Drag Strip - Whos wants a drag strip  

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Post #36

it would be good if you could make it work
but it sounds to me like the same old shizit
someone wants to feel the center of attention
so out comes the old who wants a dragstrip discussion
multi million dollar companies have already tried in the past
and managed to get sponsors and cover public liability costs but it
still didnt go ahead due to noise regulations and the "MAN" being difficult

but to answer your question...i you built it , i would come

Post #37

Oh we know what we are talking about, we have seen these kind of posts many a time, each time it fails. Why? because its teh worst idea ever.

Post #38

i mean fair enough it seems like a pretty hard thing to do but has anyone here tried it??? No i didnt think so... so lets wait and see wat happens ok

Post #39

I was going to hire out my parents padock to my friends but after the 1st week the neighbours complained that all the mud would wash into the river and threatened to call the council so i stopped it.
After looking into ways i could still do it i found insurance would make me charge my friends over $100 each so it's just not worth it.

Unless your parents own a mine or something or u have millions of dollars it's not gunna happen.

Post #40

thtop being so negative guyths, give thith man a chanth

Post #41

Yer i know what will happen, and it wont be a drag strip being made smile.gif

Post #42

thanx i appreciate the support

Post #43

any where to get us of the road and away from fines is worth ago

Post #44

Anytime chief smile.gif

Post #45

dude if your goin to do it why dont you get ahold of the owners of darlington park in ormeau and get them to do something 4 us streeters

Post #46

yeah ive heard there pretty financially rewarding, but is there a niche for that kind of thing in brissy, guess well hav to find out

Post #47

won't happen in a blue fit.

edit: re darlington park

Post #48

darlington park is an option but with all the controversy out there i could see it being protested against

Post #49

Mate, I understand what a business plan and have a vague idea of the costs and work required to do this and even my vague ball park estimates tell me that it is a very difficult undertaking.

Negative or realistic?

Post #50

dude if u wanna invest in something build a speedway, we already have one of australias best drag strips and dont need another wat is needed is another speedway, with other driving facilities and dont say why bother we've already got a speedway but ummm give it 10 yrs and that speedway will be gooone

Post #51

no i wouldnt say why bother id say id take it into consideration, id also say that willowbank is a waste of money which not many ppl wanna spend the money on or time time getting out there a lot of ppl on the northside and the coast have to travel at least an hr just to get there i also take on wat ur saying dave and weather or not it is negative or realistic is to be determined by the business plan it self which is why im saying lets find out wat a bit of research and planning can do to make it realistic and positive

Post #52

dry.gif angry.gif why bag him you (Negative or realistic) @#$!s angry.gif

hope it works out facesjump.gif
if you need help, i will help anyway i can just ask smile.gif smile.gif

good luck bro

Post #53

thanx drifter ill keep ya posted

Post #54

yer id be keen to help ya out in anyway be a bit hard finicially but keen to see this project work

Post #55

yeah financials are obviously going to play a major factor but finding a place for it and getting it approved and legal is the first thing

Post #56

Hey slayters, think its a good idea atleast ur doing something that might benifit us all. Probably on a website where it seems most of the members are ppl who dont actually own deacent cars, although they might obsess over them down actually get to drive and maintain them. A good start would to be to look at what u have to compete with, all u have at the moment really is willowbank. Good luck and ill be one of the few who will give a hand if u need when u get it going.

Post #57

thanx savman appreciate all the support i can get ill keep ya posted

Post #58

i reckon good idea like savman said u only really got to compete wit willowbank, would like to see this work!!

Post #59

id just like to point out one thing this isnt going to be a drag strip for proper dragers this thing will be for anyone to use willowbank aint much of a competition in that respect for the rediculous amount of money they charge u

Post #60

me and slayters-b for the past few weeks have begun research into developing a private dragstrip for modified enthusiasts on the northside of brisbane, allowing easier access for car lovers for the northside of brisbane and sunshine coast.

we've researched compliances, insurance details, researched what will become our competitors, and have begun to look into sponsership and land purchases.

we have meetings organised with 2 seperate companies, with our main aim to try and get some land at the developing airport area.

so thats our progress so far, so lets here expressions of interest, for use of the facility, help in getting it started, any kind of interest that people wanna make towards it, because the more voices we have, the easier it will become.

so tell us what you think

Post #61

Willowbank charging ridiculous prices? What a load of shit - Willowbank is the most competitively priced strip in the country!

