How To Run 'boost' On A Naturally Aspirated Car - It's simple, really.  

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  • Nvious
  • Senior User
  • Member No.: 31
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Post #1 post 6th June 2005 - 07:05 AM
Alright, your all probably thinking OMGWTFUNBELIEVABLE!

A man once said, "I have a dream" [Martin Luther King].
So I have accomplished the dream of all ricers from all around the world whom desire to go the VERY cheap way to make it look like you're running boost.

HOW TO MAKE YOUR NATURALLY ASPIRATED CAR RUN BOOST- more like how to make it look like it's running boost.

Step 1:
You'll need a crap boost gauge (In psi or bar doesn't matter) but it has to look good (for the Chicks factor).
Heres the one I got.
user posted image
user posted image
user posted image

Step 2:
Open up the front of the gauge or whereever it opens up.
user posted image
user posted image

Now that it is open, pull the needle out and adjust it whereever you want it to hit - eg; My gauge shows 0.9bar of boost but when you connect it you can also adjust the needle to where the needle sits on idle.

Step 3:
Connect the vacuum hose etc; in your engine bay and put the hose through the firewall on where you want to mount it - where do you hook up the vacuum hose to? it should be just after the throttle body as it was on my engine.
Probably best to get expert help from a person who knows their stuff as all engine bays are different.
user posted image
NOTE: Wheres my pod filter? Oh, its properly secured, enclosed and hidden.

Step 4:
Mount it somewhere; whereever you like it to be. Make sure you don't put the cover back onto the gauge yet as you may want to adjust the needle more.
I have mounted mine there just for show but has now been taken out - I got bored of it.
user posted image

Last Step:
Turn your car on............
Watch where the needle sits on idle.
Adjust if you wish to your liking, I have adjusted mine so it sits on 0psi on idle.
But when you switch the car off it will go back to where I have mounted the needle at (0.9bar boost).

Heres what it looks like when it's all finished and I've given it a few revs.
user posted image

N.B: Might I suggest you install a pod filter for induction noise - goes quite well with the gauge.

Got Rice?
dunno.gif bowrofl.gif facesjump.gif drool.gif ohnoes.gif ohmy.gif

I am heartless.
sedate looking
Post #2

dont laugh but you can get a blow off valve for na cars off e bay as well ... wow what a combo ,,,,, your boost gauge &pod filter , and a bov .... my goodness the chicks would be climbing over each other to get to you!!! rolleyes.gif rolleyes.gif

Post #3

you son are a nerd

Post #4

So what this does it, once you turn the car on it puts the bar to a certain level? and it just sits there

Post #5

Well... If I had the needle on 0psi where is where it was when you buy it.. it would ONLY show vacuum.
So I adjusted the needle to point at 0.6bar and it idles at 0psi but when you turn your back off it goes back to 0.6bar

Post #6

can i suggest a modification.?

get yourself an air horn, and run the hose to the guage instead of the horns. put a variable resistor in to control the compressor. this adjusts the amount ot rice boost you are running.

if you are clver, set up a lever system with either your accelerator pedal or throttle cable so that the switch is turned as you accelerate.

Post #7

QUOTE(Detrax @ Jun 7 2005, 01:11 PM)
So what this does it, once you turn the car on it puts the bar to a certain level? and it just sits there

He's done it so that when at idle, it sits at 0psi, and when under load (full throttle etc) it'll go to 14psi.

Basically it will move etc, and appear to go into boost when the car is under load... a N/A car will bounce back/forth from vacuum to 0psi, so he's moved the needle up to make it look like it gets positive pressure or 'boost'..


Post #8

Nvious I remember you talking about this a while ago I never thought you would actully do it. Bloody wondefull lol.

racer by night
Post #9

sik choung sik. tongue.gif

Post #10

ur too sik.. go to docter

Post #11


sick work nvious lmao haha !

Post #12

hahahahaa, Love it

Post #13

oh god...........

Post #14

hahahaha that is gold....personally i wouldnt bother and just get a turbo.tongue.gif


Post #15

I just had some spare time on my hands.
Was at a mate's house stuffing around with a mate's 180sx and thought when we finish........................boost gauge... we all just laughed for ages when we hooked it up biggrin.gif

Post #16

hahahaha if I do that to my existing gauge I could run 2bar+ cool.gif

Post #17

How do you not have a Honda nvious?!?! You'll never be a true ricer until you get one, do it! smile.gif

Manic 180
Post #18


Post #19

QUOTE(BozzA @ Jun 8 2005, 06:33 PM)
How do you not have a Honda nvious?!?! You'll never be a true ricer until you get one, do it! smile.gif

Cause I don't want to... cool.gif

Post #20

I want my mention in this.. I charge 30bucks an installation.. tongue.gif

Post #21

QUOTE(51EKA @ Jun 8 2005, 09:48 PM)
I want my mention in this.. I charge 30bucks an installation..  tongue.gif

Sorry, Thanks to 51EKA for teh phat installation.
Obviously done at mate's rates hsdance.gif

Well if you want to find the right gauge to do this..
Find one like mine.. search around for "Swoosh" or "Race Tech R"
If they are over $50, they are overpriced.
Don't go buying Autometer ones thinking it will work because I'm not responsible for your stuff ups - Autometer is expensive to stuff around with.

Post #22

I never thought I'd live to see the day...

ohmy.gif laugh.gif blink.gif

Why is the car red?
Post #23

that is the best idea ever! no, seriously. i'm going to put that on either a bicycle or a minibus, whichever i find first. hats off to ya mate, beats my blow off noise CD!!!

Post #24

Thanks mate.
I'm giving up the rice mods for a while.
But don't worry, I'll make a big scene when I'm back into it.

Post #25

You must have alot of spare time.

Post #26

QUOTE(sedate looking @ Jun 7 2005, 11:28 AM)
dont laugh but you can get a blow off valve for na cars off e bay as well ... wow what a combo ,,,,,  your boost gauge &pod filter , and a bov ....  my goodness the chicks would be climbing over each other to get to you!!! rolleyes.gif  rolleyes.gif

n wtf r u gonna do with a bov on an na?!?!
unless its a cd:
track 1- bov sound:supra
track 2--bov sound:r32
track 3-bov sound:evoV


Post #27

nvious, do you want to merge your ricing company with Blend 43 racing?

Post #28

For sure mate!

Post #29

your not a true ricer untill you have milo tin exhausts, shame on you nvious dry.gif

bowrofl.gif bowrofl.gif bowrofl.gif

Post #30

Ha, milo tin exhausts. There's an old subaru all wheel drive wagon gettin around Kingston with that look goin, saw it the other day. Nearly died of laugh induced heart failure

Post #31

my mate put a computer CPU fan in front of his air intake on his hilux. it worked for about 3 days and then colapsed. every one looked wen we went down the street. funny stuff

Post #32

^^how did that work^^

what did it do?

Post #33

d00d ive been looking high and low for a fake bov!!! i need one now!

Post #34

does your stereo have a aux input for noise??

I saw this done thismorning in a shitty mazda 121...

plug a microphone into it... drive down the street with your stereo on as loud as it will go... when you change gear YELL INTO THE MICROPHONE "BLOW OFF VALVE!!!!!"

as i said.. seen it done today with a 1980's model mazda 121... actually saying the words BLOW OFF VALVE really added to the hilarity.

Talin A.k.A TAZMC
Post #35

thats mad!! where abouts is the Throttle Body?

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