleasure. But you will get the most enjoyment out of it if you acquaint yourself with it first. Find out what your Delco@ system can do and how to operate all its controls, to be sure you’re getting the most out of the advanced engineering that went into it.

Ventilation Tips

Keep the hood and front air inlet free of ice, snow, or any other obstruction (such as leaves). The heater and defroster will work far better, reducing the chance of fogging the inside of your windows. When you enter a vehicle in cold weather, turn the fan control knob to the right for a few moments before driving off. This helps clear the intake ducts of snow and moisture, and reduces the chance of fogging the inside of your windows.

Comfort Controls & Audio Systems

noise is almost undetectable

until it is too late. Your hearing can adapt to higher volumes of sound. sure you can add what you want. If Sound that Seems normal can be Ioud and harmful to your hearing. Take precautions by adjusting the volume control on your radio to a safe sound level before your hearing adapts to it. To help avoid hearing damage: a Adjust the volume control to

you can, it’s very important to do it properly. Added sound equipment may interfere with the operation of your vehicle’s engine, Delco@ radio or other systems, and even damage them. And, your vehicle’s systems may interfere with the operation of sound equipment that has been added improperly. So, before adding sound equipment, check with your d er


the lowest setting.

loss or


I, Increase volume slowly until

you hear comfortably clearly.




AM/FM Stereo with Cassette Tape Player 1. Press SET. 2. Within five seconds, press and hold

until the correct hour

SEEK appears.

3. Press and hold SEEK A until the

correct minute appears.

Delco/Bose AM/FM Stereo with Compact Disc Player 1. Press SET. 2. Within five seconds, press and hold

SEEK 4 until the correct hour

3. Press and hold SEEK correct minute appears.

until the

AMIFM Stereo with Cassette Tape Player

To Play the Radio Turn the upper knob to turn the system on or off.

Volume Turn the upper knob to adjust the volume.

AM-FM Press the lower knob to get AM or FM. The lighted display shows your selection.

Tune Turn the lower knob to choose radio stations.

Recall Press the upper knob to recall the station being played or the clock display.

Seek Press SEEK v or A and the radio will tune to the next lower or higher station and stay there.

Scan The scan function uses the same two buttons as the seek function. To go to the next higher station and stay there for a few seconds, press and hold SEEK A and then press SEEK v for an instant. To go to the next lower station and stay there for a few seconds, press and hold SEEK v and then press SEEK A for an instant. To stop the scan function, press either SEEK A or v.

Comfort Controls & Audio Systems

Setting the Tone Bass: Slide the BASS lever up to hear more bass, Treble: Slide the TREB lever up to hear more treble. If a station is weak and noisy, move TREB down to reduce the noise.

Pushbuttons The four pushbuttons let you return to your favorite stations. You can preset up to 14 stations (7 AM and 7 FM). To set the pushbuttons for up to eight stations (four AM and four FM), just: 1. Tune in the station. 2. Press SET. (“SET” will appear on the

display for about five seconds.)

3. Within five seconds, press one of the four pushbuttons. Whenever you press that button, the preset station will return.

Repeat these steps for each pushbutton.

You can preset three more stations on each band by pressing a pair of buttons next to each other at the same time. Just: 1. Tune in the station. 2. Press SET. (“SET” will appear on the

display for about five seconds.) 3. Within five seconds, press two

pushbuttons next to each other at the same time. Whenever you press that pair of buttons, the preset station will return.

Repeat these steps for each pair of pushbuttons.


Adjusting the Speakers Balance: Turn the balance control behind the upper knob to move the sound between the right and left speakers if you do not have the Delco/Bose system. With the Delco/Bose system, Your speakers are electronically balanced. Fade: Turn the fade control behind the lower knob to move the sound between the front and rear speakers.

To Play a Cassette Tape Your tape player is built to work best with tapes that are 30 to 45 minutes long on each side. Tapes longer than that are so thin they may not work well in this player. The longer side with the tape visible goes in first. If you hear nothing or hear just a garbled sound, it may not be in squarely. Press STOP-EJECT to remove the tape and start over. Once the tape is playing, use the upper and lower knobs for volume and balance, just as you do for radio. The arrows show which side of the tape is playing.
