1991 Honda CBR250RR MC22  

  • hwr_88
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Post #1 post 16th April 2011 - 12:59 AM
Engine: stock

Exhaust: stock

Suspension: stock

Wheels: stock

Modifications: had a reco engine put in back in 09, mod plated as a solo..

Stereo Audio / Visual: i4?

Estimated Power: 45hp apparently

my first bike, got it for $1500.. didn't have to do a thing for roady so, gotta be happy with that. what do you guys think?
1991 Honda Cbr250rr Mc22
1991 Honda Cbr250rr Mc22
1991 Honda Cbr250rr Mc22

1991 CBR250RR MC22

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  • Boost Network 12
  • dazzazoo
    Post #2

    CBR250RRs are the s13s/commodores of the bike world ..... every p plater wants one ....

    only kidding not to bad needs a decent clean also i notice some fairing damage has it been in a accident/dropped? would be checking for other damage the seller hasnt told you (which mite explain the uber cheap price you paid for it)

    Post #3

    yea these photos are within the week i got it. there is some fairing damage, but its not all that bad? the owner before me was a female learner, im guessing thats how it happened? I got it cheap because they just didnt want it anymore, It passed the roady as is and ive not had a single problem with it.

    Post #4

    Good for a first bike and good price too. smile.gif *Like*

    Post #5

    QUOTE (dazzazoo @ Apr 16 2011, 01:39 AM) *
    CBR250RRs are the s13s/commodores of the bike world ..... every p plater wants one ....

    only kidding not to bad needs a decent clean also i notice some fairing damage has it been in a accident/dropped? would be checking for other damage the seller hasnt told you (which mite explain the uber cheap price you paid for it)

    I would be surprised if a CBR250 that is 20 years old had NOT been dropped!

    Bug Boy
    Post #6

    QUOTE (8700s14 @ Apr 16 2011, 07:46 AM) *
    I would be surprised if a CBR250 that is 20 years old had NOT been dropped!


    Looks nice mate. For the the price you couldn't complain. Take it easy.

    The Doctor
    Post #7

    good first bike mate,

    Post #8

    Thanks guys. Yea even though it's a 250 it's still pretty scary for a first bike, I'd only ever rode dirt bikes up until this. Having alot of fun on it either way.

    MV 383
    Post #9

    not bad for an old girl , good to learn on

    Post #10

    QUOTE (8700s14 @ Apr 16 2011, 07:46 AM) *
    I would be surprised if a CBR250 that is 20 years old had NOT been dropped!

    It would be hard to find any 250 at that age that hasnt been dropped at some time in its life...

    Dont mind the cibby 250's, ride safe!

    Post #11

    awesome bike for your first, the older hondas are so good

    years ago i had a cbr1000f super sport, the same year as yours, similiar looking bike but with the blue and red swapped around. still think its one of the best i've ever ridden......

    32 MKV
    Post #12

    Needs moar Tyga kit smile.gif
    Nice bike thumbsup.gif

    Post #13

    i'd be happy riding that as a first bike. can't go wrong with the price either

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