Useless Drivers Spotted In Qld - better than spotting hot cars. name and shame shocking driving skills&  

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Post #666

Drink-driver had four kids in car

11th October 2010

A DRUNK DRIVER who sped down a suburban Maryborough street at 146kmh and crashed into two cars on Saturday night had four children sitting in the back of his car.

The 35-year-old Oakhurst man was spotted by police on Kent Street about 7.40pm.

He was travelling towards the police car and was clocked on a mobile radar doing 146kmh in the 60kmh zone. As police did a u-turn to try to intercept the driver, he sped off and tried to overtake a car ahead of him which was being driven by a Biggenden man.

The driver crashed into that car and also slammed into the back of a sedan parked on the side of the road, causing extensive damage to the vehicle.

A woman and child had reportedly gotten out of the parked car just minutes before it was struck.

The offender’s car ended up on the footpath about 100m west of the intersection with Farrell Street.

Four children under the age of 10 were in the backseat.

A male passenger was in the front.

None of the vehicles’ occupants were injured.

The driver allegedly had a blood alcohol concentration of .13.

He was given a notice to appear in court charged with drink driving, speeding and exceeding the carrying capacity of the vehicle.

Police are still investigating the matter and further charges could be laid.

Pic is of the damaged vehicle on Kent Street after being hit by a speeding car overnight.

Post #667

QUOTE (cameron92 @ Oct 10 2010, 11:08 PM) *
basically. if you read my rant like a couple of posts up about some bitch in an astra that didnt let me merge in. she saw i was a red p plater and decided to drive like a fuckwit. since i was in my mums car i couldnt really do much. ive also seen a fairshare of p platers driving bad everywhere, especially if the car is full of their mates. thats why i have a small car that can basically fit me and one other person comfortably. kinda stops the peer pressure that people throw at ya.

lol.. I do that too!! I got sick of yelling "you want to go somewhere, get a bus/train pass.. a cab or... BUY YOUR OWN FUCK!N CAR!"...

needless to say when they try to make you feel guilty about saying that you then open up with even more insulting comments purely to show where these freeloaders sit in the grand scheme of things lol

Post #668

QUOTE (hylian @ Oct 11 2010, 01:18 AM) *
Last sunday around 5:10pm, I was leaving chermside driving along hamilton road. Stopped at the lights in the left hand lane and a gold toyota pulls up next to me. I take off normally and he hears my fully sikk exhaust and decides to attempt to race me, now I've got my missus in the car so I just kept driving normally.
At this point the toyota is just a bit behind me and the form 1 lane sign approaches. I indicate to merge, and he downshifts and floors it to get in front of me at this point I had started merging already so I gunned it too so I wouldn't get rear ended.
The dude now has his front bar within inches of my rear bar most of the way along hamilton rd and we're doing 70. I speed up a bit so he gets the idea and he does as well. So I do the opposite, I hit the brakes, he's still there. I figure fuck it, if he runs up the back of me it's no problem, I've got another car at home. I keep driving. I stop at the lights on Hamilton Rd / Beckett Rd.
Sitting at the lights I notice him get out of the car, approach my window, open my door and attempt to pull me out.
T/C Off, number plates recorded, plant foot, shut door.

I didn't report it to the police as they won't do anything because there wasn't an actual incident and plus they're too busy doing real police work like issuing defects.

I'm not going to post here what I'd like to do to that guy if I see him again.

dude!! you wait for the first swing! grab his arm and launch!! watch that angry look turn to pu55y rash when they realise they're running at 60km/h.. then after you spit or lol at him ... then let go!

watch how many barrel rolls they take lol. good way to turn a tuff guy into a b!t(h LOL

Post #669

big shout to all the awesome drivers I saw end experienced today driving from tweed to bris.

special mention goes to the fantastic driver of the silver pussbox with a big pink sticker on the rear window, he decided it was a good idea to cross from the far left to the far right lane in one swift movement while talking on his phone right in front of me with my wife and one of my kids in the car. that guy is just awesome.

and later, as I was travelling on the bruce highway towards cabbo... the 12 year old in the maroon statesman that thought the 3 lanes of traffic were his personal racetrack. you will end up in a coffin soon my purile friend. I hope the police take you licence and cut it into little pieces while you stand there and sob like a little schoolgirl, whining about how you need you licence or you will lose your job at woolies pushing the trolleys. you are a true idiot and you took the kallangur exit, so I guess that explains a great deal eh?

