Useless Drivers Spotted In Qld - better than spotting hot cars. name and shame shocking driving skills&  

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Post #561

QUOTE (dazzazoo @ Sep 18 2010, 06:37 PM) *
Who: all the ignorant fucks who dont let u merge lanes
When: whenever im tryin to change lanes

I had something like this on the weekend on the way to Toowoomba. There's a few of those highway crossings with merge lanes out there...lazy shit in Ford AU which was merging into the FAST lane on the highway beeped me cause I didn't let him in. Dipshit still wasn't doing 80kms/hr let alone the speed that the rest of us where..which was 100 of course. I know, cause I originally slowed down to let him in, he still didn't speed up, so I dropped the hammer (what I could in the and went past him. Mind you, he still had about 50 meters of lane before he HAD to merge. And no, I couldn't move to the left cause I was next to a rather large truck. the AU driver. Fuck you. Learn to speed up to merge into traffic.

Auto Glamour Detailing
Post #562

Why is it 90% of people dont know how to indicate at a roundabout? Straight ahead seems to confuse the majority the most.

Also indicators are there for mine and everyone else's purpose. They are are to let everyone know of your intentions, not to let your self know you are about to complete a turn. So in future if you are turning right across traffic check your mirrors and surrounding to make sure its safe, indicate, then start braking.

Post #563

where: bp redland bay

who: all the shit p plater/ soccer mums

doin: why the fuck must you continue to do 60 when the sign says 80? every fucking day! really feel like ramming these twat off the road! the when it goes into 2 lanes near shell servo the all speed up you cant undertake/overtake FUCKING shit kents! but when im in the ute i just indicate and merge on them. oh and bus drivers, fucking RAGE!

Post #564

Who: The tailgating p plater on friday arvo

Where: Mount lindsay hwy jimboomba bound.

What: Tailgaiting me doing me doing 100 in a 80 zone. Decided it was a perfect time to check how good my brakes where. Yep! They work fine!

If that was you, suck shit you little faggot. Do it again and it wont only be your undies you need to replace!

Post #565

QUOTE (Gagginforit @ Sep 20 2010, 12:50 PM) *
Who: The tailgating p plater on friday arvo

Where: Mount lindsay hwy jimboomba bound.

What: Tailgaiting me doing me doing 100 in a 80 zone. Decided it was a perfect time to check how good my brakes where. Yep! They work fine!

If that was you, suck shit you little faggot. Do it again and it wont only be your undies you need to replace!

i had a tosser tailgate me in a lancer where beaudesert rd merges to 1 lane just before granger rd. not to incriminate myself, the 80km/h speed limit is a bit slow wink wink. then when we went under the granger/stoney camp rd bridge, he used the onramp to pass me on the left. by the time we got to camp cable rd at jimboomba where i turned off, he was still only one car ahead. so it got him nowhere driving like a fuckin retard.

Post #566

Who: Most cars

Where: Yatala Pies roundabout.

What: One out of three cars on the inside lane of the roundabout will turn into the Old Pacific Highway. Inbreds do it ALL THE TIME.
The inside lane goes around and heads back to BP or can keep on going around. Only the outside lane can go into Old Pac. Hwy

Best place to write your car off and get away with it.

Post #567

QUOTE (028NVD @ Sep 20 2010, 12:27 PM) *
where: bp redland bay

who: all the shit p plater/ soccer mums

doin: why the fuck must you continue to do 60 when the sign says 80? every fucking day! really feel like ramming these twat off the road! the when it goes into 2 lanes near shell servo the all speed up you cant undertake/overtake FUCKING shit kents! but when im in the ute i just indicate and merge on them. oh and bus drivers, fucking RAGE!

Fuck Yes!!!! X 7596.2

Post #568

QUOTE (total_rand @ Sep 20 2010, 05:37 PM) *
Who: Most cars

Where: Yatala Pies roundabout.

What: One out of three cars on the inside lane of the roundabout will turn into the Old Pacific Highway. Inbreds do it ALL THE TIME.
The inside lane goes around and heads back to BP or can keep on going around. Only the outside lane can go into Old Pac. Hwy

Best place to write your car off and get away with it.

I dont see why the inside lane cant go onto the highway.....?
correct me if im wrong.

Edit: I use that roundabout at least 8 times per week
Post #569

QUOTE (aerosport @ Sep 20 2010, 06:51 PM) *

I dont see why the inside lane cant go onto the highway.....?
correct me if im wrong.

