Useless Drivers Spotted In Qld - better than spotting hot cars. name and shame shocking driving skills&  

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cooky monster
Post #701

last sat arvo on the drive down to briz, just going the pine river bridge. a red camry sadan full of kids (6-7 just in the back seat) start blinding the hell out of every one they pass with a hi powered spot light. we slowly caught up to them to give them a mouth full but then they pulled off on to the gate way. blinding people= death.

Post #702

QUOTE (DAL32 @ Oct 19 2010, 01:52 AM) *
Sounds like Honda driver behaviour to me. You sure they weren't driving this?

Do they sound like shit and go nowhere fast?

At first I thought it was some tryhard kid in a piece of crap until I turned and saw some old douche....

... in a piece of crap :dunno:

Post #703

Dear fuckhead on your motorbike.

It is not cool to do upwards of 140km/h on a residential road.

Yes, im talking about you, disecting two cars travelling in opposite directions in Chandros Street in Wynnum yesterday. you're lucky i didnt get your plates.

Post #704

QUOTE (CALIbrated @ Oct 19 2010, 09:25 PM) *
Dear fuckhead on your motorbike.

It is not cool to do upwards of 140km/h on a residential road.

Yes, im talking about you, disecting two cars travelling in opposite directions in Chandros Street in Wynnum yesterday. you're lucky i didnt get your plates.


Post #705

QUOTE (hylian @ Oct 11 2010, 01:18 AM) *
Last sunday around 5:10pm, I was leaving chermside driving along hamilton road. Stopped at the lights in the left hand lane and a gold toyota pulls up next to me. I take off normally and he hears my fully sikk exhaust and decides to attempt to race me, now I've got my missus in the car so I just kept driving normally.
At this point the toyota is just a bit behind me and the form 1 lane sign approaches. I indicate to merge, and he downshifts and floors it to get in front of me at this point I had started merging already so I gunned it too so I wouldn't get rear ended.
The dude now has his front bar within inches of my rear bar most of the way along hamilton rd and we're doing 70. I speed up a bit so he gets the idea and he does as well. So I do the opposite, I hit the brakes, he's still there. I figure fuck it, if he runs up the back of me it's no problem, I've got another car at home. I keep driving. I stop at the lights on Hamilton Rd / Beckett Rd.
Sitting at the lights I notice him get out of the car, approach my window, open my door and attempt to pull me out.
T/C Off, number plates recorded, plant foot, shut door.

I didn't report it to the police as they won't do anything because there wasn't an actual incident and plus they're too busy doing real police work like issuing defects.

I'm not going to post here what I'd like to do to that guy if I see him again.

similar thing has happen to me around the same area... cept i ride a bike and saw him coming. discription is the same. haha lucky i was in a hurry

Post #706

My complaint would be in general to all those wankers who have no comprehension of the most common road rules..... u dont indicate right to go straight at a round about.... u cant change lanes mid round about.... at a round about u must give way to your right (unless signed otherwise)...... also there is no point in putting your indicator on post merging, it defeats the purpose.... Just becuase 'you' dont have anywhere to be on a sat, sunday or any other day of the week..... doesnt give u the right to drive at 20kph under the speed limit, becuase the person behind you.... probably does! Doing 70 in an 80 zone and then 70 in the 60 when it changes doesnt average out..... ok....

In my honest opinion...... every 3 years there should be a compulsory refresher test for all drivers and then at a certain age (when our bodies start to not work as well) our vision, hearing and reflexes should be checked every year.

END OF RANT! ;-) for now.....

Post #707

QUOTE (Wed13 @ Oct 19 2010, 04:53 PM) *
Missus had some wanker i believe it was Saturday maybe Thursday but last week anyway in an r31 silver 2 door with nizzpro on the back windscreen in the industrial are near Helensvale, Westfield over take her over double lines then swerve forcing her to hit the brakes and swerve herself into the parking lane nearly hitting parked car's and then had the nerve to abuse my missus thinking she was in the wrong all i can just say is he is lucky i wasn't in the car hopefully next time he does stupid shit like this to other people that
either the police see it and catch him or someone hits the idiot.
Really did piss me off when i found out he verbally abused her for what he did next time i hope you smash into that on coming car after that I'm not going to get parts from nizzpro again.

I don't think it's fair to hold the business responsible...but, if it were me, I'd contact them and let them know about this shitstain and for them to possibly think about where they are advertising....

my 2 cents anyway mate

Post #708

To the wanker in the black Mk5 Golf diesel with the FUGLY black rims.

