Useless Drivers Spotted In Qld - better than spotting hot cars. name and shame shocking driving skills&  

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Post #421

car, 300c
rego, KARUPT
where, around 7-730 at the end of milton rd & just round the corner heading into the city
what, your fuckwit 22's with rubber bands have hektic uleh traction issues, doing hektic skids in traffic around people & boardering on mounting the gutter on the opposite side of the road to where you were going, smart guy,
lucky the light to turn went green & u pissed off or i would of been more than happy to bitchslap you up the side of your fucked head, theres a time & place for being a dickhead, that wasnt it stooge

ps, i hope that my language is undertood by you if you read this, have a nice day & crash into a pole nowhere near pedestrians & other road users sooner rather than later please :oopsie:

Post #422

QUOTE (MY92ROLLA @ Aug 1 2010, 12:46 PM) *
Bit of a long shot but I think i may actually know the owner of the car...well the sister of the owner anyway. Girl from works brother has an old merc and he used to work at autobarn down there.

Is he fat as and where's a cap??

Post #423

QUOTE (N1SSSS @ Aug 1 2010, 02:51 PM) *
car, 300c
rego, KARUPT
where, around 7-730 at the end of milton rd & just round the corner heading into the city
what, your fuckwit 22's with rubber bands have hektic uleh traction issues, doing hektic skids in traffic around people & boardering on mounting the gutter on the opposite side of the road to where you were going, smart guy,
lucky the light to turn went green & u pissed off or i would of been more than happy to bitchslap you up the side of your fucked head, theres a time & place for being a dickhead, that wasnt it stooge

ps, i hope that my language is undertood by you if you read this, have a nice day & crash into a pole nowhere near pedestrians & other road users sooner rather than later please :oopsie:

Don't quote me on this but I'm pretty sure he lives around Jindalee/ Mt ommaney I always see the black 300c roaming the streets over here.

Post #424

QUOTE (DAL32 @ Jul 31 2010, 01:54 AM) *
Should've gone ahead with the pit maneuvre ;)


Post #425

^^ yeah, that seems to be the general consensus. i will know to do so next time ;)

Post #426

260LVH (i think)

New FG XT Falcon, pursuit wheels, covered in signwriting doing 95 in a 100 in the right lane when the left lane was completely empty

Gateway Motorway

Post #427

i check in here from time to time to see if i made the appears not yet

Post #428

QUOTE (67-FKD @ Aug 2 2010, 12:05 PM) *
260LVH (i think)

New FG XT Falcon, pursuit wheels, covered in signwriting doing 95 in a 100 in the right lane when the left lane was completely empty

Gateway Motorway

I don't get what's wrong with this, if the "left lane was completely empty" it would've been very easy to see him and just undertake him.

Post #429

law states "stay left unless overtaking" and considering the vehicle was the type that upholds the law.....

Post #430


THIS - way too many fools who do this despite this law "stay left unless overtaking" being in place for what two years or more now?

Post #431

QUOTE (67-FKD @ Aug 2 2010, 01:35 PM) *
law states "stay left unless overtaking" and considering the vehicle was the type that upholds the law.....

I realise this, but when there's no-one around (according to you) it doesn't really matter, you just undertake them and continue on your merry way.

Post #432

im not going to bring unnecessary attention to myself by undertaking a police car, plus when i say completely empty i mean he had opportunities to pull to the left lane and allow traffic to pass, sitting in the right lane for no reason does nothing but slow the flow of traffic.

Post #433

QUOTE (67-FKD @ Aug 2 2010, 12:35 PM) *
law states "stay left unless overtaking" and considering the vehicle was the type that upholds the law.....

It states, stay left unless overtaking (when in a multilane road above 80kmph). Does not apply to conjestion.
I can sit in the right lane going down mains rd doing 10 clicks under the limit if i choose to.

Post #434

QUOTE (purepunani @ Aug 2 2010, 12:56 PM) *
It states, stay left unless overtaking (when in a multilane road above 80kmph). Does not apply to conjestion.
I can sit in the right lane going down mains rd doing 10 clicks under the limit if i choose to.

So Gateway Motorway = 100kph
and i stated that the left lane was clear, this would imply no congestion.

Post #435

QUOTE (67-FKD @ Aug 2 2010, 01:05 PM) *
So Gateway Motorway = 100kph
and i stated that the left lane was clear, this would imply no congestion.

Don't get me wrong here, i totally agree that the rule applies in you're situation. I'm just helping you to understand the "whole" rule.

Post #436

1 - Driving down Smith St after work there was a white 4WD with its lights off and had them off the whole time up the M1 until i turned off at my exit.

2 - I hate it when someone has their indicator on to turn left while you are waiting to turn out onto the same stretch of road and you get ready to go but they have left their indicator on or they change their mind and keep going straight and you have to hit the brakes.

