If your phone supports this function, use this to transfer contacts from your phone to HFL (See page 378)
Hear a list of all stored phonebook entries (See page 378)
Press and release the HFL Talk button each time you give a command.
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Bluetooth® HandsFreeLink® (Models without navigation system)
Apply a security passcode to the system that must be input at each key cycle to access the system (See page 379)
‘‘Change Passcode’’
Change your security passcode (See page 379)
‘‘System Set up’’
‘‘Call Notification’’
Set how you would like to be notified of an incoming call (See page 380)
Press HFL Talk button
‘‘Auto Transfer’’
Set calls to automatically transfer from your phone to HFL when you enter the vehicle (See page 380)
Clear the system of all paired phones, phonebook entries and security passcode (See page 380)
‘‘Change Language’’
Change language from English to French (See page 381)ᤳ
Hear a tutorial for general rules on using the system (See page 367)
‘‘Hands Free Help’’
Hear a list of available commands and additional information describing each command (See page 367)
Press and release the HFL Talk button each time you give a command.
ᤳ : Canadian models
11/08/29 10:08:20 12 ACURA MDX MMC North America Owner's M 50 31STX650 enu
Bluetooth® HandsFreeLink® (Models without navigation system)
To use HFL, you need to pair your Bluetooth-compatible cell phone to the system. Phone Setup This command group is available for paired cell phones. Phonepairingtips ● You cannot pair your phone while
the vehicle is moving.
● Your phone must be in discovery
or search mode to pair. Refer to your phone's manual.
● Up to six phones can be paired. ● Your phone's battery may drain faster when it is paired to HFL.
● If after three minutes your phone is not ready to pair or a phone is not found, the system will time out and return to idle.
Topairacellphone: 1. Press and release the HFL Talk
button. If you are pairing a phone for the first time, HFL will give you information about the pairing process. If it is not the first phone you are pairing, say ‘‘Phone setup’’ and say ‘‘Pair.’’
2. Follow the HFL prompts and put your phone in discovery or search mode. HFL will give you a 4-digit pairing code and begin searching for your phone.
3. When your phone finds a
Bluetooth device, select HFL from the options and enter the 4-digit code from the previous step.
4. Follow the HFL prompts and name
the newly paired phone.
Torenameapairedphone: Press and release the HFL Talk button before a command. 1. Say ‘‘Phone setup.’’ 2. Say ‘‘Edit’’ after the prompts. 3. If there is more than one phone
paired to the system, HFL will ask you which phone's name you want to change. Follow the HFL prompts and rename the phone.
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Bluetooth® HandsFreeLink® (Models without navigation system)
Todeleteapairedphone: Press and release the HFL Talk button before a command. 1. Say ‘‘Phone setup.’’ 2. Say ‘‘Delete’’ after the prompts. 3. HFL will ask you which phone you
want to delete. Follow the HFL prompts to continue with the deletion.
Tohearthenamesofallpaired phones: Press and release the HFL Talk button before a command. 1. Say ‘‘Phone setup.’’ 2. Say ‘‘List’’ after the prompts. 3. HFL will read out all the paired
phone's names.
Tohearwhichpairedphoneis currentlylinked: Press and release the HFL Talk button before a command. 1. Say ‘‘Phone setup.’’ 2. Say ‘‘Status’’ after the prompts. 3. HFL will tell you which phone is
linked to the system.
11/08/29 10:08:20 12 ACURA MDX MMC North America Owner's M 50 31STX650 enu
Bluetooth® HandsFreeLink® (Models without navigation system)
Tochangethepairingcodesetting: Press and release the HFL Talk button before a command. 1. Say ‘‘Phone setup.’’ 2. Say ‘‘Set pairing code’’ after the
3. If you want HFL to create a
random code each time you pair a phone, say ‘‘Random.’’ If you want to choose your own 4-digit code to be used each time, say ‘‘Fixed’’ and follow the HFL prompts.
Making a Call
You can make calls using a name in
the HFL phonebook or any phone
number. You can also redial the last
number called.
HFL uses a Class 2 Bluetooth, which
means the maximum range between
your phone and vehicle is 30 feet (10
During a call, HFL allows you to talk
up to 30 minutes after you remove
the key from the ignition switch.
However, this may weaken the
vehicle's battery.
Tochangefromthecurrentlylinked phonetoanotherpairedphone: Press and release the HFL Talk button before a command. 1. Say ‘‘Phone setup.’’ 2. Say ‘‘Next phone’’ after the
3. HFL disconnects the linked phone
and searches for another paired phone.
4. Once another phone is found, it is
linked to the system. HFL will inform you which phone is now linked.
If no other phones are found or paired, HFL will inform you that the original phone is linked again.
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Bluetooth® HandsFreeLink® (Models without navigation system)
Tomakeacallusinganameinthe HFLphonebook: Press and release the HFL Talk button before a command. 1. Say ‘‘Call’’ or ‘‘Dial.’’ 2. Follow the HFL prompts and say
the name stored in the HFL phonebook that you want to call.
3. Follow the HFL prompts to
confirm the name and make the call.
Tomakeacallusingaphone number: Press and release the HFL Talk button before a command. 1. Say ‘‘Call’’ or ‘‘Dial.’’ 2. Follow the HFL prompts and say
the phone number you want to dial.
3. Follow the HFL prompts to
confirm the number and say ‘‘Call’’ or ‘‘Dial.’’
Once connected, you will hear the person you called through the audio speakers. Toredialthelastnumbercalledby HFL: Press and release the HFL Talk button and say ‘‘Redial.’’
