Qld Police Will Try Anything  

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Post #141

thats so stupid lucky you got away with it :thumbsup:

Post #142

QUOTE (purepunani @ Sep 5 2010, 01:17 PM) *
Where in my post did i say a Calais isn't a commodore? We all know a calais is a commodore with some flashy grilles. The Stateman/Grange type vehicles have a longer wheel base and yes, are set upon a different chassis.

And without a doubt i see the chev lumina and vauxhalls, as commodores. If you put a picture of either infront of me, i would call it a commodore.

I was just merely trying to point out that the "i chuck a shit" analogy is with lack of a better phrase: half assed.

i was merely having a laugh...lighten up ffs

Post #143

QUOTE (oovro @ Sep 8 2010, 06:38 PM) *
Well here is an update for you. I parked in a 10min car park for a little longer than 10 minutes today. As i returned to my car to move it the same female officer and 1 of the same male officers were writing me up for parking there longer than i should have. No problem with that as i was there longer than i should have been. I asked the officer how she went with her enquiries on the the matter from Sunday night. The male officer said that there was no law saying that i couldn't have my buiness sticker on my car. I said that i knew that but i just wanted to make sure she knew. She didn't say much. I told them to have a nice day and went on my way.

You also might want to rethink being a smartarse. I'm sure you'll get sick of getting tickets before they get sick of writing them.

I think you should quit while you are ahead...... :Drink:

Post #144

i got dun for my car being to low. and that when i break my car will be too low but its not to low when it sits and then we went into it more and i then said my car doesnt get lower when i break coz i got springs in it to make them tight he then turned his dumbass around and waddled to his car and left not a word.

Post #145

QUOTE (CommoBroo @ Sep 8 2010, 08:56 PM) *
i got dun for my car being to low. and that when i break my car will be too low but its not to low when it sits and then we went into it more and i then said my car doesnt get lower when i break coz i got springs in it to make them tight he then turned his dumbass around and waddled to his car and left not a word.

was probably radioing the station to see if they had any translators that he could acquire the use of

Post #146

QUOTE (fullysicman @ Sep 8 2010, 08:13 PM) *
You also might want to rethink being a smartarse. I'm sure you'll get sick of getting tickets before they get sick of writing them.

I think you should quit while you are ahead...... :Drink:

X 2

QPS even if highly intelligent are known for being 'sore losers'

Post #147

QUOTE (fullysicman @ Sep 8 2010, 08:13 PM) *
You also might want to rethink being a smartarse. I'm sure you'll get sick of getting tickets before they get sick of writing them.

I think you should quit while you are ahead...... :Drink:

I'd rather be a smart ass than a dumb ass like the QLD Police.

Post #148

QUOTE (oovro @ Sep 8 2010, 09:45 PM) *
I'd rather be a smart ass than a dumb ass like the QLD Police.

OMG. How old are you? 16?

I bet chicks get wet at the sight of you :Drink:

And people wonder why 7/11 crew have a reputation as fags

Post #149

That is pretty nuts to be honest! But yeah, you're right. They will try anything to get ya! Pigs!

Post #150

QUOTE (bop001 @ Sep 8 2010, 09:53 PM) *
OMG. How old are you? 16?

I bet chicks get wet at the sight of you :Drink:

And people wonder why 7/11 crew have a reputation as fags

Is that why you hang out there?
Seriously, if your going to hang shit on people about something, make sure you don't do it yourself.

Post #151

QUOTE (oovro @ Sep 8 2010, 10:45 PM) *
I'd rather be a smart ass than a dumb ass like the QLD Police.

lol and make sure you give it to them next time you are on the bus , because you have lost your licence from all those tickets. I'm sure they will be shaking in thier boots. One day you make just strike one that does know what he/she is talking about.

Post #152

cops tryed getting me for my chrome factory back bar on my ute saying it obstructs other drivers.

also they left without saying anything this was at side hooters in mermaid waters

and in cavil ave cops tried getting me for having A spare tyer in the back tray of my ute saying its a crash hazard if i crash it may kill me or a civilian and i dont even now how the fuck they even seen it in there.

also in Cristine ave cops gave me a $120 fine and 1 point for 3k over the speed limit but he was just a @#$! of a cop on his motor bike a wanna be biker

Post #153

QUOTE (Nick2go @ Sep 9 2010, 01:10 AM) *
cops tryed getting me for my chrome factory back bar on my ute saying it obstructs other drivers.

also they left without saying anything this was at side hooters in mermaid waters

and in cavil ave cops tried getting me for having A spare tyer in the back tray of my ute saying its a crash hazard if i crash it may kill me or a civilian and i dont even now how the fuck they even seen it in there.

also in Cristine ave cops gave me a $120 fine and 1 point for 3k over the speed limit but he was just a @#$! of a cop on his motor bike a wanna be biker

No such fine of $120 for 3 k's over.. From memory it used to be $100 and now it's $133. I'm sure you need a lot more skills to be a bike cop than a biker has.