Edit: I use that roundabout at least 8 times per week

If thats the right pic, Then your right mate

Post #570

eh i have another one for the thread.

sunday, merging onto logan from mt lindesay highway at browns plains. well im coming onto the highway, trying to merge into the right lane, cause if istay in the left lane ill go towards the gateway.
theres only like a k or two before you meet the interchange bit. so im coming along, trying to merge indicator on, a silver/white early 2000s model falcon just sitting there. then trying to speed up as i merge. i was like fuck this and dropped down a gear and flew past him and merged in.

this is the stupid part. he moved into the lane i was in, and joined the gateway.... :headwall: he could of just let me in then just go into the lane i was in. but nah he had to try and go ahead of me while i have my indicator on, and then when i fly up the left lane he beeps his horn at me.... fuck head.

Post #571

QUOTE (028NVD @ Sep 20 2010, 01:27 PM) *
where: bp redland bay

who: all the shit p plater/ soccer mums

doin: why the fuck must you continue to do 60 when the sign says 80? every fucking day! really feel like ramming these twat off the road! the when it goes into 2 lanes near shell servo the all speed up you cant undertake/overtake FUCKING shit kents! but when im in the ute i just indicate and merge on them. oh and bus drivers, fucking RAGE!

that use to shiit me off big time! i use to have to drive along that road everyday to work. no one seems to understand the reason why im siitting up theyre ass is because they are going 20ks under the speed limit

Post #572

QUOTE (aerosport @ Sep 20 2010, 06:51 PM) *

I dont see why the inside lane cant go onto the highway.....?
correct me if im wrong.

Edit: I use that roundabout at least 8 times per week

If that's the correct roundabout, how else are you meant to exit it if you are coming from the servo? You have to be in the inside lane....

Post #573

QUOTE (PWND @ Sep 21 2010, 08:45 AM) *
If that's the correct roundabout, how else are you meant to exit it if you are coming from the servo? You have to be in the inside lane....

I think that pic is old now as there's only the left lane that can go onto the merge.

Post #574

QUOTE (dazzazoo @ Sep 18 2010, 06:37 PM) *
Who: all the ignorant fucks who dont let u merge lanes
When: whenever im tryin to change lanes

seriously its allmost impossible to change lanes especially in busy traffic u indicate and @#$!s speed up and dont let u in ...

You need a big 4x4 ute like mine.

If people try that shit I keep merging and they soon realise their car will crumple.

Oh and to the towelhead fucking indian call center @#$!!.. dont race off a set of lights.. then do 55/k's and slow me up.. you wonder why theres a bullbar up your ass you curry muncher!

Post #575

lol some chick was in the left hand lane on the M1 yesty i was coming up the right hand lane just overtaking as you do, and it was as if she saw me coming to pass her and she decided to jump into the right hand lane and slow down, just totally stopping me, was a very wtf moment because she changed lanes so suddenly only to not overtake the car infront of her at all, she just sat there and blocked me off for ages going the exact same speed (80kms) in the right hand lane, fucking whore, needless to say i boosted the shit out of her in my N/A daily driver barina when it went three lanes.

Post #576

QUOTE (MJ80 @ Sep 22 2010, 10:10 PM) *
lol some chick was in the left hand lane on the M1 yesty i was coming up the right hand lane just overtaking as you do, and it was as if she saw me coming to pass her and she decided to jump into the right hand lane and slow down, just totally stopping me, was a very wtf moment because she changed lanes so suddenly only to not overtake the car infront of her at all, she just sat there and blocked me off for ages going the exact same speed (80kms) in the right hand lane, fucking whore, needless to say i boosted the shit out of her in my N/A daily driver barina when it went three lanes.

was she hot?

Post #577

QUOTE (Ms Bec @ Sep 6 2010, 02:13 PM) *
Hahaha wouldn't happen to be this 'fail at life offset'?

QUOTE (Fappy @ Sep 6 2010, 02:28 PM) *
bahaha that does fail at life. What crappy offset.

QUOTE (SKID IT @ Sep 7 2010, 08:15 PM) *
Yes that's the one!!


I fixed that "fail at life" offset long ago.

Thanks for your concerns though.

91 silvia style
Post #578

To the douche with the NSW rego 'MARJAC' driving in the kedron area... YOUR SUPPOSE TO TAKE YOUR FOOT OFF THE BRAKES WHEN ACCELERATING! Oh and the speed limit is 60 not 40 so do it!

Post #579

QUOTE (Xr2Nv @ Sep 23 2010, 09:03 AM) *
was she hot?


Post #580

QUOTE (blackfeet @ Sep 23 2010, 10:20 AM) *


Post #581

sunnybank asians... you ain't the fuck!n dynasty royal family you fu(ks!! the republics ppl do NOT move out of the way for you. it is YOU who move the FU(k outta the way for us!

Just cause it's a Benz/Beem/Honda or whatever flavor it is this year doesn't make you royalty!! after all, your still going back to your "Big mansions" with your whole damn village from asia living in it!