Transferring a Call You can transfer a call from HFL to your phone, or from your phone to HFL. Press and release the HFL Talk button and say ‘‘Transfer.’’
11/08/29 10:08:20 12 ACURA MDX MMC North America Owner's M 50 31STX650 enu
Bluetooth® HandsFreeLink® (Models without navigation system)
Muting a Call You can mute your voice to the person you are talking to during a call. To mute your voice during a call, press and release the HFL Talk button and say ‘‘Mute.’’ To unmute your voice, press and release the HFL Talk button and say ‘‘Mute’’ again.
Send Numbers or Names During a Call HFL allows you to send numbers or names during a call. This is useful when you call a menu-driven phone system. Tosendanameornumberduringa call: Press and release the HFL Talk button before a command. 1. Say ‘‘Send.’’ 2. Follow the HFL prompts and say the name or number you want to send.
3. Follow the HFL prompts to send the tones and continue the call. NOTE: To send a pound (#), say ‘‘pound.’’ To send a star (ᤳ), say ‘‘star.’’
Phonebook You can store up to 50 names with their associated numbers in HFL. The numbers you store cannot only be phone numbers but other types, such as account numbers or passwords, which can be sent during a menu-driven call. Tostoreaphonebookentry: Press and release the HFL Talk button before a command. 1. Say ‘‘Phonebook.’’ 2. Say ‘‘Store’’ after the prompts. 3. Say a name you want to list as your
phonebook entry.
4. Say the number you want to store
for the name entry.
5. Follow the HFL prompts and say
‘‘Enter’’ to store the entry.
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Bluetooth® HandsFreeLink® (Models without navigation system)
NOTE: ● Avoid using duplicate name
● Avoid using ‘‘home’’ as a name
● It is easier for HFL to recognize a multisyllabic or longer name. For example, use ‘‘Peter’’ instead of ‘‘Pete,’’ or ‘‘John Smith’’ instead of ‘‘John.’’
Toeditthenumberstoredinaname: Press and release the HFL Talk button before a command. 1. Say ‘‘Phonebook.’’ 2. Say ‘‘Edit’’ after the prompts. 3. Follow the HFL prompts and say the name entry you want to edit.
4. When asked, say the new number
for that name.
5. Follow the HFL prompts to
complete the edit.
Todeleteaname: Press and release the HFL Talk button before a command. 1. Say ‘‘Phonebook.’’ 2. Say ‘‘Delete’’ after the prompts. 3. Say the name you want to delete
and follow the HFL prompts to complete the deletion.
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Bluetooth® HandsFreeLink® (Models without navigation system)
System Setup This command group allows you to change or customize HFL basic settings.
Tolistallnamesinthephonebook: Press and release the HFL Talk button before a command. 1. Say ‘‘Phonebook.’’ 2. Say ‘‘List’’ after the prompts. 3. HFL begins reading the names in
the order they were stored.
4. If you hear a name you want to call, immediately press the HFL Talk button and say ‘‘Call.’’
Tostoreaspecificphonenumber fromyourcellphonedirectlytothe HFLphonebook(availableonsome phones): Press and release the HFL Talk button before a command. 1. Say ‘‘Phonebook.’’ 2. Say ‘‘Receive contact’’ after the
3. Follow the HFL prompts, select a number from your cell phone, and send it to HFL.
4. Follow the HFL prompts and name the number, or say ‘‘Discard’’ if it is not the number you want to store.
5. Follow the HFL prompts if you want to store another number.
11/08/29 10:08:20 12 ACURA MDX MMC North America Owner's M 50 31STX650 enu
Bluetooth® HandsFreeLink® (Models without navigation system)
Toseta4-digitpasscodetolockthe HFLsystemforsecuritypurposes: Press and release the HFL Talk button before a command. 1. Say ‘‘System setup.’’ 2. Say ‘‘Security’’ after the prompts. 3. Follow the HFL prompts and say the 4-digit passcode you want to set.
4. Follow the HFL prompts to
confirm the number.
NOTE: Once a passcode is set, you will need to enter it to use HFL each time you start the vehicle. If you forget the code, your dealer will have to reset it for you, or you will have to clear the entire system (see page 380).
Tochangeyoursecuritypasscode: Press and release the HFL Talk button before a command. 1. Say ‘‘System setup.’’ 2. Say ‘‘Change passcode’’ after the
3. Follow the HFL prompts and say
the new 4-digit passcode.
4. Follow the HFL prompts to
confirm the number.
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Bluetooth® HandsFreeLink® (Models without navigation system)
Toselecteitheraringtoneora promptastheincomingcall notificationᤳ: Press and release the HFL Talk button before a command. 1. Say ‘‘System setup.’’ 2. Say ‘‘Call notification’’ after the
3. Follow the HFL prompts and say
‘‘Ring tone’’ or ‘‘Prompt.’’ You can also say ‘‘Off’’ for no audible incoming call notification.
ᤳ: The default setting is a ring tone.
Toactivateordeactivatetheauto transferfunction: If you get into the vehicle while you are on the phone, the call can be automatically transferred to HFL with the ignition switch in the ACCESSORY (I) or ON (II) position. Press and release the HFL Talk button before a command. 1. Say ‘‘System setup.’’ 2. Say ‘‘Auto transfer’’ after the
3. HFL will let you know if auto
transfer is on or off, depending on the previous setting. Follow the HFL prompts to change the setting.
Toclearthesystem: This operation clears the passcodes, paired phones, and all names in the HFL phonebook data. Press and release the HFL Talk button before a command. 1. Say ‘‘System setup.’’ 2. Say ‘‘Clear’’ after the prompts. 3. Follow the HFL prompts to
continue to complete the clearing procedure.
