Haunted Places In Brisbane  

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Post #36

JC slaughter falls is at the base of MT cootha, behind towoong cemetary, a bit further along the road from the botanical gardens. Its just a park with bushwalking tracks, and there used to be some aboriginal art but it was all gone last time I was there..

Post #37

the cemetary at fairfield in brissy is definately haunted and is one of the oldest cemetaries in qld.
some very horrible people were burried there and people have had things physicaly happen to them there liked being pushed over.
there is an old graveyard at tweed heads we used to drink in when we were younger and a mate laid down on a grave and then started to struggle like something was holding him down and it took 4 of us to pull him up.
there used to be a house a bilinga on the gold coast which i used to live in which was haunted and every person that ever stayed there said they saw an old lady leaning over them.
that house is no longer there and there is a block of units there and i have often thought about going and asking residents if they have seen or heard anything.
i wont elaberate but some realy freaky shit happened in that house.

Post #38

Toowong cemetary is haunted for sure me and my mate drove in one night back in 2001 for the fun of it we got to the centre of the cemetary and we started to feel cold but it was summer time then my mates car was loosing power like his head lights were not as bright so i said lets get the fuck out of here as i was getting bad vibes.

Post #39

Friend's work at Wacol has a history to it.
Pyrotix told me that it dates back to late 1800's.

Post #40

ghost tour would be awesum...i scare easily tho, but yeh a toured one would be better rather than runnin round tryin to find ghosts lol

Post #41

i think my work place is haunted its built where the old whiskey a go go was............ i work nights and taking naps on my break in certain areas feels very awkard..... ppl have seen and heard stuff and this other person who is extreamly receptive of these things always sees a particular male spirit watching from a distance......... but sorry cant let yoyu in cos its a secured buildinG

Post #42

i have been to the JC slaughter falls at MT cootha, but shit all happen then......i love MT coot-ha have spent a lot of time up there over the years @ nite and day...i shit my self one nite 2003, i went for a piss behide the car at the car park for simpson falls @ around 1.30am at nite, im standing there hears sticks snaping over and over. I jump back in to the car as some thing was walking for the car, pich back....we took off and i have not been to that spot any more at nite

some one told me that it was likey a Dingo looking for food.........and there was photos in the Sunday Paper showing Dingo's at Mt Coot-that.

Post #43

QUOTE(wingnam @ Jan 6 2006, 05:53 AM)
i think my work place is haunted its built where the old whiskey a go go was............ i work nights and taking naps on my break in certain areas feels very awkard..... ppl have seen and heard stuff and this other person who is extreamly receptive of these things always sees a particular male spirit watching from a distance......... but sorry cant let yoyu in cos its a secured buildinG

Yeah I have heard this too. In the 70's there was a fire in the Whiskey a go go and people got trapped and consequently killed...

The 'magnetic' place in Toowong Cemetery is called Spook Hill and they reckon it's all an illusion but it's still freaky when you are there and it happens!

They say the old science centre on george street, brissy is also haunted. When it was a government printers office some guy got caught in the print press rollers and you can guess the rest. Apparently at night in the science centre guards would see electric exhibits start up by themselves and lights would go on and off.

I got heaps, to many to list. Most which I read in a book by Jack Sims, the guy that does the ghost tours around here. I love paranormal stuff ohnoes.gif

Post #44

yeh ive done a few late night runs through the mental instituation in wacol, have seen some scary shit like people sitting on the bonnet... definately real shit

Post #45

Ormiston House
Boggo Road Gaol

There is apparently a ghost at my old school too - Mt Maria College (Mitchelton Campus)

Post #46

QUOTE(Eisbaer @ Jan 6 2006, 10:30 AM)
Ormiston House
Boggo Road Gaol

There is apparently a ghost at my old school too - Mt Maria College (Mitchelton Campus)

Your spot on about Mt Maria, there is a big story behind that which AJ and I managed to track down but I'm keeping that one to myself for the next upcoming Ghost Cruise.

If you look up the history of Mt Maria before it was a school it used to be a center where single young mothers used to go and get help by the sisters of the school. Alot of awful stories to be told about that place.. especially regarding the hall out the back.

Post #47

QUOTE(RA-28 @ Jan 5 2006, 10:23 PM)
Yeah, done the Toowong one a couple of times. It is freaky as all shit! You drive up (preferably at night... for effect!), stop the car, kill the lights, put it in neutral with no handbrake. All of a sudden the car starts reversing back up the hill for about 20 meters. It always stops at the same headstone too... never short of the mark, never past it either! Freaky shit!

That's gotta be bullshit ohmy.gif and if it is an optical illusion how does it work ? Man I'm at work getting scared reading all this stuff.

