Useless Drivers Spotted In Qld - better than spotting hot cars. name and shame shocking driving skills&  

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Post #631

QUOTE (madutedude @ Oct 7 2010, 07:13 PM) *
there was this sick bitch in a 4wd i was driving behind her and these ducks came walking out and she swurved purposely off the road out on to the enbankment to kill them and got two of the poor little fuckers

someone should run her over see how that feels.

Post #632

QUOTE (blackfeet @ Oct 7 2010, 11:31 PM) *
someone should run her over see how that feels.

i'd imagine it feels like getting run over... lol... how else is it supposed to feel?

And I would like to raise my hand and confess as being a useless driver, but with good purpose...

Last night driving home from a meet with friends I was driving down a road near my house and noticed 2 teenage girls pushing all the bins over onto the road so that the garbage spewed out into the middle of the main road. I noticed them and promptly put my high beams on and almost drove up the gutter right behind them, hand down on the horn for at least 10 seconds and scared the crap out of them...

so yes, i drove uselessly almost up a gutter, but to stop 2 teenage whorebags from causing damage to other cars...

Post #633

QUOTE (BI0HAZARD @ Oct 5 2010, 12:39 AM) *
Unfortuntely 95% of truckies ruin the respect I have for truck drivers, by
-Almost without fail i get rocks raining down on my car from a truck who flys past me basically crossing the double white line.
-Sit right on my ass even when I might be doing 5-10k'a over at times. Can almost see the dead bugs in their grill.
-Quite often pull out at worst times. Difference between a car doing it is they can get up to speed much quicker and dont need to slam on brakes as fast as i would if a truck did it.

I know there are good truckies out there and they do a good job. But unfortunetly your fellow road chums ruin it for you.

LOL... I agree with both of you... a lot of truck drivers are wanks... I know because I used to be one... they get around in groups and actually brag about how they made someone's day miserable by being an arrogant twat... on the other hand, there are some drivers out there that go OUT OF THEIR WAY to make truck drivers lives hell... I think that before you can drive a car you must be made to sit the learners permit for a bike licence and a truck licence so you understand the crap that they have to go through as well... yes car drivers might be able to get on the gas faster and pull out in front of a truck... but if the car in front hits the anchors and you have to do the same, the truck will take 5 times the stopping distance to stop... putting him not only on top of the car your in AND the car in front, but 3 cars in front of them, all because people like to swing out in front of trucks.

But then again, the amount of times I've had an interstate truck driver (probably up to his eyeballs on crystal meth or some other illicit substance) right up my clacker and i'm already doing 105 is ridiculous... I love getting to small hills and slowing down to 80km/h and listening to them get on the horn... seriously tho, what are they going to do? push me out of the way? I'm insured and even tho I love my car, I'm not adverse to getting a new one...

simple solution - learn how to drive courteously or GET OFF THE FUCKING ROAD!!!!

oh, and a quick note to everyone on the road: - I have had that many drivers this week do stupid shit that I can't even begin to figure out where to start... so... if you are being a dickhead or trying to perform an illegal manouver, i WILL get in your way, i WILL make it harder for you, if you get out of your car i WILL smack you the fuck out for the inconvenience of making me 20 seconds later to where I have to be, and i WILL take your registration details and report you... I make sure that I drive exactly to the road rules as I have a modified car and don't want to bring anymore shame to the modding scene than we already get from dickhead P-Platers in their shiny second hand ricers with dumb wheels chucking doughies in the coles car park at Browns Stains, and it would be great if people driving around me would drive properly and not abuse me because I'm not driving like a wank also...
Post #634

QUOTE (57U-00 @ Oct 8 2010, 09:53 AM) *
i'd imagine it feels like getting run over... lol... how else is it supposed to feel?

And I would like to raise my hand and confess as being a useless driver, but with good purpose...

Last night driving home from a meet with friends I was driving down a road near my house and noticed 2 teenage girls pushing all the bins over onto the road so that the garbage spewed out into the middle of the main road. I noticed them and promptly put my high beams on and almost drove up the gutter right behind them, hand down on the horn for at least 10 seconds and scared the crap out of them...

so yes, i drove uselessly almost up a gutter, but to stop 2 teenage whorebags from causing damage to other cars...

