soarer misfire at gearchange  

  • ttsoarer
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Post #1 post 4th November 2002 - 09:45 AM
when a soarer changes gear (auto) the computer introduces a miss for half a second or so

I know the motor does this to protect the gearbox and tyres ect but i want to disable it without chageing to an aftermarket comp

it there any sensors i could disable or any ideas

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Post #2

If you've got some cash, I'd suggest rolling up to Toyota, and ordering the schematics and diagnostic manuals for your Soarer. Of course, this'll come from Japan, so don't be in a hurry. Inside these holy books are the gospel of engineering at it's best. Pretty good bullshit there hey? Anyhoo, you'll find every circuit, every hose in these books. Be very careful, they are has hard to put back together as a large map.

Post #3

Call Carb-N-Ject at underwood (07) 3841-1983 see if they can fix it up... i know when unichips are fitted to the WRX's they don't allow the car to rev higher then 4500rpm while the clutch is in... so the unichip might have mapping points for this...

Only one way to find out eh???



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