Bush Fun - chek yoself  

  • happyinmycommy
  • Site Newbie
  • Member No.: 227,224
  • Joined: 14-July 11
  • Posts: 11
Post #1 post 29th May 2012 - 02:19 AM
Hit a tree going about 50 whilst drifting in the bush. the 2 cunts on the back broke the window and farmers bar too. was a good night.

Bush Fun


  • Boost Network 26
  • Draven
    Post #2

    Yep righto unsure.gif

    Post #3

    funk your sick bro

    Post #4

    I hope you never pass on your genes .

    Post #5

    QUOTE (crpstra @ May 30 2012, 01:51 PM) *
    I hope you never pass on your genes .

    X2 classic!!!

    Post #6

    hahaha, so many sheep on here..... crashing and not dying is the best

    i wasnt driving btw just drunk as farrrrrrrrrrk in passenger seat

    nek level sh!t

    Post #7

    QUOTE (happyinmycommy @ May 31 2012, 06:52 PM) *
    hahaha, so many sheep on here..... crashing and not dying is the best

    i wasnt driving btw just drunk as farrrrrrrrrrk in passenger seat

    nek level sh!t

    Are you like 14? Wake up to yourself.

    Post #8

    i wish i could be as dumb as u

    Post #9

    Where in tas are you from ?

    Post #10

    QUOTE (MookieMadskillz @ Jun 3 2012, 07:52 PM) *
    Where in tas are you from ?

    His sisters bedroom?....

    Bug Boy
    Post #11

    What the hell are you doing with your fingers?

    Post #12

    QUOTE (Bug Boy @ Jun 4 2012, 06:48 PM) *
    What the hell are you doing with your fingers?

    I think he is just indicating he is a funktard, or too much inbreeding has left him with a pair of two finger mongo hands, lol

    Bug Boy
    Post #13

    Either that or he just tried to fix his car with superglue and got his fingers stuck together.

    Post #14

    fully sick bro where are your L plates? did you and your mate drink a 6 pack between ya before he got behind the wheel

    Post #15

    Ahaha, and im from hobart mookie.

    so many comedians in here....

    Post #16

    QUOTE (vk134 @ Jun 6 2012, 06:22 PM) *
    I think he is just indicating he is a funktard, or too much inbreeding has left him with a pair of two finger mongo hands, lol

    learn severed ties.

    Post #17

    Hang on so.....

    a) drunk
    b) drifting in the bush
    c) Doin 50ks
    d) People on the back.....

    Nice one mate!! thumbsup.gif

    /end sarcasm

    Post #18

    ^Yeah mate. We have all learnt from it alright. Now we only drift with people on the back when we're sober.

    Post #19

    QUOTE (Ryanoserous @ May 31 2012, 10:30 PM) *
    Are you like 14? Wake up to yourself.

    Check out his name... you wouldnt expect anything better haha.. hes just a bogan

    Post #20

    Heading should say City boy goes bush nek minnit ring mum to come get us

    Post #21

    Lucas92- its a pisstake, but thanks for being so judgemental

    astockrod-yep exactly what happened. i'll change it right now

    Gerry Giraffe
    Post #22

    Do you think your a "full mad sik crazy lad" because you got drunk and crashed while "drifting" and now your attempting to brag about it on the net??

    Post #23

    QUOTE (Gerry Giraffe @ Jul 8 2012, 01:32 AM) *
    Do you think your a "full mad sik crazy lad" because you got drunk and crashed while "drifting" and now your attempting to brag about it on the net??

    No sir, i do not.

    I believe the internet is a big joke, and judging by your user name and +1k post count you are too thumbsup.gif

    Gerry Giraffe
    Post #24

    QUOTE (happyinmycommy @ Jul 8 2012, 10:12 PM) *
    No sir, i do not.

    I believe the internet is a big joke, and judging by your user name and +1k post count you are too thumbsup.gif

    What does my username and post count have to do with anything?? Your the one on here trying to act all cool because you got drunk and did stupid sh!t, fair enough we have all done it but why the funk would you post it online for everyone to see?? Dickheads like you only do stuff to get attention and make themselves appear to be "awesome" by posting it on the net. To me, it shows how brain funked you are to think that it would be a good idea in the first place.


    Post #25

    QUOTE (Gerry Giraffe @ Jul 9 2012, 10:05 AM) *
    What does my username and post count have to do with anything?? Your the one on here trying to act all cool because you got drunk and did stupid sh!t, fair enough we have all done it but why the funk would you post it online for everyone to see?? Dickheads like you only do stuff to get attention and make themselves appear to be "awesome" by posting it on the net. To me, it shows how brain funked you are to think that it would be a good idea in the first place.


    This websites a joke, you obviously frequent it so......I also like how you say "we all do stoopid sh!t" then go on to say that im brain funked for doing something along those lines, you sir are a hypocrite.

    Im not trying to act cool mate just sharing a story. Good day to you.

    Gerry Giraffe
    Post #26

    QUOTE (happyinmycommy @ Jul 9 2012, 08:59 PM) *
    This websites a joke, you obviously frequent it so......I also like how you say "we all do stoopid sh!t" then go on to say that im brain funked for doing something along those lines, you sir are a hypocrite.

    Im not trying to act cool mate just sharing a story. Good day to you.

    Yet you are signed up and active on this forum, and im the hypocrite. Awesome job of reading only what you want to, you really are stupid if you can't even read my comment and make understanding of it. Im not a hypocrite, im not on here posting basically no pictures of what this section is ment for, im also not posting picture trying to be cool.

    Post #27

    what a bunch of nobs.... its a sik pic too bruhz thumbsup.gif

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