Post #154

I got pulled into a defect station along kangaroo point the other day.

This lowbreed faggot police officer called my car a shitbox so I started getting lippy with him (didnt swear or insult him) and he said he would lock me up if I kept going, LOL good luck fuckhead. I would have dragged his ass through a false arrest case if he even tried.

I got done for a cracked front windscreen (fair enough) and rear tint too dark (Ohnoes endangering so many lives!!!) even though you can see out clearly.

I do however love the fact that it was purely a revenue raising operation. They overlooked the height of my car, my non ADR compliant suspension, my tyre stretch, wheels poking out of the guards and the fact that my car is stupidly noisy, they were just after a few quick fines to hand out. No points and $100.

Good job fuckheads, I hope you sleep better at night now.

Post #155

QUOTE (autech_s15 @ Sep 11 2010, 11:04 PM) *
I got pulled into a defect station along kangaroo point the other day.

This lowbreed faggot police officer called my car a shitbox so I started getting lippy with him (didnt swear or insult him) and he said he would lock me up if I kept going, LOL good luck fuckhead. I would have dragged his ass through a false arrest case if he even tried.

I got done for a cracked front windscreen (fair enough) and rear tint too dark (Ohnoes endangering so many lives!!!) even though you can see out clearly.

I do however love the fact that it was purely a revenue raising operation. They overlooked the height of my car, my non ADR compliant suspension, my tyre stretch, wheels poking out of the guards and the fact that my car is stupidly noisy, they were just after a few quick fines to hand out. No points and $100.

Good job fuckheads, I hope you sleep better at night now.

Had similar.

Borrow housemates car to go to work (Caged MX5, Coils etc) and on my way home got pulled into an RBT (Randomly pulling over everyone lol :P) and they noticed I didn't have P's on. I had a valid reason, but no. Defected me for non padded cage, bald tyre, steering wheel (stock mind you). Mind you he forgot about the baseball bat in the car.

360 fines and 5 points.

Sucks hard, I was doing my work a favour and I got shafted.

Post #156

If you degenerate triangles can't contribute something positive to this thread, then don't bother posting it. I am sick of cleaning up the countless dribble that some of you post on here about one another.

Think before you post, or I'll remove your posting rights and make the decision for you.

Post #157

I got done for a cracked front windscreen (fair enough) and rear tint too dark (Ohnoes endangering so many lives!!!) even though you can see out clearly.

you do know the there is no maximum tint darkness for rear windows. infact they can be completly blacked out this includes the rear windscreen the front side windows can be no darker that 10%(i think correct if wrong civaly please) and the front windscreen cannot be tinted any more than 10%from the top of the glass or below the travel of the wiper blades whichever is smaller

Post #158

Tinting may be fitted to the upper portion of a windscreen of a motor vehicle. The tinting must not extend lower than a horizontal line connecting the uppermost points of the arcs swept by the vehicle manufacturer’s original wiper blades or the upper 10 per cent of the windscreen, whichever is the lesser. The tinting may be of any shade but must not have a reflectance of more than 10 per cent.

Film which has a reflectance of more that 10 per cent must not be used on any windscreen or window


Post #159

They tried to fine my sister for not having a mod plate for her standard wrx seats in her wrx???

Post #160

QUOTE (autech_s15 @ Sep 11 2010, 11:04 PM) *
I got pulled into a defect station along kangaroo point the other day.

This lowbreed faggot police officer called my car a shitbox so I started getting lippy with him (didnt swear or insult him) and he said he would lock me up if I kept going, LOL good luck fuckhead. I would have dragged his ass through a false arrest case if he even tried.

I got done for a cracked front windscreen (fair enough) and rear tint too dark (Ohnoes endangering so many lives!!!) even though you can see out clearly.

I do however love the fact that it was purely a revenue raising operation. They overlooked the height of my car, my non ADR compliant suspension, my tyre stretch, wheels poking out of the guards and the fact that my car is stupidly noisy, they were just after a few quick fines to hand out. No points and $100.

Good job fuckheads, I hope you sleep better at night now.

