Useless Drivers Spotted In Qld - better than spotting hot cars. name and shame shocking driving skills&  

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Post #491

QUOTE (stuntz @ Aug 17 2010, 10:48 AM) *
either way if someone is being a dickhead doesn't mean you have to play dickhead with them just makes you both look like tossers, fully sik hand gestures and all. Most people are smart ass's in their car, but when you can see someone is legit pissed off trying to drive like a stuntman lol its easier just to sit back and watch em go but people feel they have been so hard done by they have to join the tailgating train and then it goes wherever you want from there.might feel 2 foot taller when you're sitting in you're seat but don't cry wolf if someone wants a round of fistycuffs when you could have backed off and let them go

Nah,it's all bluster and I can 110% safely say it's all just "talk" :)

Post #492

Some dumb fuck bitch in a red Hyundai Getz with a gay arse cannon and P plates. Had all her fuckhead mates in the back of her car. Anyways, I was overtaking her on the M1 onramp coming off Gaza road, and stupid bitch started merging into me cause the guy in front of her wasn't going fast enough. FFS LEARN TO DRIVE (LOOK) BITCH. Had my son in the car too, he learnt some new words...

Post #493

A P-plater driving a VT SS Commodore on the gateway this arvo doing about 120 down the right lane till he came to the congested bit where they're doing the roadworks. He then tailgated everyone in front of him, about an inch from their cars, all the way to the underwood exit.

And they wonder why they have it so bad.

Post #494

so we agree? most p platers cant drive?

Post #495

Some fuckwit in a silver hatcback (either corolla or like hyundai) plates MAX-089 (personalized) driving like a fucking idiot along olsen ave and then smith street, going atleast 120 in an 80 zone, swerving imbetween lanes without indicating and overtook someone on the hard shoulder.

Post #496

Soccer mum in a massive range rover, personalised pink plates (forgot them as i was raging), bitch was talking on the phone, almost wiped me out in a fucking 10KM/H ZONE.

This is near Maroochydore post office.

It's a roundabout you crazy rag in a 10km/h pedestrian shared zone, you were going at least 50

Post #497

Wanker in white late model pulsar sedan...

Driving like a hero on centenary hwy and ippy rd. Was weaving his way in and out of traffic at about 120 and sitting on anyones ass who got in his way, jumping in front of trucks with only a car length gap in front then slamming on the brakes to avoid rear ending the car infront..

To top it all off about ten mins later I passed him lol. Weaving really got him far.

Post #498

QUOTE (stockmy00 @ Aug 18 2010, 07:30 AM) *
Wanker in white late model pulsar sedan...

Driving like a hero on centenary hwy and ippy rd. Was weaving his way in and out of traffic at about 120 and sitting on anyones ass who got in his way, jumping in front of trucks with only a car length gap in front then slamming on the brakes to avoid rear ending the car infront..

To top it all off about ten mins later I passed him lol. Weaving really got him far.

p plater? :)

Post #499

QUOTE (broadie_69 @ May 29 2010, 10:31 AM) *
I mean like when you see a real old person walk out of a wrx or something at a servo, its like lol, by teh way soarers are nicee, especially becouse there arnt many around, so they turn heads,

Learn to english you fucking retard

FYI there are fuck loads of soarers around /facepalm

Post #500

car:Hundreds of them
who: bogans
where: brown stains (johnson road)
when: 1030pm-200am on a saturday

problem: for some weird reason late on a saturday night there are a heap of people coming out of a service station not using there indicators and even spinning 1 wheel not even 2 its very disappointing could maybe be a hazard to someones health at a point in time.

car: over 5000 of them
who: young, old, and even the ugly

im sick of fucking useless drivers not doing 100km at the specified area. they do 80km max in the 100 zone. yet when it changes down to 60kmh they stick with doing 80 wtf??? or even speed up are they fucking retarded?


I also drive a van for a living and im sick of useless fuckheads in cars overtaking me when im doing just over the speed and then slowing down to under the speed limit it really fucking shits me.


