Hoon In Nsw - Lose your car forever  

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  • Sharpy
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  • From: www.clubhighrollers.com
Post #1 post 6th March 2012 - 02:41 PM

DRIVERS caught speeding at more than 45km/h over the limit or who engage in illegal racing or a police pursuit will have their number plates immediately seized for three months under new laws to be introduced by the state government.

And a second offence - if it occurs within five years - will result in people having their cars confiscated permanently.

Cars would also be seized if an offender continued to drive after their number plates were confiscated.

In 2011, there were 1781 police pursuits and in the same year police commenced 3079 legal actions for high-range speeding offences.

Police will have powers to seize cars immediately if they are more than 45km/h over the limit, or if they are engaged in "illegal racing, drag racing, hooning" or a police pursuit.

Under the laws, a police officer will be able to seize the number plates or vehicle immediately or give the offending driver a number plate production notice or motor vehicle production notice which causes them to produce the number plates or vehicle to police no later than a certain date or face a $3300 fine .

ALMOST every death is a tragedy but what makes deaths on the road even more so is that so many of them are avoidable.

"This government made a commitment to crack down on car hoons and those reckless individuals engaging in police pursuits before the election. Now we're acting," Police Minister Mike Gallacher said.

"The message to these would-be criminals is simple - if you want to keep your car, slow down and obey the law. If an individual flees from police in their car, they are going to lose it for three months. And if they are stupid enough to do it again, it will be confiscated forever.

"We need to send a strong message to people that if the police ask you to pull over, you obey their direction."


QUOTE (clutch-monkey @ Apr 7 2011, 06:15 PM) *
Sharpys car is probably the best sounding SR I've ever heard in my life.

Post #2

I'd support that kind of law happening in Qld. More then reasonable considering you get 2 chances. Good stuff.

Post #3

I wish I kept driving when I was done for 42kph over sad.gif

Post #4

I think this is going to initiate quite a few more runs, as people aren't going to want to stop and have their car taken forever.

Post #5

QUOTE (Sharpy @ Mar 6 2012, 03:09 PM) *
I think this is going to initiate quite a few more runs, as people aren't going to want to stop and have their car taken forever.

your sir are a smart one unlike many people in society! I like you biggrin.gif

Post #6

lol at the irony of me getting done by this law..

back on the road in April, fingers crossed i can stay on it!

Post #7

this is the reason im starting to do more test and tunes and track days on the bike lol

Post #8

Fair enough.

Post #9

QUOTE (Sharpy @ Mar 6 2012, 02:41 PM) *
Police will have powers to seize cars immediately if they are more than 45km/h over the limit, or if they are engaged in "illegal racing, drag racing, hooning" or a police pursuit.

Under the laws, a police officer will be able to seize the number plates or vehicle immediately or give the offending driver a number plate production notice or motor vehicle production notice which causes them to produce the number plates or vehicle to police no later than a certain date or face a $3300 fine .

ALMOST every death is a tragedy but what makes deaths on the road even more so is that so many of them are avoidable.

"This government made a commitment to crack down on car hoons and those reckless individuals engaging in police pursuits before the election. Now we're acting," Police Minister Mike Gallacher said.

mmm and MOST deaths on the road have nothing to do with speed (i'm pretty sure anyway)

i understand going 45 over, but shit the loss of license will be longer the 3 months anyway i'm imagining (is in qld at least) and the fine is pretty large. what worries me is the "illegal racing, drag racing, hooning" line, as we all know sometimes people interpretation of this can be quite loose...

QUOTE (bustage @ Mar 6 2012, 02:54 PM) *
I wish I kept driving when I was done for 42kph over sad.gif

i got done for 49km/h over once, had the shit with a truck doing 50 in and 80 zone and went around him when i had the chance, perhaps little to ambitious with the throttle. honestly if i had just switched to reserve tank (yes i was on a bike) i probably wouldn't have stopped. certainly wish i didn't. cop was a real c*nt about it straight away, got even worse when i said he should give me a little leniency because at least i stopped oopsie.gif

QUOTE (Sharpy @ Mar 6 2012, 03:09 PM) *
I think this is going to initiate quite a few more runs, as people aren't going to want to stop and have their car taken forever.

this, i would certainly think twice about stopping.

