Gilmer Drive  

  • TRX910
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  • Member No.: 236
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  • From: Brisneyland
Post #1 post 24th October 2002 - 11:08 PM
Does anyone know much about gilmer drives?

I know what they are, etc.. but need some more info in detail..





anything else I should know


Post #2

So what are they? Remember the best way to learn is to ask questions, so dont go calling me stupit or notin'.

Post #3

Err, I had no intention of calling you stupid, and I was asking questions..

All I really know about them is that they are a replacement belt/pulley system, can cope with bigger rpm and make a cool noise like a supercharger smile.gif

someone correct me if I'm wrong



Post #4

Yeah I think I know what u mean? I've heard them called 'gear driven' ?? I think they are kinda like a BOV, in terms of performance, I.E. that they sound trick and do very little for real performance.

Post #5

well they're used in the v8 dragsters, so they're not entirely for wank purposes smile.gif

Anyone know of any workshops in Brisbane (northside preferred) that I could speak to about getting a custom set made up?



Post #6

Nissan Bluebird TRX fitted with s13 sr20det

What sort of price would I be looking at?



Post #7

Ok, I'll tell you what I know.

When your talking about Gilmer Drives and drag cars, your talking about the big belts and cogs that drive the superchargers and extra things, yea?

Well, for example. I know a guy that fitted this type of system to his N/A V8 Statesman. While it looks great, and does add like 4kW of power, it's damn noisy, and if you make one wrong adjustment, it'll chew out that belt in about 30 seconds. In fitting, he had to relocate his power steer pump, as the water pump wouldn't work with the original configuration.

You can solve this problem buy putting on one of those electric water pumps. I wouldn't trust my life with one of those things, but I always think water and electricity don't mix.

Total cost of my mate's gear was about $500 give or take. The belt itself was $89, which is pretty damn expensive if you start chewing them out. I'm not sure if anyone is actually doing this setup for SR20DETs yet...if your the first, then it'll cost you a bucketload more for development, cog sizes and belts.


Post #8

I wouldn't think it would be that much more expensive.. altho, paying for labour can be on the costly side

On the plus side I only have 3 pulleys (crank / fan / alternator) so I don't have to worry about relocating aircon/ps etc

I heard that the tighter you do the belts, the more noise you get , and that if you have them up too tight, you'll wear them out in about 8 months unless they're hard anodised.. true ?



Post #9

I think you'll find that the rubber belts will wear out much faster than your gilmer setup. Also, I think you'll find that the pulleys come standard surgical stainless steel, and you can then anodise them or whatever. And yes, the tighter you make it, the louder it is, and the more wear on the belt.

You only have 3 points of contact on your engine? Where's the water pump? Or is that part of the fan assembly? If so, then yea, you've got your price cutdown a little there. If you think you'll get away with paying $200 or something, forget about it. The pulleys have to be a certain size out from the engine. Guides must be put in place at top and bottom of engine, so it doesn't spit the belt out. Different sized pulleys must be used to determine the correct speed. You certainly don't want the alternator spinning at a slower rate!

Ditch the fan, and get twi thermo setups. While this is another $150 to $300, depending on the quality of fan you buy, it's a great investment in keeping your car cool and gaining 1 to 2 kWs. Also, the engine bay would be alot more quiet, so you can hear that gilmer sound screaming it's guts out while you rev to 6000rpm. Swwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!

Post #10

user posted image

As hoon was saying your better off replacing the belt driven fan with thermos. I found I gained about 4-5 KW and also it seems much smoother at high rpm without the belt driven fan.

The gilmer set up for my motor (351 cleveland) cost me $315 (thats including the belt). The tighter you set them up the more noise they'll make, but, dont overtighten them or else they'll snap the belt when you give it a bit of a rev. Also make sure that the belt lines up on all the pulleys or once again you will either snap or throw the belt when you start the car.

The advantage of having a gilmer belt setup is that the belt doesn't slip at high rpm (and they also sound great when doing 7000rpm). The complete setup including the fans and gilmers cost me around $500 from memory.

Post #11

Yea, without the belt driven fans it LOOKS better!

I've been trying to work out how to get a gilmer system on my car, but I wish to keep my aircon and power steer. I was thinking about running two seperate belt setups. You heard of anyone that does that OXY-351? And where abouts did you get your setup through?

Post #12

[quote]You only have 3 points of contact on your engine? Where's the water pump? Or is that part of the fan assembly? <snip>

Ditch the fan, and get twi thermo setups. [/quote]

Maybe I should have made myself a bit clearer smile.gif

The water pump is part of the fan assembly, and the fan got ditched when the motor was put in, have always been running a thermo.

[quote]Also, the engine bay would be alot more quiet, so you can hear that gilmer sound screaming it's guts out while you rev to 6000rpm. Swwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeet![/quote]

Try 7000-7500 biggrin.gif




Post #13

Sure dude, an address would be great smile.gif



Post #14

hmmm sounds pretty expensive for a differnt belt set up i cant see one way they can give you extra power either but i might be wrong, anyway my belt slips when it hits boost but you can go a double pully (heaps cheaper,well for me anyway) i think it would cost me about 40bucks to make it double. but screw it all i recon i hate the sound i think its just a wanna be supercharged sound. better things to waste money on pffft 500bucks i could get another 25hp with that!!!

Post #15

It's taking the fan off (reducing spinning weight) that actually gives you a little bit more horsepower not the gilmers themselves. I got my set more for the fact that the belt wont slip at high rpm rather than the sound they make.

Post #16

yah as i said it dont give you more horsies you can just remove the old fan and put a thermo on it. that was my point anyway but it would be good for the high torque things i know

Post #17

So that's something I really gotta keep my eye on? Appropriate pulley sizes, to stop water pump & alternator over/under spinning?



Post #18

I'd say if you kept to regular sizes as much as possible, you wouldn't have any problems at all on the effects. Notice on Chev's donk, he's got the water pump going harder, well that would just make a massive whirlpool, and the water wouldn't flow as much. Water flowing is the key to keeping the car cool, constant flow.

As for alternator, it should have a regulator on it, if you overspin. Only thing you'll do is maybe go through the brushes quicker than standard. Don't worry, I'm sure they'll have heaps of different size pulleys for the application.

Hey Chev Power....give us a name and address of who did your work so we can give him a call???

Post #19

That's cool

Sorry if I sound stupid asking all these questions biggrin.gif

I'd just really like to be sure I know what I'm paying for

Post #20

Hey, I wanna know too, cause I still wanna get the setup on my Ford!

Post #21

On a Ford? hhheeeeeeeeeyyyyyy!!!!!!

Post #22

I'd like to see how much it would cost to get it completely fitted to a 250.

Post #23

I'm pretty sure you can buy off-the-shelf gilmer drives for motors more commonly used by them.. I can recall from memory that an auto parts store where I used to live sold them for holden 202, isuzu 1.6, ford 250 etc.. you just gotta look around I guess

Post #24

Which store was that Brian?

Post #25

It was in AutoPro in Strathpine.. unfortunately they went out of buisness and had to close down sad.gif

There's still the AutoPro southside near Revolution Racegear (Morooka), no idea if they stock them.. Autobarn might be the go, they seem to be able to stock/get in all sorts of automotive shit now.. no harm in asking 'em smile.gif

Post #26

Update on this.

Autopro no longer stock these items. Rev Racegear doesnt' either. And unfortuntly, Autobarn doesn't get any kits for the 250XFlow. Bugger.

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