R.i.p. Skyline - Car smash  

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Post #36

far out brussle sprout tears.gif least everyone is ok..

Post #37

dang that really sucks! thats wat happenens when you speed in the wet- bye bye hard earned $$$.

Post #38

easy $6,000 on fixing it...

Post #39

Shit... the cooler nearly survived it too. Looks like the car was mint otherwise. Lucky he had airbags and was ok though.

Post #40

nice skyline, unlucky to see that happen.......

Post #41

damn thats farked poor skyline n him.. i'd b sooo pissed off is he on his l's by any chance :S weird... feel sorry for him in a way thats one expensive car n more money to fix it up if his goin' to...

Post #42

good thing no-one was crossing the road behind the bus when it happened!

Post #43

thats what you get for being an idiot.

Post #44

Pffft its just a Skyrice. biggrin.gif

Just buy another one like the 1000s around. bowrofl.gif

J/K smile.gif

Glad he's ok though. smile.gif

fat tony
Post #45

i was sick of r33's anyway. but glad no one is hurt

Post #46


poor skyline driver

Post #47

yeah i feel a little sorry for him... but there is a lesson to be taught, this is why u should be particulary cautious in the wet... especially when busses and trucks are about... the oil and the water = no traction for you buddy....
lesson number 2 is u should insure your bloody car incase it was a honest accident.
now that poor dude is up for mega dollars. unsure.gif

Post #48

i see the owner posted

pm me if you would consider selling the werck of wrecking it smile.gif


Post #49

fark man that just sucks...poor skyline

Post #50

stick it up on http://www.wreckedexotics.com/

i think they take skylines as exotics.. i woudlnt but anyway ..put up the pictures

should take a defensive driving course so u know how to recover the car when it gets into a slide

Post #51

F'ing hoons!

Post #52

Damn, that sucks. Should have been paying attention to the road! I hope the cops don't fine you for "Driving without due care and attention". My brother was threatened with fines when he had a head-tail, but never got any. When I had a minor head-tail (no police attendance, but there was an investigation due a personal injury claim [no apparent injury at scene]), I copped a $30 slap on the wrist for following too close.

Post #53

haha sucked in u can't expect to drive like a dick in ur brand new car and not fuck it up.

insurance isn't that expensive it's his own fault for being a dick

Post #54

QUOTE(shawty_drifta @ Jan 21 2006, 11:27 AM)
far out brussle sprout tears.gif least everyone is ok..

I haven't heard that for soooo long tongue.gif

Post #55

bus 1 - skyline 0

Post #56

QUOTE(suicidaL @ Jan 22 2006, 12:29 PM)
mate you had no idea what happend so shut your mouth, it was nothing to do with bad driving it was due to i look away for 2 secs and the bus in front of me is stoped, and it was going down a hill and when i put brakes on nothing just slide into the back of it....

Also known as driving too fast for the conditions

Post #57

You should really give the guy a break guys, he almost lost his car- something that I wouldn't wish upon anyone. Unless you live in the area, you wouldn't know the condition of that stretch of road, it's always terrible in wet weather. It could have happend to anyone.

Post #58

You can't expect your brakes to be able to take on the normal speed of a car in poor conditions. It just doesn't work like that. Lets just say if your trying to say that because you looked away for two seconds that you "lost control" of your car, that isn't really a valid reson.

Suggestions for you are a defensive driving program so you know how to "control" a car even in poor conditions.

if a road is 60kms signed and its pissing down rain try 45-50kms.

its all general knowledge mate.

Post #59

hi all...i just wanted to say that i agree you are very lucky to get out of that not hurt and sorry dude about the car...but driving any performance car you need to know your car and work to the weather conditions.... Any way thats my 2c worth...Good luck with getting the car back it was nearly as good as mine hehehehe tongue.gif

Post #60

I love how all these people are coming on here are giving him a lecture about his driving; because obviously they were all there and witnessed the accident.

From the photo's you can't even see the stretch of road but immediately everyone says that he was driving too fast for the conditions blah blah blah.

Do you people think that by saying these things on the forums gains you some kind of respect? Or that people will think that you are mature for saying them? I take these general comments with a grain of salt and I am guessing that most of those with the negative and derogatory remarks are jealous of his car???

It's so easy for this to happen, we don't know just how bad the conditions were, because we weren’t there but still some people feel the need to pass judgement. This morning on the way back from Queensland raceway I witnessed a Pulsar rear end a Jackaroo. There was really not much that could have been done no matter who was driving. Neither driver was really at fault it was just an accident.

This is a terrible situation to be in, all the best mate. It sounds like you are going to get out of it alright though.

Post #61

Not jealous of his skyline...got my own that has 302 power at dyno---

just glad that he walked away and no one was seriously injured!!!

P.S Can you post up some pics when it gets fixed


wild commodore ute
Post #62

QUOTE(suicidaL @ Jan 22 2006, 12:29 PM)
mate you had no idea what happend so shut your mouth, it was nothing to do with bad driving it was due to i look away for 2 secs and the bus in front of me is stoped, and it was going down a hill and when i put brakes on nothing just slide into the back of it....

mate i know how u feel its happened to me aswell just not in a nice car but it was my only transport it sux and wen ur trying to stop and ur car slids there is almost nuthing u can do

Post #63

No Insurance....... Jesus Christ you people on here amuse me....

I'd love to see a poll on the forum with all members voting as to who has comprehensive Insurance on their vehicles. With the amount of modifications done to a large percentage of car on here, coupled with the age of the owners and whether the vehicle is owned by them, (in most cases the bank owns them) the price on full comprehensive insurance would be in the thousands.

I'd think the percentage of FCI would be very very low, like around a 1/4 if that.

Sorry to see the damage but for F*&^s sake if you can't afford to insure the car you cannot afford the car - end of story.

Post #64

QUOTE(09ONE @ Jan 22 2006, 04:53 PM)
Neither driver was really at fault it was just an accident.

This reminds me of my student driver training at Roadcraft years ago. One of the instructors said that he dosen't like to call them accidents, he'd rather call them crashes because nearly all crashes can be prevented. However in reality not many drivers have proper training so don't know how to prevent these crashes.

Post #65

I must say, it doesn't look AS bad now that it's out from behind that bus. I noticed the doors hadn't moved on the day too, still looks mint from the front guards back!

SIC 86
Post #66

Damn, he will have to pay for the bus to


Post #67

shit mate hell sory!

Post #68

Glad too hear no one was hurt and sorry about the car!!! also glad too hear/see that itz gonna be fixed...

but on the same token, you will find that the chassis might be twisted/bent, and if so your car will never be the same again! at high speeds (e.g. going along highway at 110kph) the car might viabrate or rattle. for your sake i hope that itz not twisted or bent!

Post #69

poor lad sad.gif

Post #70

QUOTE(suicidaL @ Jan 22 2006, 07:48 PM)
Here are some more pics of it, as you can see from some of the pics it is still straight like doors havent moved and stuff see for your self

so do u own it?

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