1. Cracked Winscreen
2. Illegal Tint
3. Too Low
4. Non ADR Suspension
5. Illegal wheels
6. Too noisy

All these defectshmmmmmmm ...... So let me guess this right. You would have prefered them to give you a major defect fine (and possible order your car off the road) for $200 and 3 points rather than to $100 and 1 point (yes you lose 1 point)..

I think you should give them a call and let them know your disgust in the fact that they overlooked all the major defects on your car and insist that they give you the correct fine and take more points off you

Post #161

QUOTE (khubner @ Sep 12 2010, 09:50 AM) *
you do know the there is no maximum tint darkness for rear windows. infact they can be completly blacked out this includes the rear windscreen the front side windows can be no darker that 10%(i think correct if wrong civaly please) and the front windscreen cannot be tinted any more than 10%from the top of the glass or below the travel of the wiper blades whichever is smaller

seriously people do some research before you comment

33 Window tinting

(1) Glazing used in a windscreen of a motor vehicle must have a luminous transmittance of at least–

(a) for a motor vehicle built after 1971–75%; or

(:P for another motor vehicle–70%.

(2) Glazing used in a windscreen of a motor vehicle must not be coated in a way that reduces its luminous transmittance.

(3) However, subsections (1) and (2) do not apply to the greater of the following areas of a windscreen–

(a) the area above the highest point of the windscreen that is swept by a windscreen wiper;

(:P the upper 10% of the windscreen.

(4) Glazing used in a window or interior partition of a motor vehicle must have a luminous transmittance of at least 70%.

(5) Glazing used in a window or interior partition may be coated to achieve a luminous transmittance of not less than 35%.

(6) Glazing that has been coated to reduce its luminous transmittance must not have a reflectance of over 10%.

(7) The luminous transmittance requirement in subsection (5) applies to a vehicle instead of the corresponding requirements in the relevant ADR.

(8) In this section–

glazing means material fitted to the front, sides, rear or interior of a motor vehicle, through which the driver can see the road, but does not include a coating added after manufacture of the material.

luminous transmittance, for glazing, means the amount of light that can pass through the glazing as a percentage of the amount of light that would be transmitted if the glazing were absent.

Post #162

QUOTE (khubner @ Sep 12 2010, 09:50 AM) *
you do know the there is no maximum tint darkness for rear windows. infact they can be completly blacked out this includes the rear windscreen the front side windows can be no darker that 10%(i think correct if wrong civaly please) and the front windscreen cannot be tinted any more than 10%from the top of the glass or below the travel of the wiper blades whichever is smaller

As below... youre wrong. 35% is the legal limit.

QUOTE (fullysicman @ Sep 12 2010, 11:57 AM) *
1. Cracked Winscreen
2. Illegal Tint
3. Too Low
4. Non ADR Suspension
5. Illegal wheels
6. Too noisy

All these defectshmmmmmmm ...... So let me guess this right. You would have prefered them to give you a major defect fine (and possible order your car off the road) for $200 and 3 points rather than to $100 and 1 point (yes you lose 1 point)..

I think you should give them a call and let them know your disgust in the fact that they overlooked all the major defects on your car and insist that they give you the correct fine and take more points off you

Not my point shit dick.

The wheels aren't "Illegal" the rolling diametre is within the legal limits, as is the load rating on the tyres. I was however using it as an example, we know how police like to make up their own laws "dur wheels can't be more than 2 inches bigger than factory" and so on.

My point was that it was merely an effort to throw out a few easy fines with minimal paperwork. I do not "prefer" that they had fined me for the above items however if they did I would have taken it as I knowingly was driving my car with the said defects. Unlike the fuckheads on here who complain about getting defected, I'm not complaining about the defects, they are applicable.

My KEY point was the BEHAVIOR and ATTITUDE of the police officers, which was completely unprofessional and rude. As citizens we should not have to put up with this and the next time this occurs I will be recording the entire conversation and lodging a formal complaint against any officers who speak to me unprofessionally and out of conduct.

Post #163

I have nothing against cops but the following annoyed the shit out of me.

A few years ago they did a U turn and pulled me over and were saying that my car was not reg'd even though I pointed out the rego sticker which is on the top of my windscreen as I can't have it on the side due to tint and having it at the bottom where they say to have it obstructs my vision, anyway I gave them the receipt to show it had been paid, for 5 mins this one cop was stuffing around telling me that it was unregistered while his colleague was on the computer which they could of checked before insulting me, the other officer finally got out and gave me my licence and said I was fine to go.

