My Photos - Ongoing collection - C&C definately welcome  

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Post #36

QUOTE (Hoon @ Mar 28 2010, 09:53 PM) *

Took the 550D out for a spin "shooting for the moon". Seems that theres a huge difference with the 550D and 350D sensor/processor...seemed to get a shitload more detail out of just using a 200mm lens. Wish I could get my hands on something that'll really get some details.

That is very nice work mate. Love the photo.

Post #37

QUOTE (DKam @ Mar 7 2010, 10:50 AM) *
i want to do a model workshop, do you think it was worth it?

Off course!! Esp learning about lighting techniques to acheive different results. But i suggest you do some outdoor shoots with off camera flash and learn a few things from that.

Anyways i like that first shot from the studio shoot.. Keep it up and look forward to seeing more :thumbsup:

Post #38

lawl at the middle model shot, her face is totally dominated, she now looks like one of those bad guys out of the Fifth Element.

Shoulda got a reflector in there at least!! The top one is good but the bottom two have their faces (bottom one is eyes) in the shadows and it removes life from their eyes, makes them look like they're nasty or evil.

Did the teachers review your shots and guide on how to adjust to suit or did they just set up the gear and leave you to it?

Post #39

Not Bad Photo's Man

Post #40

QUOTE (Nick_ @ Apr 6 2010, 08:35 AM) *
Did the teachers review your shots and guide on how to adjust to suit or did they just set up the gear and leave you to it?

Pretty much left us to our devices. Those shots where all about contrasting...the fact she had puffy bags underneath her eyes didn't help any. All a learning curve tho.

Post #41




Little PP work, removing small freckles on arms/legs and smoothing out skin in a few areas. Fantastic model to work with, even though she was sick with the flu, she held up like a trooper!

CC Welcome :)

Post #42

Images no workie!

Post #43

Should be fixie now....silly

Post #44

Alright, well i think the first one is very good. I like the contrast, apart from the floating left arm (on my right), a little fill would've helped that, low rim light for e.g. but still great shot bar that. The hard light suits for a good mood too, plus her skin looks nice and golden and you can't really tell about her face being a different colour.

No offence but the other two aren't really in the same league, they look like girlfriend shots, #2 is a bit terrible, bad pose, bad angle.. Looks a tad like it's going to get into porn or something.

#3 is the same, her face is a different colour in these two as well. There's no real model lights going on either, no hair light etc to make her look like she's there for a reason.

I think the last two fail from being ambient lit, if you had used the ambient for fill it'd have made them look a little more professional. Perhaps if she was laying on her side with those shiney sheets up close and you got a half-body shot and cut out the walls and shot with the light from the left to get a similar look to #1 but with the shine off the sheets that'd make it look rather pro and sensual but no dirty-sensual.

If you don't mind me asking where you took these? It looks like at someones home - Was this 'training' (aka you running around with the teachers drinking coffee) again or was this your own shoot?

Still you're doing better than me by actually getting the shots in.

Post #45

Thanks Nick - I don't mind CC, regardless how it comes. All photos were taken at my place, and I agree, theres not really a huge amount of imagination on the bedroom shots. I did take some shots from above looking down, so I'll have to see how they came out. These shots were all done as "TFP" so, no money was forked out, which is good for me.

All in all, good learning experience, especially shooting with the new lighting gear and the 550D.

Post #46

you have silk black sheets? very sheek

Post #47

QUOTE (Hoon @ Jun 13 2010, 01:32 PM) *
Thanks Nick - I don't mind CC, regardless how it comes. All photos were taken at my place, and I agree, theres not really a huge amount of imagination on the bedroom shots. I did take some shots from above looking down, so I'll have to see how they came out. These shots were all done as "TFP" so, no money was forked out, which is good for me.

All in all, good learning experience, especially shooting with the new lighting gear and the 550D.

Yeah TFP-FTW haha. But man, at your house - that would've been so awkward. I love awkwardness, it's awesome to watch you guys do your thing whilst people cut the air with chainsaws.

If you do another let me know, I'd love to come along and try out this TFP thing. Plus I got some kit to bring.

What sort of lighting gear did you get?

Post #48

I scored the Elinchrom 500/500 BXRi kit from DCW. Plus, I got the 170cm octabox (which is a huge pain) and a Manfrotto 420B boom tripod.

Nah there wasn't any awkwardness.. :lol: 1st model brought a friend and I'm having quite a bit of problems PPing her images. 2nd one as above I went and picked her up - had a great conversation on the way to mine and everything worked well. 3rd one was the next day, she was inexperienced but shows alot of promise.

Post #49

nice shots

Post #50

Roma Street Parklands, Rainforest section.

Post #51

Post #52

Your right, the parkland photos with smoke came out great :mamoru:
Good to meet you last night.

Post #53

Get crossed up!

Post #54


Post #55

Finally pulled my finger out on the weekend a little, and tore apart my old computer that contained photos from 1995 to 2009. These are all pre-DSLR, however still digital, with a fair portion taken with a Kodak P880. Here's a couple of shots from 2008, Cars for Kids in Mackay.