You can also clear the system when you have forgotten the passcode and cannot access HFL. When HFL asks you for the passcode, say ‘‘System clear.’’ Paired phones, all names in the HFL phonebook data will be lost.
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Quick Language Selection Canadian models only Toquicklychangethelanguage: Press and release the HFL Talk button before a command. 1. Say the language you want to
change to in that language.
2. Follow the HFL prompts.
Bluetooth® HandsFreeLink® (Models without navigation system)
Bluetooth® Wireless Technology The Bluetooth® name and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Honda Motor Co., Ltd. is under license. Other trademarks and trade names are those of their respective owners.
Change Language Canadian models only Tochangethesystemlanguage betweenEnglishandFrench: Press and release the HFL Talk button before a command. 1. Say ‘‘Change language.’’ 2. Follow the HFL prompts to change the language to English or French.
If you have not named your paired phone in the language you just selected, HFL will ask you to name it in the current language. When French is your currently selected language, you can give voice commands in French.
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Bluetooth® HandsFreeLink® (Models without navigation system)
AsrequiredbytheFCC: ThisdevicecomplieswithPart15ofthe FCCrules.Operationissubjecttothe followingtwoconditions:(1)Thisdevice maynotcauseharmfulinterference,and (2)thisdevicemustacceptany interferencereceived,including interferencethatmaycauseundesired operation. Changesormodificationsnotexpressly approvedbythepartyresponsiblefor compliancecouldvoidtheuser's authoritytooperatetheequipment. ThisdevicecomplieswithIndustry CanadaStandardRSS-210. Operationissubjecttothefollowingtwo conditions:(1)thisdevicemaynotcause interference,and(2)thisdevicemust acceptanyinterferencethatmaycause undesiredoperationofthedevice.
11/08/29 10:08:20 12 ACURA MDX MMC North America Owner's M 50 31STX650 enu
Bluetooth® HandsFreeLink® (Models with navigation system)
Bluetooth® HandsFreeLink® (HFL) allows you to place and receive phone calls using either the navigation system controls or voice commands without the distraction of handling your cell phone. To use HFL, you need a Bluetooth- compatible cell phone. For a list of compatible phones, pairing procedures, and special feature capabilities:
In the U.S., visit www.acura.com/handsfreelink,or call (888) 528-7876.
In Canada, visit www.handsfreelink. ca, or call (888) 528-7876.
Using HFL InterfaceDial
Use the Interface Dial to make menu or list selections. To select an item on the screen, turn the selector knob left or right to highlight it, and then press ENTER. To select an item that comes with , icons, push the knob up,
, or
down, left, or right.
Press the INFO/PHONE button to go to the main information screen. Press the CANCEL button to go back to previous screen.
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Bluetooth® HandsFreeLink® (Models with navigation system)
● Try to reduce all background
noise. If the microphone picks up voices other than yours, commands may be misinterpreted.
● To change the volume level of
HFL, use the audio system volume knob or the steering wheel volume controls.
HelpFeature For help at any time, including a list of available options, say ‘‘Help.’’ Language Refer to the navigation system manual for how to change the system's language between English, French, and Spanish.
PICK-UP Button - Press and release to answer a call, or press to go directly to the Cellular Phone screen. HANG-UP Button - Press and release to end or decline a call. TALK Button - Press and release to give a command. BACK Button - Press and release to go back to the previous command, or cancel the command.
● Air or wind noise from the
dashboard and side vents, and all windows may interfere with the microphone. Adjust or close them as necessary.
● Press and release the Talk button
each time you want to make a command. After the beep, speak in a clear, natural tone.
11/08/29 10:08:20 12 ACURA MDX MMC North America Owner's M 50 31STX650 enu
Bluetooth® HandsFreeLink® (Models with navigation system)
On the navigation screen:
On the Cellular Phone screen:
Displays When you receive an incoming call, you will see the following displays and notifications. On the audio screen:
You will see ‘‘HANDSFREELINK’’ on the audio display while HFL is in use.
Some phones may send battery, signal strength, and roaming status information to the screen.
11/08/29 10:08:20 12 ACURA MDX MMC North America Owner's M 50 31STX650 enu
Bluetooth® HandsFreeLink® (Models with navigation system)
How to Use HFL ᤙ
‘‘Cellular Phone’’
‘‘Phone Setup’’
Bluetooth Phone’’
‘‘Search for Next Phone’’
‘‘Pair Phone’’
Pair your phone to the system. (See page 390)
Set a ‘‘Fixed’’ or ‘‘Random’’ pass-key code for phone pairing. (See page 391)
‘‘Delete Phone’’ Delete a previously paired phone. (See page 391)
Switch from a currently linked phone to another paired phone. (See page 392)
Create a user name for a paired phone. (See page 392)
‘‘Edit User/PIN’’
Delete a user name and settings for a paired phone. (See page 393)
Create a PIN number for a paired phone. (See page 393)
Voicecommandscanbeusedforallaboveoptions.VoicecommandsfortheHFLsystemcanonlybeused fromtheCellularPhonescreen.ToquicklyaccesstheCellularPhonescreen,pressthePick-Upbuttonon thesteeringwheel.PressandreleasetheTalkbuttoneachtimeyougiveacommand.