Post #164

i thought 20% was as far as you could go

Post #165

like i said i thought 10% was the darkest you could go obviously that was not right it appear 35% is the correct figure however this only applies to the front windows.the rear passenger windows can be tinted as dark as you feel like and many cars come out factory with a darker tint on the rear than on the front.

examples to my point and these might not be the best to use. would be limo's both stretch and normal luxury(ie bently's etc) ambulances(this is more for the privacy of the patient than anything else).

if it didn't look so unco i would go darkest legal on the front windows and darker on the back but it just looks odd

3) However, subsections (1) and (2) do not apply to the greater of the following areas of a windscreen–

(a) the area above the highest point of the windscreen that is swept by a windscreen wiper;

(:lol: the upper 10% of the windscreen
omg i got something right!

Post #166

QUOTE (khubner @ Sep 12 2010, 05:42 PM) *
like i said i thought 10% was the darkest you could go obviously that was not right it appear 35% is the correct figure however this only applies to the front windows.the rear passenger windows can be tinted as dark as you feel like and many cars come out factory with a darker tint on the rear than on the front.

examples to my point and these might not be the best to use. would be limo's both stretch and normal luxury(ie bently's etc) ambulances(this is more for the privacy of the patient than anything else).

if it didn't look so unco i would go darkest legal on the front windows and darker on the back but it just looks odd

omg i got something right!

(5) Glazing used in a window or interior partition may be coated to achieve a luminous transmittance of not less than 35%.

(8) In this section–

glazing means material fitted to the front, sides, rear or interior of a motor vehicle, through which the driver can see the road, but does not include a coating added after manufacture of the material.

Stop giving out bad information.

Post #167

the point is the driver is not looking at the road through the rear passenger windows!

Post #168

QUOTE (khubner @ Sep 12 2010, 08:22 PM) *
the point is the driver is not looking at the road through the rear passenger windows!

I don't have rear passenger windows :lol:

Post #169

QUOTE (khubner @ Sep 12 2010, 08:22 PM) *
the point is the driver is not looking at the road through the rear passenger windows!

Little known fact, cars have a gear which allows you to reverse. i have some seriously dark tint on the back. its an absolute kunt for me to reverse by looking over my shoulder at night, i cant see shit all, and makes it rather hazardous. that said its excellent when driving normally as headlights and even highbeams from cars behnd you dont really effect you. i have never even used the mirror flippy thing to stop headlights distracting your eyes.

Post #170

QUOTE (autech_s15 @ Sep 12 2010, 02:25 PM) *
As below... youre wrong. 35% is the legal limit.

Not my point shit dick.

The wheels aren't "Illegal" the rolling diametre is within the legal limits, as is the load rating on the tyres. I was however using it as an example, we know how police like to make up their own laws "dur wheels can't be more than 2 inches bigger than factory" and so on.

My point was that it was merely an effort to throw out a few easy fines with minimal paperwork. I do not "prefer" that they had fined me for the above items however if they did I would have taken it as I knowingly was driving my car with the said defects. Unlike the fuckheads on here who complain about getting defected, I'm not complaining about the defects, they are applicable.

My KEY point was the BEHAVIOR and ATTITUDE of the police officers, which was completely unprofessional and rude. As citizens we should not have to put up with this and the next time this occurs I will be recording the entire conversation and lodging a formal complaint against any officers who speak to me unprofessionally and out of conduct.

wow great vocabulary there.. In your words ... dur police dont make up dur rules they look under dur

44 Alternative tyres, rims and wheels

(1) Tyres and rims fitted to a motor vehicle that is a car, car derivative or off-road passenger vehicle need not comply with section 7(1) or 8(1) if–

(a) the combination of tyre and rim–

(i) has a diameter that is–

(A) not more than 15mm more than the diameter specified by the vehicle’s manufacturer; or

(:lol: not more than 26mm less than the diameter specified by the vehicle’s manufacturer; and

(ii) accords with the specifications contained in–

(A) if the vehicle was manufactured before 1 January 1974–1 of the following manuals–

• the Tyre and Rim Standards Manual of the Tyre and Rim Association of Australia

• the 1981 Tire and Rim Association Inc. Year Book

• the British Standard, BS AU 50

• the Japan Automobile Tyre Manufacturers Association

• the Japanese Industrial Standards (JIS-D4202) and (JIS-D4218)

• the European Tyre and Rim Technical Organisation Practices (E.T.R.T.O.)

