Useless Drivers Spotted In Qld - better than spotting hot cars. name and shame shocking driving skills&  

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Post #456

QUOTE (purepunani @ Aug 9 2010, 08:08 PM) *
How old are you..... :headwall:
He was just having a go at ya. Suprising how you actually take it seriously.

lol :squint:

Post #457

when I go through a orange light thats going red, and then another 19 cars behind you come through the lights too, that shits dangerous..

my pet hate though is people pulling out in front of me despite the road being empty behind me and then doing 45 in a 60 zone.

Post #458

Where- Beams Rd
Time- approx 330-400pm sunday arvo
Missed rego plate
Some bloke in a dark green vr/vs had a big kiss with a pole opposite the big easy golf range, nice imprint of pole in middle of front end

Post #459

QUOTE (mx6fake @ Aug 9 2010, 08:47 PM) *
when I go through a orange light thats going red, and then another 19 cars behind you come through the lights too, that shits dangerous..

my pet hate though is people pulling out in front of me despite the road being empty behind me and then doing 45 in a 60 zone.

Especially buses and trucks i know the feeling mate

Post #460

Time: Today
Where: Everywhere, Especially M1
Who: Every Bastard that cant drive in the rain Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

Post #461

agree ^^^^^ in the rain people seems to forget how to drive. and

the guy on a blue dirtbike on the centenary around 245pm. weaving in and out of traffic while its pissing down rain isnt smart. then cutting in front of me was a stupid thing to do too. in the wet i konw my car cant slow down in time, so if you stacked it, i sure as hell would have run you over.

Post #462

Ipswich Mwy / Centenary Hwy / Western Fwy - Full of slow drivers, left lane always 10-20km/h under limit and the right lane usually on limit but sometimes 10km/h under.

Heard on the radio the other day, cops are targeting slow drivers on the M1 now, why the fu.. haven't they begun this operation like 6months ago?

Post #463

anyone at the hyperdome today? everyone there was a hopeless driver.. it was packeD!

Post #464

ske70 - a sky-blue ke70 corolla, today learn to indicator, and pick a lane, almost took my mum out in slacks creek :bowrofl:

Post #465

useless p plater in a 4wd. female P plater, 4wd...need i say more? didnt stop, look, or even indicate as i was halfway thru the roundabout and i had to hit the anchors to not t bone her, i then used my horn to show her i was here, she just kept looking ahead and didnt even realise what she's done

Post #466

to the p plater in a late model ford festiva. silver in colour i believe, red or green p plates, couldnt make out the colour in the night. dirving on centenary around dfo mt ommaney at around 930945 tonight.
tailgating is a stupid thing to do, i hope you crash and die. and trying to get me to race you by sitting right beside me while im trying to overtake, and then when im finally pass you, more cars are still in the left lane, so now i have to speed up a bit more to make it pass the cars. sitting on my ass while i speed up is stupid, i almost had a sudden urge to tap the brake just so you crash your new car.


btw, i was hoping some car would pull into the right lane when you came speeding past me at atleast 120+km/h and that you would crash, so i could come past with my window down laughing at you and your stupidity.

Post #467

To the toss in the Camry, Newmarket Road, just before Maccas in the far right hand lane and went from that lane left into Maccas drivewayduring near peak hour . Strange that he got collected by a car heading up the left hand lane.

Post #468

To every cunt that drove down the right hand lane on Algester Road, im in a coucil truck with flashing lights on, hazards, and an arrow board saying the lane is closed, YET, you still pull up behind me and toot your horn at me......You fucking losers

Post #469

QUOTE (warney @ Aug 13 2010, 01:58 PM) *
To every cunt that drove down the right hand lane on Algester Road, im in a coucil truck with flashing lights on, hazards, and an arrow board saying the lane is closed, YET, you still pull up behind me and toot your horn at me......You fucking losers

I'm sorry, but from an outsiders view this is piss funny

So typically QLD :squint:

But yeah, I'd be ready to cause damage if I were driving that truck too! (oops, didnt mean to drop it into reverse... honestly!)

Post #470

QUOTE (176OES @ Aug 13 2010, 02:50 PM) *
I'm sorry, but from an outsiders view this is piss funny

So typically QLD :squint:

But yeah, I'd be ready to cause damage if I were driving that truck too! (oops, didnt mean to drop it into reverse... honestly!)

I cant , im not "really" wanting to fill out a fucking incident form (8 pages mind you) for some fuck that cant drive, yelling at them in the cabin is more effective :oopsie:

Post #471

QUOTE (warney @ Aug 13 2010, 01:58 PM) *
To every cunt that drove down the right hand lane on Algester Road, im in a coucil truck with flashing lights on, hazards, and an arrow board saying the lane is closed, YET, you still pull up behind me and toot your horn at me......You fucking losers

That shits me... all those fuckheads that see a lane is closed for whatever reason and they STILL go all the way to where they are just about running over cones to pull in... drive ahead! If it's closed... move over!

