Qld Police Will Try Anything  

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Post #71

QUOTE (35NIK @ Sep 3 2010, 11:50 AM) *
It's person like you who piss police off, which puts anyone who has a modified car in risk of been ass raped with defects.

How about some manners and not piss them off with been a fucking smart ass!!!!! You can always find the nice way to talk you're way out of a defect and not be a smart ass.

I'd rather be a smart ass than dumb ass like you. For your information fuckwit i was polite untill she started with the attitude. Thats when i got going with being a smart ass. And as for people like me causeing people like you to get defects, don't have a defective car and you wont get ass raped.

Post #72

QUOTE (boostd_civic @ Sep 3 2010, 09:57 AM) *
did they notice the NOS bottle in your boot (if you still have the same commo as in your topics)?? lol
good to see you held up your end of the battle and it payed off.

Same car but i took the NOS out.

Post #73

QUOTE (oovro @ Sep 2 2010, 11:50 PM) *
lol My car is a Calais. NOT a Commodore.

er ... pretty much the same thing !!! you commodore (er sorry CALAIS) owners, make me laugh sometimes ... :(

Its a case of he said she said, but having said that, copper was probably having a bad day, hence why she decided to pick on you, either that or she hadn't made her quota for the day..

Funny thing is, some people would have believed her to, as they wouldnt have stood up to her !!!

Post #74

should have just given them the sunnycoastcustoms website to check

Post #75

was it http://www.sunnycoastcustoms.com.au ?

Post #76

QUOTE (oovro @ Sep 2 2010, 11:19 PM) *
Has anyone else had this sort of thing told to them?

I drove into supercheap macgregor last week and when I came out 10 minutes later 3 cops(1 guy, 2 girls fron upper mount gravatt traffic branch) where waiting for me and my friend. They had followed us there for a "random licence check". It was 11am on a tuesday morning. The breath tested me and ask my mate for his details. My mate said no becuase he does not legally have to give his details in qld, and had done nothing wrong. The cop keep saying he was authorised to ask for the details. My mate keep asking is he legally required to give his details, and the cop keep saying he was authorised to ask him for his details. This went on for 10 minutes. Finally my mate gave him the details then the cop laughed at him and said "I am authorised to ask you but you dont legally have to give them to me" I have lost alot of respect for the police. They waste 10 minutes sitting outside supercheap waiting for me when I have done nothing wrong, then he deceived my mate and when he asked the cop a stright question at least 15 times, then laughed about it. 3 cops wasting 30 minutes of their time, and my time

I also had a run in with the same cop 2 months eariler when driving my R33. He pulled me over in runcorn for a "random roadworthy check". He did a u turn went thru a red light, and did about 100kph in a 60kph zone to catch me to do this random check. He asked me to open the boot on my r33 so he could check my spare wheel. He was just using this as an excuse to look in the boot of my car

This 1 cop is prob the cause of alot of ill feeling with the driving public

As for the original posters questions the law in qld is you can have stickers/signwriting for your business on your car/van if you dont park it on public property with the express intention of advertsing your business.

Post #77

i've had a run in with female cops before.. seemed very polite to me so far.

so it seems that lately police are really trying their hardest to crack down on people. Probably ever since ACA had a case on their speed cameras being dodgy so they fall back into getting money out of cars haha. so sad.
I honestly rkn they are wayyyy too over powered in what they can do. kinda seems like the QLD police is Corrupt =\

Post #78

this was in the car park of alex hill ay we drove past watchin they were out to get everyone on thursday , atleast you got out with no fines :(

Post #79

PFFFFTTTT tincan puhlease!

custom coast cars is where its at :(

:thumbsup: :lol:

Post #80

LOOOOOOOOOOL BRAD!!!!!! I remember that DOUCHE!

Post #81

i dont know wtf u guys are on about i get pulled up often and no fines if you treat them the way you want to be treated

Post #82

QUOTE (oovro @ Sep 2 2010, 11:48 PM) *
Lauching my car to 60kmph is not speeding.

no but its considered a time trial and its part of the anti-hooning laws, making it worse than rape in the eyes of the law.

