Big Turbo And Smaller Turbo Power  

  • vk_of_death
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  • From: sydney, australia
Post #1 post 9th December 2003 - 11:26 PM
If i had a big turbo and a smaller turbo on exactly identical engines and they were both running exactly 10 pounds would the engines make the same power.

All you keyboard warriors are just pissed off that the bully used to take your chicken sundwich from you at school..

And yes i am aware i dont know how to use full stops commas or proper grammer.

Monaro getting turboed 2nd time lucky for the v8 turbo recipe
Post #2


the bigger turbo would flow more air so therefor make more hp

but the power curves would be very different

Post #3

Yeah the big turbo wouldnt have to spin as hard to make the 10 pounds but the amount of air being pushed in is the same

Post #4

no the big turbo would flow more air. would have much better top end. the small turbo would flow less air but have better low to mid range power

Post #5

no.. i meant the volume of air

so the bigger turbo would be pushing more air

look at it like this

if u had a 2m pipe and a 10m pipe

and pushed water through them @ 10psi

obviously the 10m pipe would push more water through

so its the same with turbo's

the bigger, the more air it pushed at each psi, which will give u the hp

but obviously there are downside to this

ie lag and so on

Post #6

thats right, hence the different HP ratings for turbos

Post #7

Oh alright so boost level has nothing to do with the volume of air going in

Post #8

boost pressure is just the flow rate of the air, the volume however changes, as others have stated.

Post #9

im confused now but i think i get it!

Post #10

Boost pressure is proportional to the airflow. But 10psi is just max boost, the turbos have to work over a whole range of rpm and boost pressures.

It all depends on the actual size of the turbo to begin with, The is too many factors to say a larger one will flow more than a smaller one.

You need to take into account compressor wheels and internal flow rates.

Amokk Stated
no.. i meant the volume of air

so the bigger turbo would be pushing more air

look at it like this

if u had a 2m pipe and a 10m pipe

and pushed water through them @ 10psi

obviously the 10m pipe would push more water through

so its the same with turbo's

the bigger, the more air it pushed at each psi, which will give u the hp

but obviously there are downside to this

ie lag and so on

This may be correct if you increase the size of the intake But putting a larger turbo on an already restricted intake would have a negative affect to the power curve.

Post #11

i had a gsr once and went from the standard turbo to a t28bb
the t28 ran 2psi less and made 50kw at the treads more
and it came on quicker and harder
but then i went bigger again and it made even more power but had to wait days for the lag to get ova

Post #12

it also depends WHEN this boost is reached..bigger turbo needs more exhaust flow to produce the same pressure level, hence higher RPM..higher RPM for the same torque = higher power.

Post #13

Just chuck them both on. laugh.gif

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