Post #472

QUOTE (1andonlywhitie @ Aug 13 2010, 09:51 PM) *
That shits me... all those fuckheads that see a lane is closed for whatever reason and they STILL go all the way to where they are just about running over cones to pull in... drive ahead! If it's closed... move over!

they try and be sly, you try not to let them in beacuse like for about 2 k before they have the signs and that with the arrows that point out which lane is closed. yet they still try to go to the front.

Post #473

Fst57 white evolution 6. Tailgating me through wacol.

Post #474

some fukin stupid p plate Ford xr6 ute , starts goin through single lane roundabout i follow as no1 is on the roundabout next minute he decides to stop in the middle and put it in reverse stunned and confused by the time i thought fuk is he serious he had already reversed into me, nice crack in my front bar gets out and Rekons he wanted to turn left, mate its a fuckin round about miss the turn just go around the fuckin thing again.

Post #475

QUOTE (105EVR @ Aug 15 2010, 07:40 PM) *
some fukin stupid p plate Ford xr6 ute , starts goin through single lane roundabout i follow as no1 is on the roundabout next minute he decides to stop in the middle and put it in reverse stunned and confused by the time i thought fuk is he serious he had already reversed into me, nice crack in my front bar gets out and Rekons he wanted to turn left, mate its a fuckin round about miss the turn just go around the fuckin thing again.

Hahahahaha sorry to hear mate, but fuck that made me laugh.

Post #476

QUOTE (warney @ Aug 13 2010, 01:58 PM) *
To every cunt that drove down the right hand lane on Algester Road, im in a coucil truck with flashing lights on, hazards, and an arrow board saying the lane is closed, YET, you still pull up behind me and toot your horn at me......You fucking losers

Get out of my hood nig :mamoru:

Erm, this fuckhead was sitting on 80k's on the m1 inbound at 10pm sunday night when the road was perfectly empty.

Post #477

some toss pot driving a white astra down the bruce highway at 3am in the morning, doing well below the speed limit sitting in the right hand lane when there was no one in the left for hundreds of meters, i locked up avoiding your slow arse. (i may have confused the bruce highway for the autobahn)

Post #478

QUOTE (Parag0n @ Aug 8 2010, 06:44 PM) *
Haha I wouldn't even want to know how fucking unstable an old civic is at close to 200km/h... seriously mental

i have only just got to 190 in my hatchback on the m1...experienced turbulence for the first time lol :noes:

Post #479

QUOTE (stuntz @ Aug 16 2010, 07:21 AM) *
i have only just got to 190 in my hatchback on the m1...experienced turbulence for the first time lol :noes:

oh its worse on the Cunningham highway, 180k, stock car with speed limiter (bouncing off) bumpy as fuck road. was waiting for lift off lol

Post #480

QUOTE (105EVR @ Aug 15 2010, 07:40 PM) *
some fukin stupid p plate Ford xr6 ute , starts goin through single lane roundabout i follow as no1 is on the roundabout next minute he decides to stop in the middle and put it in reverse stunned and confused by the time i thought fuk is he serious he had already reversed into me, nice crack in my front bar gets out and Rekons he wanted to turn left, mate its a fuckin round about miss the turn just go around the fuckin thing again.

well said man, you sound like a nice guy the way you put that :mamoru: but that is kinda funey hahah

Post #481

Leaving the Spit on sundee... someone almost ran up the back of me not calling em a stupid driver or w/e but cmon you almost hit my pride n joy! :mamoru:

Post #482

Stopped at the lights the other day, some guy in his Chrysler whatever comes up next to me... on green he just floors it.

a little while down, i could see the flash of a camera go off, and this guy tries to jam on the brakes... too late, BUSTED.

Po-Po had the camera mounted in an old panel van, you would only see the camera if you were really looking for it.

Revenue raiser
Post #483

when: Reedy creek, Gold Coast

Where: Roundabout at highway overpass

Plates: "IRONY" (yeah they were pp)

what: Late model holden rodeo dual cab

Fuck was in wrong lane and cut me off exiting.. so i tailed him.. he braked and pulled over, i dropped a gear and overtook like a smartass then slowed down to about 40, he went on the wrong side of the road and tryed to push me off the road so i braked when he swerved infront. So i went on wrong side of the road and overtook him and just sped off..

I'm still waiting for when i see him next so i can just fuck him up :mamoru:

Post #484

Lawnton/Petrie 6.45am

L Plater.