11/08/29 10:08:20 12 ACURA MDX MMC North America Owner's M 50 31STX650 enu
Bluetooth® HandsFreeLink® (Models with navigation system)
‘‘Cellular Phone’’
‘‘Import Cellular
Import your entire cell phone's phonebook data to the system. (See page 394)
‘‘Register Voice Tag’’
Create a voice tag for a speed dial number. (See page 396)
‘‘Phone Setup’’
‘‘Edit Speed Dial’’
‘‘Delete Voice Tag’’
Delete a voice tag for a speed dial number. (See page 396)
‘‘Register Speed Dial’’
Select a number from Call History or Phonebook to store as a speed dial number. (See page 395)
‘‘Delete Speed Dial’’
Delete a previously stored speed dial number. (See page 397)
‘‘Delete Imported
Delete a previously imported phonebook. (See page 397)
Voicecommandscanbeusedforallaboveoptions.VoicecommandsfortheHFLsystemcanonlybeused fromtheCellularPhonescreen.ToquicklyaccesstheCellularPhonescreen,pressthePick-Upbuttonon thesteeringwheel.PressandreleasetheTalkbuttoneachtimeyougiveacommand.
11/08/29 10:08:20 12 ACURA MDX MMC North America Owner's M 50 31STX650 enu
Bluetooth® HandsFreeLink® (Models with navigation system)
Enter a phone number to dial.
‘‘Direct Dial’’
Send numbers or names during a call. (See page 400)
‘‘Cellular Phone’’
Mute your voice during a call. (See page 400)
Transfer a call from HFL to your phone, or from your phone to HFL. (See page 400)
‘‘Phone Book’’
Display the paired phone's previously imported phonebook (or import a new one). (See page 398)
‘‘Call History’’
Display the last 30 incoming, outgoing, or missed calls. (See page 399)
The first 4 speed dial numbers are shown on the Cellular Phone screen. (See page 399)
Display a list of all 20 speed dial entries. (See page 399)
Speed dial
‘‘More Speed
Voicecommandscanbeusedforallaboveoptions.VoicecommandsfortheHFLsystemcanonlybeused fromtheCellularPhonescreen.ToquicklyaccesstheCellularPhonescreen,pressthePick-Upbuttonon thesteeringwheel.PressandreleasetheTalkbuttoneachtimeyougiveacommand.
11/08/29 10:08:20 12 ACURA MDX MMC North America Owner's M 50 31STX650 enu
Bluetooth® HandsFreeLink® (Models with navigation system)
Cellular Phone
To use HFL, you need to pair your
Bluetooth-compatible cell phone to
the system.
HFL uses a Class 2 Bluetooth, which
means the maximum range between
your phone and vehicle is 30 feet (10
Phone Setup This menu group is for phone pairing, and user, phonebook, and speed dial editing.
Press the PICK-UP button to go directly to the Cellular Phone screen.
Select ‘‘PHONE SETUP’’ from the Cellular Phone screen.
11/08/29 10:08:20 12 ACURA MDX MMC North America Owner's M 50 31STX650 enu
Bluetooth® HandsFreeLink® (Models with navigation system)
SetupBluetoothPhone Topairacellphone:
Phonepairingtips: ● You cannot pair your phone while
the vehicle is moving.
● Up to six phones can be paired. ● Your phone's battery may drain faster when it is paired to HFL.
1. Select ‘‘Setup Bluetooth Phone’’
from the Phone Setup screen.
2. Select ‘‘Pair Phone.’’ 3. HFL gives you a 4-digit pass-key
that you will need to input on your phone.
4. Put your cell phone in ‘‘Discovery’’ or ‘‘Search’’ mode, and search for a Bluetooth device.
5. When your phone prompts you,
input the 4-digit pass-key.
6. You will receive a notification on
the screen and your phone if pairing is successful.
11/08/29 10:08:20 12 ACURA MDX MMC North America Owner's M 50 31STX650 enu
Bluetooth® HandsFreeLink® (Models with navigation system)
Delete the number first
To create your own pass-key, select ‘‘Fixed’’ and follow steps 3 and 4. 3. Delete the current pass-key. 4. Enter a new pass-key, and select
1. Select ‘‘Setup Bluetooth Phone’’
from the Phone Setup screen.
2. Select ‘‘Pass-Key.’’ NOTE: The default pass-key ‘‘0000’’ is used until you change the setting. For a randomly generated pass-key each time you pair a phone, select ‘‘Random.’’
1. Select ‘‘Setup Bluetooth Phone’’
from the Phone Setup screen.
2. Select ‘‘Delete a phone.’’ 3. Select the phone you want to
delete. The Bluetooth icon shows you the currently linked phone. 4. A trash icon appears next to the selected phone. Select ‘‘OK’’ to continue.
11/08/29 10:08:20 12 ACURA MDX MMC North America Owner's M 50 31STX650 enu
Bluetooth® HandsFreeLink® (Models with navigation system)
SearchforNextConnectedPhone To change from the currently linked phone to another paired phone, select ‘‘Search a Next Connected Phone’’ on the Phone Setup screen. HFL disconnects the linked phone and starts searching for another paired phone. If no other paired phone is found, HFL will automatically link the previous phone.
EditUser/PIN You can name up to six HFL users. Each can be PIN protected, and have its own phonebook, speed dial, and call history.
Select the user you want to edit on the Cellular Phone screen. If the user you selected is PIN- protected, the speed dial list becomes ‘‘ᤳᤳᤳᤳ.’’
1. Select ‘‘Edit User/PIN’’ from the
Phone Setup screen.
2. Select ‘‘Name.’’ 3. Enter a user name, and select
‘‘OK’’ when complete.
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TocreateaPINforeachuser: When you set a PIN for a user, you will be asked to enter the PIN every time you select the user on the Cellular Phone screen.
