Useless Drivers Spotted In Qld - better than spotting hot cars. name and shame shocking driving skills&  

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Post #806

QUOTE (eXo @ Nov 15 2010, 04:48 PM) *
if they don't pay rego for their bikes.. then GTFO the road!! that's what the footpath is for you cyclist n00bs!

Cyclists aren't supposed to ride on the footpath though. If you want to ride with any sort of pace (say 20kmh+) it would be very hard to ride on the footpath. I'm lucky I have bike paths where I live... only have to ride on the road when I ride to gym and it's suburban roads with hardly any traffic. I'd hate to ride on a main road.

Post #807

Cyclists seriously shit me off. They pretty much render the lane they're in uesless to cars as everyone has to change lanes to pass them becuase at most, they're doing 20-40km/hr unless on a downhill. And yeah they can't ride on the footpath either, which sucks cos we don't want them on the road and don't want them on the footpath *facepalm*

Post #808

I guess the term 'footpath' is for feet traffic.. my point is.. if your not paying rego then GTF Off the road!! foot path is the next alternative, I don't care how hard it is but affecting traffic flow like it's your right is only valid if you pay rego for your bike. Otherwise, get a bike machine or suck it up on the footpath.

/my 2 cents

Post #809

Since we are on the topic of bike riders on the road, there is one thing that pisses me off so fucking much up here on the sunshine coast. There are MASSIVE bike lanes on most of the main roads that allow for shitloads of bike riders to all ride side by side and still be way off the driving lanes on the road, but 99% of these dick head bike riders just fucking refuse to use them. Instead of riding in the designated bike lanes they ride right on the fucking line that seperates the bike lane from the road... It's like they try as fucking hard as they can to put themselves in danger and get run over.

to explain what I mean I decided to make a terrible paint illistration showing what I mean-

Post #810

the best diagram ive seen.

Post #811

I was going to complain about that until i read that post, I had a group of them infront of me and i had to cruise behind them but when a bike lane appeared about 3-4 rode in the inner part and one wanker just swerved from the bike lane onto the road and continued doing that untill he finally decided to let me past.

Post #812

merging from beuy rd to granard road this mornin had a van behind me went to merge across 2 lanes into the inside lane and he tries to overtake me from the lane im merging into ... the fucker nearly wipes me out and then crosses to the middle lane and speeds off ... company van with his mobi on it aswell luckily i wasnt able to get it or u woulda been hearing from me asshole

Post #813

Well I can tell you I HATE cyclists on Coro drive. There's a whole god damn bikeway that runs alongside it for a reason.

And I hate peak doucher cyclist hour on the bikeway, and I'm sure they hate me! Just cruising to work and shit.

Post #814

To the indian fucks in the shitbox alfa WITH a cannon and the bogans in the white r31 wagon, next time you go on a rampage squirting people with a water bottle, try and aim AT the cars next time?

Post #815

QUOTE (DAL32 @ Nov 17 2010, 09:25 PM) *
Well I can tell you I HATE cyclists on Coro drive. There's a whole god damn bikeway that runs alongside it for a reason.

And I hate peak doucher cyclist hour on the bikeway, and I'm sure they hate me! Just cruising to work and shit.

Post #816

I had a fuckwit this morning who thought he was in tour de France ... I passed him at about 50 or so then it was a large down hill so he was coasting behind me at prob 60. Which is fine. Stopped at a set of lights... The CNT goes around me and three people in front and sits at front of line on his fucking push bike.. Lght goes green every single one of us had to pass him. Gtfo cyclists.

In other news a cockhead in a dark blue or green BMW 325i number plate ksh 87 failed badly at merging in form one lane... Cut up the left lane , I saw him and the guy behind me saw him coming so we both sped up and left no gap. The fuckwit had the balls to actually honk his horn as if we were the cockheads.. Wait your turn fuckwit.

Post #817

@ Stockmy00 - I feel you there,merging correctly per the road laws for the vast majority of QLD drivers is akin to trying to learn icelandic language (technically the hardest of all human dialects)

Frustrating as hell and have had same thing where they flip me the bird like I'm the one who fucked up.