I don't know of any haunted places in Australia although in New Zealand at the museum ( which is located in a place kind of like botanical gardens ) there is a back road which is only a single lane road with thick trees on your left and an embankment on your right with trees scattered all over the place. If you go just far enough down the road and look on your right you will see three female figures all facing each other in a circle that looks like they have nooses coming off them attached to the tree. Also your phones allways lose reception, I don't know if its just an unlucky spot for reception but none the less it scares the shit out of you. And if you go there in the day you can never find anything that looks like what you saw the night before, and everyone ( well out of my mates ) are to shit scared to go up to them at night.

True story !!

Post #48

QUOTE(Phat 33 @ Jan 5 2006, 06:57 PM)
Queensland - Strathpine - BrayPark State High School - At night time when wondering through the school grounds you hear the strange moans of a teenage girl screaming because of the torment her fellow students gave her. Her spirit has a mullet for a haircut and is said to look like a victim of a fire as her skin was believed to be exceedingly abnormal. She committed suicide after hanging herself from the roof of the assembly hall. There have been said to have electrical surges in the hall due to the spirits raging anger.


I went to Bray Park SHS and never heard of anything like that at all...
Someone hanging them selves int he assembly hall...
What year did that take place?

Post #49

QUOTE(PyrotiX @ Jan 6 2006, 12:02 PM)
Your spot on about Mt Maria, there is a big story behind that which AJ and I managed to track down but I'm keeping that one to myself for the next upcoming Ghost Cruise.

If you look up the history of Mt Maria before it was a school it used to be a center where single young mothers used to go and get help by the sisters of the school. Alot of awful stories to be told about that place.. especially regarding the hall out the back.

There was a story on extra a few years back - I think the school has a copy if you want it. Also did some research and there were some photos and info about the school when it was used for wayward girls etc... some pretty harsh conditions. There was a govt inquiry into it.

Post #50

QUOTE(Eisbaer @ Jan 6 2006, 12:19 PM)
There was a story on extra a few years back - I think the school has a copy if you want it. Also did some research and there were some photos and info about the school when it was used for wayward girls etc... some pretty harsh conditions. There was a govt inquiry into it.


See page 170 - 177
The holy cross laundry is next to mt maria as well.

Post #51

yeah.. this shit sounds rad.. these are the places we should head next time.. not just cemeteries!

Post #52

Yeah I can't wait for the next ghost cruise!

In the meantime and if you are bored, this makes for an interesting read... Haunts of Brisbane

Post #53

toowong cemertary
and yes the car does move by itself went there last weekend...
itz pretty kool...

Post #54

way to bring up a two year old thread tongue.gif

series 5
Post #55

QUOTE(daisu @ Jan 5 2006, 07:20 PM) [snapback]5784318[/snapback]

Whats the go with the car moving up the hill and the car been revesed back out of the dead end? Can anyone report their experiences in these places?

THat road is at mount cotton, ts called mount view road and my dad said that it has a vivid past with ritual killings or animals and humans from the local goth community back in the day, but the whole car getting pulled up hill has a lot to do with the fact that its actually an incline but looks like your going down hill. well thats how he explained it to us anyway

anyone else got any explanations with regards to this? would love to hear other theories

Post #56

I reken this thread is a bit haunted, there is still cobwebs from sitting for so long

Post #57

There is a small cemetery off mt cotton road.

Many have claimed to see a women trying to get a ride, Those who stopped said she vanished after awhile, Those who did not stop said she appeared in there back seat in many many pieces.

I know she is there but i have never seen her, Apparantly shes quite attractive biggrin.gif

Slaughter Falls is nothing special, I've been there many times and i think the hype is what gets people alittle scared. The storie goes a group of bikers raped and killed a girl there.

The only place really worth visiting is the mental house in wacol near the gaol, However getting in there is close to imposiable, and if you are caught there expected to be arrested.

Post #58

QUOTE(Mr-RX @ Jan 13 2008, 05:36 PM) [snapback]1281808665[/snapback]

There is a small cemetery off mt cotton road.

Many have claimed to see a women trying to get a ride, Those who stopped said she vanished after awhile, Those who did not stop said she appeared in there back seat in many many pieces.

thats kinda freaky =/

And here i was getting all excited thinking there was going to be a ghost cruise soon...shouldve read date of posts sad.gif

Post #59

QUOTE(series 5 @ Jan 13 2008, 04:52 PM) [snapback]1281808479[/snapback]

THat road is at mount cotton, ts called mount view road and my dad said that it has a vivid past with ritual killings or animals and humans from the local goth community back in the day, but the whole car getting pulled up hill has a lot to do with the fact that its actually an incline but looks like your going down hill. well thats how he explained it to us anyway

anyone else got any explanations with regards to this? would love to hear other theories

Spot on, It looks like your going up hill due to the way the tree's have grown and the road was built, However it really is down hill.

Post #60

QUOTE(racsov500 @ Jan 6 2006, 12:22 AM) [snapback]5784916[/snapback]

wolston house near the wacol jail

apparently some of my sister freinds saw some weird shit there one night

who is your sister? my mates went out there one night and they all got a real scare apparently. then they were gunna go there again and they were in a car crashon the way...

Post #61

I think Pyrotix needs to organise another.