Post #10

QUOTE (bloodzkull @ Mar 6 2012, 06:01 PM) *
mmm and MOST deaths on the road have nothing to do with speed (i'm pretty sure anyway)

i understand going 45 over, but shit the loss of license will be longer the 3 months anyway i'm imagining (is in qld at least) and the fine is pretty large. what worries me is the "illegal racing, drag racing, hooning" line, as we all know sometimes people interpretation of this can be quite loose...

i got done for 49km/h over once, had the shit with a truck doing 50 in and 80 zone and went around him when i had the chance, perhaps little to ambitious with the throttle. honestly if i had just switched to reserve tank (yes i was on a bike) i probably wouldn't have stopped. certainly wish i didn't. cop was a real c*nt about it straight away, got even worse when i said he should give me a little leniency because at least i stopped oopsie.gif

this, i would certainly think twice about stopping.

I am usually a supporter of this attitude, but 45 kms over is something else entirely.

Post #11

QUOTE (wolfman101 @ Mar 6 2012, 06:03 PM) *
I am usually a supporter of this attitude, but 45 kms over is something else entirely.

very easy on country roads to have it go from 100km/h (so you are probably doing 110-120) and have it go straight to 60.

read my post, i can understand the 45 over part (seriously how draconian do they want to be though) what really worries me is the "hooning and racing" part.

Post #12

Does this mean a mother/father/old mate doing 45km/h or doing some hooning will get done under these laws?

Definition to hooning goes a long way in terms of roads/cars.

Astra Boi
Post #13

isnt 45 over 6 months? cuz that what my old boy had todo just over 18 months ago,
tbh if some ones doing 45 over there not gunna stop or gunna be caught easly but its a great idea i gess

Post #14

Mmmm knowing this mose as well run from the cops theres no real point to stop they will take your car/bike anyway, i can only see the number of chases increasing good on ya NSW!!!

Post #15

I would be tempted to run if doing that speed with the current money/license loss penalties. im most certain if i were in the situation of getting caught a first and definently second time i would try and do a runner. This is coming from someone who has happily pulled over and waited while the cop going the other way had to chuck a u turn and catch up to me to issue a ticket.

The drag/hooning line is even more of a concern. do they take away someones car because they had a short sprint to 60? do they consider it a drag race if you takeoff the line to fast for their liking? seems like a bad bunch of laws to me.

Post #16

the HOON term is too vague, hell we go for cruises and they see us as hoons. admittedly i wouldnt expect a cop to enforce this unless you where doing something very stupid or where an absolute D!CK about it which then thats your own fault.

Remember: this is worst case scenario
eg. 25 to life for murder is MAX penalty, how often to you see people getting much less than that, and regardless of what anyone had done to cause police to want to crush their car unless its a bogantastic VN most people would take it to court before letting that happen. $20k car Vs $5k court costs i know which i'd choose.

Post #17

I got done for 45 over about 8 years ago, Yes i stopped coped the fine and the 6 month suspension ( before hoon laws ) The suspension was only because of demerit points, I had 2 and lost 8 that day.

I then paid the fine and waited out the suspension.

Fast forward to a few years later i got caught doing a skid in a 1.8l fwd, Don't ask me how this thing managed to spin the wheels but it did ! Oh and the car was stationary sitting on the hand brake.

The cops then took my buz box, Gave me a larger fine then i got for speeding, Gave me a court date and i had to wear the tow and yard cost's.

It boggles the mind when you think about it.

I to would strongly consider running in that position, In the past i have would of been happy to pull over, But now days not so much.

Post #18

People need to raad a little more than the headline. It is the case that number plates will be taken first and then second offences incur a confiscation. In the end. EVERYONE gets somewhere from 3 to 6 months off the road for over 30 and over 45 speeds in NSW. Someone willing to run for this is kidding themselves for the following reason:

You are off the road anyway. So what if you have to get new number plates later. You dont have a licence. So instead of getting a fine, some are willing to run and then be charged with more serious crimes and be dealt with under Skyes Law which carries mandatory gaol sentences.

Post #19

I'd love to see someone take the NSW gov to court for confiscating a person's personal vehicle from them. I'd liken that to theft tbh. Hope this legislation is fucking waterproof.