Post #818

QUOTE (stockmy00 @ Nov 18 2010, 10:27 PM) *
I had a fuckwit this morning who thought he was in tour de France ... I passed him at about 50 or so then it was a large down hill so he was coasting behind me at prob 60. Which is fine. Stopped at a set of lights... The CNT goes around me and three people in front and sits at front of line on his fucking push bike.. Lght goes green every single one of us had to pass him. Gtfo cyclists.

OMFG I mean people on motorbikes who do this piss me off as it is...At least motorbikes are made to do the road speeds, But when bikes do it...WOW!

Post #819

QUOTE (*Tricky* @ Nov 19 2010, 07:44 AM) *
OMFG I mean people on motorbikes who do this piss me off as it is...At least motorbikes are made to do the road speeds, But when bikes do it...WOW!

lol why be pissed about motorbikes doing it?

i can only see this becoming a problem if they slow u down. I have no problem with people cutting traffic as long as they dont slow me down in the process

Post #820

QUOTE (Mad3.0lt @ Nov 19 2010, 05:03 PM) *
lol why be pissed about motorbikes doing it?

i can only see this becoming a problem if they slow u down. I have no problem with people cutting traffic as long as they dont slow me down in the process

Because I've always had luck where if i'm stopped at the line on a red light, and they usually stop before line so they are basically right next to the car and they seem to love to take of slowly.

Had some fucknut few weeks ago do this and decided to take a little lean and rest on my car till light turned green.

Post #821

QUOTE (*Tricky* @ Nov 19 2010, 06:41 PM) *
Because I've always had luck where if i'm stopped at the line on a red light, and they usually stop before line so they are basically right next to the car and they seem to love to take of slowly.

Had some fucknut few weeks ago do this and decided to take a little lean and rest on my car till light turned green.

lol u have bad luck when i cut traffic *yes i ride* i only do it if their is room to get in front.. but i have realized how bad nearly ALL brisbane drivers are since i been riding u fuks scare me :(

on a side note was riding up mt tambo the other weekend and their was like 50 cyclists but just one of them decided he was gonna ride on the middle white line so i came up passed him clutch in hit the revlimiter and then rode off. Im sure i scared the fuk outa that barsted :D

Post #822

QUOTE (raw_genesis @ Nov 17 2010, 11:14 AM) *
to explain what I mean I decided to make a illistration showing what I mean-


Post #823

Where: outside of beenleigh, heading toward tamborine.

When: This afternoon

What: An L plater in a silver lancer doing 35-40 in a 80 zone, I think he was trying to set a world record for longest line of pissed off drivers, seriously, I was probably 5th car from the L plater and behind me was a never ending line of cars, trucks, buses, motorbikes. So much constant and very very unsafe and unnecessary braking... Will send you the bill for new brake pads...

And then when it comes to the overtaking lane where it says "Slow vehicles keep left"...he fuckin continues to sit in the right lane!!!!! Completely put blame on the wank job who is probably his dad sitting there with arm out window with blankest look on his fat face.

Obviously a new L plater, so please stick to the bloody side streets until you can do a speed that is remotely close to the speed limit...

Post #824

coupla retarted commodore drivers i saw almost cause an accident ..

1st one was this mornin on the way to work settin off from a set of lights though he would be tough and show off and revs it up and nearly runs into the back of a hatch he then cuts across 2 lanes and doesnt look and nearly gets taken out by a fourby in the other lane ...

2nd one comin out work saw a commo turn into a street like it was a corner no looking no indicators and a fouby comes along and nearly takes him out luckily he wasnt goin to fast ..

Post #825

saw a guy in a old beat up commodore come flying into the traffic lights to do a u turn a bit to fast trying to act all tough and shit spin his tyres * ooooo look at me i'm such a mad dog drifter* haha your not your a fucking drunk arse schoolie and your not even from the gold coast piss off home

The Doctor
Post #826

chunky asian dude in the dark blue 99 wrx wagon, do you know
what that little black lever is behind the steering wheel on the right hand side?
its called an indicator,, try to use it at least once in your life, 4 mornings ive seen
this douche weaving in and out of traffic, sometimes jumping 3 lanes and not once
using a signal.