These went off back in the day!

Post #62

QUOTE(Mr-RX @ Jan 13 2008, 07:36 PM) [snapback]1281808665[/snapback]

The only place really worth visiting is the mental house in wacol near the gaol, However getting in there is close to imposiable, and if you are caught there expected to be arrested.

the mental house has been demolished but there is a mansion and a few building around the place... if you get caught on foot you have to gte uncaught real quick but if our in your car just have a rrefidex and say your trying to shortcut to goodna and your lost haha worked for us.

Post #63

QUOTE(TwinCam16 @ Jan 13 2008, 07:19 PM) [snapback]1281809088[/snapback]

I think Pyrotix needs to organise another.

These went off back in the day!

There is another one organized for this year.. it involves St Helena Island at night for 6 hours smile.gif

Post #64

... Keep talkin...

Post #65

Wow yes i'm glad I have my license, we should go on another ghost cruise. Some of these storys are fucking trippy..

Post #66

Female 1 at Wolston Park "Hospital"

QUOTE(racsov500 @ Jan 5 2006, 10:22 PM) [snapback]5784916[/snapback]

wolston house near the wacol jail

apparently some of my sister freinds saw some weird shit there one night

If you mean Historical Wolston House? The house itself is beautiful. There's an old gramophone in there that's almost impossible to make work, but it plays at night sometimes on its own. Out on the flat out the back of the house there used to be a Mausoleum that got washed away in the floods, all of the members of the historical society have never found where it used to be.

Post #67

Just for the sake of this topic, when we initially looked at doing the original ghost cruise we did about two weeks worth of research and investigated the majority of the places listed on the net as been haunted.

Unfortunately Brisbane has a habit of destroying any trace of it's history. Most of the well known places have been knocked down and rebuilt over for the ICB and inner northern busway.

If you can name a haunted location shown on any website for Brisbane, we've been there and visited it. So for those who do want to go out and visit these are the best and worst places to visit.

Just off the top of my head..

Wolston Park Hospital: If you want to be arrested for tresspassing on prison land, go right ahead. We were escorted from the place during the day with the excuse we took a wrong turn. Go at night and I'm sure you'll get more than an escort off the property.

Dutton Park: Great place to visit, but now that new bridge is in the majority of the cemetery is under light.

Toowong: Don't get caught snooping around there at night and for the sake of all things holy, the chances of you bumping in to Jack Sim are very likely. DO NOT DRIVE YOUR CAR THROUGH THE CEMETERY. Last time we visited we saw a group of idiotic teens trying to get their car up the optical illusionary hill only to back in to a gravestone. The roads are far too small for modern cars and the chances of you hitting something is almost guaranteed.

Samford Valley Cemetery: Good place to visit day or night, it's quiet and well and truly out of the way.

Abanonded Building Ipswich Way: The only thing you will be greeted with when searching this place is two rottweilers.

HOWEVER, if you can ever track the original post down on here there was a late member of the forum (who unfortunately died in an accident on that very mountain) who use to run the ghost cruises before me in 2002 and he managed to capture a full apparition figure in the bushland by accident as they were entering the property to this place.

I don't know the history on the place in question but it is without a doubt one of the most amazing pictures I ever saw.

Boggo Road Jail: Has been partially knocked down, Amanda and I were the very last people to ever visit that place (literally closed the doors behind us for the very last time). We were told it was originally been "restored" but later read an article which said it was been turned into a modern shopping complex. There is a small part of the jail there still.. but it's all closed up and is under construction. I've got hundreds of photos of that place before it was knocked down and it truly was an amazing place, very stupid decision to knock it down as it was really our only last remaining mainland historic building.

Post #68

In all of the old mental instituions (I mean OLD) notice they're always built on rivers? There are tunnels from the banks into the basements of these building because they used to unload the convicts and insane people off ships coming down the rivers. Female 1 is a deathtrap, all the floors are rotted. Go there during the day, but never go there at night. It's freaky and plain unsafe.

In some of the basements of the old mental institutions you can still find shackles attached to the old brick walls. Unfortunately you have to be involved with mental health to get anywhere NEAR these places.

I highly reccomend Jack Sim's tours, he doesn't do gimmicks, he knows his stuff and he takes it very seriously.

Post #69

Jack Sim also has a lot of books out now which detail Brisbane's most haunted locations.

Post #70

QUOTE(PyrotiX @ Jan 13 2008, 08:16 PM) [snapback]1281809337[/snapback]

Abanonded Building Ipswich Way: The only thing you will be greeted with when searching this place is two rottweilers.

HOWEVER, if you can ever track the original post down on here there was a late member of the forum (who unfortunately died in an accident on that very mountain) who use to run the ghost cruises before me in 2002 and he managed to capture a full apparition figure in the bushland by accident as they were entering the property to this place.

I don't know the history on the place in question but it is without a doubt one of the most amazing pictures I ever saw.

Are you serious? Any idea on what the guy's boost name was? I want to see this picture.

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