Nice dream..... but lets be realistic:

*You say it will be available to people to use anytime, for a small fee. Who is going to pay the ambulance to be there 24/7 (which is required)? Who is going to pay the fire and safety crews? Who is going to make sure the track crew are there all the time?

*Public liability insurance - not exactly cheap. And it is required by law. And before any insurance company touches this far fetched dream drag strip you will have to supply the above mentioned ambo's and safety crew. And as this strip is going to operate 24/7 - then your premiums will be unimaginable.... that is only if an insurance company would be stupid enough to take it on!

*Where do you plan to build it? Do you really think you are going to be able to put a drag strip in the middle of a residential area?
Or do you really think you can afford to buy prime commercial land around the airport? And even if you could, do you think the council will allow you to build a drag strip there? Dont think so!

*And dont forget the general maintenence on the track. Timing equipment, starting lights, the track itself (dont forget VHT, keeping it dry and oil free, etc).

Gee, add it all up! How much are you going to charge people to race on the magical drag strip? To break even and let the track actually pay for itself (with no profit) you would have to charge people about $1000 per run!
Suddenly paying $40 to race all night at Willowbank is looking mighty cheap and a much better option!
And i cant believe people whinge about the drive to Willowbank. Its not even an hour from most parts of Brisbane for fucksake! What do you people want, a drag strip in your backyards! Ive gotta drive 2.5 hours to get to Willowbank, and ive never complained about the length of drive!

Im not having a go at anyone, but this idea is stupidly unrealistic.
However its not impossible to set up a community drag strip. Look at Warwick Dragway. Sure its only an eigheth mile and they only race once a month, but it's a great little track and goes to show that you can do it if you be a bit more realistic!

Post #62

mate, you are an idiot.. deadset idiot.. have you ever heard of putting in the hard yards.. conquer over adversity.. this wont be a walk in the park, but just like we have said to the others who think we can't.. go shove that little shrivelled grape of a dick you have up ur ass..

anything is possible in this world.. its wankers like you who love to sit there thinking they're great by having a cry cause someone wants to put their strength into something constructive..

so when we are standing on our own drag strip and see you pullin in to have a spin, i can happily let you know all we'll be spinnin u is the bird

so piss off too ya box and let the people with imagination and dreams do their thing

Post #63

Gee, the debate's hotted up!!! argue.gif Here's my imput, archerfield speed karts track, $45000 for 325metres of 10m wide bitchumen....

Post #64

Congratulations dickhead - you cant even take a bit of constructive criticism without resorting to kiddy bullshit!

To me it sounds like you have no idea of what the real world is like, and dont have a clue about drag racing and what is involved. Perhaps a bit of research is needed. But then again, with your attitude, you might carry on like a twit to everyone who tells you something you dont like and all you will end up with is a smack in the mouth

Read the last paragraph you idiot. I said it isnt impossible..... but unless you want to get realistic then your dream is going to remain just that!

Post #65

thanx obt where did u get the figures from

Post #66

wattsy the problem is that ur underestimated the research that we have done into all of this, we have covered a lot of what u have said and from wat weve found its not as bad as wat u have said, and u obviously have no idea because if u were smart enough ud know that there a lot of ways to get around those things u said and ud post them unfortunately thats obviously a little to hard for you to comprehend

Post #67

we have been realistic.. me and slayter have had this idea tossed up in the air for a while now.. slayters been a long time enthusiast in pro dragging, but we want something for the common modder

and the reason i went off, was i was sick of people sayin the same shit.. if u thought about it for 2 seconds, mayb u would realise that we have done some initial homework

we have begun to prepare a business plan which will give us a clear indication if our dream IS able to be done

we ain't dumb idiot, so shut up, thanks for the criticism, but hearing the same thing is getting boring

Post #68

id also like to add the fact that what where proposing isnt a 24hr track
where proposing that ull be able to use the track every day of the week

Post #69

I used to ride BMX with the guy that owned ASK, he now races those minature ford/holden racecars with the motorbike engines you see on SBS speedweek, after racing porsche cup, go figure? huh.gif

Post #70

QUOTE(OBT100 @ Jun 26 2005, 11:20 PM)
I used to ride BMX with the guy that owned ASK, he now races those minature ford/holden racecars with the motorbike engines you see on SBS speedweek, after racing porsche cup, go figure? huh.gif

lol just outa curiosity with wat reference was this last comment too lol wink.gif

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