2007 Holden Commodore VE Lumina  

  • mtlgurv8ac
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Post #1 post 27th March 2012 - 05:17 PM
Engine: stock 3.6 alloytec

Exhaust: stock

Suspension: ment to be ssl in front and got bags in the rear

Wheels: 20 inc g8 rims

Modifications: airbag suspension

Stereo Audio / Visual: stock

Estimated Power: enough for p,s

this is my ve just got this while iam on my p,s and while i build my silvia, just want to know what you think cheers
2007 Holden Commodore Ve Lumina
2007 Holden Commodore Ve Lumina
2007 Holden Commodore Ve Lumina
2007 Holden Commodore Ve Lumina


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    Post #2

    have a lot of cars for a p plater, what is it that you do?

    Post #3

    I work out west on the roads

    Post #4

    Looks wicked. Goodluck with the sil. Wish i had the funds you do

    Post #5

    Stock wheels looked better imo. GL

    Post #6

    looks great! love the tail lights.

    Post #7

    looks cool but its a shame you will get ass raped if the coppers pull you over for height

    Post #8

    its on bags you dick, just raise it up..

    Post #9

    Mint p plater rider, wheels kind of kill it but all in all nice ride thou

    Post #10

    QUOTE (mattmeade91 @ Mar 27 2012, 06:21 PM) *
    its on bags you dick, just raise it up..

    Not that simple if they catch you with the car too low. Car has to be no less than 100mm AT ITS LOWEST POINT! (in VIC anyway)
    Pretty easy to get around though. I got done the other week, but just took my car to Vic Roads raised well above 100mm, and didn't tell them I had airbag suspension. Was in and out in 10 mins.

    Post #11

    QUOTE (V8Soarer @ Mar 27 2012, 07:06 PM) *
    Not that simple if they catch you with the car too low. Car has to be no less than 100mm AT ITS LOWEST POINT! (in VIC anyway)
    Pretty easy to get around though. I got done the other week, but just took my car to Vic Roads raised well above 100mm, and didn't tell them I had airbag suspension. Was in and out in 10 mins.

    i had a bagged car for a while and never had a problem, just cant be silly with it

    Post #12

    I hope the first thing you do to the silvia is remove the 15" cannon hanging out the arse of it. VE is nice mate.

    Post #13

    G8s look good,their a very love or hate wheel.

    Post #14

    QUOTE (mattmeade91 @ Mar 27 2012, 06:21 PM) *
    its on bags you dick, just raise it up..

    well in queensland bags are illegal and those number plates are QLD plates so how the fuck would i no he is in Vic you mutt

    Post #15

    QUOTE (01BEN @ Mar 27 2012, 07:38 PM) *
    I hope the first thing you do to the silvia is remove the 15" cannon hanging out the arse of it. VE is nice mate.

    Haha yer dw that's the first thing to go in the bin,

    And if you don't be silly with the bags you don't have a problem the police

    Post #16

    Nice taillights

    Who dat
    Post #17

    Not a fan of the tail lights, but rest looks good smile.gif

    Astra Boi
    Post #18

    QUOTE (mattmeade91 @ Mar 27 2012, 07:21 PM) *
    its on bags you dick, just raise it up..


    but in qld yu get caght with bads yur gunna get a bigger fine and a tow truck ride home

    Post #19

    Im my experience cops will only hassle you if you give them reason, dont go dragging the ass around like a poof and they wont give a fuck.

    OP knows this probably. Everybody has an illegal car and only the fuckheads are dumb enough to get caught.

    I like it, not my cup of tea but its not bad lol.

    Post #20

    I like it allot its a nice cruiser man. good work!

    Post #21


    Post #22

    No Chevy or HSV Badges = Win

    Street Tuned
    Post #23

    Personally I think the whole thing looks great

    just be careful with the air bag they aren't exactly legal. But the wheels, tail lights, height, debadging looks great.

    Whatever you do don't put a drony exhaust on it. For whatever reason the 6cyl sound so bad with an exhaust. If anything put a $30 chrome tip on the end to make the rear look a little better.

    But the rest is perfect.

    Post #24

    QUOTE (Street Tuned @ Mar 29 2012, 01:52 PM) *
    Personally I think the whole thing looks great

    just be careful with the air bag they aren't exactly legal. But the wheels, tail lights, height, debadging looks great.

    Whatever you do don't put a drony exhaust on it. For whatever reason the 6cyl sound so bad with an exhaust. If anything put a $30 chrome tip on the end to make the rear look a little better.

    But the rest is perfect.

    Cheers yer you just don't go around dropping it on it's ars everywhere and I know they sounds foul with exhaust on them

    Post #25

    who cares about the commo lol lets here details for the silvia

    Post #26

    QUOTE (Ticc @ Mar 29 2012, 05:55 PM) *
    who cares about the commo lol lets here details for the silvia

    Haha I was waiting for someone to say it
    Only got crapy pics and I work away so will have to wait till I get home

    Post #27

    QUOTE (DR-Z96 @ Apr 2 2012, 06:05 PM) *
    looks pretty good, rims kill it a bit and way to low in the back. If you lowered mildly with sports springs it would look sick. I still like it.

    swear no one knows what bags do?
    it can go up to whatever height you want

    Post #28

    Looked better stock..

    Post #29

    I have stock airbag suspension, and my height controller won't let my car ride "stupidly" low and I still got pulled over.

    Different strokes for different blokes boys....and a little to do with the attitude of the cop.

    Post #30

    4th pic is my fav

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