Post #83

That's already been discussed Kory :oopsie: Learn to read a thread. You know the law is bad when you can have your car taken off you for a period of time for launching at the lights even with no car in the other lane. Almost lost a mate's car this way. Also in my personal experience the female cops always seem to act like they have something to prove. I have about 3 in this town that always give me death stares when I see them out on patrol.

Post #84

QUOTE (oovro @ Sep 2 2010, 11:19 PM) *
I was parked up in a carpark chatting to a few mates and showing them my engine bay when the Police pulled in to have a look aswell. They decided to go over the car and try to find defects. When they failed to find any the female officer tells me that im not allowed to have my business sticker on the car because its classed as business advertisement. I thought she was having a lend of me till i realised she was serious. I told her that she was wrong and that she may want to learn the law again. She started to get a little pissed off at this stage and told me that i need paperwork to advertise on my car. I then asked her to take a look at the Police car they were in and said "You have your car marked with what can be classed as a business and then you have the crime stoppers number on it. So do you have your paperwork?" she said she did but when i asked to see it she decided to say that they don't need it. She decided to call the traffic branch to check. She made about 5 calls and then left without saying anything.

Has anyone else had this sort of thing told to them?

was she hot?

Post #85

QUOTE (Xr2Nv @ Sep 4 2010, 09:29 AM) *
was she hot?

FUCKIN NO. lol She looked like she hd been dragged face first accross cattle grid.

Post #86

QUOTE (oovro @ Sep 4 2010, 10:00 AM) *
FUCKIN NO. lol She looked like she hd been dragged face first accross cattle grid.

Lmao... ok fair enough :oopsie:

Post #87

QUOTE (Kory @ Sep 3 2010, 10:23 PM) *
no but its considered a time trial and its part of the anti-hooning laws, making it worse than rape in the eyes of the law.

Well concidering you get more time for driving offences than rape i would say your right. The law is to fucked up these days.

Reminds me of this pic.

Post #88

shut up idiot

Post #89

QUOTE (Brennan @ Sep 4 2010, 04:22 PM) *
shut up idiot

Who are you talking to?

Post #90

Given the proliferation of threads appearing lately that are questioning the knowledge, attitude and integrity of QLD police officers, it might be an apt time to remind everyone not to tar all QPS officers with the same brush.

There are some brilliant individuals who are currently serving police officers. Detective Senior Sergeant Terry Goldsworthy (Burleigh Heads CIB) is perhaps one of the most intelligent people i know and could teach every single person in this thread a thing or two (myself included). He could easily command 2 or 3 times his current salary in the private sector but chooses not to as he obviously loves his job, and the Queensland Police Service is better for it. Even though most of our encounters have been adversarial in nature, i have always walked out with the utmost respect for him as both a police officer and a human being.

So although there are plenty of 'green' police officers out there, remember that there also plenty that could hand your ass to you on a platter in the blink of an eye.

Post #91

Yeah there are some officers that have the right attitude and integrity when it comes to dealing with the public and its a shame that they get a bad wrap because of the bad ones.

The QLD Police Commisioner should appoint this Detective Goldsworthy as a role model for the rest of the force in attitude if he's as good as you say xxxxgold.

Post #92

QUOTE (xxxxgold @ Sep 4 2010, 07:29 PM) *
Given the proliferation of threads appearing lately that are questioning the knowledge, attitude and integrity of QLD police officers, it might be an apt time to remind everyone not to tar all QPS officers with the same brush.

There are some brilliant individuals who are currently serving police officers. Detective Senior Sergeant Terry Goldsworthy (Burleigh Heads CIB) is perhaps one of the most intelligent people i know and could teach every single person in this thread a thing or two (myself included). He could easily command 2 or 3 times his current salary in the private sector but chooses not to as he obviously loves his job, and the Queensland Police Service is better for it. Even though most of our encounters have been adversarial in nature, i have always walked out with the utmost respect for him as both a police officer and a human being.

So although there are plenty of 'green' police officers out there, remember that there also plenty that could hand your ass to you on a platter in the blink of an eye.