Bluetooth® HandsFreeLink® (Models with navigation system)
3. Enter a 4-digit PIN, re-enter it, and
select ‘‘OK.’’
If you select ‘‘DO NOT USE PIN’’ before entering any number, the user will not have a PIN. If the user is already PIN-protected, you need to enter the current PIN before creating a new one.
Todeleteauser: Deleting a user will delete all settings, such as call history and phonebook. 1. Select ‘‘Edit User/PIN’’ from the
Phone Setup screen.
2. Select ‘‘Delete.’’ 3. Follow the prompts to complete
the deletion.
1. Select ‘‘Edit User/PIN’’ from the
Phone Setup screen.
2. Select ‘‘PIN.’’
11/08/29 10:08:20 12 ACURA MDX MMC North America Owner's M 50 31STX650 enu
Bluetooth® HandsFreeLink® (Models with navigation system)
2. HFL begins importing the
phonebook. Select ‘‘OK’’ after the import is completed.
Up to three category icons appear next to the phonebook entriesᤳ.
These indicate how many numbers are stored for the name. If a name has more than three category icons, ‘‘....’’ is displayed. ᤳAvailable on some phones
ImportCellularPhonebook (availableonsomephones) The entire phonebook data (up to 1,000 entries, depending on the phone) of the cell phone that is linked to HFL can be imported to the system.
1. Select ‘‘Import Cellular
Phonebook’’ from the Phone Setup screen.
11/08/29 10:08:20 12 ACURA MDX MMC North America Owner's M 50 31STX650 enu
Bluetooth® HandsFreeLink® (Models with navigation system)
Tostoreaspeeddialnumber: 1. Select ‘‘Edit Speed Dial’’ from the
Phone Setup screen.
2. Select ‘‘Register Speed Dial.’’ 3. Select a number on the speed dial
list where you want to store the number.
The first four speed dial entries Up to 20 speed dial numbers can be stored per user, and the first four numbers are displayed on the Cellular Phone screen. Select a ‘‘No Entry’’ field to store a speed dial entry, or use the following procedure.
4. Choose a number from:
Phonebook - the linked cell
phone's imported phonebook
Call History - the last 30
Dial - manual number input
5. When the speed dial number is
successfully stored, you are asked to store a voice tag for the number. Follow the prompts.
11/08/29 10:08:20 12 ACURA MDX MMC North America Owner's M 50 31STX650 enu
Bluetooth® HandsFreeLink® (Models with navigation system)
Todeleteavoicetag: 1. Select ‘‘Edit Speed Dial’’ from the
Phone Setup screen.
2. Select ‘‘Delete Voice Tag.’’ 3. Select the number you want to
delete the voice tag for, and select ‘‘OK.’’
When a voice tag is stored for the entry, you can dial the number by saying ‘‘Call’’ and the voice tag name. Toaddavoicetagtoastoredspeed dialnumber: 1. Select ‘‘Edit Speed Dial’’ from the
Phone Setup screen.
2. Select ‘‘Register Voice Tag.’’ 3. Select the number you want to
store a voice tag for.
1. Follow the prompts to complete
the voice tag.
NOTE: (cid:129) Avoid using duplicate voice tags. (cid:129) Avoid using ‘‘home’’ as a voice tag. (cid:129) It is easier for HFL to recognize a
longer name. For example, use ‘‘John Smith’’ instead of ‘‘John.’’
11/08/29 10:08:20 12 ACURA MDX MMC North America Owner's M 50 31STX650 enu
Bluetooth® HandsFreeLink® (Models with navigation system)
DeleteImportedPhonebook This option deletes the entire phonebook of the currently linked cell phone. Follow the confirmation and notification screens.
Making a Call You can make calls by inputting any phone number, using the imported phonebook, using the call history, or with speed dial entries.
Todeleteaspeeddialnumber: 1. Select ‘‘Edit Speed Dial’’ from the
Phone Setup screen.
2. Select ‘‘Delete Speed Dial.’’ 3. Select the number you want to
delete, and select ‘‘OK.’’
During a call, HFL allows you to talk up to 30 minutes after you remove the key from the ignition switch. However, this may weaken the vehicle's battery.
11/08/29 10:08:20 12 ACURA MDX MMC North America Owner's M 50 31STX650 enu
Bluetooth® HandsFreeLink® (Models with navigation system)
To make a call using a name in the Phone Book:
2. Select a name from the list. You
can also select ‘‘Search Phonebook’’ and enter the first few letters of the name.
3. Push ENTER to begin automatic
Tomakeacallusingaphone number:
1. Select ‘‘Phonebook’’ from the
Cellular Phone screen.
If a phonebook has not yet been imported, the system will attempt to import one first.
1. Select ‘‘Dial’’ from the Cellular
Phone screen.
2. Enter the phone number, and
select ‘‘Dial.’’
To enter the phone number by voice, say it in a continuous string.
11/08/29 10:08:20 12 ACURA MDX MMC North America Owner's M 50 31STX650 enu
Bluetooth® HandsFreeLink® (Models with navigation system)
1. Select ‘‘Call History’’ from the
Cellular Phone screen.
2. Call History is sorted by ‘‘All,’’
‘‘Dial,’’ ‘‘Receive,’’ and ‘‘Missed.’’ Selecting a number to begin automatic dialing.
Select one of the four entries on the Cellular Phone screen, and push ENTER to begin automatic dialing.
TomakeacallusingMoreSpeed Dial: 1. Select ‘‘More Speed Dial’’ on the
Cellular Phone screen.
2. A list of up to 20 stored speed dial entries is shown. Select the entry you want to call, and push ENTER to begin automatic dialing.