• the Deutsche Industrie Norm (DIN) 7818

• the Deutsche Industrie Norm (DIN) 7817; or

(:) if the vehicle was manufactured on or after 1 January 1974–Table 2 of ADR 23; and

(:P the maximum tyre width is–

(i) for a car or car derivative–not more than 1.3 times the width of the vehicle manufacturer’s widest optional tyre; or

(ii) for an off-road passenger vehicle fitted with front and rear beam axles–not more than 1.5 times the width of the vehicle manufacturer’s widest optional tyre; and

© the minimum tyre width is 70% of the width of the widest tyre fitted to the vehicle but not less than the vehicle manufacturer’s narrowest optional tyre.

(2) A motor vehicle that is a car, car derivative or off-road passenger vehicle using car tyres must not be fitted with–

(a) any combination of tyre and rim which, when fitted to the vehicle, fouls the wheel housing or running gear under any condition; or

(:ph34r: any wheel in which–

(i) there is a circumferential weld other than a weld attaching the rim to the wheel centre; or

(ii) the diameter, width or offset of its rim differs from the rim of another wheel on the same axle; or

(iii) the wheel-securing stud holes are not circular; or

(iv) the pitch circle diameter of the wheel-securing stud holes is different from that of the original equipment wheel studs; or

© any wheel which will result in the widest track specified by the vehicle manufacturer being exceeded by more than–

(i) for a car or car derivative–26mm; or

(ii) for an off-road passenger vehicle fitted with front and rear beam axles–50mm; or

(d) a wheel that will reduce the track specified for the vehicle by its manufacturer; or

(e) for a motor vehicle manufactured on or after 1 July 1985, a wheel that–

(i) is not approved as original equipment or original equipment replacement by the vehicle manufacturer; or

(ii) is not indelibly marked with the wheel’s nominal diameter and width, offset, and the mark of a standard of an approved organisation in a location so that they are readily visible when the wheel is correctly installed on the vehicle; or

(f) a spacer between wheel and hub additional to any provided by the vehicle manufacturer; or

(g) a wheel nut which does not engage the thread of the wheel stud for at least the same length as the wheel nut provided by the vehicle manufacturer or a wheel nut that does not match the taper on the wheel stud hole; or

(h) any eccentric wheel stud or eccentric wheel nut.

(3) In subsection (2)(e)(ii)–

approved organisation means any of the following–

• Wheel Industries Association (Australia)

• Standards Australia

• Technischer Uberwachungen, Verein

• Japanese Industrial Standards.

What I find hilarious is that you are rude to people who post on here Not my point shit dick yet you expect people to give you the same respect. Don't recall any point where I resorted to name calling. But then again I suppose I am over 18 and mature

Post #171

QUOTE (autech_s15 @ Sep 12 2010, 02:25 PM) *
The wheels aren't "Illegal" the rolling diametre is within the legal limits, as is the load rating on the tyres. I was however using it as an example, we know how police like to make up their own laws "dur wheels can't be more than 2 inches bigger than factory" and so on.

oh did I mention that wheels are ILLEGAL if they are outside the guards (as you said they do) The below extract is from the Qld Transport Modifcation Guide.

General conditions for
alternative rims and tyres

The rims and tyres must not protrude beyond the
bodywork of the vehicle, including flares, when viewed
from above with the wheels facing straight ahead. If the
vehicle was originally constructed with a portion of the
wheel protruding, the wheels must not protrude further
than originally constructed.

Post #172

QUOTE (autech_s15 @ Sep 12 2010, 02:25 PM) *
My KEY point was the BEHAVIOR and ATTITUDE of the police officers, which was completely unprofessional and rude. As citizens we should not have to put up with this and the next time this occurs I will be recording the entire conversation and lodging a formal complaint against any officers who speak to me unprofessionally and out of conduct.

oh and one more thing, 99% of police are recording you anyway.

Post #173

QUOTE (khubner @ Sep 12 2010, 08:22 PM) *
the point is the driver is not looking at the road through the rear passenger windows!

Off topic, you live in the next street from me lol

Post #174

QUOTE (Stompy @ Sep 13 2010, 04:39 AM) *
Little known fact, cars have a gear which allows you to reverse. i have some seriously dark tint on the back. its an absolute kunt for me to reverse by looking over my shoulder at night, i cant see shit all, and makes it rather hazardous. that said its excellent when driving normally as headlights and even highbeams from cars behnd you dont really effect you. i have never even used the mirror flippy thing to stop headlights distracting your eyes.

you need to get a honda which has the auto dimming rear view mirror, works very well :lol:

Post #175

QUOTE (fullysicman @ Sep 11 2010, 09:20 PM) *
No such fine of $120 for 3 k's over.. From memory it used to be $100 and now it's $133. I'm sure you need a lot more skills to be a bike cop than a biker has.

yeah thats what i though i was going to fight it but i had no chance i still got the yellow ticket pricks

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