Dumb Shit You Have Seen Done To Cars - Read rules before posting, ban hammer in use  

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  • TwinCam16
  • © Boostcruising.
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Post #1 post 20th February 2011 - 12:47 AM

Who's guilty of it?

Driving along, see something that you honestly want to slap the owner of the car for so you whip out the phone and snap one off quicker than a cook marking his territory in Logan.

Time to have some fun with them.

Rules of thread.

-Post of pics that YOU have seen. Not what you Googled etc etc.

-Try and make it a decent pic, not an iamhappy type left toe is sore so can't take half baked photos.

-If you don't know the person even better, the more random and less info you have on it makes more lols.

-Post the location you saw it

-Why it's lol worthy.

-If you insist on quoting, be a nice @#$! and remove the image from the quote.

Best upload site is Krawlers legendary Filedump.


Ill kick off with a poor Monaro that has been boganised by chev at Milton and some kit that looks like it belongs on a Civic, followed by a Civic on the M1 that is.. well... You work it out, yes it was driven by an Asian

Edit : Wrong locations

This post has been edited by TwinCam16: Jul 23 2012, 01:36 AM

E U R E K A M A D 9 4
Post #2

Seen this when i was in melb a while back.


Post #3


Is a crappy shot but saw this hectic magna
at a maccas on the north side

Post #4

My collection, they all speak for themselves.

PA Hospital







Post #5

i have other just need to find them.

first contribution

Attached File  DSC00053.JPG ( 1.11MB ) Number of downloads: 486

Post #6

This guy on the M1 a couple weeks back. NSW P plate, means he should stick to 80. Was doing 120-130 at some stages, then me, at a steady 110 would catch up and pass him every now and then, only to be passed by him a couple of minutes later. Guy was in a singlet all covered in tats.

So... 18+ red P plater with chrome wheel, cannon, Alloy T-wing and general driving faggot tree. Sounds like a red p plater to me...


Post #7

I remeber taking this one near the Zen bar in town overlooking Adelaide st.

I'm not too sure what he was trying to make it into but I think he failed either way...


Post #8


Post #9

This was I THINK the Greenslopes on ramp last year on Australia day

8 flags and were Asian.


E U R E K A M A D 9 4
Post #10

Here is a car we have come into work often.




Post #11

It's not a modification, but it was so dumb I had to take a photo.

Outside of McDonalds Jindalee...

Attached File  maskingtape.jpg ( 17.8K ) Number of downloads: 799
Post #12


Eastland carpark, few years ago now..

Post #13

[quote name='*daz*' post='1287055099' date='Feb 20 2011, 06:56 PM']Is a crappy shot but saw this hectic magna
at a maccas on the north side[/quote]

I see your magna & raise you 2x hectics:

I also weeped at this corolla:

But I lol'd at this falcon punch!

Yes they are fake disc's marked with a sharpie to give that drilled effect... The 'holes' weren't the same sizes & the curves were inconsistent. :headwall:

Post #14


Attached File  jbj.jpg ( 946.16K ) Number of downloads: 257
Post #15


someone i know just bought this LOL

i only got a hk
Post #16

i win



Post #17

Check out this weapon. It was at Sunnybank Plaza. Do I need to explain any further?


Post #18

Brace yourselves, This thing is my mates. Has a falcon front with a clubsport front bar, its got no roof and it was originally get this, this is the weirdest part, A Hq wagon according too the build plate....


Post #19


Also theres a 404 page thread of this kinda stuff on the R31 Club: [url="http://motamota.r31skylineclub.com/index.php?topic=80990.0"]http://motamota.r31skylineclub.com/index.php?topic=80990.0[/url]

Post #20

Burleigh Local

Another Burleigh Resident

Random VT in burleigh

Post #21

at the local train station car park:


sort of realted. a stupid thing to do is to leave your falcon in a low lying area in the second biggest flood in 40 years


Post #22

Mayfield (Newcastle)
While on holidays in Adelaide

Post #23

saw this thing on the home page last night.

what a douchbag


Post #24

Another one from my Soutt Australia trip, thought it would suit Boost OT Nicely, pic was taken in Saddleworth

Post #25

Couple from Belmont (Newcastle)

Post #26

i need to take some pics of some of the cars at browns united on a sat night .... goddam
convertable tx3 laser anyone?

Post #27

One I saw when in Vanuatu.............. (yes they ARE sidesteps installed on it, had a bonnet scoop too)


Post #28


Post #29


Post #30


edit wrong link

In fiji

Post #31

Attached File  04112010081.jpg ( 605.09K ) Number of downloads: 272

I'd say it's an improvment^^^^
Attached File  04112010082.jpg ( 995.59K ) Number of downloads: 217


Post #32

i expected far more links to the member's ride section
too easy i guess

courtesy of summernats..

expensive car, cheap wheels, shit taste.. forest lake i believe

at UQ...

Post #33

[quote name='i only got a hk' post='1287055562' date='Feb 20 2011, 08:14 PM']i win




Ha ha I got one of this in action!

An old bag drives it, and im FAIRLY sure its a 6cyl

Post #34

My contribution ........

GT Stripe on a Barina ....... and Pink at that ... Parked in my complex :P

Chev Badge hate ......... Badges, and Mirror and a huge chev sticker on the back window (which I didn't get a photo of), on a one tonner ... Taken at work

On my way home from work (Redland Bay Road - Capalaba)

Post #35

This thread reminds me of the old "laugh at rice" site..

Followed this going through the Gabba a few days ago. Wheels are faded blue, cannon doubling as a smoke machine, sounded like shit and dents all over. Guy driving it was wearing a Midas uniform..

Saw this in the car park while visiting a relative in hospital..

And my favourite mis match..

I see that Falcon getting around the Redlands a bit too Ralli.. It's hard sometimes in traffic to get pics lol bit will try a bit harder as we have a few fails getting around the Redlands..

A great site for having a laugh at crappy cars and mods --> [url="http://anti-rice.com/smf/index.php?PHPSESSID=2ec78f6f49609c157236f72669368388&board=11.0"]http://anti-rice.com/smf/index.php?PHPSESS...&board=11.0[/url]

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