Post #827

QUOTE (The Doctor @ Nov 29 2010, 08:43 AM) *
chunky asian dude in the dark blue 99 wrx wagon, do you know
what that little black lever is behind the steering wheel on the right hand side?
its called an indicator,, try to use it at least once in your life, 4 mornings ive seen
this douche weaving in and out of traffic, sometimes jumping 3 lanes and not once
using a signal.

Since he's a regular, I'd be playing lane blocking with him and giving the finger everytime he's blocked lol.. good way to peeve them off till they really make a fatal mistake.. (then you point and LOL at them just to really rub it in)

Post #828

To the bogan bitch in the crewman with the boostcruising sticker on the back window... hope you and your breeding colony die before you kill someone else.

Was sitting at the set of lights (on a motorbike) on Albany Creek road when this tosser come flying pastwhen the light goes green (cliping my elbow with her mirror- yes she was that close) on the left side of the road - half in the park lane - than proceeded to speed and weave in and out of traffic the whole way down the road with 3 kids in the car.

cant wait to see you again deffinatly not someone i will forget

Post #829

QUOTE (esr88 @ Nov 29 2010, 11:08 AM) *
To the bogan bitch in the crewman with the boostcruising sticker on the back window... hope you and your breeding colony die before you kill someone else.

Was sitting at the set of lights (on a motorbike) on Albany Creek road when this tosser come flying pastwhen the light goes green (cliping my elbow with her mirror- yes she was that close) on the left side of the road - half in the park lane - than proceeded to speed and weave in and out of traffic the whole way down the road with 3 kids in the car.

cant wait to see you again deffinatly not someone i will forget

Mazfix Dyno Day, some guy in a old series 2/3 rx7 going nuts with skids, overtook my mates who were driving off, almost lost it in front of them and crashed, very close call.

Worst thing was they had 2 kids in the seatbelts.

Skids are for bogans, please don't put your kids lives in danger, the spectators and all the nice cars that were bought along... you'll end up killing yourself or your passengers.

Post #830

had some woman in a minivan pull out in front of me going down beudesert rd ... i wonder if she was even looking when she was pulled out lucky i was goin slow cuz of traffic or i woulda hit her

Post #831

QUOTE (Parag0n @ Nov 29 2010, 04:39 PM) *
Mazfix Dyno Day, some guy in a old series 2/3 rx7 going nuts with skids, overtook my mates who were driving off, almost lost it in front of them and crashed, very close call.

Worst thing was they had 2 kids in the seatbelts.

Skids are for bogans, please don't put your kids lives in danger, the spectators and all the nice cars that were bought along... you'll end up killing yourself or your passengers.

not just passengers, bystanders and other road uses will also be the one who gets hurt... with the driver getting a slap on the wrist.

Post #832

QUOTE (Parag0n @ Nov 29 2010, 04:39 PM) *
Mazfix Dyno Day, some guy in a old series 2/3 rx7 going nuts with skids, overtook my mates who were driving off, almost lost it in front of them and crashed, very close call.

Worst thing was they had 2 kids in the seatbelts.

Skids are for bogans, please don't put your kids lives in danger, the spectators and all the nice cars that were bought along... you'll end up killing yourself or your passengers.

ohh.. but PLEASE do put your kids lives in danger.. you're doing the next generation a favor by culling your (in)breed out of existance!

Post #833

bahahaha indian taxi driver trying to cut in front a semi at a set of lights at eagle farm ,ended up getting sandwiched in between the truck and a van funniest accident i seen in ages ,it made my day

Post #834

Must've been a full moon yesterday or something.

I'll split this rant into two parts:

Part #1: (I'll try my best to explain it)
This seems to be more a QLD thing (based on my experience in other states).
When I'm indicating to jump over 1 lane and I can see there's fair distance (in the next lane I'm jumping to) between the car I'm waiting to pass and the car trailing further behind decides it's his right to keep 2nd place by speeding up and then flashing their lights like I cut them off.. (this is aimed at the corolla on the M1 on sunday near yatala).