Post #501

QUOTE (mr18osx @ Aug 22 2010, 02:55 AM) *

maybe not, but most think it is rocket surgery, lol

Post #502

car: most of them
who: hero's
where: everywhere I'm driving
when: it will happen the moment I'm out of my driveway

Please neck yourself.


Post #503

QUOTE (SKID IT @ Aug 22 2010, 09:58 AM) *
car: most of them
who: hero's
where: everywhere I'm driving
when: it will happen the moment I'm out of my driveway

Please neck yourself.


I feel your pain!

Post #504

QUOTE (mr18osx @ Aug 22 2010, 02:55 AM) *
car: over 5000 of them
who: young, old, and even the ugly

im sick of fucking useless drivers not doing 100km at the specified area. they do 80km max in the 100 zone. yet when it changes down to 60kmh they stick with doing 80 wtf??? or even speed up are they fucking retarded?


I also drive a van for a living and im sick of useless fuckheads in cars overtaking me when im doing just over the speed and then slowing down to under the speed limit it really fucking shits me.


haha i live in springfield i see the asme shit,. they do 80-90 max in the 100 k zone, then when it slow down to the 60 zone (where the cops hang out) they keep going at 80ks and you slow down to 60. then they brake at the last minute :)

Post #505


Rusty Night
Post #506

car: Some 4X4 with the plate PACMAN
who: Some skinhead fail beard bogan
where: chermside

Sitting in traffic, look across to my left (i was in far right lane, it was a 3 lane road) to see some bogan @#$!, basically head out the window death staring me, crawled up till he was about 2cm away from the car in front of him, then proceded to ride the shit out of his clutch untill he did the smallest skid i have ever seen in my life.

I then looked at the girl in the far left lane, and she gave me the 'what the fuck is this fat ugly bogan doing, he is obviously over compinsating for a small dick buy driving a POS 4wd' look. No one though you were a big man.

Post #507

To the moron in the black r32 GTST who decided he was going to leave the BP in Southport on the weekend crossed up whilst I was filling up the car, the console operator was chuckling away filling out a form to send to the Southport cops with footage of your number plate leaving sideways.. expect a visit I would be assuming... lol..

Oh and the effort was shit house too....

Post #508

to the owner of a r33 green skyline on the sunshine coast,

i was cruising around maroochydore on thursday night and he decided to start following me,
going around the spit where the fishing places are he was doing a skid behind and getting on my ass. what a wanker, then i get up beside him in two lanes and tell him to f*#K off, he makes a smart ass comment in front of his chick friends acting tuff trying to impress them then tries to race me.

grow up mate your a dooch

BTW your chick friends werent even that hot looked like whales

Post #509

QUOTE (flyboy11 @ Aug 23 2010, 08:16 AM) *
To the moron in the black r32 GTST who decided he was going to leave the BP in Southport on the weekend crossed up whilst I was filling up the car, the console operator was chuckling away filling out a form to send to the Southport cops with footage of your number plate leaving sideways.. expect a visit I would be assuming... lol..

Oh and the effort was shit house too....

crossed up? i dont get it.

Post #510

Almost wrote the festi off this arvo... going along kingston rd heading towards moss st, went onto wembley rd and was shoulder checking for oncoming retards when what the fuck happins, some fuck head in a corrola on his green p's has stopped in the middle of the road with his blinker on waiting for traffic to merge.. C UNT I LOCKED UP AND WAS SOOOO FUCKING CLOSE TO GETTING A NICE LITTLE INSURANCE BILL YOU FUCKHEAD!!!!

EDIT: Although the smell of the rubber was soothing... lol

Post #511

i hate when ur on ur ps and dont want to speed, and some fuck taxi is up ur ass in a 60 zone.