NOTE: Any voice-tagged speed dial entry can be dialed by voice from the Cellular Phone screen.
11/08/29 10:08:20 12 ACURA MDX MMC North America Owner's M 50 31STX650 enu
Bluetooth® HandsFreeLink® (Models with navigation system)
During a Call
Receiving a Call When you receive a call, a notification appears on the screen. (see page 385). To answer the call, press the PICK- UP button on the steering wheel. To end or decline the call, press the HANG-UP button.
Transfer- Allows you to transfer a call from HFL to your phone, or from your phone to HFL. Mute- Allows you to mute your voice. ᤳAvailable on some phones
The following options are available during a call: DirectDialᤳ - Allows you to send numbers or names during a call. This is useful when you call a menu- driven phone system.
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Bluetooth® HandsFreeLink® (Models with navigation system)
CallWaiting If your phone has Call Waiting, press and release the PICK-UP button to put the original call on hold and answer the incoming call. To return to the original call, press the PICK-UP button again. If you don't want to answer the incoming call, disregard it and continue with your original call. If you want to hang up the original call and answer the new call, press the HANG-UP button.
Bluetooth®WirelessTechnology The Bluetooth® name and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc., and any use of such marks by Honda Motor Co., Ltd., is under license. Other trademarks and trade names are those of their respective owners.
AsrequiredbytheFCC: ThisdevicecomplieswithPart15ofthe FCCrules.Operationissubjecttothe followingtwoconditions:(1)Thisdevice maynotcauseharmfulinterference,and (2)thisdevicemustacceptany interferencereceived,including interferencethatmaycauseundesired operation. Changesormodificationsnotexpressly approvedbythepartyresponsiblefor compliancecouldvoidtheuser's authoritytooperatetheequipment. ThisdevicecomplieswithIndustry CanadaStandardRSS-210. Operationissubjecttothefollowingtwo conditions:(1)thisdevicemaynotcause interference,and(2)thisdevicemust acceptanyinterferencethatmaycause undesiredoperationofthedevice.
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AcuraLink® (U.S. models only)
AcuraLink® (U.S. models only) Onmodelswithnavigationsystem AcuraLink enhances your ownership experience by providing a direct communication link between your vehicle and the Acura Server. Working through the XM radio satellite, AcuraLink works in conjunction with the navigation system, Bluetooth® HandsFreeLink® (HFL), and audio system in your vehicle. It displays and receives several kinds of messages, including:
● Operating tips and information on
your vehicle's features.
● Important recall and safety
● Maintenance information to keep
your vehicle in top condition.
● Diagnostic information to provide
information about any problems with your vehicle.
Interface Dial Most AcuraLink functions are controlled by the interface dial. The interface dial has two parts, a knob and a selector.
The knob turns left and right. Use it to make selections or adjustments to a list or menu on the screen. The selector can be pushed left, right, up, down, and in. Use the selector to scroll through lists, to select menus, and to highlight menu items. When you make a selection, push the center of the selector (ENTER) to go to that selection.
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AcuraLink® (U.S. models only)
To view previously read messages:
A list of all messages will be shown. New Messages will be at the top. Select the message you want to read by pressing ENTER.
Press the INFO button. The information screen will be shown.
Reading Messages If you have new messages, an envelope icon appears in the lower left hand part of the navigation screen.
To open a message: Press ENTER on the interface selector, then select New Message from the navigation system map menu.
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AcuraLink® (U.S. models only)
Unread messages have a closed envelope icon next to them. The icon disappears when it has already been read. NOTE: Only Diagnostic Info messages overlay the navigation screen while driving. They indicate if your vehicle has a problem that may need immediate attention (see page 413). After purchasing your vehicle, messages may not appear immediately. Your dealer has to register the vehicle identification before you can receive messages. This can take several days to process.
Message Options
When you open a message, you can read a summary of it, and then choose one of several options. If an option is not available for a message, that button will not be highlighted.
Select ‘‘Messages’’, then select a message category by pressing ENTER. Select the message you want to read and press ENTER.
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Find Acura Dlr. - Select this option to find the nearest Acura dealer using the navigation system. Call Your Dealer - Select this option to call the Acura dealer you purchased your vehicle from. AcuraLink also directs you to this dealer so you can schedule a maintenance appointment or receive information about a message. If your assigned servicing dealer changes, AcuraLink will reset to call that dealer.
Delete - Select this option to delete the current message. Voice - Select this option to hear a voice read the entire message. This gives you more information than the screen can display at one time. When you select the Voice option, it changes to a Stop Reading option. Select the option again to stop the voice. Call - Select this option to call a phone number embedded in the message. When you select Call, the Bluetooth®HandsFreeLink®(HFL) dials the number for you. To make a call, your Bluetooth® compatible phone must be paired to the vehicle's HandsFreeLink system, powered on, and located within the vehicle (see page 383).
AcuraLink® (U.S. models only)
Diagnostic Info - Select this option to get more information about the current diagnostic message. To use this option, your cellphone must be paired with the HFL. In addition, the paired phone must have a compatible data service and be set up with the AcuraLink system to make a data connection. Access the handsfreelink.com website to find out which data services are currently compatible with AcuraLink. Message Preferences To set your AcuraLink preferences (the types of messages you want to receive, if any), visit the My Acura website at www.owners.acura.com,and choose what you would like to receive. If you do not have internet access, call Acura Client Relations at (800) 382-2238; they can set your message preferences for you.
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AcuraLink® (U.S. models only)
To delete all messages: NOTE: The Delete All Messages command does not apply to Diagnostic Info and Recall messages. They can only be deleted by your dealer. ● Press the SETUP button to view
the setup screen.
