Idiot Trying To Drift Down Our Street - Wanker drifting up the street lost control.  

  • justsomeoldjunk
  • Standard User
  • Member No.: 243,630
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Post #1 post 4th June 2012 - 07:27 PM
Now I am not a Ford Fan, but this is my Step Dad's car and he loves it to bits.. It was 8:30 at night it had been raining so the road was wet and this dickhead came drifting up the street lost control swerved to avoid a light poll and slammed into the side of our Xr6 Ute and then drove off before we could even get out of the front door. Step Dad was so angry. It's kind of lucky the car was parked there because otherwise the cook head would have ended up in the front of the house..
Idiot Trying To Drift Down Our Street
Idiot Trying To Drift Down Our Street
Idiot Trying To Drift Down Our Street
Idiot Trying To Drift Down Our Street


  • Boost Network 0
  • Bug Boy
    Post #2

    Words cannot describe the anger I would feel. I am pissed off just by looking at that. Hopefully some witnesses show up at some stage. Maybe the dogs got caught somewhere else.

    Post #3

    QUOTE (Bug Boy @ Jun 4 2012, 11:20 PM) *
    Words cannot describe the anger I would feel. I am pissed off just by looking at that. Hopefully some witnesses show up at some stage. Maybe the dogs got caught somewhere else.

    I ran after the car but it drove away to quickly before I could catch the number plate, then all our neighbours went for drives to try find these pricks, We had a tip of it was the drugos at the end of the street but popo wouldn't do anything because we didn't have enough sufficient evidence, it was more annoying the fact they got away with it and we didn't have a car for ages because this was written off all because of some dick trying to drift through a housing estate, like seriously why. funking tards.

    Post #4

    hopefully your dad got a mad payout and went and got a xr8 or xr6 T biggrin.gif

    Post #5

    There is certainly some dicks on our roads...

    Post #6

    QUOTE (Draven @ Jun 5 2012, 10:57 PM) *
    There is certainly some dicks on our roads...

    Indeed there is :/

    Cheeky Devil
    Post #7

    :-( I'm pretty sure this is my old ute. Makes me sad to see this

    Post #8

    QUOTE (Cheeky Devil @ Jun 11 2012, 05:22 PM) *
    :-( I'm pretty sure this is my old ute. Makes me sad to see this

    Really, that's sad to hear sad.gif He loved that car :/

    Post #9

    Ouch! Sucks dude!

    slammed styles
    Post #10

    im crying,if i lived in qld i would walk the streets looking for a bogan drugo car with green paint on it and give them a prostate exam with a meat cleaver.....

    Post #11

    Ford fan or not that's nasty..... sad.gif

    Post #12

    have to get some wider wheels to fill out that guard on the back now

    Post #13

    faark that. what a dickhead! thats a disgrace a perfectly good ford now ruined on one side because of a dickhead. f**k id be up him..

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