Either way, GTF outta my way!! LEFT LANE.. Get it? LEFT LANE.. not RIGHT LANE to putt along at 40km/h Just cause you can afford the car but not the fuel doesn't mean we gotta push our whips at your dumb @$$ pace.

Post #582

I just love cruising in the truck with me dad and seeing all the wank stains who pull in front of trucks at the traffic lights while the truck is slowing down... I swear 80% of people in Australia dont know how to drive...

Post #583

QUOTE (Plugg3r @ Sep 23 2010, 03:16 PM) *
I swear 80% of people in Australia dont know how to drive...

And the same percentage can't vote or understand how anything works,nor do they care about much cept their fucking shit TV shows and other lame BS.

Post #584

QUOTE (VTR @ Sep 23 2010, 03:25 PM) *
And the same percentage can't vote or understand how anything works,nor do they care about much cept their fucking shit TV shows and other lame BS.

*applause* well said

Post #585

was driving behind some red p plater was like a peugeot hatch which had a roof wing on the motor way heading ipswitch
n it came off had to dodge it =='

Post #586

Forget what car a commo or something along the lines of... Some idiot thought it was awesome on Smith St to indicate for one flash and pull in front of me with probably just enough ample space just to get his car in between myself and the car infront of me... would have swiped me if I hadn't braked... So I get on the horn he then gives me the finger? Fuckwit...

91 silvia style
Post #587

QUOTE (eXo @ Sep 23 2010, 03:00 PM) *
sunnybank asians... you ain't the fuck!n dynasty royal family you fu(ks!! the republics ppl do NOT move out of the way for you. it is YOU who move the FU(k outta the way for us!

Just cause it's a Benz/Beem/Honda or whatever flavor it is this year doesn't make you royalty!! after all, your still going back to your "Big mansions" with your whole damn village from asia living in it!

Either way, GTF outta my way!! LEFT LANE.. Get it? LEFT LANE.. not RIGHT LANE to putt along at 40km/h Just cause you can afford the car but not the fuel doesn't mean we gotta push our whips at your dumb @$$ pace.


Post #588

QUOTE (aerosport @ Sep 20 2010, 06:51 PM) *

I dont see why the inside lane cant go onto the highway.....?
correct me if im wrong.

Edit: I use that roundabout at least 8 times per week

Nah buddy, I meant the Old Pacific Highway. That heads towards Milards and Almar.
It's a suicide to stay in the outer lane when you want to enter the motorway through it.

Added Image

Post #589

I don't usually post on here because once I start I'd never stop thanks to Brisbane's finest on the roads, but yesterday's dickhead deserves special credit.
To the wanker in the lime green VE commodore at milton yesterday afternoon with his boyfriend riding shotgun:
First you sit at a green light and don't fucking indicate or turn, then when you do you stop in the middle of an intersection to look around and smile.
Learn to drive or pull over while your boyfriend's blowing you. It's clearly affecting you driving.

Post #590

QUOTE (total_rand @ Sep 23 2010, 11:22 PM) *
Nah buddy, I meant the Old Pacific Highway. That heads towards Milards and Almar.
It's a suicide to stay in the outer lane when you want to enter the motorway through it.

Added Image

Ok, by the picture you added i now understand what you mean. I enter that roundabout just from the left of your pic and if someone is on the inside lane i wont even risk entering...

Post #591

To the retarded Asian Camry driver in Darra who decided it was a good idea to turn into a side street to do a u-turn and then proceed to pull out into traffic in front of me without looking.

Lets just say, you are lucky I was driving my Falcon and not my R34, If I was driving the Skyline I would have just ran straight into the side of your car and felt good doing it...

Post #592

QUOTE (Xr2Nv @ Sep 23 2010, 09:03 AM) *
was she hot?

QUOTE (blackfeet @ Sep 23 2010, 10:20 AM) *

QUOTE (esr88 @ Sep 23 2010, 10:24 AM) *

She was, nice little office getup, brown hair, glasses, she had a slight smile on her face too, perhaps because she knew she had pissed me off ?

Think im in love actually.

Post #593

every stupid fuck that doesn't indicate on a roundabout. You are all retards and i hope you all die and burn in hell. Stop wasting our oxygen and just neck yourselves, save a persons life and drive into a tree.

Post #594

QUOTE (Shane-o @ Sep 24 2010, 06:10 PM) *
every stupid fuck that doesn't indicate on a roundabout. You are all retards and i hope you all die and burn in hell. Stop wasting our oxygen and just neck yourselves, save a persons life and drive into a tree.

I agree I hate when people dont indicate on roundabout...but I think your going a bit far after that...

Post #595

QUOTE (Shane-o @ Sep 24 2010, 06:10 PM) *
every stupid fuck that doesn't indicate on a roundabout. You are all retards and i hope you all die and burn in hell. Stop wasting our oxygen and just neck yourselves, save a persons life and drive into a tree.


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