Post #512

QUOTE (cameron92 @ Aug 23 2010, 10:20 PM) *
crossed up? i dont get it.

when you're 'skidding' and you point the wheels in the opposite direction and the car does involuntary fishies is my understanding but can be taken several ways.....normally this occurs just before you lose control

Post #513

I nominate myself for the noob award. Was just driving to a job interview in west burleigh yesterday. This was when the road was pretty dry. Tho the light just went green for the traffic on the main road i was merging onto the road that goes parallel to the skate park. And there was this bit of the road that was still wet, i think becouse was concrete so before i knew it my wheels were spinning and i was going sideways with way too much momentum to do anything about it, slid across the road, smashed my rim on the middle gutter then done a 180 back to the side of the road, and all the cars just drove past like lol. I wasnt expecting it, an was proberly going a bit fast becouse the lights went green an i wanted to beat the traffic an when i hit the wet spot i just had way too much sideways momentum to do save myself, The body of my car isnt demeged tho the back right rim is fucked, an the wheel is bucked, and i think the suspnention an some other stuff nere the wheel is farked, An then the cops came with reports i was doing a burnout, tho i wasnt even. If i did a burn out i wouldnt of kooked it like that, This was accident tho it could of been a lot worse, well that was my first crash an hopeflly my last, te thing is i was driving safe. Im pretty devoed i dont have my car for a week or 2 tho at least billy bob is still my freuindddd,

Post #514

car: some shitty turbo VL
who: fuckwits
where: near the robina turnoff
when: a while back

me and the missus where driving to robina to go watch a movie and some fuckwit in some shit vl starts driving next to us trying to race, hitting his limiter and shit. im driving my n/a r33 so theres no point even trying but he sat next to us doing that for probably about 5 mins.. grow up mate, oh and your bov and car sounds like shit.

Post #515

QUOTE (Joyrid3r @ Aug 23 2010, 11:05 PM) *
when you're 'skidding' and you point the wheels in the opposite direction and the car does involuntary fishies is my understanding but can be taken several ways.....normally this occurs just before you lose control

ah ok :mamoru:

Post #516

I would just like to dob myself in for tonight, because I was a dickhead and took the wrong exit TWICE on two occasions !!! :headwall:

Post #517

QUOTE (Ralli @ Aug 24 2010, 10:46 PM) *
I would just like to dob myself in for tonight, because I was a dickhead and took the wrong exit TWICE on two occasions !!! :headwall:

haha, which road?

Post #518

car: black lambo
where: around the stones corner area and all along old clevland road
when: all the f**king time
plates: DIP

i see this guy on almost a daily basis and i have yet to see him not driving like a complete twat.

Post #519

QUOTE (broadie_69 @ Aug 24 2010, 09:35 AM) *
I nominate myself for the noob award. Was just driving to a job interview in west burleigh yesterday. This was when the road was pretty dry. Tho the light just went green for the traffic on the main road i was merging onto the road that goes parallel to the skate park. And there was this bit of the road that was still wet, i think becouse was concrete so before i knew it my wheels were spinning and i was going sideways with way too much momentum to do anything about it, slid across the road, smashed my rim on the middle gutter then done a 180 back to the side of the road, and all the cars just drove past like lol. I wasnt expecting it, an was proberly going a bit fast becouse the lights went green an i wanted to beat the traffic an when i hit the wet spot i just had way too much sideways momentum to do save myself, The body of my car isnt demeged tho the back right rim is fucked, an the wheel is bucked, and i think the suspnention an some other stuff nere the wheel is farked, An then the cops came with reports i was doing a burnout, tho i wasnt even. If i did a burn out i wouldnt of kooked it like that, This was accident tho it could of been a lot worse, well that was my first crash an hopeflly my last, te thing is i was driving safe. Im pretty devoed i dont have my car for a week or 2 tho at least billy bob is still my freuindddd,

haha. I read some of your posts before and got the impression you were a pro drifter. What happened?

