R.i.p. Skyline - Car smash  

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Post #71

QUOTE(00srg @ Jan 22 2006, 05:35 PM)
No Insurance....... Jesus Christ you people on here amuse me....

I'd love to see a poll on the forum with all members voting as to who has comprehensive Insurance on their vehicles. With the amount of modifications done to a large percentage of car on here, coupled with the age of the owners and whether the vehicle is owned by them, (in most cases the bank owns them) the price on full comprehensive insurance would be in the thousands.

I'd think the percentage of FCI would be very very low, like around a 1/4 if that.

Sorry to see the damage but for F*&^s sake if you can't afford to insure the car you cannot afford the car - end of story.

QUOTE(ThunderBolt @ Jan 22 2006, 05:36 PM)
This reminds me of my student driver training at Roadcraft years ago. One of the instructors said that he dosen't like to call them accidents, he'd rather call them crashes because nearly all crashes can be prevented. However in reality not many drivers have proper training so don't know how to prevent these crashes.

The premiums that insurance company's demand is bordering on criminal. They are the only kind of company that can discriminate against people for their age and for what vehicle you choose to drive. For some it's a lifestyle choice, and gambling with insurance or lack there of is a risk that many people (myself included) take. For me it has payed off, I have not had any accidents.

I have Full comp on my daily driver because it is just that. Something that I drive everyday so the chances of me being involved in an accident are much higher than they are for my "weekend car" which I drive maybe twice a month. I see the risk I am taking, but fucked if I am going to pay the exorbitant premiums that the insurance company's demand. It's not just the money which could be better spend but it's the principle of it; I am ripped off something chronic and am paying for something that more than likely won't happen.

That said if I do have an accident I will not be coming on here and having a bitch because I accept full well the consequences of my actions (or lack of).

I also did that Roadcraft driver training, but the accident I witnessed wasn't major and was basically a combination of bad conditions coupled with poor driver technique and it was merely two simple wrong actions by said drivers that resulted in a minor accident (which definitely could and would have been avoided if one or more of the above circumstances were different).

MaDaz S1
Post #72

That was one nice skyline! I would hate to think how much debt the guy would be in right now!!! Gotta feel sorry for him!

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