Mattson's Subaru - Subaru Impreza WRX STI  

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Post #36

QUOTE (HarT.ArTwork @ Jun 15 2010, 04:17 PM) *
very nice wrx. i own a 98 wrx and they get very hot under the hood so even though theres no top mount the scoop still adds more air flow to keep it cooler. my problem is why have a fmic if your using a standard turbo?
it just creates more lag.

street cred. cool factor. Jealous much?

Post #37

Nice man!! Nice and clean

Post #38

QUOTE (bassninja @ Jun 15 2010, 08:16 AM) *
what that hole in the bonnet for if you have a fmic ?!?!

I swear on every members ride you have something negative or just plain stupid to say. grow the fuck up

brewskibilt motorsports
Post #39

awesome smile.gif

Post #40

QUOTE (bassninja @ Jun 15 2010, 08:16 AM) *
what that hole in the bonnet for if you have a fmic ?!?!

If ya reverse park on your driveway it doubles as a handy mail slot...

On topic, really clean car.. only thing I'd do is get that cannon tucked up further under the bumper just so it doesn't stand out quite so much. The rest is awesome though... smile.gif

Post #41

QUOTE (woodstock88 @ Jun 15 2010, 04:12 PM) *
cats and small children of course! haha hopefully one of these will live in my driveway in a year or 2 biggrin.gif

i want a new 2009camaro 2010 signature senator or Dodge chellenger2010 or all the above atm stick wid my 2007 ve berlina

o.t looks alright bet it goes hard but rexs all sound the same

Post #42

i like this a lot. very tidy. pictures really do this justice

Post #43

very nice. lovin the wheels mate

Post #44

Really Love it mate well done, the wheels give it a nice twist aswell, i hope to own one like this in a few years when I get off my P's

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