572 JHD. early to mid 80's datto wagon

At set of lights, L plater next to me. Light turns green and he proceeds to race me off from the lights. Full revs and hard changes. I just drive per normal and wondered what mum was thinking in not pulling the boy up.....

With driving like that even before he gets his p's i have not much hope for this chucklehead

Post #485

QUOTE (NOS440 @ Aug 16 2010, 03:19 PM) *
Lawnton/Petrie 6.45am

L Plater.

572 JHD. early to mid 80's datto wagon

At set of lights, L plater next to me. Light turns green and he proceeds to race me off from the lights. Full revs and hard changes. I just drive per normal and wondered what mum was thinking in not pulling the boy up.....

With driving like that even before he gets his p's i have not much hope for this chucklehead

you're just angry you got beaten......

ok, I kid I kid :mamoru:

But yeah, Pine Rivers is the Logan of the North, so no huge surprises there!

Post #486

QUOTE (autech_s15 @ Aug 16 2010, 03:15 AM) *
Get out of my hood nig :mamoru:

Erm, this fuckhead was sitting on 80k's on the m1 inbound at 10pm sunday night when the road was perfectly empty.

Im always stalking y0 hood!

last night AU falcon(i know it doesnt narrow everything down :D ), not everything is a race mate......

Post #487

QUOTE (Revenue raiser @ Aug 16 2010, 03:00 PM) *
when: Reedy creek, Gold Coast

Where: Roundabout at highway overpass

Plates: "IRONY" (yeah they were pp)

what: Late model holden rodeo dual cab

Fuck was in wrong lane and cut me off exiting.. so i tailed him.. he braked and pulled over, i dropped a gear and overtook like a smartass then slowed down to about 40, he went on the wrong side of the road and tryed to push me off the road so i braked when he swerved infront. So i went on wrong side of the road and overtook him and just sped off..

I'm still waiting for when i see him next so i can just fuck him up :mamoru:

Be careful hey. There's some crazy f*ckers out there that don't give a toss about people and their property. I know they make you angry, but sometimes they're just not worth it.

Post #488

either way if someone is being a dickhead doesn't mean you have to play dickhead with them just makes you both look like tossers, fully sik hand gestures and all. Most people are smart ass's in their car, but when you can see someone is legit pissed off trying to drive like a stuntman lol its easier just to sit back and watch em go but people feel they have been so hard done by they have to join the tailgating train and then it goes wherever you want from there.might feel 2 foot taller when you're sitting in you're seat but don't cry wolf if someone wants a round of fistycuffs when you could have backed off and let them go

Post #489

i now know why people think p platers are such shit drivers. yes im a p plater too. spotted too red p plate ruh-tards today.

First, old 1995 model hatchback toyota corolla silver in colour. flying up the centenary, doing at least 100 in 80 zone in the right lane, gets to indro exit and cuts from right lane straight through left lane into the exit. now going along moggill road, swerving all over the road, trying to overtakepeople in the left and right hand lanes. finally turns into the indooroopilly ramp thing and disappears up to the cinema carparks. funny thing is, i drove the speed limit the whole way, and just stayed in the left lane and eventually moved into the right lane to go on the ramp up to indro (gotta be in right lane to enter that) and when i was on the ramp he was only 2 cars in front :)

second, driving home along centenary, dark blue late model holden vectra early 2000s most likely 2003. I followed this idiot along the centenaray in the right hand lane, which was backed up cause of a truck being in the same lane. he moves to the left lane, and tries going up the side but a car blocks him, so back into the right hand lane, then back to the left to make the forest lake/inala exit. by then i was sitting behind him, he was a flat brimmer and wore his hat back to front cause hes a MC. now going along the main road through forest lake, im sitting in right lane cause i need to make a right hand turn up ahead. he sitting in the left lane, and a ute stops in the lane for no reason, he proceeds to indicate and almost hit me. lucky by the time he was turning into me, the right hand turn slip lane was beside me so i could just go straight in, but still damn close. no shoulder checking i reckon.

in conclusion, i see alot of p platers drive like fuckwits, they all think they own the road, they swerve like there racing in need for speed. theonly ones i konw that dont do stupid shit are the ones that go out to the track and know they can drive fast along qr. andd i hope these silly p platers crash and die soon :unsure:


Post #490

when: pacific pines, gold coast

Where: roundabouts leading away from skatepark

Plates: cannot remember

what: 03 pulsar ST

dude was just for no reason at all, on each roundabout just yanking his handbrake and locking the rear wheels for about a second, idk wat he was doing, achieved absolutely nothing cept some flat spots i suppose, didnt even go remotely sideways

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