R.i.p. Skyline - Car smash  

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  • ChrisSX
  • Standard User
  • Member No.: 21,713
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  • From: Brisbane
Post #1 post 20th January 2006 - 11:58 PM
So, today my mate and I decided to take the bus down to Grand Plaza to grab a bite to eat. It was raining rather heavily as we made our way to the bus stop with a couple of flimsy umbrellas. We continued along on our quest and saw the bus coming down the road so my mate waved it down, stopping it at the bottom of the street's 30 degree incline. We boarded the empty bus, and as we were searching through our wallets for the correct change to hand the middle-aged female driver, there was a loud thud and the bus lurched forward, sending my mate to the floor and me into the pole where the "next stop" button was mounted. It was clear to the driver and I that the bus had just been rear ended- at a fairly high speed. We were going to leave, but the bus driver ordered us to stay put and wait for a replacement bus, so I sat and listened to what the young driver of the R33 had to say in his condition of panic. Apparently he came over the crest and saw the bus so he put his foot on the brakes, pumped it and tried to regain control of the car, but nothing worked on the water slicked decline. I figure he must have been speeding but don't know by how much, because we weren't around when the police finally turned up (took them more than half an hour). He said he had bought the car only a month prior to this for 20k and was yet to insure it.

I couldn't say anything to the owner, there would've been nothing I could do or say to make him feel better; and I was also overcome by that feeling you get when you're involved in or witness a bad accident, so my mate and I remained silent.

When we were informed that another bus was on it's way to collect us: the only two passengers, I got off the bus and took a few pictures, incase anyone here might know the car, while we waited.

And if the owner of the car reads this, I send my condolences and I'm glad you walked away uninjured. With the conditions the way they were that afternoon, it could have ended up far worse. sad.gif
Post #2

Water is fun

Post #3

Holy shit!!! double deployment,thats a huge hit,that guy must feel so damn bad right now tears.gif

Post #4

Fark that... thats gotta suck

Post #5

hollly shit !!! that car .. omg i'd be crying if that was mine

Post #6

At least the back of the bus is ok

Post #7

poor bastard is gonna be up for so much.. the damage to the car and to the bus sad.gif

Post #8

Hey I just noticed the airbags deployed.. tongue.gif

Post #9


Post #10

holy crap... poor skyline

Post #11

He couldn't of been going slow.
He was paniking right? biggrin.gif Vahhh mpischttt...
At least no-one was hurt.

Post #12

looks like speed was a factor

Post #13

not cool... hope this shows that it only takes one moment to change a whole lot of stuff... this driver was probly thinking he was safe and could handle the vehicle at the speed he was travling. u dont find wat u can do and handle untill its too late...

poor skyline:(

Post #14

fark sux to be him sad.gif

Post #15

rain and speed caused the accident i believe. poor skyline but at least he is ok.

Mr b16
Post #16

in the rain if he was doing 60-70 then hit the brakes and car lost traction he wouldnt have lost any speed until the bus stopped him, so maybe there wasnt much speeding invloved.

Post #17

maybe if he had done a saftey driving course this wouldn't have happened.

Post #18

Got worried then looked alot like a mates

But his is insured..

Very unlucky, not good to see

Mr b16
Post #19

also why wouldnt you organise insurance before you pick up the car - when i did mine they gave me 2 weeks before i had to pay aswell

Post #20

I have said this many times before - if you can't afford the insurance you cant aford the car end of story....

Poor guy but i dont feel sorry for him..!!!

Post #21

Damn I hate seeing s@#t like this!!!! Lucky no body was hurt. eek.gif ugh.gif hsnono.gif hsnono.gif

Post #22


Thats 1 less Skyline on da road now init.

Good Luck lad - Hope you job pays well.

Post #23

Nah it's alright........just a bit of putty and the rest will buff out. dry.gif

Post #24

Yeah that is sure 1 way to think about it tongue.gif I pick my car up next week and i dont have insurance lets make sure its a 40 degree day so the rubber sticks like mad. ohmy.gif My Insurance company said they wont insure the car unless its registered.

mmmm gtst
Post #25

QUOTE(PyrotiX @ Jan 21 2006, 12:16 AM)
Hey I just noticed the airbags deployed.. tongue.gif

series 2 eh..

damn skylines thinking they own the fuckin road..

dont even get me started about the wet..

Post #26

poor guy, except why wouldn't u get insurance before u get the car going???

Post #27

oh man, that's a shame. car crashes make me feel sick

Post #28

eek.gif oH NO !!!
was that on Waller Road? It looks like it is near my house, but then again, the streets all look the same.

Poor guy. there is nothing worse than having no insurance, or even a car that is not that old.


Post #29

QUOTE(suicidaL @ Jan 21 2006, 09:45 AM)
EDIT: HE was half way threw gettin car changed into his mums name, and then gettin insurance, he has the car and i dont think he just wanted it to sit at home, also he only had car for 3 weeks, and this wasnt from hooning, just wasnt paying attionstion to the road

I don't think it would make much difference if the car was in the mum's name or his, because legally you still have to name the youngest driver in the policy. I should know because I am driving around in my dad's old pulsar until his policy expires, and I take ownership of the car. Anyway they had to pay more money when they told the insurance company that I was driving it (no doubt due to the location rather than driving history in my case).

Anyway bad luck to the fellow.

Post #30

no worries, that'll buff right out... j/k

good to hear no one was hurt and poor skyline

Post #31

it wasn't a GTR... so its ok tongue.gif

still poor skyrice

Post #32

QUOTE(suicidaL @ Jan 21 2006, 09:45 AM)
Guy just to tell you the car is going to be on the road again, we are struts are all still in place only like 5 mm out of place lucky enogh, And the engine look pushed back in but it was just engine mounts had snaped off biggrin.gif, the radiator and cool took all the damage turbo is all good still biggrin.gif:D Morel of the story get insurance AHAHAHAHAH,

But yer car is in my back yard and he just getting front end convertion,
so any1 no were i can pick up a 33 ,1997 model series 2 front end,pm me if you have any info

EDIT: HE was half way threw gettin car changed into his mums name, and then gettin insurance, he has the car and i dont think he just wanted it to sit at home, also he only had car for 3 weeks, and this wasnt from hooning, just wasnt paying attionstion to the road

So you're one of his mates I take it? I'm glad that it's repairable, I thought it was a total loss for sure ohmy.gif

Post #33

ohh yeah.. that shit is pretty fucked up..

Post #34

QUOTE(suicidaL @ Jan 21 2006, 09:45 AM)
and this wasnt from hooning, just wasnt paying attionstion to the road

mmhmm rolleyes.gif

Post #35

I don't think it's an excuse that your car is just sitting there so you have the urge to drive it.

Although this will teach this guy a lesson to never do it again

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