2008 Holden Ute VE SS  

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  • Scottys
  • Site Newbie
  • Member No.: 87,077
  • Joined: 12-November 07
  • Posts: 11
  • From: The Berg
Post #1 post 14th April 2011 - 10:05 PM
Engine: L98 6.0 ltr..

Exhaust: Pacy extractors, highflow cats, full 2 half inch from cats back..

Suspension: Pedders Coilovers.

Wheels: 20 inch speedy cheeter..

Modifications: ported heads, camed, otr with mafless tune, 3.9 diff gears and tru trac centre.. heavy duty clutch.

Stereo Audio / Visual: Stocko

Estimated Power: 326rwkw with 20's. 769n.m torque

This post has been edited by Scottys: Apr 14 2011, 10:08 PM
2008 Holden Ute Ve Ss
2008 Holden Ute Ve Ss
2008 Holden Ute Ve Ss
2008 Holden Ute Ve Ss

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  • boostaddict_4207
    Post #2

    very nice

    Post #3


    Post #4


    Bug Boy
    Post #5

    Butt loads of torque. Nice car man.

    Post #6

    one please...

    Post #7

    Awesome except for the huge Chev sticker

    turbo x-trail
    Post #8

    It's a Holden mate.
    Ever thought there's a reason why people don't put a Nissan badge on a VL/Ford badge on a Mazda

    I have to drive one of these (VE SS) for work. I fucking hate it.

    But well done on the wheels and the engine! Would be a sick drive.

    Post #9

    looks pretty sweet man nice power gains.

    Post #10

    sick ute dude
    but chev bage is a fail
    loving the power heaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaps smile.gif

    Post #11

    QUOTE (MPM @ Apr 14 2011, 10:34 PM) *
    Awesome except for the huge Chev sticker

    QUOTE (turbo x-trail @ Apr 14 2011, 10:37 PM) *
    It's a Holden mate.
    Ever thought there's a reason why people don't put a Nissan badge on a VL/Ford badge on a Mazda

    I have to drive one of these (VE SS) for work. I fucking hate it.

    But well done on the wheels and the engine! Would be a sick drive.

    QUOTE (sexywrxy23 @ Apr 14 2011, 10:44 PM) *
    sick ute dude
    but chev bage is a fail
    loving the power heaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaps smile.gif

    Yeah,I thought win win win till scrolled down and saw Chev badge.

    Post #12

    looks fkn tidy
    and has the power to back it up
    chev badge's and sticker look phat and suit it.

    Post #13

    v6 or v8 the blocks are american ie; chev engines so either way it doesnt matter what badge it has.

    personally i like the look of a chev badge over the holden one.

    my point is his more correct having a chev badge then a hsv badge.

    its a chev engine, and for the record so is the v6,........ im so sick of hearing people say its not a chev engine unless its a v8.

    OT nice ute mate

    Post #14

    this chev badge hate is getting fuckin old. who fuckin cares, chev will be releasing holdens in america in a few years anyway.

    Post #15

    QUOTE (Distinctive.Detail @ Apr 14 2011, 11:44 PM) *
    v6 or v8 the blocks are american ie; chev engines so either way it doesnt matter what badge it has.

    personally i like the look of a chev badge over the holden one.

    my point is his more correct having a chev badge then a hsv badge.

    its a chev engine, and for the record so is the v6,........ im so sick of hearing people say its not a chev engine unless its a v8.

    OT nice ute mate

    It's a GM engine, Not a chev engine.

    Post #16

    QUOTE (Burntsmoke @ Apr 15 2011, 12:34 AM) *
    It's a GM engine, Not a chev engine.


    holy shit people need to get educated. Nice car except for the fail chev badge.

    Post #17

    QUOTE (GTRwilson @ Apr 15 2011, 07:33 AM) *

    holy shit people need to get educated. Nice car except for the fail chev badge.

    Who the fuck cares. Get over it...

    OT: Nice ute manG! I miss mine so much... Wish I didn't sell it... How come twin 2.5" since you have cammed the car?

    Post #18

    QUOTE (Zeeute @ Apr 15 2011, 07:40 AM) *
    Who the fuck cares. Get over it...

    OT: Nice ute manG! I miss mine so much... Wish I didn't sell it... How come twin 2.5" since you have cammed the car?

    well it certainly didnt effect his power output!

    mad ute

    Post #19

    Nice car mate.

    LOL @ the haters... Clean SS, 6.0L pushing over 300+rwkw and peeps still get hung up on a plastic badge...WTF.

    Post #20

    Nice car would love that power.