Post #20

Well, as far I was aware in WA, police cannot pursue if it's over a certain limit. But then they note down your plates, coming knocking on your door and give you a hard time anyway.

What about car parks? They have speed limit signs that say 5k/h, and you see people doing 40-50 all the time. Are they considered hoons?

Post #21

It is all just political, point winning, do-gooder oriented PR.

The whole problem could be solved if they had 2 laws.

1. Exceed the limit by 10km/hr... you loose your car straight up.
2. Blow over .05 ... you loose your car straight up.

But this would not work.

Too much revenue would be lost, Mums and Dad's will be getting done by the hundreds every day... there would be the biggest up-roar ever.

It is all about the appearance of doing something to please the masses.

Let's be honest here.... if 10km/hr was the limit for loosing your car.... I would always 100% of the time.... be doing the speed limit and not 2 km / hr over.

Post #22

while i agree that stricter laws in this country are needed

this seems to affect the average person and not a piece of shit criminal as usual

most pieces of shit wont even care if they dont have their licence

and will get warrant after warrant to their name and continue to act like a tool

we need stricter laws for break in enters , car thefts etc etc

how many break and enters were there in 2011? any laws released on car thefts?

Post #23

QUOTE (wat'r @ Mar 7 2012, 02:36 PM) *
It is all just political, point winning, do-gooder oriented PR.

The whole problem could be solved if they had 2 laws.

1. Exceed the limit by 10km/hr... you loose your car straight up.
2. Blow over .05 ... you loose your car straight up.

But this would not work.

Too much revenue would be lost, Mums and Dad's will be getting done by the hundreds every day... there would be the biggest up-roar ever.

It is all about the appearance of doing something to please the masses.

Let's be honest here.... if 10km/hr was the limit for loosing your car.... I would always 100% of the time.... be doing the speed limit and not 2 km / hr over.

i agree with point 2.
point 1 can go a die in a hole though, with our ridiculously low speed limits already it would just add to our problems

Post #24

QUOTE (tatty @ Mar 7 2012, 01:13 PM) *
Well, as far I was aware in WA, police cannot pursue if it's over a certain limit. But then they note down your plates, coming knocking on your door and give you a hard time anyway.

What about car parks? They have speed limit signs that say 5k/h, and you see people doing 40-50 all the time. Are they considered hoons?

Generally, in any juristriction if a chase is deemed too dangerous they will terminate it. It's not worth injuring anyone over chasing some dipshit. They'll just find them later and rape them.

Post #25

Fair call with the new law to deal with actual hoons, but i call bullshit on the part that says it will help with 'criminals' and people who run from the cops... I'd say if someone's dumb enough to run from the cops then they already don't give a flying fuck about what happens to the car they're in.

Post #26

QUOTE (abostolemybike @ Mar 6 2012, 07:55 PM) *
Mmmm knowing this mose as well run from the cops theres no real point to stop they will take your car/bike anyway, i can only see the number of chases increasing good on ya NSW!!!

Only have to get close enough to get your number plate though and it will be alot worse than having no car for 3 months

Post #27

QUOTE (vy57ss @ Mar 7 2012, 05:50 PM) *
Only have to get close enough to get your number plate though and it will be alot worse than having no car for 3 months

having the number plate wont do shit to a stolen car this law certainly wont stop criminals running ,and all its going to do is make "hoons" consider running more seriously. I mean its just common sense if I was to get seen street racing or speeding at a high speed I wouldn't think twice right now about pulling over .But if they saw me with these laws in place I would (hypothetically speaking) certainly consider running and if it was for second offence I(hypothetically speaking) sure as shit not be giving up my car easily
edit .and not to mention it will make more people drive around with fake plates

Post #28

QUOTE (matmarhar @ Mar 7 2012, 04:57 PM) *
having the number plate wont do shit to a stolen car this law certainly wont stop criminals running ,and all its going to do is make "hoons" consider running more seriously. I mean its just common sense if I was to get seen street racing or speeding at a high speed I wouldn't think twice right now about pulling over .But if they saw me with these laws in place I would (hypothetically speaking) certainly consider running and if it was for second offence I(hypothetically speaking) sure as shit not be giving up my car easily
edit .and not to mention it will make more people drive around with fake plates

Yer all I'm saying is simply trying to outrun won't work all the time, and if you get it wrong in your own car and they come looking for you after the incident it'll be a lot worse than copping 3 months with no plates

Post #29

The term HOON/HOONING is thrown around so loosley now it has no real meaning anymore. Its just been put out now as anybody with a modified car is a hoon full stop unfortunatly.

