Gsr - Evo Cruise - Long time coming  

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Post #211

Well guys i really dont want to attend this with the gsr how it is:( and the rvr sucks up nebo sad.gif meh i dont know whats happening unless dave suss this car out tomorrow i am doubtful about our attendance sad.gif


ps off to scouts soon LOL

Post #212

1 more sleep kiddies biggrin.gif

Post #213

can't Wait!!! I got a friend coming with a 6.5 as well!!!

Post #214

looking forward to tommorow cant wait

*like a kid waiting for santa*

Post #215

Tomorrow will be big! Zimby u still cool to bring the bbq stuff?

Post #216

QUOTE(clayq @ Apr 29 2006, 09:45 PM) [snapback]6149924[/snapback]

Tomorrow will be big! Zimby u still cool to bring the bbq stuff?

spoke to the Zim-meister today and he has sausages and bread and sauce n stuff so all is well smile.gif

i should be sleeping tongue.gif

see ya's tomorrow!


Post #217

have fun guys, i won't be able to make this one....

just got home on the back of a tow truck with my alternator belt in more pieces than it should be..

best 250 bucks ever!!

Post #218


you smell clint! tongue.gif

my passenger isnt answering his phone cos hes gay (yeah, thats right dave.. GAY!) so i'll probably be a loner today sad.gif

oh well!

seeeeeeee youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu soooooooooooooooon biggrin.gif

Post #219

Awesome day guys, thanks to the organisers and the people who provided food/cooked. Sorry I didn't make it down the spit, decided to conserve the juice. Let us know when theres some pics up!

Post #220

Yeh great day !! RVR kept up fine wink.gif So many nice cars and great people wink.gif Cant wait for next months cruise wink.gif


Post #221

Hi all thanks for a great day. It was awesome to see so many EVOs and Gsrs in one place. Thanks to the organizers. Big thanks for the sausages and drinks thumbsup.gif

It was mentioned about a track day. I am up for it if anyone’s interested in heading out. I’ll try and get some time and put together the video I took today.


Post #222

Great day Thanks to every one that organised the event, will have to do it again

Evolvd biggrin.gif

STi Freak
Post #223

A big thankyou to the organisers for the event and BBQ, Great day!

John we are also interested in a track day!

ASN08 - Blue EVO8.

Post #224

QUOTE(^sims^ @ Apr 30 2006, 08:31 AM) [snapback]6150453[/snapback]


you smell clint! tongue.gif

my passenger isnt answering his phone cos hes gay (yeah, thats right dave.. GAY!) so i'll probably be a loner today sad.gif

oh well!

seeeeeeee youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu soooooooooooooooon biggrin.gif

I was bloody there, i fell asleep on my phone so i couldnt hear it ring!!

Awesome day, i had heaps of fun, except i was very hung over

Thanks simtangshift6 for the ride and ill post up photos soon smile.gif

QUOTE(clayq @ Apr 30 2006, 01:33 PM) [snapback]6150913[/snapback]

Awesome day guys, thanks to the organisers and the people who provided food/cooked. Sorry I didn't make it down the spit, decided to conserve the juice. Let us know when theres some pics up!

Dont worry too much mate, the spit was rained out,

Post #225

yeah.. good day smile.gif

shame about it raining in the end.. but i was buggered by the time i got home anyways..

cheers for coming guys thumbsup.gif


Post #226

a big thank you to the orgainisers of today it was a great day

Post #227

Was great to meet a few new EVO owners. Thanks to the organisers & for the sausage sizzle!!

You guys know I'd be up for a track day, just name the date!

BTW the next scheduled Saturday sprint day at QR is 20th May & the next scheduled Wednesday Sprint day is the 17th May, if anyone is interested....

Cheers Cam

Post #228

had a awesome day was well organised congrats to all biggrin.gif

Post #229

had to put up this photo would have to have been a first 3 genuine evolution 3 lancers side buy side

Post #230

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Apologies for the crap pics guys,

Post #231

To the organisers and Chris (19SKI)... and attendees..
My mate Tony sends a big thanks to you guys.. esp Chris, black evo3 etc.. for helping Tony in regards to the "Check Engine" light coming on.
Had a great day.

Post #232

nice pics...

did that wagon have a awd conversion...if so thats rather groovy

did anyone giv the gto a run?

mmmm....ce28ns on the blue 8.....spent...whoops tongue.gif

and dosent someone make slimline plate protectors cos that looks dodgi on mevo9


Post #233

Dodgy is richards middle name tongue.gif tongue.gif lol jks

Looks like a great day guys. Gotta love the evos.

And jeez 28EVO was slutting it today. Saw it ontract drifting at queensland raceway by about 3PM lol

Post #234

Yeah, 28EVO has become an EVO whore since getting his car thumbsup.gif

Pimping it all over the place...Good to see

Great pics , look forward to more.

Post #235

hhaa nice rvr ! tongue.gif Great pics great cars great people what else can you ask for wink.gif Bring on the next one wink.gif Might have the car back on the road by then !! fingers crossed!!

LJ & Dave

Post #236

thanks to the organizers for a great day and thanks for letting me bring the gto.

Post #237

^^ no dramas smile.gif

was a pleasure having you with us biggrin.gif

Dave - those pics are fine you nerd tongue.gif

Post #238

hey guys, thanks for a good turnout! not bad for the first gsr-evo cruise i think its safe to safe a fun day was had by all. there were 23 cars all up..i think. thanks to ski for helping me organise and cooking the bbq. looking forward to the next one already smile.gif

Post #239

looks like u guys had fun smile.gif

Post #240

Was hoping to make it to this event but a busted drive shaft kept me away, would of been good to attend a quality cruise of 4wd turbo mitsubishi's, so you guys better organise another one!!

Post #241

^^ next one will come.. probably in a couple of months..

pending on Ski and Zimbie's organisational skills tongue.gif

Post #242

i've posted a couple pics up on the 1st page guys. as i can tell by the quality of the photo's i'm not a photographer but just go give people an idea of what sexy cars all together at once look like biggrin.gif

Post #243

Thank you all for a top day!

Cheers to Zimbie for organising the cruise and organising a feed for everyone.

Cheers to Dave and Leisa for organising drinks and getting up at a sparrows fart to make it.

Cheers to RoweysVD for photography biggrin.gif

Cheers to EVERYONE that came along hey. Was an absolutely fantastic turnout. Great to see so many EVO's and GSR's in the one place...looked awesome!

Cheers to everyone for being so well behaved on the cruise too. Glad there werent any idiots in the bunch. Top effort! thumbsup.gif

I have set up a forum for us GSR/EVO owners as there currently really isnt anything set aside dedicated to our cars: (edited the link for lazy people like me tongue.gif - roweysvn)

Sign up smile.gif we shall be doing these meetings more often. Have a few ideas in the pipeline wink.gif

Sorry if I didnt get to meet everyone properly or remember everyones name...i'm hopeless tongue.gif

Thanks again!

Chris Ski

Post #244

Thanks to all who came out, it was a great day!

Special thanks to Marko (zimby) and Chris (ski) for organising the event and keeping the event on track for the day out. Also thanks to the suppliers of the food and drink!

Some pics:

Post #245

It looks like you guys and gals had fun... see you at the next one

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