Qis (queensland Inspection Services)  

  • scoobydoo23
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  • From: Kiwilands
Post #1 post 15th February 2013 - 04:33 PM
Just got a quick question,maybe someone could shed some light on the matter

Late last year I purchased a car from NSW and brought it back to QLD,rego wasn't due till next year and owner said it was ok to use the rest of his rego

So couple of days before rego was due I took it through a RWC pasted with flying colours
Went to Queensland transport to rego it in my name and it had been a repairable write-off in NSW due to floods in 2005 over 7 years ago

In NSW there were two ways to get a written off car back on the road one of which was a blue slip which made the car go under a full inspection or the 2nd was to write a stat-dec saying you had repaired the car and it was fit for the road

Sure enough it had the 2nd option and required to under go a full inspection with QIS (h0mos)
So I booked it in with QIS to make sure the car was the car in question and to check the identity of it e.g VIN numbers match the paper work on the system

They ended up failing me due to the car having 2 hair line cracks in chassis and won't pass it until I have them fixed
Couple of days later I received the invoice and reading in the terms and conditions I came across this;

*the inspections carried out for the sole purpose of confirming the identify of the vehicle and QIS does not make any represention to warranty whatsoever in relation to the vehicle, whether relating to its roadworthiness ,fitness for purpose ,standard of repairs otherwise

I will be getting the car fixed but from the statement in their terms of conditions it says they can't do what they have done

This post has been edited by scoobydoo23: Feb 15 2013, 04:54 PM
Post #2

how da fark would they see "hair line cracks" in the chassi. Are the fools inspection it even qualified to make the judgement?

Post #3

They are honestly about 7mm long,two Lil bits of poo from a welder will fix it, when I rang QIS up the chick went nuts at me because I was contesting it, apparently the inspectors have the right to not let a car pass even thou its an identity check and the car has a RWC?

Their inspectors have at least 5 years training in the automotive industry and know everything

Funny thing is he won't pass it due to not being safe but watched me drive it out the car park back home
This is the Queensland govt. at its finest anything for a dollar

Post #4

Oh the hair line cracks are on the fire wall sort of near the strut housing,I can take a picture to show how stupid it really is

Post #5

What do u mean qis ???? Did you just take your car to an approved inspection station ie rwc inspection or some dot station ie dot station at zillimer

Post #6

Q-Queensland I-Inspection S-Services it's a written off vehicle centre (wovi)

Post #7

I took the car to a normal RWC cert. place to get the RWC, QIS is a completely different place

Post #8

QUOTE (scoobydoo23 @ Feb 15 2013, 06:57 PM) *
Q-Queensland I-Inspection S-Services it's a written off vehicle centre (wovi)

That better lol wovi is what i call it ...just asking as some ppl Call rwc inspections a qis

Post #9

Your opinion ?

Post #10

where are the pics or cracks?

Post #11

To be fair on some of the guys that work there at the WOVI, they are pretty sharp at spotting dodgy shit, but I am surprised they pinged you on that minor defect from what you describe.

The system is getting more and more fkd, there used to be some coin in fixing up repairable writeoffs, now just not worth the hassle

Post #12

A hairline crack in the firewall/strut tower, while not being a big thing right now, will only get larger. It is something that they should be pulling people up on, last thing you want is the fcuking strut tower seperating from the car because that crack turned into a gaping whole from stress over the years.

Post #13

as someone who has been through the WOVI inspection process they might claim it's just an identity check but they infact do go over the entire car the statement is just to cover their ass if something they inspect as being legitimate ends up failing catastrophically.

so while they don't cinfirm the car fit for the road they can infact knock a car back for being unfit

this part
represention to warranty whatsoever in relation to the vehicle. means that they do not warrant the work that has been undertaken to get the vehicle past the WOVI. meaning you accept the work done as it is and if it fails thats on you. the rest of the statement relates to what is considered part of these non warranty items that may have been done.

the part saying the inspections are carried out for the sole purpose of identifiing the vehicle is to ensure that during their inspection of the car everything that should have done has been done and that the parts used can be tracked. to ensure they are not from stolen cars. i.e you needed to replace an engine this is listed in your submission with the old and new engine numbers along with the vin the engine came out of (yes they will ask for the vin if the source cannot be verified by a receipt from say a wrecker).

so yes the inspection is determine it's identity but it also determines if the car is fit for the road while making no guarantees to that fact despite having a roadworthy cert since any old joe can issue one of those and not truly know if the car is structurally sound

HP Plod
Post #14

QUOTE (leadfoot @ Feb 17 2013, 04:01 PM) *
as someone who has been through the WOVI inspection process they might claim it's just an identity check but they infact do go over the entire car the statement is just to cover their ass if something they inspect as being legitimate ends up failing catastrophically.

so while they don't cinfirm the car fit for the road they can infact knock a car back for being unfit

this part
represention to warranty whatsoever in relation to the vehicle. means that they do not warrant the work that has been undertaken to get the vehicle past the WOVI. meaning you accept the work done as it is and if it fails thats on you. the rest of the statement relates to what is considered part of these non warranty items that may have been done.