Post #670

to the absolute impatient fuckhead tailgating me in a van whilst i was driving home from the gym on my L plates, I hope one day your son/daughter get the same fucking treatment because they are on their L's. Not only were you tailgating me, I was going 60km in the 60 zone when you were right up my ass swerving like a @#$!. I wish you followed me! I hope I see your old wrinkly face when I get my P's!

Post #671

To the driver of the Charcol BMW convertable driving south on the Gateway last night 6:30pm - YOU OWE ME 1 X NEW PAIR OF JOCKS you KUNT!

Pissing down rain, poor light 100km/h zone - you have NO Brake lights, driving lights or a number plate light AND you decided it'd be an awesome idea to do 45-50km/h in the right hand lane .... I nearly fucking hammered you shit head! :)

I was the bloke in the 4wd ute (Company logo on side) with the look of terror on his face as I slide sideways toward you taking up 2 lanes in the process. I literally COULD NOT SEE YOU. I could see the concrete barrier beside you, I could see the Getz 20m in front of you but for the life of me you didn't exist until I was looking at you from my passenger side window.

If your number plate light had been working I would have posted it up here ... shit, if it had of been working I may have seen you earlier and avoided laying cable in my daks?!

If by chance you are on this forum - please fix your shit asap. If I were the Prime mover a few car lengths behind me - you would have made the news.

Post #672

To the faggot driving that shitbox orange widebody s13 with the kouki front, drive like that near me again and sit on my arse and I will plow my s13 into yours.

Personalized plates "Ty" then some numbers
Where: Over the story bridge then through the valley.

p.s your car is a fucking shitbox.

Post #673

On Monday afternoon in the pissing down rain I was driving along Napper Rd with the missus.

Literally out of nowhere a black/dark grey R31 Passage flew past me towards the roundabout on the hill near Arundel State School.

Would of been doing 90+ in a 60 zone, approaching the roundabout of Napper/Arundel dr locked the brakes and missed a Black Ford Territory full of kids by a couple of metres if that, he then sped off down Napper road towards Arundel Plaza would of been doing close to 90 again, if not more.

Lost sight of him for a while then low and behold we caught up to him at the next set of traffic lights, all that shit got you really far douchebag..

By the way the plates of the car are: 581 KCQ. If you see it around kindly let him know he's a cockstain.

Post #674

The bloke in the SS "chev" ute coming up my ass and revving the engine on the m1 turned off at Worongary, do that again and I will slam my brakes on. Then only to overtake and sit right up everyone ass... over all made about 10m.... Congrats

Post #675

QUOTE (autech_s15 @ Oct 17 2010, 01:49 AM) *
To the faggot driving that shitbox orange widebody s13 with the kouki front, drive like that near me again and sit on my arse and I will plow my s13 into yours.

Personalized plates "Ty" then some numbers
Where: Over the story bridge then through the valley.

p.s your car is a fucking shitbox.

All s13s are :)

Post #676

Have any boosters been spotted in this thread?

Post #677

^^ i wouldnt be surprised haha/ im still waiting for someone to spot my bad driving when i get pisst

Post #678

QUOTE (stabyoursack @ Oct 17 2010, 05:06 PM) *
All s13s are :)

Much like all of logan, big stinking shithole.

Post #679

QUOTE (cameron92 @ Oct 17 2010, 11:52 PM) *
^^ i wouldnt be surprised haha/ im still waiting for someone to spot my bad driving when i get pisst

yeah lets all get "pisst" and drive..

"joke" or not, your a fucking moron if you think drink driving is so fkn cool... IDIOT.