● Select Other by pushing the
interface selector to the right.
● Use the interface knob to scroll to the AcuraLink/Messages option, and select it by pressing ENTER on the interface selector.
● Scroll to the Delete Messages
option, and select it by pressing ENTER on the interface selector.
● Scroll to the category with the
messages you want to delete, and select the category by pressing ENTER on the interface selector.
Deleting Messages NOTE: Diagnostic info and recall/ campaign messages can only be deleted by your dealer. To delete a single message: ● Press the INFO button to bring up
the Information screen.
● Scroll to the Messages option,
then select it by pressing ENTER on the interface selector.
● Select the message category that contains the message you want to delete.
● Use the interface knob to scroll up
or down to the message title you want to delete, and select it by pressing ENTER on the interface selector.
● Scroll to Delete with the interface
knob, and select it by pressing ENTER on the interface selector.
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Message Categories
There are six message categories in
AcuraLink: Quick Tips, Feature
Guide, Maintenance Minder™,
Recalls/Campaigns, Diagnostic Info,
and Scheduled Dealer Appointments.
The system can store up to 255
Message categories can be added,
revised, or deleted through
broadcast messages from Acura.
AcuraLink® (U.S. models only)
Quick Tips
Feature Guide
These messages, based on updated vehicle information and comments from other MDX owners, supplement your Owner's Manual. They provide you with relevant information for a safe and enjoyable ownership experience. For additional information, call Acura Client Relations directly through the HFL.
During the first 90 days of ownership, a number of messages appears each day. These messages help you to use and understand the features of your vehicle.
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AcuraLink® (U.S. models only)
You can use the following message options: ● Make an appointment from the
schedule at the dealer.
● Reschedule the appointment with
the dealer.
● Call your dealer for an
● Find the nearest dealer.
AutomatedAppointment You can make an appointment with your dealer through AcuraLink when you receive a Maintenance Minder message. To use the automated appointment function, you should visit the My Acura website at www.owners.acura.com, register some required settings, and complete the Phone-Data Connection set-up (see page 416). Your Bluetooth® compatible phone should also be paired and linked to your vehicle's Bluetooth® HFL (see page 389).
Maintenance Minder™
These messages provide detailed information about the service needed for your vehicle. When a maintenance message appears on the multi-information display, a list of needed maintenance items is provided through an AcuraLink message. These messages tell you the exact maintenance needed, helping you to avoid unnecessary maintenance costs.
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When you see the Maintenance Minder message on the multi- information display, you will also receive a message in the navigation screen. To open the message, press ENTER. Select ‘‘New Messages,’’ then press ENTER. You will see the list of all messages. The most recent message is listed at the top.
Select the received message, then press ENTER. You will see the message as shown. To make an appointment, select ‘‘Schedule Dealer Appt.’’ then press ENTER.
AcuraLink® (U.S. models only)
The system will automatically connect to the Acura server, then show you an appropriate appointment date and time on the navigation screen. If you accept this appointment, select ‘‘Confirm Appointment,’’ then press ENTER.
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AcuraLink® (U.S. models only)
Scheduled Dealer Appointment Torescheduletheappointment:
You will see the screen to reschedule as shown. To make an appointment, select ‘‘Reschedule Appointment,’’ then press ENTER.
The confirmation message will be displayed on the screen. Make sure to confirm the appointment date, time and dealer. If it is OK, press ENTER. If you want to change or reschedule the appointment date, select ‘‘Cancel,’’ then press ENTER.
Press the INFO/PHONE button to go to the information screen. Select ‘‘Messages,’’ then select ‘‘Scheduled Dealer Appointment’’ from the message category list. Then press ENTER.
The system will automatically connect to the Acura server, then show you a new appointment date and time on the navigation screen. If you accept this appointment, select ‘‘Confirm Appointment,’’ then press ENTER.
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Press the INFO/PHONE button to go to the information screen. Select ‘‘Messages’’, then select ‘‘Scheduled Dealer Appointment’’ from the message category list. Then press ENTER. You will see the screen to cancel as shown. To cancel the appointment select ‘‘Cancel Appointment’’, then press ENTER.
The system will request you to confirm the cancellation on the navigation screen. To cancel the appointment, select ‘‘YES,’’ then press ENTER. If you select ‘‘NO,’’ the screen goes back to the previous message display.
AcuraLink® (U.S. models only)
The system will automatically connect to the Acura server, then show you the confirmation on the navigation screen. If you accept the cancellation, press ENTER. If you select the cancellation appointment, you cannot try to reschedule the appointment. If you want to change or reschedule the appointment date, call your dealer directly with the HFL.
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AcuraLink® (U.S. models only)
Using automated appointment, your registered dealer through My Acura is automatically selected. If you want to select another dealer, such as in case of an emergency, find the nearest dealer and call the dealer directly with the HFL. When a maintenance appointment is due soon, you will also receive an appointment reminder message.
For this reason, it is important that we retain your current phone number. Please update your information using My Acura at www.owners.acura.com.
If your vehicle is affected by a recall or other important safety information, a letter will be mailed to you about the issue and how to fix it. If you don't get your vehicle fixed, you will also receive a reminder message through AcuraLink. You can then use the message options to call your dealer for an appointment or to find the nearest dealer.
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Diagnostic Info When an indicator comes on or a message is displayed on the Multi- Information Display (MID), AcuraLink can provide information about the cause of the indicator or message and the recommended action to address it. This helps you handle the problem as it occurs, preventing or limiting costly repairs. The AcuraLink system cannot determine some mechanical problems (such as squeaks or rattles) that are not triggered by the diagnostic indicator monitors. For more information on the instrument panel indicators, see page 68.