Jubilee Avenue in Broadbeach isn't a race track. Your car looks like shit, sounds like shit and isn't a go-kart... DON'T do 80 in a residential street and expect a wave of approval as you drive past simply because I also drive a black Mk5.

Post #709

i had this bitch sitting up my ass down the M1 this morning, then she started weaving thru all 3 lanes, then she started tailgating a truck.

then she was doing 100kms thru the road works at daisy hill. (which is an 80kms zone.)

thats not the worst part, when she passed me, she was wearing her POLICE uniform. yes she was a fucking cop. driving her own car.
i guess its a bit of do what i say, and not what i do.

Post #710

QUOTE (trev084 @ Oct 19 2010, 09:37 PM) *

smart ass :P

Post #711

NAT1XX Black Ve. Sv6 I think. Along South Pine Rd through Brendale/Everton Hills. Tail gate me again and I'll do a proper brake check bitch.
Also, learn how to drive a fucking manual.

Post #712

Cockhead in a black Honda something or other..TAN90 License plate i think. I hope i get in front of you one afternoon to show you how to keep a consistant speed and not hit the brakes when the light turns amber and then gun it at the last second, leaving me stuck at the light TWICE!!! You're a fuckhead that shouldn't be on the road. The dickhead couldn't even keep a 60km/h speed going. Went from 50 to 60 to 70 back to 50 and so on.

Prepare for a break check if i you're behind me.

Post #713

Dear person that drives the same car as i do.

please kindly refrain from "baging"it up past the old @#$!s house every day when you leave for work. Look i know he pissed you off threatening to call the council because you dogs bark at him when he's sneaking up and down the fence line trying to see whatd going on in your back yard, But your tyres are bald already im affraid that your now a danger to other road user's.

Please buy some more rubber before you continue this reckless behavior.

Post #714

QUOTE (broadie_69 @ May 26 2010, 01:36 PM) *
Yesterday i was driving in surfers an this really shits me that people do this, this fuucktard in a removelest truck just comes flying out without giving way an completly takes of the bonnot of the car infront of me, there were four people in that car they were like oh shit, if the removelest truck keped driving i wa sso keen to chase the @#$! down, but i was lucky i was 5 seconds ahead otherwise i woulda bee nfucked, especially in a low car like mine, people in big cars need to take more care, especially ladys that drive big 4wds in the city, its a joke i swere
dude . that's so hard to read

try to figure out how not to do sms stuff for legibility

Post #715

QUOTE (atec77 @ Oct 22 2010, 02:50 PM) *
dude . that's so hard to read

try to figure out how not to do sms stuff for legibility

Get over it -.- this is the internet, not English class.

Post #716

QUOTE (teezn_180sx @ Oct 19 2010, 10:20 PM) *
My complaint would be in general to all those wankers who have no comprehension of the most common road rules..... u dont indicate right to go straight at a round about.... u cant change lanes mid round about.... at a round about u must give way to your right (unless signed otherwise)...... also there is no point in putting your indicator on post merging, it defeats the purpose.... Just becuase 'you' dont have anywhere to be on a sat, sunday or any other day of the week..... doesnt give u the right to drive at 20kph under the speed limit, becuase the person behind you.... probably does! Doing 70 in an 80 zone and then 70 in the 60 when it changes doesnt average out..... ok....

In my honest opinion...... every 3 years there should be a compulsory refresher test for all drivers and then at a certain age (when our bodies start to not work as well) our vision, hearing and reflexes should be checked every year.

END OF RANT! ;-) for now.....

Umm...yes you can. How else are you suppose to exit the roundabout? Eg. Ikea @ Springwood roundabout. If you heading into the roundabout from Daisy Hill side, and you need to enter the motorway going northbound. You must enter the roundabout in the right lane, as that's the only lane that travels all the way around to the said exit. But then you need to merge across the outside lane to exit off. It's dangerous, but it's not the only roundabout like this. The one at the start of Airport Drive is similar.

You realise how much this would cost right? ...Forget it, i dont want to pay more government taxes.

Post #717

love this thread heaps of interesting stories.

my pet hate. people driving without lights in HEAVY rain. and people driving under the speed limit. CANT F@#$%^G STAND IT!!

Post #718

QUOTE (purepunani @ Oct 22 2010, 07:36 PM) *
Umm...yes you can. How else are you suppose to exit the roundabout? Eg. Ikea @ Springwood roundabout. If you heading into the roundabout from Daisy Hill side, and you need to enter the motorway going northbound. You must enter the roundabout in the right lane, as that's the only lane that travels all the way around to the said exit. But then you need to merge across the outside lane to exit off. It's dangerous, but it's not the only roundabout like this. The one at the start of Airport Drive is similar.

