Useless Drivers Spotted In Qld - better than spotting hot cars. name and shame shocking driving skills&  

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Post #981

QUOTE (Riverside @ Dec 29 2010, 11:11 AM) *
Whilst the guy merging was legally required to give way, by driving without due care, and shutting the gap that was available for him to merge, YOU have made the issue larger than it needed to be.

One second is all it would have cost you to let him in. Was your girlfriend impressed you got to your destination ONE SECOND earlier?

i closed the gap b4 he caught up to me so he wouldn't have anywhere to go if he did try to push his way past, which he did, but there was no gap...

Post #982

going from cooly to southport on the m1 i had not 1 or even 2 but 4 different wankers pull over into my lane without even looking and almost hitting me each time.
i was in a red car FFS. :headwall:

i never knew red was such a hard colour to see.
how about you wake the fuck up before you get behind the wheel. :P

Post #983

QUOTE (dabigone @ Dec 30 2010, 04:53 PM) *
going from cooly to southport on the m1 i had not 1 or even 2 but 4 different wankers pull over into my lane without even looking and almost hitting me each time.
i was in a red car FFS. :headwall:

i never knew red was such a hard colour to see.
how about you wake the fuck up before you get behind the wheel. :P

The most visual colours are actually the least noticed
The worst being Yellow
(Came from my driving tutor)

Post #984

QUOTE (pipster11 @ Dec 30 2010, 04:43 PM) *
i closed the gap b4 he caught up to me so he wouldn't have anywhere to go if he did try to push his way past, which he did, but there was no gap...

So what you are saying is that you were tailgating the vehicle in front of you to ensure no-one dared get in front of you. Smart.

Post #985

i had a truck, sitting 3 foot (no joke) off my ass yesterday arvo. for no reason, i was stuck behind another car, who was doing about 90 in a 100 zone.

then i can see him yelling and screaming at me trying to make me tail gate the car in front, so i jumped on my UHF and gave him a serve and a half.

so he goes off his nut at me, i turn around and say i have his rego and what company he works for, and strangly enough, he shut up after that and stopped tail gateing me. LoL.

Post #986

QUOTE (VenomRC @ Dec 30 2010, 06:54 PM) *
The most visual colours are actually the least noticed
The worst being Yellow
(Came from my driving tutor)

And I was told that black was the easiest to see as it doesn't contrast into backgrounds.

Post #987

QUOTE (trev084 @ Dec 30 2010, 10:15 PM) *
And I was told that black was the easiest to see as it doesn't contrast into backgrounds.

Yea black is the easiest to see. Yellow would be one of the hardest, specially in day light...

Post #988

QUOTE (*Tricky* @ Dec 30 2010, 09:57 PM) *
Yea black is the easiest to see. Yellow would be one of the hardest, specially in day light...

Are you being sarcastic?

I was being serious, I bought a white bike as I wanted to be noticed more but I was told that black was the best colour.

Post #989

QUOTE (trev084 @ Dec 30 2010, 11:22 PM) *
Are you being sarcastic?

I was being serious, I bought a white bike as I wanted to be noticed more but I was told that black was the best colour.

-.- in what part of what I said made you think i was being sarcastic??

Post #990

QUOTE (*Tricky* @ Dec 30 2010, 10:49 PM) *
-.- in what part of what I said made you think i was being sarcastic??

I wasn't sure if you were or not, just yellow car in the bright of day sounded a bit sarcastic.

Club Spec6
Post #991

too many to list, pricks up here can't/don't road rules to save their lives

Post #992

QUOTE (Riverside @ Dec 30 2010, 07:17 PM) *
So what you are saying is that you were tailgating the vehicle in front of you to ensure no-one dared get in front of you. Smart.

no, i caught up to a safe 2 second gap

Post #993

QUOTE (pipster11 @ Dec 31 2010, 09:51 AM) *
no, i caught up to a safe 2 second gap

2 seconds at 60 km/h is just over 33 metres, by my calculations. This is more than enough for an impatient driver to squeeze into, hense the reason why a lot of people tailgate. So either you are lying about the 2 seconds or the other driver was polite enough not to press the issue.

