Hilux 3rz-fe - idle issue  

astro boy
  • astro boy
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Post #1 post 5th June 2011 - 09:24 PM
hi team,

my 99 model hilux, 2.7L 3rz-fe is having idling issues.

the motor is completely stock has always been serviced and well looked after.

all of a sudden it's started to idle rough and too low.

there is no adjustment for idle control so i am unsure as how to rectify the problem.

if it seems too hard i'll just take it somewhere.

cheers for any help.
Post #2

Check the carbon canister line, there is a hose that goes from the inlet manifold to the canister (on the passengers side guard, the hose is the one next your amp power wire). It has no clamp on it and it's a tapered fitting, it's common for them to fall off and register false air.

astro boy
Post #3

forgot to reply earlier but the advice was spot on mate.

cheers thumbsup.gif

Post #4

Had this issue with my Lux, after a week of looking and being completely puzzled as to why it was happening, this fixed it! Cheers heaps!

Post #5

QUOTE (Mongrel @ Jun 6 2011, 07:06 PM) *
Check the carbon canister line, there is a hose that goes from the inlet manifold to the canister (on the passengers side guard, the hose is the one next your amp power wire). It has no clamp on it and it's a tapered fitting, it's common for them to fall off and register false air.

Mate you were bang on, just bought a hilux 2.7 from a mate and was idling like a bag of roosters. Sure enough the hose had fallen off. Thanks heaps

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