(assuming u meant pissed/drunk not pissed/angry)

Post #680

Was at the 24hr servo after work Saturday night when I heard cops on scanner saying they were in pursuit of a vehicle on the highway.
About 3 minutes later this white magna goes flying past and heard the cops say they were doing 130 km/hr.
Cops pursued the vehicle into town and through back streets into a quarry.
The cop says on the radio "we have got them, it is a dead end. They have no where to go".
Next transmission I hear them say " We have just been rammed. They have just hit our car".
Heard the tyres of the Magna screech as it was driving away.
Pursuit from other police vehicles continued towards town with the car in front doing 110 km/hr.

Turns out that the car being pursued had two young kids in it and the driver was described as being skinny blonde possibly UIL or UID.
Driving under influence of liquor or under influence of drugs.
Pursuit was called off due to excess speed + other people/cars sighted in pursuit area and the driver evaded capture.

Post #681

Some people truly need a bullet.

Post #682

QUOTE (WTF @ Oct 18 2010, 12:13 AM) *
yeah lets all get "pisst" and drive..

"joke" or not, your a fucking moron if you think drink driving is so fkn cool... IDIOT.

(assuming u meant pissed/drunk not pissed/angry)

your name suits your comments wtf your a fuckwit either way he meant it obviously was a joke and you start ripping into him before you even knew wat he was talking bout. since your such a fan me and all my mates (being the sick drink driving mad @#$!s that we are!!! lol) are gonna take turns doin hot laps past your house tonight whilst sculling a bottle of jd :)

Post #683

QUOTE (TT355 @ Oct 18 2010, 09:51 AM) *
your name suits your comments wtf your a fuckwit either way he meant it obviously was a joke and you start ripping into him before you even knew wat he was talking bout. since your such a fan me and all my mates (being the sick drink driving mad @#$!s that we are!!! lol) are gonna take turns doin hot laps past your house tonight whilst sculling a bottle of jd :)

read my comment again.

i said your a moron "if" you think drink driving is cool.

i stand by that comment.. whats your problem?

Post #684

QUOTE (WTF @ Oct 18 2010, 10:02 AM) *
read my comment again.

i said your a moron "if" you think drink driving is cool.

i stand by that comment.. whats your problem?

repeat DD offender?

Post #685

To the guy in black shorts & yellow shirt rollerblading down the Bruce Highway this morning near the Windsong cafe causing absolute traffic chaos.

You are a stupid idiot.
You are lucky you didn't get squashed and become roadkill !!

If you want to die don't involve other people !!

Post #686

QUOTE (TT355 @ Oct 18 2010, 09:51 AM) *
your name suits your comments wtf your a fuckwit either way he meant it obviously was a joke and you start ripping into him before you even knew wat he was talking bout. since your such a fan me and all my mates (being the sick drink driving mad @#$!s that we are!!! lol) are gonna take turns doin hot laps past your house tonight whilst sculling a bottle of jd :thumbsup:

So to defend your moronic aperitions of drink driving you threaten him??
GG Bogan
Please to be killing your self in DD accident but please to not be hurting anyone else but your dumb arse self

Post #687

QUOTE (timmy_o @ Oct 18 2010, 08:26 AM) *
Some people truly need a bullet.

You need a licence or permit for everything else except breeding.
Should be neutered when stupidity kicks in before puberty.

Post #688

Hey fuck in the silver EF/EL sedan on redbank plains road, I don't appreciate fuckwits sitting on my ass even after I speed up to 10 k's over the limit, and then you think I am racing you when I get sick of it and take off, those screeching sounds from your tyres around that round-about is saying your POS is going to fast, glad you finally went around me and I hope you liked my front bumper up your ass, if you didn't have a tow bar then I would of stolen your paint you fuckwit.

Post #689

Had an Alfa pull up beside me, rev and try to take off today. Thanks for the laugh :thumbsup:

Post #690

QUOTE (02GZM @ Oct 18 2010, 10:24 PM) *
Had an Alfa pull up beside me, rev and try to take off today. Thanks for the laugh :thumbsup:

Sounds like Honda driver behaviour to me. You sure they weren't driving this?

Post #691

QUOTE (WTF @ Oct 18 2010, 12:13 AM) *
yeah lets all get "pisst" and drive..

"joke" or not, your a fucking moron if you think drink driving is so fkn cool... IDIOT.