Post #994

lights had just turned green and i saw him from a good few hundred metres away

but by the time he made it to the merging point he was next to me (who was doing the speed limit by then)

if i had left a 100m gap he would have fit in, but it wasn't

Post #995

We believe you pipster.......... Honest :)

Post #996


He also blasted onto bermuda street and was pulling away from me while i was doing the speed limit

Post #997

people who dont look when merging lanes!

VP Pursuit
Post #998

Yellow XR8 (BA/BF)

Gateway Motorway Saturday about 3:30pm

I had my headlights on, driving lights on and in a dark car (was daylight but was mist on the road from rain) at 90Km/h decided wanted in the right lane even though was 500m to the car in front of him and kept coming over even after I hit the horn..only stopped coming over cause I ran out of road and had no where to go I already had the drivers side tires in the gravel.

To make things worse he then stayed in the left lane for another 5 kilometres.

Even an acknowledgment of wrong doing would not have gone astray.


had some f**kwit last night around 10pm in a white 89-92ish nissan hatch/sedan thing presuming it was a pulsar license plate started 727*** didn't get the rest. Anyways I just went over sundale bridge turning left and the little f**ks hit my drivers front guard with an egg i tried to turn around and give chase but i got every single red light. I hope i come across these guys again as i'd love to show them respect for others cars. And yes my s13 does look like shit ect... but they still had not right to f**king do it.

Post #1000

QUOTE (VenomRC @ Dec 30 2010, 06:54 PM) *
The most visual colours are actually the least noticed
The worst being Yellow
(Came from my driving tutor)
I don't agree , at least from my point of view as people have no problem seeing my 2.9 Tonne bright yellow primer Bronco on8" lift with 35" wheels :bowrofl:
If all else fails I figure the v8 will be heard

Post #1001

QUOTE (atec77 @ Jan 3 2011, 12:12 PM) *
I don't agree , at least from my point of view as people have no problem seeing my 2.9 Tonne bright yellow primer Bronco on8" lift with 35" wheels :bowrofl:
If all else fails I figure the v8 will be heard

I thought the same thing. Who the fuck misses a bright orange loud as fuck monaro.. But, I still get people merging on top of me, get cut off, etc, etc.

Post #1002

Well, my rant for the month...

Aimed directly at the lovely Police officer that decided he would use the system for his own personal benefit...

My missus was driving down the Ippy motorway, and I admit, she might have gotten close to the car in front... But he was doing 30km under the speed limit, with no cars in front of him, in his little festiva... He waves his finger at my missus, and then when she passes, he starts waving his badge at her... Now as far as I am aware, he is only allowed to play the "I'm an off duty copper" card in certain situations where it is warranted, but this wasn't the case here.... So you would think this would be the end of it... Nope!

I am at work at this time, I have heard from my woman about the situation... So I know her side of it... Then my mobile rings... It is this copper... He wants my missus to contact him regarding the situation, and if she doesn't by COB, he is issuing a fine... HA!

He didn't like me asking about where he got my number, nor me asking if he has ever dealt with Internal Audit... The nail in the coffin was when I asked if he wanted to speak to one of his superiors about it, as I was working at the roma street branch at the time... He basically shit himself...

Funny enough, no fine ever got issued, and I think he felt the power of internal audit raping him with no lube...

Post #1003

Where: Anywhere
When: all the time

Who: Stupid 30something mums and dads in their big useless clean four wheel drives tailgating all the time.
If the speed limit is too slow for you then overtake?


Post #1004

QUOTE (VP Pursuit @ Jan 3 2011, 10:37 AM) *
Yellow XR8 (BA/BF)

Gateway Motorway Saturday about 3:30pm

I had my headlights on, driving lights on and in a dark car (was daylight but was mist on the road from rain) at 90Km/h decided wanted in the right lane even though was 500m to the car in front of him and kept coming over even after I hit the horn..only stopped coming over cause I ran out of road and had no where to go I already had the drivers side tires in the gravel.

To make things worse he then stayed in the left lane for another 5 kilometres.