Citing single figure police officers for either the bad or the good is always able to be done to highlight which point of argument on this you favour.

However,it's the culture of the service that is what an astute viewer would ascertain is more being questioned and not the single character nature of specific officers.

Ray Whitrod quit being Commissioner as he would not be Joh's patsy Commish and of course we got Inspector Terry Lewis (someone who Tony McGrady as an MP of QLD Parliament described as a disgrace to the QPS) and the Fitzgerald Inquiry showed was a crook.

Don Lane - former Police SGT at Fortitude Valley and then later Cabinet Minister (Police Minister ironically too) in Joh's govt was known widely as "Shady" Lane.

The broom went through and for a time a better standard of police officers were obtained via the change to intake requiring a Tertiary Education level before entrance,something Ray Whitrod was a proponent of before he quit as Commisioner.

I know of at least one long time serving QLD Solicitor who has spoken of QLD's environment now back to pre-Fitzgerald era levels of problems.

Not problems in the same exact nature of the Bjelke-Peterson era but having other issues to deal with and the QPS not dealing with them in ways that assures the wider public of their integrity.

Ethical Standards Command have done some investigations with outcomes that have demonstrated a level of integrity never would have been seen in years past of which is in some part due to Asst. Commisioner Ian Stewart showing strong leadership in this area.

Still though,the CMC needs to be able to actively exercise it's powers without being reviled by the QPS culture.


xxxxgold may know of a Police Prosecutor nicknamed 'Sharky' who is also worth his salary.

Mr Oriel
Post #93

Good read ^^ - obviously 75% of the crowd (trolls that is) going wtf is going on here ??? *LOUD NOISES*

but where's mr pyrotix or whatever his name is - he usually has the 'I know all' stance , seems not as of lately - indeed..

Post #94

Can you get defected in your own driveway? lol

Post #95


Her knowledge and skills are better suited to being a stripper or a prostitute.

Dumb slut.

Post #96

QUOTE (Lazer_Spec @ Sep 4 2010, 09:45 PM) *
Can you get defected in your own driveway? lol

Only if they have witnessed you pull into your driveway.

Post #97

QUOTE (oovro @ Sep 4 2010, 10:08 PM) *
Only if they have witnessed you pull into your driveway.

Even then police have no power to inspect your vehicle.

Post #98

Would that mean that if someone was witness hooning and the police went to their house they couldn't impound their car?

Post #99

QUOTE (oovro @ Sep 4 2010, 10:36 PM) *
Would that mean that if someone was witness hooning and the police went to their house they couldn't impound their car?

It's a slightly different situation. For instance, if you were observed to be creating unnecessary smoke and/or noise (and the report is considered credible), a vehicle inspection is not required for the purposes of proving the offence and your vehicle may indeed be impounded, even if it is located on private property at the time you are charged.

It's a different story if a concerned member of the public observed you driving a vehicle with a locked diff (which would ordinarily constitute a type 2 'hooning' offence). If the vehicle was located on private property when police were making their enquiries, they have no power to inspect the vehicle even though it was seen to be driving on the road in it's defective state and as such, you could not be charged with a type 2 offence.

Post #100

QUOTE (oovro @ Sep 2 2010, 11:50 PM) *
lol My car is a Calais. NOT a Commodore.

QUOTE (176OES @ Sep 2 2010, 11:51 PM) *
Next you'll tell me a Lexcen isnt a Commodore either hahaha

QUOTE (oovro @ Sep 2 2010, 11:54 PM) *
No its a Commodore reject. lol

So lets say I take a shit in YOUR toilet...does that make it your shit because its in your dunny, or is it still mine because it came from my ass? Just like its Holdens shit that came out of Toyota's showroom, its still a Holden, with a different badge, just like Commodores with Chev badges aren't legit Chev's. It's not the badge, it's the car. Case closed.

Post #101

QUOTE (MJM @ Sep 4 2010, 11:45 PM) *
So lets say I take a shit in YOUR toilet...does that make it your shit because its in your dunny, or is it still mine because it came from my ass? Just like its Holdens shit that came out of Toyota's showroom, its still a Holden, with a different badge, just like Commodores with Chev badges aren't legit Chev's. It's not the badge, it's the car. Case closed.