That is so stupid, Do you know what its like to be "run-over"? And it would fucking hurt

Post #635

they where personalized pink plates and a black rav 4 im pretty sure... im not sure exactly what the plates where i think they were somewhere along the lines of bekka.. she was in the area brownsplains in logan

Post #636

QUOTE (57U-00 @ Oct 8 2010, 10:14 AM) *
LOL... I agree with both of you... a lot of truck drivers are wanks... I know because I used to be one... they get around in groups and actually brag about how they made someone's day miserable by being an arrogant twat... on the other hand, there are some drivers out there that go OUT OF THEIR WAY to make truck drivers lives hell... I think that before you can drive a car you must be made to sit the learners permit for a bike licence and a truck licence so you understand the crap that they have to go through as well... yes car drivers might be able to get on the gas faster and pull out in front of a truck... but if the car in front hits the anchors and you have to do the same, the truck will take 5 times the stopping distance to stop... putting him not only on top of the car your in AND the car in front, but 3 cars in front of them, all because people like to swing out in front of trucks.

But then again, the amount of times I've had an interstate truck driver (probably up to his eyeballs on crystal meth or some other illicit substance) right up my clacker and i'm already doing 105 is ridiculous... I love getting to small hills and slowing down to 80km/h and listening to them get on the horn... seriously tho, what are they going to do? push me out of the way? I'm insured and even tho I love my car, I'm not adverse to getting a new one...

simple solution - learn how to drive courteously or GET OFF THE FUCKING ROAD!!!!

oh, and a quick note to everyone on the road: - I have had that many drivers this week do stupid shit that I can't even begin to figure out where to start... so... if you are being a dickhead or trying to perform an illegal manouver, i WILL get in your way, i WILL make it harder for you, if you get out of your car i WILL smack you the fuck out for the inconvenience of making me 20 seconds later to where I have to be, and i WILL take your registration details and report you... I make sure that I drive exactly to the road rules as I have a modified car and don't want to bring anymore shame to the modding scene than we already get from dickhead P-Platers in their shiny second hand ricers with dumb wheels chucking doughies in the coles car park at Browns Stains, and it would be great if people driving around me would drive properly and not abuse me because I'm not driving like a wank also...

what a wanker, all i read was "BLAH BLAH BLAH IM SO TUFF BLAH BLAHHHH"!!!

Post #637

QUOTE (madutedude @ Oct 8 2010, 10:30 AM) *
they where personalized pink plates and a black rav 4 im pretty sure... im not sure exactly what the plates where i think they were somewhere along the lines of bekka.. she was in the area brownsplains in logan

theres the problem,.

Post #638

QUOTE (57U-00 @ Oct 8 2010, 11:14 AM) *
LOL... I agree with both of you... a lot of truck drivers are wanks... I know because I used to be one... they get around in groups and actually brag about how they made someone's day miserable by being an arrogant twat... on the other hand, there are some drivers out there that go OUT OF THEIR WAY to make truck drivers lives hell... I think that before you can drive a car you must be made to sit the learners permit for a bike licence and a truck licence so you understand the crap that they have to go through as well... yes car drivers might be able to get on the gas faster and pull out in front of a truck... but if the car in front hits the anchors and you have to do the same, the truck will take 5 times the stopping distance to stop... putting him not only on top of the car your in AND the car in front, but 3 cars in front of them, all because people like to swing out in front of trucks.

But then again, the amount of times I've had an interstate truck driver (probably up to his eyeballs on crystal meth or some other illicit substance) right up my clacker and i'm already doing 105 is ridiculous... I love getting to small hills and slowing down to 80km/h and listening to them get on the horn... seriously tho, what are they going to do? push me out of the way? I'm insured and even tho I love my car, I'm not adverse to getting a new one...

simple solution - learn how to drive courteously or GET OFF THE FUCKING ROAD!!!!

oh, and a quick note to everyone on the road: - I have had that many drivers this week do stupid shit that I can't even begin to figure out where to start... so... if you are being a dickhead or trying to perform an illegal manouver, i WILL get in your way, i WILL make it harder for you, if you get out of your car i WILL smack you the fuck out for the inconvenience of making me 20 seconds later to where I have to be, and i WILL take your registration details and report you... I make sure that I drive exactly to the road rules as I have a modified car and don't want to bring anymore shame to the modding scene than we already get from dickhead P-Platers in their shiny second hand ricers with dumb wheels chucking doughies in the coles car park at Browns Stains, and it would be great if people driving around me would drive properly and not abuse me because I'm not driving like a wank also...

Well as you used to be one, A question I hope you or someone else who is a truckie can answer is...Why is it (as i've said) almost all the time I pass a truck that carries rocks or whatever I'll get a nice shower of rocks on my car and windscreen? I mean, not to sound rude, but do they actually take the time to give a fuck to properly secure their load? or is it something you just cant avoid?

