Hyundai Excel :p  

  • askixx
  • Site Newbie
  • Member No.: 195,646
  • Joined: 20-June 10
  • Posts: 3
Post #1 post 18th April 2012 - 07:25 PM
Got waved out at an T intercection as a falcon came up around stationry traffic.. didnt see him and go T-boned at what was ment to be 60km.. broken femar in 5 places and hospitalised for a week smile.gif got out the day before my 18th birthday tho, now i have a rod the length of my femar and 4 screws (2 bottom, 2 top)

(Pics taken at dads work the next day)

Hyundai Excel :p
Hyundai Excel :p
Hyundai Excel :p
Hyundai Excel :p
Hyundai Excel :p


  • Boost Network 0
  • jbear
    Post #2

    SHIT !!! lucky you only came out with a broken leg !!

    Post #3

    Reckon jbear, don't let that happen again Askixx!

    Post #4

    5-star ancap rating.

    Post #5

    holy fuck, that is so bad. good to see your still alive though, your lucky

    Post #6

    who waved you out?

    fuck thats a big hit! how fast you reckon he was going?

    Post #7

    Nasty and that is a good reason why being polite is sometimes not always advisable. I always check my mirrors and oncoming traffic before letting anyone out.

    Post #8

    fuck that shit..

    Post #9

    yer, heaps of people couldnt believe i was still alive after seeing the pic..

    who waved you out?
    Just a random

    fuck thats a big hit! how fast you reckon he was going?
    not 100% sure coz in the police report he was said to be doing 60km.. some people said he was speeding some said was doing the limit..

    Could have been alot worse tho. was very lucky for it to just be a falcon. there are B-Doubles the sit on like 70-80 down that road..

    Post #10

    how are you still alive? go grab a lotto ticket!

    Post #11

    lucky i guess lol

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