Perhaps the best analogy I've ever heard.

Post #102

if you can't beat 'em, join 'em :oopsie:

Post #103

QUOTE (oovro @ Sep 2 2010, 11:50 PM) *
lol My car is a Calais. NOT a Commodore.

:headwall: :headwall: :headwall:

Post #104

QUOTE (MJM @ Sep 4 2010, 11:45 PM) *
So lets say I take a shit in YOUR toilet...does that make it your shit because its in your dunny, or is it still mine because it came from my ass? Just like its Holdens shit that came out of Toyota's showroom, its still a Holden, with a different badge, just like Commodores with Chev badges aren't legit Chev's. It's not the badge, it's the car. Case closed.

So let's say you do the shit (you're the Brand, in this case Holden), say you chuck a long shit (we'll Badge it Commodore), then another day, you chuck a short shit (we'll badge it Astra). From this, although they all came from the same ass (brand), they are all still a shit (vehicle), differing because of their inherent traits thus being "badged" differently.

Eg 1. Toyota Hilux.
You can get a Toyota Utility with the "badge" Hilux on it, you can them in 2wd and 4wd (which are badged accordingly).
Based on you're analogy, (assuming "it's not the badge) do you A. call a Hilux a minitruck, B. a fourbie or C. a Worktruck ?

Eg 2. completely on the other end of the stick here. The VE Commodore
In Australia, we call it "Holden VE Commodore", The "exact same vehicle (minus the badges and converted to LHD) in America is called a Chevrolet Lumina/Omega.
Based on you're outlook, is the Chevrolet Lumina a legit Chev or is it a Chev badged Commodore?
Vise versa, is the Holden Commodore a Holden badged Lumina? In reality, it's both.

QUOTE (Ralli @ Sep 3 2010, 04:28 PM) *
er ... pretty much the same thing !!!

Pretty much, but not the same.
Eg: a 1/2 inch imperial hex head bolt is "pretty much the same" as a 13mm metric hex head bolt. = But it's not the same.

Post #105

QUOTE (purepunani @ Sep 5 2010, 09:42 AM) *
So let's say you do the shit (you're the Brand, in this case Holden), say you chuck a long shit (we'll Badge it Commodore), then another day, you chuck a short shit (we'll badge it Astra). From this, although they all came from the same ass (brand), they are all still a shit (vehicle), differing because of their inherent traits thus being "badged" differently.

Eg 1. Toyota Hilux.
You can get a Toyota Utility with the "badge" Hilux on it, you can them in 2wd and 4wd (which are badged accordingly).
Based on you're analogy, (assuming "it's not the badge) do you A. call a Hilux a minitruck, B. a fourbie or C. a Worktruck ?

Eg 2. completely on the other end of the stick here. The VE Commodore
In Australia, we call it "Holden VE Commodore", The "exact same vehicle (minus the badges and converted to LHD) in America is called a Chevrolet Lumina/Omega.
Based on you're outlook, is the Chevrolet Lumina a legit Chev or is it a Chev badged Commodore?
Vise versa, is the Holden Commodore a Holden badged Lumina? In reality, it's both.

Pretty much, but not the same.
Eg: a 1/2 inch imperial hex head bolt is "pretty much the same" as a 13mm metric hex head bolt. = But it's not the same.

It's a Chev Badged Holden just the same as the Vauxhall version is a Vaxhual Badged Holden.

They are imported overseas models designed and created by Holden.

Same as the Chev Suburban that was released over here as the Holden Suburban is merely a Chev Suburban with a RHD Blazer dash.

Saying the Calais is not a commodore though is wrong, the Calais belongs to the family of commodores, same as the Omega etc belong to the family of commodores also. The only model per say that doesn't belong to the family of commodores would be the Statesman, and this being it was released as as separate marque when first introduced (it certainly wasn't a "Kingswood Statesman") and that for the most part, they are completely different body and chassis designs.

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