Well I hope your missus enjoyed the sip of her coffee cause when I ripped the handbrake hard right in front of you (I don't care... company car..) your poor missus ruined her sunday dress after it splashed all over your windscreen. Next time, follow the general rules of courtesy by allowing a car that gave ample time to 'indicate' their intentions without acting like a clueless d!ck when you clearly closed the 50m+ distance you had from me when I began my merge. Can't wait to catchup again buddy... you made me LOL with your missue priceless look on her face while she was yelling at you.

Part #2:
Ok... so lets just say a driver in peakhour (well it was oddly busy) at a unspecified location doesn't like how your trying to jump off to the left lane to GTFO the road in particular (following the damn slow responding PoS GPS).

He then comes up to the right of your car and on top of throwing the 1 finger salute then is also using that same finger to simulate cutting your throat and making shooting actions because you took his 'precious spot' in traffic while also playing pretend bumper cars to see if you flinch.

do you ...
A: ignore him as best you can till your turn off

B: throw up whatever the local neighbourhood gangs symbols are (I noticed alot of fat solé ppl around so figured it'll be a pretend blood/crip area) and hope they back down

C: act like a mirror and duplicate what they just did with their hands ending with a spastic having a epileptic fit just to show them what it really looks like.


D: turn off.. let them follow you.. get in front of you.. cut you off.. to which you reach to the back and grab your play equipment (was at the beach) namely.. the bat and drive a hard one through his passenger window for threatening you.

I chose D after C then A didn't work. :oopsie:

Now before I hear the bible bashers in here saying it's illegal/ threatening whatever.. I'd like to say is.. what's he going to do? call the cops? like they're going to do anything, they'd be more interested in what's under his bonnet them getting a victim statement.

Vigilante justice works!! (at times)

Disclaimer: you can't use anything said here against me.. try it and I'll be looking forward to a nice christmas payout :-)

Post #835

QUOTE (mickr33gtst @ Nov 30 2010, 10:43 AM) *
bahahaha indian taxi driver trying to cut in front a semi at a set of lights at eagle farm ,ended up getting sandwiched in between the truck and a van funniest accident i seen in ages ,it made my day

after working at a trucking company I've learnt this lesson from hearing the rantings of the drivers in the lunchroom from ppl like that. I even get up my friends for attempting to do it also so glad to see this guy learnt the hard way lol.

Post #836

QUOTE (eXo @ Nov 30 2010, 11:00 AM) *
after working at a trucking company I've learnt this lesson from hearing the rantings of the drivers in the lunchroom from ppl like that. I even get up my friends for attempting to do it also so glad to see this guy learnt the hard way lol.

haha yeah he was still goin off his nut , the taxi was on a 45degree angle , well we all hope he learnt

Post #837

fucking blue pulsar in ipswich something drn are his plates what a toss his name is darren and he's got no f**king clue

Post #838

eXo - nice work!! :oopsie:

x2 on the fkn dumbshit taxi driving merging into the trucks braking space. Some people just have no fucking idea, and same goes for Pt1 of eXo's story about the lane changing. If a car in front of you has their indicator on you have to let them in. It's in the road rules. I fail to see how so many people think it actually means "oh shit, I need to get in front of that car so it can change lanes behind me"...dumb shits

Post #839

i almost ended up in the lap of some stupid muslim bitch because she went to turn right on a round about from the LEFT LANE.

i only just stopped before hitting her. so i jumped on the horn. and SHE turns around and me the finger. fucking stupid whore.

Post #840

QUOTE (GHOSTY @ Nov 30 2010, 03:40 PM) *
If a car in front of you has their indicator on you have to let them in. It's in the road rules

Although I agree that that corolla driver was a douche for deliberately stopping someone from merging in front of him, you are incorrect. Indicators do no give right of way at all. The only time when a lane change gives right of way is when it is between two unmarked lanes, and even then right of way goes to the car in front, regardless of which lane it is in. If the lanes are marked, the person who is changing lanes must wait and give way to traffic in the lane they want to change into.

Incidentally, it is also illegal to speed up if you are being overtaken. Nearly the same situation, I suppose.

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