Back in the day, I only shot in JPG and did pretty much NO post production. Looking back then, I see how far I've come in photography. To all the other 'togs out there - go look at your early work and see how you've come along!

I found out I've shot this car heaps of times over the years, and the owner has kept it perfect everytime. Props!

I think that's a 2JZ in a Beema...I could be wrong.

LS1 in a Munro...clean car.

Anyone know what this is? Volvo maybe?

Nice Torrie...does great burnouts too.

Got like 100+ photos from the day. If you're interested, head over to:

Post #56

Yeah I've looked back just in my boost thread alone. Typically pics like these bore me, ten times over if I've taken them more so, so the first page of my thread is terribly cringe-worthy!

Post #57

yes, that is a 2JZ beemer, and yes, i want it oh so very much.

Post #58

I figured a nice picture printed and framed would be a nice gift for Dad for Fathers Day on Sunday. Everytime I've taken a trip out to get a sunrise, it's been either too overcast or drizzling or the alarm would go off, I'd turn it off and go back to sleep :(

Well, today I woke up at 3.45am, slapped myself a few times, got dressed, went to 24hr Maccas for some coffee (that stuff is pig swill...last time, I swear!) then did the 30min drive to Wellington Point. I got there with heaps of time to spare, had a chat with a guy that was fishing after work. Did quite a few shots all in manual mode to try and get some sort of feel for how the sunrise would effect what I see. I mucked around with my 70-200, but I didn't want just water and sky in my shot, so I switched to the 10-22. Did a few shots around the jetty, under the jetty and behind the jetty :thumbsup:

Well, here's the pick of the bunch that I thought had the most promise. Hoping to get some feedback before 11am...that's when I'm going to!

Post #59

QUOTE (Hoon @ Sep 3 2010, 08:56 AM) *
I figured a nice picture printed and framed would be a nice gift for Dad for Fathers Day on Sunday. Everytime I've taken a trip out to get a sunrise, it's been either too overcast or drizzling or the alarm would go off, I'd turn it off and go back to sleep :(

Well, today I woke up at 3.45am, slapped myself a few times, got dressed, went to 24hr Maccas for some coffee (that stuff is pig swill...last time, I swear!) then did the 30min drive to Wellington Point. I got there with heaps of time to spare, had a chat with a guy that was fishing after work. Did quite a few shots all in manual mode to try and get some sort of feel for how the sunrise would effect what I see. I mucked around with my 70-200, but I didn't want just water and sky in my shot, so I switched to the 10-22. Did a few shots around the jetty, under the jetty and behind the jetty :thumbsup:

Well, here's the pick of the bunch that I thought had the most promise. Hoping to get some feedback before 11am...that's when I'm going to!

It looks good - i would straighten the horizon though mate!

Maybe try and get the orange of the sunrise and the clouds to pop a little more.

it is nice though!

Post #60

Thanks :( I've straightened it up, must of been while you were posting. I'm trying to keep the orange in, make it feel like that "first light". Here's what I did for the shot+PP:

I set the focus to infinity, so everything should of been in focus. The clouds would show up more cause I did sharpen up the image a bit. This shot was one of the last ones, so it was starting to get pretty bright, yet I wanted to still capture the early stages of light, which is why I sped up the shutter. Added a 5% red filter to help burn it in. Cloned out a rogue peice of grass that I mustn't of seen during my half dazed sleepy state. Recently: Corrected a 1 degree slant.

Post #61

yeah thats better than the 1st post - your Dad will love it!

Post #62

none of the photos r coming up for me :S

edit: all good... nice photos :(

Post #63

im amazed you could make Wello look so picturesque

Post #64

lol DKam :(

Just got back from PhotoContinental - image came out great...I got 2 :thumbsup:

Post #65

One from a workshop I did on the weekend. Haven't edited many yet, however you can view what's available on my site:

Post #66

QUOTE (Hoon @ Sep 13 2010, 12:29 PM) *

One from a workshop I did on the weekend. Haven't edited many yet, however you can view what's available on my site:

thankyou for making my monday a little better :lol:

Post #67

QUOTE (Hoon @ Sep 3 2010, 08:56 AM) *

Like this a lot. :lol:

Post #68

QUOTE (waynecant @ Sep 13 2010, 04:10 PM) *
thankyou for making my monday a little better :)

QUOTE (VTR @ Sep 13 2010, 04:14 PM) *
Like this a lot. :mamoru:

Thanks guys :thumbsup:

Side note - I've just bought a external battery pack for my flash units, so I can take them on the road and be portable! *thrusts* Gonna be awesome.

Post #69

Wish i had her in my kitchen.. She can do my dishes any day :)

Post #70

Took a roadtrip up to Toowoomba for something to do on Saturday. Main reason was I wanted to go find some older buildings to take pics of, but they had the festival of flowers on as well. Parking was just non-existant so I spent most of my time driving around trying to find things of interest. I ran across the top 2 winners from the festival this year.

Next time I do something like this, I'm gonna get a mini-cam setup on the car and do a fast-foward video :D

Edit - forgot to mention more pics up here:

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