You realise how much this would cost right? ...Forget it, i dont want to pay more government taxes.

round about in theory dont work. given the rules about entering and exiting them. but in practice and decent drivers they do work. there are plenty round abouts that u need to cross lanes to exit. it happens so naturally u dnt even notice. but all double lane roundabouts if u want to take the 3rd exit or even the 2nd (from the right lane) then u will have to cross over....(with john edward)

Post #719

the one that really shits me is the people who sit in the right lane 2m behind you an same speed.
You come up to a slow car and have to wait for them to pass but then they sit 5-10k slower than they were, becoming the slow car.
Fuck i hate it, I see it every day It seems simple to me if you have to exit to the right by all means use the right lane, If you are passing also use it, But if not and you wanna do less than the speed limit please use the left lane your friends are over there God damn MOVE .

Fortunatly i have learnt the secret to traffic . . . . Air con, good music, comfort and allow 1/2 hr more than you need to get home

Post #720

QUOTE (toomanytoys @ Oct 22 2010, 06:59 PM) *
the one that really shits me is the people who sit in the right lane 2m behind you an same speed.
You come up to a slow car and have to wait for them to pass but then they sit 5-10k slower than they were, becoming the slow car.
Fuck i hate it, I see it every day It seems simple to me if you have to exit to the right by all means use the right lane, If you are passing also use it, But if not and you wanna do less than the speed limit please use the left lane your friends are over there God damn MOVE .

Fortunatly i have learnt the secret to traffic . . . . Air con, good music, comfort and allow 1/2 hr more than you need to get home

oh god thats why i love riding to work i see this shit every day on the ipswitch motorway its ANOYING

Post #721

QUOTE (Mad3.0lt @ Oct 22 2010, 07:14 PM) *
oh god thats why i love riding to work i see this shit every day on the ipswitch motorway its ANOYING

Yeh im hearing ya, but then they call ya a lane splitter.
unless you are riding a push bike, would probly still be quicker on that road most days .

Post #722

QUOTE (toomanytoys @ Oct 22 2010, 08:16 PM) *
Yeh im hearing ya, but then they call ya a lane splitter.
unless you are riding a push bike, would probly still be quicker on that road most days .

lol well i heard today acording to the law u can cut traffic as long as they arnt stationary so i dont care what they call me still dont have to sit behind pricks doing 5-20k under the limit in the right lane :lol:

Post #723

damn . . . . . . .,
now i want another bike . . . .

Post #724

to the fuckhead in the brown landcruiser just before waterford west ... just because u picked the wrong lane and suddenly decide to turn right doesnt mean u can cut across 2 lanes and nearly fuckin wipe me out .... i guess u didnt see my little car down there hey ...

Post #725

QUOTE (inb4jdm @ Oct 22 2010, 06:00 PM) *
Get over it -.- this is the internet, not English class.
Where was it suggested this was a school class , however posting in such an arcane manner is a complete waste and I am sure many didn't bother to read that mishmash thus negating his comments .

Post #726

QUOTE (atec77 @ Oct 22 2010, 09:42 PM) *
Where was it suggested this was a school class , however posting in such an arcane manner is a complete waste and I am sure many didn't bother to read that mishmash thus negating his comments .

I thought this was spot the shit driver? Since when did it turn into spot the shit grammar?

Post #727

Just got a 2fer:

5:15 this arvo - Heading south on the Pac Mwy around the Garden City stretch where the T2 lane begins,
I was in the middle lane doing 110, T2 on my right. Slowly catching up to the 4WD that's in the T2. Suddenly a Matte Black Commodore (VS/VT) comes flying up the T2, only to get stuck behind the 4by.

Then a Black WRX comes flying up his rear, with the same result. As soon as I pass the WRX he shoots across 2 lanes into the left most lane. Tries to pass me, but the car in front of him is a bit close.

He looks over at me, then fangs it into my lane - missing me by F@#king centimetres! Then after a few seconds he jumps back into the T2 - right behind the Commodore!!

I end up overtaking him anyway, and then I see in the rearview, he crosses from the T2 directly into the Logan Rd offramp!! WHAT A F@#KWIT!

The thing that really pisses me off is that my 1year old son was in the car when he cut me off. F%^kin' wankers endangering others with their hopeless driving.

End Rant..

Post #728

QUOTE (timmy_o @ Oct 23 2010, 05:34 PM) *
I thought this was spot the shit driver? Since when did it turn into spot the shit grammar?

err the point is I couldn't read his post or would you deny my right to do so ?