Once again, I'm not directing that to all truckies...Just 'those' kind.

Post #639

QUOTE (BI0HAZARD @ Oct 8 2010, 02:14 PM) *
Well as you used to be one, A question I hope you or someone else who is a truckie can answer is...Why is it (as i've said) almost all the time I pass a truck that carries rocks or whatever I'll get a nice shower of rocks on my car and windscreen? I mean, not to sound rude, but do they actually take the time to give a fuck to properly secure their load? or is it something you just cant avoid?

Once again, I'm not directing that to all truckies...Just 'those' kind.

no idea, i think debree just gets collected along the road and spat back out, i had someone behind me sounding their horn and flashing their lights because mine was flinging rocks at her, i dont know what she wanted me to do about it though =|

Post #640

QUOTE (inb4jdm @ Oct 8 2010, 03:20 PM) *
no idea, i think debree just gets collected along the road and spat back out, i had someone behind me sounding their horn and flashing their lights because mine was flinging rocks at her, i dont know what she wanted me to do about it though =|

well driving behind a truck with rocks flying and stuff isnt a huge problem, i just back the fuck off then it doesnt get me. however then car behinds me is like wtf... and flys past me gets real close and you can pin point the moment they go "ohhhhhhhhhhh"

Post #641

QUOTE (madutedude @ Oct 8 2010, 10:30 AM) *
they where personalized pink plates and a black rav 4 im pretty sure... im not sure exactly what the plates where i think they were somewhere along the lines of bekka.. she was in the area brownsplains in logan

Seriously killed ducks on purpose? I hope i see the car/owner one day.

Post #642

Watched a Falcon drive straight up the ass of another Falcon on the gateway this arvo. Was awesome.

Post #643

QUOTE (stabyoursack @ Oct 8 2010, 04:15 PM) *
Seriously killed ducks on purpose? I hope i see the car/owner one day.

yea mate , she a disturbed bitch

Post #644

A white Jeep Cherokee spotted going sideways and doing fishies on purpose in the rain on more than the one corner. If you want to drift, then buy a drift car and take it to the track. The roads are not your playground, so stop acting like a fool.

Post #645

today, roundabout when you get off the western freeway outbound near darra, where you can go staright to go to darra or right over the highway to riverhills/mtommaney.

to the lady in the silver astra convertible, that felt that i didnt deserve to merge in front of you even thought i already was in front and indicating. you miss are a douche. tailgating me in the wet, then waiting till i turn off before you beep your horn is a silly act. when i turned off i went up the main road at darra, and i saw you go through an "intersection" without looking, going at least 60k. i wished someone woudl have wiped you out cause that would have made my day. but now since i was following you, i now know where you live you dirty whore.

oh btw, WHO WEARS SUNGLASSES WHEN ITS CLOUDY AND RAINING? :o DIRTY WHORE, hope you crash and die one day. and if i wasnt in my mums car i wouldnt have hesitated to brake suddenly and claim an insurance payout from you.

Post #646

This rand shit today, some landrover driver in a massive hole on the side of the M1, whole N bound traffic stopped to have a look and a laugh.

Post #647

Been hit by a car failing to give way to me when I was on a roundabout on my mountain bike.

Was riding to a mates 21st birthday party.
Didn't wanna drive as I was drinking.

Was 5:55pm on a Thursday night and I am partway through the roundabout and I hear a car approaching.
I thought this car is not stopping.
Thought "Fuck, this is going to hurt".
Was an XF Falcon sedan driven by some stupid cow running late for work.
I hear screech of brakes next thing I am airborne and hit the windscreen and go over the car.
Car locked up that hard it busted a front tyre.
First thing I do is get up and shift my bike so it doesn't get run over by other cars.
I walk over to the woman who was just getting out of her car and shout in her face "Why don't you watch where the fuck you are going".
I reckon if it was a guy I probably would have punched them out.
She just says "Can someone tell them I will be late for work"
By this time cops and ambos have come and there is a huge crowd around me.
I just yell "Get the fuck away from me I am ok". (Lots of people were in my face).
I only sustained a few scratches on my back and right arm.
Ambos treated wounds.
The car had over $2500 damage done to it (Actual quote from panelbeaters. I saw the police report).
I was so hyped on adrenalin I forgot I had a camera in my bag I was taking to my mates party.
Could have taken photos.
Cops ended up fixing the flat tyre.
Took 3 months for insurance to pay for my bike to get fixed.
I ended up going out Saturday night and some people who saw the accident said to me "We thought you were dead".
Ended up getting to mates 21st about 3 hours later than I had planned.
None of the people at the party believed what had happened.
I showed them the writeup in the local paper the next day.