    What sort of cam has it got do know what your fuel mileage is /100k's with it?

    slivia s13
    Post #21

    holdens arnt really aus made because the motor is from usa all the wiring is from japan so your down to the shell so if you want a aus car take the motor out and all the wiring and you have yourself a aus car

    Post #22

    fucken sick mate absolutely awesome dont listen to the whining haters haha goodjob smile.gif

    Post #23

    Not a fan of Chev badges but other than that it's a very nice ute, good power too.

    The Doctor
    Post #24

    tuff lookin ute

    Post #25

    QUOTE (Zeeute @ Apr 15 2011, 07:40 AM) *
    How come twin 2.5" since you have cammed the car?

    It was one of the first things I did was just get an exhaust put on and they put a 2.5" on there and just have not been bothered to change it yet waiting for it to wear a hole in the exhaust some where and i will put a 3" cat bak on it.. And as for the people hating the bages it all in there own opions. Everyone likes or dislikes different things.. i am not worried, I like the ute with how it looks..one day I will just debage the whole thing and just have a grill with nothing on it anyways, but for now I am happy with how it.. And its lots of fun to drive smile.gif

    answering for NICE AS Question.. What sort of cam has it got do know what your fuel mileage is /100k's with it?

    umm not sure wat brand the cam is.. I only know the size which is 232/234. Powertorque has done all the work on my ute.. so yer.. As for the Fuel I use the ute as a daily drive and it is not to bad so far.. i would say I get round 400+ km to a tank round town.. I think its read just ova 15.65 driving round town.. on the hi-way it just as good as a stock one preety much.. so its still good on fuel for whats done to it..

    Cheers for all the comments and opions guy.. keep them comming tongue.gif

    Post #26

    do your fucking research dickheads. its a chev engine, GM use chev designs... but its built in the US


    Post #27

    QUOTE (MPM @ Apr 14 2011, 10:34 PM) *
    Awesome except for the huge Chev sticker

    QUOTE (turbo x-trail @ Apr 14 2011, 10:37 PM) *
    It's a Holden mate.
    Ever thought there's a reason why people don't put a Nissan badge on a VL/Ford badge on a Mazda

    I have to drive one of these (VE SS) for work. I fucking hate it.

    But well done on the wheels and the engine! Would be a sick drive.

    QUOTE (sexywrxy23 @ Apr 14 2011, 10:44 PM) *
    sick ute dude
    but chev bage is a fail
    loving the power heaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaps smile.gif

    QUOTE (VTR @ Apr 14 2011, 11:09 PM) *
    Yeah,I thought win win win till scrolled down and saw Chev badge.

    QUOTE (gutless @ Apr 15 2011, 12:25 AM) *
    this chev badge hate is getting fuckin old. who fuckin cares, chev will be releasing holdens in america in a few years anyway.


    Who gives a fuck... first thing point out is a chev badge.. they wont stop so why bother complaining...

    nice ute man... fuck the haters.. cuz haters gonna hate.

    Post #28

    it would look better with 22's and coilovers plus a flat hardlid

    Post #29

    honestly does chev badges make this car perform any worse? no. so who cares if he has chev badges.

    fucking top job scotty. love this thing. sounds insane and goes just as hard!

    well done!!

    Post #30

    lots of win here. black on black always looks good

    Post #31

    LOL @ kunts acting like he has a swastika or something on his car.

    Kunts farrkkedddd. Very nice ute.

    Post #32

    QUOTE (Distinctive.Detail @ Apr 15 2011, 02:13 PM) *
    do your fucking research dickheads. its a chev engine, GM use chev designs... but its built in the US


    Don't ever get into debating.. haha bowrofl.gif

    Post #33

    QUOTE (Distinctive.Detail @ Apr 15 2011, 02:13 PM) *
    do your fucking research dickheads. its a chev engine, GM use chev designs... but its built in the US


    U mad bro?

    It's amusing seeing shit like this when you're actually driving a real chev. Makes my heart warm that people want to impersonate what i have.
    Power figure is ok.

    Post #34

    QUOTE (Distinctive.Detail @ Apr 15 2011, 02:13 PM) *
    do your fucking research dickheads. its a chev engine, GM use chev designs... but its built in the US


    Firstly: If you're gunna do research dont quote wikipedia as a credible reference

    Secondly: It is a GM engine, chevrolet is simply a make that comes under the GM umbrella, same as holden, buick etc

    Thirdly: It is not built in the US, it is built in mexico

    lastly, sweet ute!! nearly considered black before I bought mine

    ...end rant

    Post #35

    tidy looking ute, good power too

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