Even an acknowledgment of wrong doing would not have gone astray.

People that do the above are also useless drivers.

VP Pursuit
Post #1005

QUOTE (trev084 @ Jan 3 2011, 06:01 PM) *
People that do the above are also useless drivers.

How did you reach that conclusion, I believe the law allows for the use of Driving lights in adverse conditions does it not? Your comments are usually valid and make sense but in this case sir, it was not either of the above.

I believe that a mist coming off the road contributes for adverse conditions or should we start dobbing in every driver that has them on when what is essentially fog is covering the road...and FYI the driving lights are factory fitted Statesman so in no way shine higher then a headlight.

I prob should point out that it wasn't a fine mist either. But the point of the rant was that some moron wanted to sit in the right lane for no reason at all and was obviously moving at less then the speed limit otherwise I would not have been overtaking.

Post #1006

QUOTE (VP Pursuit @ Jan 3 2011, 06:29 PM) *
How did you reach that conclusion, I believe the law allows for the use of Driving lights in adverse conditions does it not? Your comments are usually valid and make sense but in this case sir, it was not either of the above.

I believe that a mist coming off the road contributes for adverse conditions or should we start dobbing in every driver that has them on when what is essentially fog is covering the road...and FYI the driving lights are factory fitted Statesman so in no way shine higher then a headlight.

I prob should point out that it wasn't a fine mist either. But the point of the rant was that some moron wanted to sit in the right lane for no reason at all and was obviously moving at less then the speed limit otherwise I would not have been overtaking.

You are not allowed to use driving lights in traffic with vehicles infront or approaching from the opposite way of up to 200m, they are also bad in wet conditions as the light deflects off the road.

VP Pursuit
Post #1007

I'm not sure about the 200m applying to driving lights, I know they do to spot light and the bigger yellow fog lights.

Driving lights are located at the bottom of the bumper and in no wayassist with a forward illumination except to fill the immediate space infront and to the corners of the car.

In the case of the statesman I use them to make the car more visible.

Post #1008

QUOTE (N16T @ Jan 3 2011, 05:03 PM) *
Well, my rant for the month...

Aimed directly at the lovely Police officer that decided he would use the system for his own personal benefit...

My missus was driving down the Ippy motorway, and I admit, she might have gotten close to the car in front... But he was doing 30km under the speed limit, with no cars in front of him, in his little festiva... He waves his finger at my missus, and then when she passes, he starts waving his badge at her... Now as far as I am aware, he is only allowed to play the "I'm an off duty copper" card in certain situations where it is warranted, but this wasn't the case here.... So you would think this would be the end of it... Nope!

I am at work at this time, I have heard from my woman about the situation... So I know her side of it... Then my mobile rings... It is this copper... He wants my missus to contact him regarding the situation, and if she doesn't by COB, he is issuing a fine... HA!

He didn't like me asking about where he got my number, nor me asking if he has ever dealt with Internal Audit... The nail in the coffin was when I asked if he wanted to speak to one of his superiors about it, as I was working at the roma street branch at the time... He basically shit himself...

Funny enough, no fine ever got issued, and I think he felt the power of internal audit raping him with no lube...

Love this one.

Reminds me of the many times that local cops would come into the Empire Hotel flashing their badges expecting free drinks and not just one or two,then they'd be so sozzled that they'd forget their badge wallets so I'd go and see their OIC with their badges in tow with the explanation as to how I had more than four or five warrant cards and badges.

He would call them in one by one and ask where there I.D's were and then after their lame excuses provide the I.D. card on his table.

Shortened the frequency of that particular little rort quite quickly.

Post #1009

QUOTE (N16T @ Jan 3 2011, 05:03 PM) *
Well, my rant for the month...

Aimed directly at the lovely Police officer that decided he would use the system for his own personal benefit...

My missus was driving down the Ippy motorway, and I admit, she might have gotten close to the car in front... But he was doing 30km under the speed limit, with no cars in front of him, in his little festiva... He waves his finger at my missus, and then when she passes, he starts waving his badge at her... Now as far as I am aware, he is only allowed to play the "I'm an off duty copper" card in certain situations where it is warranted, but this wasn't the case here.... So you would think this would be the end of it... Nope!