the part saying the inspections are carried out for the sole purpose of identifiing the vehicle is to ensure that during their inspection of the car everything that should have done has been done and that the parts used can be tracked. to ensure they are not from stolen cars. i.e you needed to replace an engine this is listed in your submission with the old and new engine numbers along with the vin the engine came out of (yes they will ask for the vin if the source cannot be verified by a receipt from say a wrecker).

so yes the inspection is determine it's identity but it also determines if the car is fit for the road while making no guarantees to that fact despite having a roadworthy cert since any old joe can issue one of those and not truly know if the car is structurally sound

This was my interpretation somewhat. My understanding is that if you bought the car with a warranty. The fact that they failed your vehicle does not mean they will give you a report or represent your argument to the seller for a warranty job to fix why they failed it. You are on your own as they are a government agency to be represented for warranty you need a private engineers certificate stating the same thing off topic I know

And I agree with everyone here in that a hairline crack today is a major crack tomorrow... Go get a hairline fracture of your leg bone and keep running on it. Do you think it will get better with stress?

Post #15

wake up Australia!!! qis is not a government department... it has no authority to charge u for

anything....its just another attack on ur rites and freedoms... its a bit like the old random breath testing scam those imposters pull at the side of the rd, in that there is a presumption in guilt... they say wind window down and stick this in ur mouth now! suck!!,?' I mean blow '...and if at this point uv eva felt like?

'hold on' ,'someone's getting

violated here?' well u would be rite... and.. that.. 'would b u' sitting..ur head about waist hight to the 'hyway man' with his thing hanging out of ur mouth? if u refuse this rape [yip that's rape]... if u say no and decline to be skull fcuked at the side of the road in front of ya kids?... they will drag u down the station.? get it? [pig] [presumption in guilt]? well..? what about the cars that were almost a riteoff? the ones that the smash repair bloke fixed? no dissin on the tradie but.. how are these cars any less likely to have had stolen parts used etc??and those cars arnt subject to this outrages tax... at the very least its discrimination? and this' f'n [pig]' .. for my mind its extortion
if u new wot i no u wouldn't even bother with them or the qld transport for that mater.. I haven't had plates on my car for 2 years and surrendered
my licence to... they don't bother me anymore...
that said I wouldn't pull ova unless it was very public and I had my dash cam on.... the shit they do wen they think nobody watching... its highway robbery and treasonous... those kunts brake more laws in a day than the rest of us do in a lifetime
... educate urselves people b4 its to late.... ok ok maybe ive bin a bit harsh those kunts im sure theres sum good ones... its just wen I reflect on?? lets call it..? a colourful driving history..30 yrs on the rd and 10's of thousands of hard earned..gone!! and if up to them they would have me feeling ashamed of the record...
the thing is ive neva bin a hoon [as such or a serial drink driver... just a bloke who's job included time spent on OUR roads. NOBODY EVA LIMPED AWAY FROM A BINGLE WITH ME


a great man once said,o' and many a high court judge has since repeated it..." if there is no VICTIM ?, then there is no CRIME!


GET IT?!!!!!!

Post #16

I must check but im pretty sure QIS is owned by the same mob that own.. our police service [private company] our courts [private company] the qld government..? yeah.. that would be a private company to.. owned by the 'AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT' sorry that dosent mean Australia government the governing body we employ to run things on our behalf?? na na sorry we don't have that any more.. I mean the 'AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT' ... the private company we pay to fuk us in every possible way every day ..the one that listed on the us sercurities register... the private company that governs our country dictates every part of ur life and who owns every thing u thought u owned including ur land ur life and that of ur kids...
sound bit ova the top yeah...!!!??? well its alL 'fact' %100.... EDUCATE URSELF

Post #17

if I thought you dumb arse barstards wanted to know how this could possibly be... I can explain it all... but fukit u left it to late.. because as soon as you swallow the republic pill.....??well its game ova folks .......because as u all know,'a republic' was hitlas last stroke of the pen b4 he made it completely legal to turn on the gas... yip that's rite hitla did nothing illegal....

Post #18

sorry to not keep things in the scope of the blog... I just get a bit funny about things uno wen it comes to my kids getn gassed..' my bad' ...but just for laughs.. google 'agenda 21' and check out that pretty new death camp they built at robina

Post #19

ok so I have got a plan... and.. 'yeah?' it will save the world biggrin.gif .... and funny as it is.. its not that bigger job... I mean it ?!!! we could nock they old 'new world order' bullshit on the head over a weekend.. we make sure its a weekend everybodys not busy?? 'wot u think? come on? its a good cause.. uno? life as we know it ?' because that's the trik yeah? its a all in thing !!' we need everybody I mean everybody?? hello ? anyone there? ? hello,... is there seriously nobody listening?? hello HELLO? we r so fkd

Post #20

Queensland Inspection Services is a private company who got the contact from the Qld government to do identity checks on repairable writeoffs back in 2002 or 2003. They charge $435 for an hours work per car and have no liability. In the early years their website said the charge was so high because they might have to give refunds if they passed a stolen cars etc. But after a couple of years that disappared off their website, and now its says no responsibility even if they stuff up.

They also said the price is because that's what Vic charge and NSW use to charge. They fail to mention places like NT charged nothing for a repairable writeoff check. This is one of those situation where the cost they charge for the service in no way = the cost of providing the service. There should be at lest 3 companies doing written off vehicle inspections in QLD to keep it fair.

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