The next week after my incident a police car hit a lady on a pushbike while the commisioner was in town.

Post #648

Stock Red V6 VT Commodore - P Plates - Anzac Avenue Kallangur - About 7:30pm 9/10/10

You pack of loudmouthed sistertouching bogan faggots, how awesome are you for screaming unproved abuse from your car.

Pack of little tough @#$!s arent you?

Then quickly darted off onto the highway.

I bet you all sat around afterwards having a circle-jerk about how tough you all were you pack of little flat-brim wearing cock hugging homos.

Go die in a fire you lowbreed pieces of trash

/end rant :o

(edit - fix typo)
Post #649

QUOTE (cameron92 @ Oct 9 2010, 06:00 PM) *
today, roundabout when you get off the western freeway outbound near darra, where you can go staright to go to darra or right over the highway to riverhills/mtommaney.

to the lady in the silver astra convertible, that felt that i didnt deserve to merge in front of you even thought i already was in front and indicating. you miss are a douche. tailgating me in the wet, then waiting till i turn off before you beep your horn is a silly act. when i turned off i went up the main road at darra, and i saw you go through an "intersection" without looking, going at least 60k. i wished someone woudl have wiped you out cause that would have made my day. but now since i was following you, i now know where you live you dirty whore.

oh btw, WHO WEARS SUNGLASSES WHEN ITS CLOUDY AND RAINING? :bowrofl: DIRTY WHORE, hope you crash and die one day. and if i wasnt in my mums car i wouldnt have hesitated to brake suddenly and claim an insurance payout from you.

Lets go there! :o

Post #650

QUOTE (176OES @ Oct 10 2010, 01:47 AM) *
Stock Red V6 VT Commodore - P Plates - Anzac Avenue Kallangur - About 7:30pm 9/10/10

You pack of loudmouthed sistertouching bogan faggots, how awesome are you for screaming unproved abuse from your car.

Pack of little tough @#$!s arent you?

Then quickly darted off onto the highway.

I bet you all sat around afterwards having a circle-jerk about how tough you all were you pack of little flat-brim wearing cock hugging homos.

Go die in a fire you lowbreed pieces of trash

/end rant :bowrofl:

(edit - fix typo)

LOL, classic :o

Post #651

to the P platers in a white VS ute and red VN wagon respectively, well done drag racing down redland bay road fags.. bear in mind i only knew you two were racing from the massive ecotec drone emanating from your sick exhausts.

Post #652

Almost got cleaned up by a maxi taxi that ran through a stop sign yesterday on Underwood Rd. The road is like 4 and a bit cars wide there too because of the turning lanes. Stupid Indian fuck was just staring at my car the whole time too. Lucky that I saw him and thought he was coming up to the intersection too fast, so I put my foot down and hooked it to the left side of my lane bracing for impact. The cunt didn't even brake. Just kept on flying through after he passed. He must have missed me by like 2mm. If I had decided to slam my brakes I probably would have ended up being T-boned.

Pic of intersection so you get an idea of how blind this fuckhead was. White arrow is me, orange arrow is him.

Post #653

pretty much very indian taxi driver and every male P plater in fully sick mummy and daddys car thinkin that they own the fuckin road....

learn how 2 drive you fuck's or get off the fuckin road!!!!!!

Post #654

I've really had no drama's on the road lately. Only gripe is dumbasses sitting in the right lane. They are normally good about it when I come up behind them but some are just stubborn.

I also want to thank the motorists who flash people to let them know there is police presence/speed checks ahead. Really is appreciated and I hope you continue to do so!

Post #655

QUOTE (Roachie @ Oct 10 2010, 01:08 PM) *
pretty much very indian taxi driver and every male P plater in fully sick mummy and daddys car thinkin that they own the fuckin road....

learn how 2 drive you fuck's or get off the fuckin road!!!!!!

hey, when i drive my parents car i always look after it and driver more carefully than i would.
cause if i crash her car my parents probably disown me :o

Post #656

QUOTE (cameron92 @ Oct 10 2010, 08:37 PM) *
hey, when i drive my parents car i always look after it and driver more carefully than i would.
cause if i crash her car my parents probably disown me :o

Yea but unfortuntely, being a p plater (almost opens) there are a huge number of p platers or ruin it by driving like wanks..and dying so i guess thats the stereotype now.