I am at work at this time, I have heard from my woman about the situation... So I know her side of it... Then my mobile rings... It is this copper... He wants my missus to contact him regarding the situation, and if she doesn't by COB, he is issuing a fine... HA!

He didn't like me asking about where he got my number, nor me asking if he has ever dealt with Internal Audit... The nail in the coffin was when I asked if he wanted to speak to one of his superiors about it, as I was working at the roma street branch at the time... He basically shit himself...

Funny enough, no fine ever got issued, and I think he felt the power of internal audit raping him with no lube...

Hrmmmm I think the same little piggy got a friend of mine.. exact same car.. exact style of gastapo tactics used. I think this guy is riding these new lanes change/merge rules a little too hard. Rookie managed to get the address of the car and surprise surprise.. he comes home later that afternoon and there's a fine in the mail.

Is that even legal to post a fine out? else everyone would be getting fines posted to them randomly!!

Post #1010

Idiot little fuckhead in a small white car (maybe lancer?) exiting toowoomba heading out to warwick direction on sunday arvo, turned without indicating from the main road into a street heading towards industrial area, but apexed the corner for speed (massive body roll) putting himself deep into the wrong side of the road. There was a new suzuki swift coming the other way. Guy in white car is hard up on the wrong side of road, very close to gutter, if it wasnt for quick actions of swift driver (swift actions lol) there would have been a very bad accident.

Red P plater BTW. absolute stain.

Post #1011

Where:20km south of Macksville overtaking lanes to Macksville Northbound
Who:White/blue Kenworth K104/B/108 white clearance lights all over the front,B-double with Gliders transport on back doors
Did: 140+ KM/H passed 4 other trucks ran me out of space at the end of the lanes,then proceeded to tailgate another B-double weaving on to the wrong side of the road trying to push him along,then gets to Macksville and pulls up at the first Caltex on the left,If ur in that much of a hurry why would ya pull up.
By the way I have not got a prob. with Profesional drivers as my father is one

Post #1012

Who: govenment and truckies!!
for fuck sake people i got brand new 20" rims the other day and whilst being a sensible good little driver some fuck head losses his fuckin load on the m1 going down to goldie and as im just plodding along i decide to do a shoulder check nd look out and all that other shit he losses the biggest fucking log he has right infront of me!!!!
If u dont know how to tie ur fucking load on then dont be a fuckin truckie cause now i have to get new fuckin rims cause ur fuckin load bent mine!! fuck U!!!! :@

Post #1013

White sedan this arvo on the Beenleigh South Exit roundabout decided to TURN RIGHT onto the roundabout. WTF! There's cars going around a semi-blind corner who almost fucked you up. AND you just kept going!
Obviously not from Australia...

VP Pursuit
Post #1014

QUOTE (rego @ Jan 4 2011, 08:39 PM) *
Who: govenment and truckies!!
for fuck sake people i got brand new 20" rims the other day and whilst being a sensible good little driver some fuck head losses his fuckin load on the m1 going down to goldie and as im just plodding along i decide to do a shoulder check nd look out and all that other shit he losses the biggest fucking log he has right infront of me!!!!
If u dont know how to tie ur fucking load on then dont be a fuckin truckie cause now i have to get new fuckin rims cause ur fuckin load bent mine!! fuck U!!!! :@

First of all, don't lobball truck drivers in with this moron.

Second what the he'll does the government have to do with it? If you are going to tell a story tell the whole thing.

Thirdly if the log fell off the back of a truck why is the trucks insurance not paying for your new rims or repair.

Post #1015

QUOTE (VP Pursuit @ Jan 4 2011, 10:11 PM) *
First of all, don't lobball truck drivers in with this moron.

Second what the he'll does the government have to do with it? If you are going to tell a story tell the whole thing.

Thirdly if the log fell off the back of a truck why is the trucks insurance not paying for your new rims or repair.

i absolutly agree, should have gotten the company name and lodged a complaint and they would have forked out some money being insurance job or not.

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