Post #729

spoted a black s13 with big dish wheels on browns plains rd today driving like a fukn dickhead congrats on have the biggest pieace of shit car ive eva seen. if ur gonna mod a s13 do it right it looked like a bucket of shit and sounded like it to

Post #730

QUOTE (joels_rody_charged @ Oct 23 2010, 09:45 PM) *
spoted a black s13 with big dish wheels on browns plains rd today driving like a fukn dickhead congrats on have the biggest pieace of shit car ive eva seen. if ur gonna mod a s13 do it right it looked like a bucket of shit and sounded like it to

Was it matte black?

Post #731

Suck shit to the "P" plate Rodeo ute going through Enoggera/Albany Creek yesterday tailgating in the left lane, speeding and being a general fuckwit!! I laughed so fucking hard when i went through the Eatons Crossing intersection and saw your car with the front end stoved in and spewing fluid everywhere. You deserved everything you get tosser!! I just hope you didn't hurt the driver or passengers of the car you hit you douche!!

Post #732

QUOTE (purepunani @ Oct 22 2010, 06:36 PM) *
Umm...yes you can. How else are you suppose to exit the roundabout? Eg. Ikea @ Springwood roundabout. If you heading into the roundabout from Daisy Hill side, and you need to enter the motorway going northbound. You must enter the roundabout in the right lane, as that's the only lane that travels all the way around to the said exit. But then you need to merge across the outside lane to exit off. It's dangerous, but it's not the only roundabout like this. The one at the start of Airport Drive is similar.

You realise how much this would cost right? ...Forget it, i dont want to pay more government taxes.,36.88,,0,12.16

Yeh thats when your leaving a round about that is signed accordingly. What I hate is those ppl who are comming onto say a 2 lane round about that both travel straight through.... now if they are travelling in the inner lane they need to stay in that lane and not cut across into the side of my car..... equally if im coming onto the round about as he/she is half way through it and have the opportunity to use the free outer lane i should be able to without having a close call due to them travelling too fast throught the round about and needed to use both lanes as the body roll carries them across both.

If i remember correctly.... when exiting a round about and having to merge across an inner lane to do so you have to indicate, shoulder check and give way accordingly.

At those other said round abouts that u need to merge off and across they are signed and known about. Does that help my point make a lil more sense now?

Post #733

QUOTE (teezn_180sx @ Oct 26 2010, 09:08 AM) *,36.88,,0,12.16

Yeh thats when your leaving a round about that is signed accordingly. What I hate is those ppl who are comming onto say a 2 lane round about that both travel straight through.... now if they are travelling in the inner lane they need to stay in that lane and not cut across into the side of my car..... equally if im coming onto the round about as he/she is half way through it and have the opportunity to use the free outer lane i should be able to without having a close call due to them travelling too fast throught the round about and needed to use both lanes as the body roll carries them across both.

If i remember correctly.... when exiting a round about and having to merge across an inner lane to do so you have to indicate, shoulder check and give way accordingly.

At those other said round abouts that u need to merge off and across they are signed and known about. Does that help my point make a lil more sense now?

Exact same thing at a roundabout near Kenmore Village. All the rich old timers in there fancy cars that are way to big for them to drive, just take the entire 2 lanes, to the point where i do whatever i can to avoid using the roundabout.

Post #734

beenleigh redlandbay road mainly between the traffic lights b4 the school to the hill past the cable ski park
dudes its a long straight road 80k zone no cops sit there not 60 except for wen its school hours
and yes i am that arsehole in my 1.2l that manages to overtake u dawdlers and gives u the finger
dont honk ur horn ur the dickhead

Post #735

QUOTE (teezn_180sx @ Oct 26 2010, 09:08 AM) *,36.88,,0,12.16

Yeh thats when your leaving a round about that is signed accordingly. What I hate is those ppl who are comming onto say a 2 lane round about that both travel straight through.... now if they are travelling in the inner lane they need to stay in that lane and not cut across into the side of my car..... equally if im coming onto the round about as he/she is half way through it and have the opportunity to use the free outer lane i should be able to without having a close call due to them travelling too fast throught the round about and needed to use both lanes as the body roll carries them across both.

If i remember correctly.... when exiting a round about and having to merge across an inner lane to do so you have to indicate, shoulder check and give way accordingly.At those other said round abouts that u need to merge off and across they are signed and known about. Does that help my point make a lil more sense now?

Im with ya now. :P :oopsie:
OT: When exiting a roundabout regardless, you must indicate left to exit. Shoulder check, yes...Give way = You're already on the roundabout, entering traffic must give way to you regardless.

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