2008 Holden Ute VE SS  

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Post #36

Very, VERY nice ute mate! love it. Tough.

Everyone else, you all best be careful. The chev badge bandwagon has been around since the 60's, it's getting old now and with all you people riding it, the wheels are gonna fall off soon.


But seriously, get over it.

Post #37

why not just keep holden badges? they are just badges why would you wanna waste money on bling bling chevy ones.

Post #38

Sweet ride bud. thumbsup.gif

Post #39

QUOTE (Scottys @ Apr 15 2011, 01:26 PM) *
umm not sure wat brand the cam is.. I only know the size which is 232/234. Powertorque has done all the work on my ute.. so yer.. As for the Fuel I use the ute as a daily drive and it is not to bad so far.. i would say I get round 400+ km to a tank round town.. I think its read just ova 15.65 driving round town.. on the hi-way it just as good as a stock one preety much.. so its still good on fuel for whats done to it..

Cheers for all the comments and opions guy.. keep them comming tongue.gif

Mint ute mate, very nicely done smile.gif

The cam would be a Comp Cam if PowerTorque have done all the work, thats all they use unless you specify a certain brand and grind from them...
As with the fuel thats awesome, some people find it hard to believe the LS motors are better on fuel with cam,exhaust,tune etc then a stock car whilst having more then 100rwhp then factory smile.gif

Post #40

Nice ute thumbsup.gif

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