(assuming u meant pissed/drunk not pissed/angry)

+1 - As someone who lost a friend because of a drink driving bogan anyone who drink drives is a fuckwit. Anyone who thinks its funny is equally as fucked.

Post #692

QUOTE (greenbeest @ Oct 18 2010, 01:37 AM) *
Was at the 24hr servo after work Saturday night when I heard cops on scanner saying they were in pursuit of a vehicle on the highway.
About 3 minutes later this white magna goes flying past and heard the cops say they were doing 130 km/hr.
Cops pursued the vehicle into town and through back streets into a quarry.
The cop says on the radio "we have got them, it is a dead end. They have no where to go".
Next transmission I hear them say " We have just been rammed. They have just hit our car".
Heard the tyres of the Magna screech as it was driving away.
Pursuit from other police vehicles continued towards town with the car in front doing 110 km/hr.

Turns out that the car being pursued had two young kids in it and the driver was described as being skinny blonde possibly UIL or UID.
Driving under influence of liquor or under influence of drugs.
Pursuit was called off due to excess speed + other people/cars sighted in pursuit area and the driver evaded capture.


Cops busted the driver & charged her with dangerous operation of a motor vehicle, driving while disqualified, driving an unregistered and uninsured vehicle, wilful damage of a police car, and assaulting a police officer.

She was remanded in custody to appear in court on 25 October.

Post #693


thanks for the new post in here, it reminds me...yesterday driving home on the gateway arterial.....
blue wrx impreza, rego EZE11, yes you probably are a boostcruising user, girl driver, went slow, created a gap then was accelerating hard then hitting the brakes in the traffic, just pulling up before the car in front...real smart thing to do girly in traffic that is start stop or just moving along....

Post #694

Girls don't know that the accelerator is variable. They think it's either on or off and treat it as such.

Post #695


Post #696

Missus had some wanker i believe it was Saturday maybe Thursday but last week anyway in an r31 silver 2 door with nizzpro on the back windscreen in the industrial are near Helensvale, Westfield over take her over double lines then swerve forcing her to hit the brakes and swerve herself into the parking lane nearly hitting parked car's and then had the nerve to abuse my missus thinking she was in the wrong all i can just say is he is lucky i wasn't in the car hopefully next time he does stupid shit like this to other people that
either the police see it and catch him or someone hits the idiot.
Really did piss me off when i found out he verbally abused her for what he did next time i hope you smash into that on coming car after that I'm not going to get parts from nizzpro again.

Post #697

i also go between traffic on the highway because nothing in the world frustrates me more than cock heads sitting in the over taking lane doing the same speed as the dickhead next to him! i think i need serious counciling....?

QUOTE (PyrotiX @ May 26 2010, 01:38 PM) *
I must admit, I often zig zag between traffic on the highway. That is because most of you morons sit exactly on or under 100km/hr. I have NO problems if you do this in the left lane, but when you do it side by side in the right hand lane.. you can expect some resistance.

I've been driving about Sydney these past few days (land of the shit driver), but to my astonishment they can actually manage to stay out of the far right hand lane unless they are overtaking.

Post #698

Some doucher on the ICB this afternoon. Didn't realise there was a lineup of cars to turn right onto Coronation Drive. So I watched him sit there blocking traffic to both the Go between and also the Riverside Expressway. White Navara, 188 LSR with a toolbox in the back, and a blunt tool in the drivers seat.

Post #699

QUOTE (WTF @ Oct 18 2010, 12:13 AM) *
yeah lets all get "pisst" and drive..

"joke" or not, your a fucking moron if you think drink driving is so fkn cool... IDIOT.

(assuming u meant pissed/drunk not pissed/angry)

PISSED, like shitty at other drivers... i dont even drink. :headwall: specially when soccer mums in big 4wds merge into me, has happened several times just cause they dont shoulder check. and to avoid it sometimes you do look like a fuckwit.

Post #700

Dear Fuckwit,

Please in future, whilst driving your shitcan, DO NOT slam on the brakes at the instant the light turns orange directly after cutting off the truck then expecting it to pull up,....Next time, I will just drive through your dumb arse,
To anyone else who seems to have a like of truck grills, THEY DO NOT STOP LIKE CARS!!!!! fuckin idiots

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