Post #657

QUOTE (ThunderBolt @ Oct 9 2010, 11:07 AM) *
A white Jeep Cherokee spotted going sideways and doing fishies on purpose in the rain on more than the one corner. If you want to drift, then buy a drift car and take it to the track. The roads are not your playground, so stop acting like a fool.

I have seen this car at skids

Post #658

QUOTE (BI0HAZARD @ Oct 10 2010, 09:30 PM) *
Yea but unfortuntely, being a p plater (almost opens) there are a huge number of p platers or ruin it by driving like wanks..and dying so i guess thats the stereotype now.

basically. if you read my rant like a couple of posts up about some bitch in an astra that didnt let me merge in. she saw i was a red p plater and decided to drive like a fuckwit. since i was in my mums car i couldnt really do much. ive also seen a fairshare of p platers driving bad everywhere, especially if the car is full of their mates. thats why i have a small car that can basically fit me and one other person comfortably. kinda stops the peer pressure that people throw at ya.

Post #659

To the driver of the gold Accent on Logan Road, Stones Corner.

Don't indicate RIGHT to turn LEFT.

Post #660

The fuck in the new Audi that I nearly ran into because you entered the round about indicating left and went straight, if I was to hit you then you would of made out that I was at fault so learn to drive fuck stain.

Post #661

QUOTE (trev084 @ Oct 10 2010, 11:18 PM) *
The fuck in the new Audi that I nearly ran into because you entered the round about indicating left and went straight, if I was to hit you then you would of made out that I was at fault so learn to drive fuck stain.

Unfortunately, you would be in the wrong. You must give way to traffic already on the roundabout, regardless of which direction they're going. It does get frustrating i know... just gotta bite your tongue.

Post #662

QUOTE (purepunani @ Oct 10 2010, 11:33 PM) *
Unfortunately, you would be in the wrong. You must give way to traffic already on the roundabout, regardless of which direction they're going. It does get frustrating i know... just gotta bite your tongue.

Nah they went to turn and then went straight but yes I would be at fault.

Post #663

Last sunday around 5:10pm, I was leaving chermside driving along hamilton road. Stopped at the lights in the left hand lane and a gold toyota pulls up next to me. I take off normally and he hears my fully sikk exhaust and decides to attempt to race me, now I've got my missus in the car so I just kept driving normally.
At this point the toyota is just a bit behind me and the form 1 lane sign approaches. I indicate to merge, and he downshifts and floors it to get in front of me at this point I had started merging already so I gunned it too so I wouldn't get rear ended.
The dude now has his front bar within inches of my rear bar most of the way along hamilton rd and we're doing 70. I speed up a bit so he gets the idea and he does as well. So I do the opposite, I hit the brakes, he's still there. I figure fuck it, if he runs up the back of me it's no problem, I've got another car at home. I keep driving. I stop at the lights on Hamilton Rd / Beckett Rd.
Sitting at the lights I notice him get out of the car, approach my window, open my door and attempt to pull me out.
T/C Off, number plates recorded, plant foot, shut door.

I didn't report it to the police as they won't do anything because there wasn't an actual incident and plus they're too busy doing real police work like issuing defects.

I'm not going to post here what I'd like to do to that guy if I see him again.

Post #664

QUOTE (hylian @ Oct 11 2010, 02:18 AM) *
Last sunday around 5:10pm, I was leaving chermside driving along hamilton road. Stopped at the lights in the left hand lane and a gold toyota pulls up next to me. I take off normally and he hears my fully sikk exhaust and decides to attempt to race me, now I've got my missus in the car so I just kept driving normally.
At this point the toyota is just a bit behind me and the form 1 lane sign approaches. I indicate to merge, and he downshifts and floors it to get in front of me at this point I had started merging already so I gunned it too so I wouldn't get rear ended.
The dude now has his front bar within inches of my rear bar most of the way along hamilton rd and we're doing 70. I speed up a bit so he gets the idea and he does as well. So I do the opposite, I hit the brakes, he's still there. I figure fuck it, if he runs up the back of me it's no problem, I've got another car at home. I keep driving. I stop at the lights on Hamilton Rd / Beckett Rd.
Sitting at the lights I notice him get out of the car, approach my window, open my door and attempt to pull me out.
T/C Off, number plates recorded, plant foot, shut door.

I didn't report it to the police as they won't do anything because there wasn't an actual incident and plus they're too busy doing real police work like issuing defects.

I'm not going to post here what I'd like to do to that guy if I see him again.

There are some nutters out there. Brisbane is slowly becoming like sydney.

Post #665

this shit is funny as. dopey asians in their camary's are the fuckin useless

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