Post #520

QUOTE (driftin247 @ Aug 24 2010, 10:18 AM) *
car: some shitty turbo VL
who: fuckwits
where: near the robina turnoff
when: a while back

me and the missus where driving to robina to go watch a movie and some fuckwit in some shit vl starts driving next to us trying to race, hitting his limiter and shit. im driving my n/a r33 so theres no point even trying but he sat next to us doing that for probably about 5 mins.. grow up mate, oh and your bov and car sounds like shit.

was it white and a bogan driving it

EFI Tech
Post #521

I passed a white chaser going up a hill so he screams past on the limiter a few minutes later
well done lol
...Random VL's showing off their hektic dose pipes to me because i always have windows down

and when i'm on a test drive in a nice car - everyone all of a sudden wants to race and they get denied hardcore....
Unless i'm going about my business tuning and testing a 911 and theres a hsv in the way :(

Post #522

Coming out of the street from center-link in Biggera Waters green light goes I didn't take off for a second because a car went through a red light some bitch in a fucked up old barina behind me is hanging out the window beeping acting like a total bogan.. as soon as It was safe to go I took off than the bitch over takes me as I'm turning gets back in front of me and does 30 (On purpose of course (Being a smart arse.) Of course I try to over take her I get up beside her and shes still carrying on, Light turns Orange I speed up and leave her at the red light.. Look in my review mirror and see her steaming :(

Post #523

QUOTE (broadie_69 @ Aug 24 2010, 09:35 AM) *
I nominate myself for the noob award. Was just driving to a job interview in west burleigh yesterday. This was when the road was pretty dry. Tho the light just went green for the traffic on the main road i was merging onto the road that goes parallel to the skate park. And there was this bit of the road that was still wet, i think becouse was concrete so before i knew it my wheels were spinning and i was going sideways with way too much momentum to do anything about it, slid across the road, smashed my rim on the middle gutter then done a 180 back to the side of the road, and all the cars just drove past like lol. I wasnt expecting it, an was proberly going a bit fast becouse the lights went green an i wanted to beat the traffic an when i hit the wet spot i just had way too much sideways momentum to do save myself, The body of my car isnt demeged tho the back right rim is fucked, an the wheel is bucked, and i think the suspnention an some other stuff nere the wheel is farked, An then the cops came with reports i was doing a burnout, tho i wasnt even. If i did a burn out i wouldnt of kooked it like that, This was accident tho it could of been a lot worse, well that was my first crash an hopeflly my last, te thing is i was driving safe. Im pretty devoed i dont have my car for a week or 2 tho at least billy bob is still my freuindddd,

Unfortunately mate I have bad news for you... if the cops came, and got your details etc you should expect a nice shiny Registered Post letter in the mail with an Infringement Notice from QPS for the charge of; Driving without undue care or attention.

That is the situation that happened with a friend of mine, no public or private property damage (apart from his car) waiting for a tow truck (RACQ LEGALLY have to call the cops if it's an accident) and the cops came up and he had a letter in his mailbox to go to court a couple weeks later.

This is why I will never use RACQ if i need a tow if someone smashed... always have the number of a towie you can count on and will get you out of that situation as soon as possible. Also when the cops come the only thing you're required to do is name / address / license / alcohol and drug test... anything else and you are giving them ammunition to fill for their brief of evidence.

Try to co-operate with them, but don't be an ass, just say your head hurts and you really can't answer a 500 word statement questionaire.

Post #524

I remember one from about a year ago now, driving my olds man gq patrol near chancellor park where 2 lanes form into 1 before the highway. I knew the p plater needed to merge so i backed off and gave him tonnes of room to get in my lane. Well like 99.9% of people that are in the left lane there, they dont realise it ends and they have too merge. So when he realised at the last second he needs to merge, he does a quick shoulder check. And im thinking OK he knows im there now and he can just merge over.. but no, he jumps on the brakes and comes to almost a complete stop halfway in my lane already!

So i jump on the brakes, lock em up and stop about a metre away from the dickhead. He then takes off as fast as his corolla could carry him not realising that the big old patrol could keep up. Never the less he wouldnt stop checking his mirrors and shitting himself for a couple of kilometres till i turned off.

And before anyone asks, no i didnt tailgate, give him the finger, flash my lights etc etc.. i just booted it and kept up with him too let him know i was still right there. Bet the little dipshit checks everytime now. I probably should have just let the silly kent taste my bullbar

Post #525

car: some gay lexus with fail at life offset
who: 57IFF
where: Mt Ommaney in the car park, cut me off like a fuckhead then decides to have a race against a snail at every speed bump... FML
when: 10pm tonight.

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