What shits me is i know i can spend an arm and a leg on any car get pulled over and cop an ear full then ill drive off and see some bucket with no brake lights, smashed headlight something missing for road worthy issues and its like pft thats not a big deal.

Were just an easy target and it hurts to see proper car getting jammed compared to regular joes shitbox fluffing down the road like a unroadworthy shitbox.

Post #30

I say, The government and police of NSW are failing and in breach of there failing new laws have been brought out. I don't care, I don't live in NSW. 45KPH over the limit is pretty bad and i agree anyone doing that deserves to be punished, but at the same day you could also argue the RWC conditions of cars who drive at the speed limit with at any moment something could go wrong. I think the recent hooning all over the news, is a reason for this to.

Maybe they should open more tracks, bigger drag strips etc for people who want to go fast where they can legally do it, Not discriminate against the whole " Modifying car scene " there are alot of people out there who do the right thing and pay the price for the stupid people on the road.

I also believe that when we " car enthusiasts " modify are cars, the modifications don are arguably better than what they are standard, increasing there safety on the roads.

It's a cause that will never be won, we all pay the price of others wrong doing and get on with it.

Post #31

QUOTE (Slysilvia @ Mar 7 2012, 08:35 PM) *
I say, The government and police of NSW are failing and in breach of there failing new laws have been brought out. I don't care, I don't live in NSW. 45KPH over the limit is pretty bad and i agree anyone doing that deserves to be punished, but at the same day you could also argue the RWC conditions of cars who drive at the speed limit with at any moment something could go wrong. I think the recent hooning all over the news, is a reason for this to.

Maybe they should open more tracks, bigger drag strips etc for people who want to go fast where they can legally do it, Not discriminate against the whole " Modifying car scene " there are alot of people out there who do the right thing and pay the price for the stupid people on the road.

I also believe that when we " car enthusiasts " modify are cars, the modifications don are arguably better than what they are standard, increasing there safety on the roads.

It's a cause that will never be won, we all pay the price of others wrong doing and get on with it.

Post #32

QUOTE (hamiltonau @ Mar 6 2012, 04:49 PM) *
lol at the irony of me getting done by this law..

back on the road in April, fingers crossed i can stay on it!

Hey Pat,ditch those plates,you are a marked man. tongue.gif

Post #33

'hoon' in WA you lose your car too..

Post #34

QUOTE (BAM! @ Mar 7 2012, 02:04 PM) *
I'd love to see someone take the NSW gov to court for confiscating a person's personal vehicle from them. I'd liken that to theft tbh. Hope this legislation is fucking waterproof.

Vehicle confiscations have been in place in NSW for over 10 years and yes they do get returned. Every person has the right to apply to get their car back. In the early days nearly everyone got them back, but guidelines were tightened and the ability to return a car was taken from the police and now only rests with the courts. Very few get them back now.

So fast as "theft", it has to be illegal, and thats impossible as it is sanctioned by well tested legislation.

Post #35

Fuck it, who cares. Don't be tool in your car and you'll be sweet. If you do want to be a tool in your car then go hit your local track up for a day, where being a tool is encouraged. I hate being labelled a hoon for simply owning a car but what I hate more is REAL hoons. These laws exist for a reason, there are alot more retarded people out there than you may acknowledge and they're doing stupid shit, putting other people's lives at risk just so they can say they hucked a fucken fully mad sk1d brah. The repeat offenders deserve to have their cars and their licenses taken from them however, outright laws that apply to everyone can be a bit neglectful of circumstance. If you're speeding and you get pulled over, chances are you're going to have to go to court, so why not let it be a matter of the judge's discretion for each incident instead of standardisation ranging from 18 year old Robbo who was caught doing 600 kmh past an RBT, pulling the handbrake and launching his 15th VB tallie at the cop standing on the side of the road to 85 year old Agnus that took off from a set of lights too fast in the wet and spun her wheels a little bit.

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