Dumb Shit You Have Seen Done To Cars - Read rules before posting, ban hammer in use  

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Post #771

[quote name='*Tricky*' timestamp='1317027118' post='1287765301']
Pic Fail.

works for me when I click on it.

Pic Win :dunno:

Post #772

[quote name='Poontoss' timestamp='1317028683' post='1287765404']


Something seems to be wrong with uploading pictures. Anyway, link works.

Post #773

Takes a while to load if you have craptastic internet like myself.

Post #774

[quote name='bop001' timestamp='1317027644' post='1287765346']
works for me when I click on it.

Pic Win :dunno:

It works when opened in new page.

Freaking huge when clicked on smaller image.

Post #775

Saw this on another forum.

The guy that owns it is waiting for his P's before he can drive it.



Bug Boy
Post #776

I don't mind that. The paint actually looks like it was done properly and well. A lot better than most Commodores.

Oh and it has to be a car you've seen yourself in person.

Post #777

Nice set of black faced wheels, and that'll look schmick.

E U R E K A M A D 9 4
Post #778

Fusion stickers piss me off, no one wants to know that you have a cheap poverty pack stereo, fuck off.

E U R E K A M A D 9 4
Post #779

It looks nice, not a fan of green though.

I think a dark mettalic colour would have complimented it much better.

E U R E K A M A D 9 4
Post #780

They could've also fitted the boot much better...

Post #781

Yeah if it wasn't green, maybe a dark blue or go full VL stylez and paint the bottom half champagne, and had some better wheels it wouldn't be so bad.

Full on cop bait though lol

Post #782

[quote name='nimr0d17' timestamp='1317098883' post='1287767304']
Saw this on another forum.

The guy that owns it is waiting for his P's before he can drive it.
That looks pretty damn awesome for a VR Commodore, especially owned by someone who is yet to get a license.

Pretty stupid how you de-badge the car to get a clean look and then you smack a big dirty Fusion sticker on the window though.

Post #783

[quote name='450ARN' timestamp='1316512323' post='1287750977']
cant be bothered linking it or watever, but that wrx evowrx numberplates although i agree is horrid, actually is powerful, sorta mighta did something up a hill and seen it 4 wheel drifting around the corner, its not that bad from the front

Uh club spec evo wrx's .. Its a club spec evo wrx = evowrx

Even still I like the plates , wrx and evo are longtime rivals :)

Post #784

Fucking Rednecks...

Post #785

edit: double post...

Post #786

Not IRL, but on my FB wall......


Post #787

[quote name='S2krazie' timestamp='1317449075' post='1287777923']
Not IRL, but on my FB wall......


Airbrushing is awseome, but on that car not so...

Post #788

[quote name='aerosport' timestamp='1315819336' post='1287730570']

Sounded like he had drilled a fuckload of holes in the exhaust.
You are sad man lol haha this is to piss people like you off go cry about something else instead off peoples cars p.s
I love hater ;)

Heywood Jablome
Post #789

so u own this car then^^^^

Post #790

[quote name='mazda121' timestamp='1317473810' post='1287778716']
You are sad man lol haha this is to piss people like you off go cry about something else instead off peoples cars p.s
I love hater ;)
Yes i do own have you got a problem with my car

Post #791

[quote name='mazda121' timestamp='1317474376' post='1287778729']
Yes i do own have you got a problem with my car
Metrofag :oopsie:

Post #792

[quote name='aerosport' timestamp='1315819336' post='1287730570']

Sounded like he had drilled a fuckload of holes in the exhaust.
Dont be a girl say it to my face i dare you

Post #793

Are you meaning me or the bloke that took the photos and goes to tafe with you and pays out on your car?

Post #794

Any one grow up its a run around car thats it i dont care if use hate it or what ever
keep taking more photos its making me famous haha

Post #795

[quote name='mazda121' timestamp='1317475999' post='1287778762']
Any one grow up its a run around car thats it i dont care if use hate it or what ever
keep taking more photos its making me famous haha

Its not making you famous, just making more people point and laugh...

Post #796

[quote name='mazda121' timestamp='1317474376' post='1287778729']
Yes i do own have you got a problem with my car

Post #797


your a special boy.

Post #798

Hay laugh i dont care when u point and laugh you make me laugh because your crying and bitch over a metro haha lol jens y ive done this to the car because
I dont care what use think have laugh but at the end of the day it beat walking

Post #799

[quote name='mazda121' timestamp='1317477065' post='1287778784']
Hay laugh i dont care when u point and laugh you make me laugh because your crying and bitch over a metro haha lol jens y ive done this to the car because
I dont care what use think have laugh but at the end of the day it beat walking

Pro tip: Don't do drugs then post here :mamoru:

Post #800

I don't know what you're worse at?

Modding your car or grammar?

Post #801

[quote name='mazda121' timestamp='1317477065' post='1287778784']
but at the end of the day it beat walking
Worst justification for a car ever.

Heywood Jablome
Post #802

[quote name='mazda121' timestamp='1317475495' post='1287778752']
Dont be a girl say it to my face i dare you

where is aarie on this one

Post #803

[quote name='mazda121' timestamp='1317477065' post='1287778784']
Hay laugh i dont care when u point and laugh you make me laugh because your crying and bitch over a metro haha lol jens y ive done this to the car because
I dont care what use think have laugh but at the end of the day it beat walking

English? Do you speak it?

Post #804

Course currently being attended by OP ?
English language - TAFE Queensland

14 Jun 2011 ... TAFE provides both Commonwealth and State funded English language training programs.
They are designed to prepare migrants and Metro owners for the real World

Post #805

Ladies, please.. Can you argue about who has the best Metro at the salon or something? This is Boost OT. A place for sophisticated, well educated car enthusiasts.

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