AcuraLink® (U.S. models only)
Depending on the severity of the problem, the message will let you know if you should see your dealer immediately or if you can wait until a later date. You can then use the message options to call your dealer for an appointment or to find the nearest dealer.
When any indicator comes on or a message is displayed on the MID, AcuraLink immediately notifies you with the message, ‘‘An indicator is on. AcuraLink can help you decide what to do.’’ If you do not want the information right away, select the Check Later option. If you want the information now, select the Check Now option. (If the navigation screen is not active, you must select OK from the navigation disclaimer screen before you can check the information.)
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AcuraLink® (U.S. models only)
Reminder Massage
When viewing a diagnostic info message through the INFO menu, you can select the Diagnostic Info option to connect to the Acura server and retrieve the latest information regarding the problem. NOTE: There may not be any additional information, depending on the time elapsed since the previous time you retrieved the information from the Acura server.
When you make an appointment through My Acura's online Scheduling Service Appointment, you can be reminded in advance about that appointment through AcuraLink. If you need to reschedule or cancel the appointment, see page 410.
Turning the Automated Appointment preference off will disable appointment notifications in the vehicle based on appointments created or changed at My Acura's online scheduling website. Appointments can still be created, rescheduled, and canceled from the vehicle; however, the appointment information stored in the vehicle will not be updated. Any changes to those appointments should be made from the My Acura website.
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AcuraLink/Message Screen
AcuraLink® (U.S. models only)
To access the following functions, press the INFO/PHONE button, then select the SETUP option, push the interface selector to the right to select Other, then rotate the interface knob to select AcuraLink/Messages. Delete Messages - Select this option to delete all stored messages within a category, except for diagnostic info and recall campaign messages. These messages can only be deleted by a certified technician after the recall is done or the problem is corrected, or through a broadcast message from Acura.
New Message Notification - Select ON if you want to be notified of new messages (envelope icon appears on the navigation screen). Select OFF if you do not want to be notified of new messages (envelope icon does not appear on the screen). Messages can still be accessed using the INFO menu. If you would like to stop receiving messages, visit the My Acura website at www.owners.acura. comto change your messaging preferences. Auto Reading - Select ON to have the system automatically read each message to you. Select OFF to manually select the Voice button when you want a message read to you.
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AcuraLink® (U.S. models only)
Phone-Data Connection - Select this option to begin the process required to connect to Acura. This is used to access the most recent diagnostic information when a problem occurs.
To find more information on Bluetooth® compatible and enabled cell phones, visit www.acura.com/handsfreelinkor call the HandsFreeLink® consumer support at 1-888-528-7876.
NOTE: For the Phone Data Connection button to be active, you need a Bluetooth® compatible and enabled cell phone paired to the Bluetooth® HandsFreeLink® (HFL). To complete the data connection setup, the paired phone must have a compatible data service.
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AcuraLink® (U.S. models only), Rearview Mirror with Rearview Camera Display
Connect to the Acura Server - The default setting is prompt. When a diagnostic info message appears, and you select the Check Now option, the system will prompt you before connecting to the Acura server. If you do not wish to connect at that time, select No at the prompt, and you will see the information from the onboard database. The ‘‘Auto’’ setting will remove the prompt when you select the Check Now option and will automatically connect to the Acura server. This setting only applies when you have a Bluetooth® enabled phone that is paired with the HFL and you have completed the Phone-Data Connection setup.
AsrequiredbytheFCC: ThisdevicecomplieswithPart15ofthe FCCrules.Operationissubjecttothe followingtwoconditions:(1)Thisdevice maynotcauseharmfulinterference,and (2)thisdevicemustacceptany interferencereceived,including interferencethatmaycauseundesired operation. Changesormodificationsnotexpressly approvedbythepartyresponsiblefor compliancecouldvoidtheuser's authoritytooperatetheequipment.
Rearview Mirror with Rearview Camera Display Onmodelswithnavigationsystem Refer to the navigation system manual for operation of the rearview camera.
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Rearview Mirror with Rearview Camera Display
You can turn the camera display on and off by pressing the power button when the shift lever is in reverse. The camera display turns on everytime you shift to reverse, even if you turned it off the last time. Whenever you shift to reverse (R) with the ignition switch in the ON (II) position, the rearview appears on a display in the rearview mirror.
For the best picture, always keep the rearview camera clean, and do not cover the camera lens. To avoid scratching the lens when you clean it, use a moist, soft cloth. Since the rearview camera display area is limited, you should always back up slowly and carefully, and look behind you for obstacles.
If the engine has just been started, it may take a short time for the system to display the rearview. The camera display brightness is adjusted automatically by sensors. If you use the camera display continuously at high temperatures, the image will gradually dim. The rearview mirror will be hot when you use the camera display for an extended period of time. If a bright light (such as sunlight) is reflected on the mirror, the image may be difficult to see.
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Rearview Mirror with Rearview Camera Display
The camera display has parking guide lines that indicate distance from your vehicle. 1st Line 2nd Line 3rd Line 4th Line NOTE ● The rearview camera has a unique
20in (0.5m) 39in (1m) 79in (2m) 118in (3m)
lens that makes objects appear closer than they actually are.
● The rearview camera display has a limited coverage, and the size and position of objects may appear different than they actually are. Make sure to check the surrounding area carefully.
To turn off the guide lines, press and hold the power button for more than 3 seconds. The guide lines appear every time you shift to reverse, even