Post #437

Spotted a knob of a driver this morning who almost wiped out a motorbike (and the pillion) by blatantly changing into their lane.

Vehicle : White tray back Mini-ute with shitty chrome wheels

Location: Inbound just after the 1st round about near Toowong Cemetery after coming off the Western Freeway.

Number Plate: JKE 92 or 92 JKE

P Plater? - I would assume so although i could not see a displayed plate.. but working on his number plate being '92' he is probably a 92 baby so therefor a stinky P plater.

* mate if you read this you are very bloody lucky you didnt know those two off their bike as I reckon I would have headbutted your face in whilst wearing my helmet.

Get off the road. You have no excuse for not checking your blind spot due to the large glass panel behind your head which you had clear sight out of :headwall:

Post #438

Some spanker P plater in a blue pulsar that thought the centenery motorway was a racetrack

Post #439

...........i thought the centenery motorway was a racetrack :P :D

Post #440

had a useless old couple in a volvo almost end up under my front end last night. They had a stop sign and i had give way and yet they thought they would go first. They tried to pull out in front of me and i almost went over their front end.

Post #441

Love this thread havnt seen myself on here yet tho lol.

Post #442

Spotted an idiotic TYPICAL P plater driving a hatchback little red civic, screaming up the highway yesterday afternoon towards Brisbane. I was sitting on about 115 and he flew past me (maybe around the 180k mark?) along with dangerously weaving through the zillion other cars that were on the packed as highway that afternoon. He was weaving in and out and flying across all 4 lanes!

I hope there was a seriously good reason for it buddy as you couldve been killed when you dangerously swerved around the carpet lying in the middle of the inside lane, not to mention everyone else on the highway you endangered by your stupid decision.

Post #443

QUOTE (EXI73 @ Aug 8 2010, 10:32 AM) *
Spotted an idiotic TYPICAL P plater driving a hatchback little red civic, screaming up the highway yesterday afternoon towards Brisbane. I was sitting on about 115 and he flew past me (maybe around the 180k mark?) along with dangerously weaving through the zillion other cars that were on the packed as highway that afternoon. He was weaving in and out and flying across all 4 lanes!

I hope there was a seriously good reason for it buddy as you couldve been killed when you dangerously swerved around the carpet lying in the middle of the inside lane, not to mention everyone else on the highway you endangered by your stupid decision.

Haha I wouldn't even want to know how fucking unstable an old civic is at close to 200km/h... seriously mental

Post #444

Driving up my street today, a couple in a silver SAAB turned wide then continued down the middle of the road at me, i had to swerve into the gutter to avoid. WTF!

Post #445

Spotted Some retard changing lanes with out looking IN a roundabout forcing me to mount the middle of the roundabout to avoid her hitting me, AND she didn't even need to change lanes...

Vehicle : 04-09 Blue Mazda 3

Location: just near the Cleavland train station

Number Plate: Didn't see I was occupied trying to negotiate the middle of a round about.

We Really need to re-test people every 10 years or something, I did my test 3 Years ago now and I really don't think I'd pass if I had to do it tomorrow (if I prepared for it I would) but some people out there (my mum) have no idea how to drive a greasy stick up a dog's ass, let alone a car... Re-test people before they kill some one not after!

Post #446

Where :M1
When :wednesday around lunch time
Plates: ?

You ran up someones ass while there was hardly any damage to your car you still left it in the middle lane? there were 3 of yous push it of the fucking road!!
Post #447

QUOTE (squiggles @ Aug 8 2010, 08:10 PM) *
Where :M1
When :wednesday around lunch time
Plates: ?

You ran up someones ass while there was hardly any damage to your car you still left it in the middle lane? there were 3 of yous push it of the fucking road!!

More info?

Post #448

driving through caloundra. Lots of traffic lights, stop start stuff, you know the deal.

This douche would brake HARD, leaving a 30m empty space to the car in front. Would then come to a stop, then creep forward for the next 30m to make up that distance.

Fucker did this for a solid 15min. Overtook him, only to find him gabbing on the phone.

Post #449

the douche that rocked up to king of drift this afternoon in a light puple imprezza wagon with dinnerplates with the fully sick bass.

your a shit @#$!. noone thought you were cool. you fail.

Post #450

To all the douches all the time at the Shailer Park on-ramp, just cause I'm in a small fucking car doesn't mean you can shove your way in front of me. I've lost count of the times that just one more car has decided they want to be in front of me and as there was no space to move, driven me off the road entirely and almost made me collide into the highway wall while having to slow to about 20! And then after that, having to floor it and look like a retard to get back up to the speed limit so I don't cause an accident myself!

Oh, and to anyone who thinks because I'm a P plater, i'm a horrible driver and thus, thinks everything is my fault. Coming around a blind corner in the Loganholme shopping village, this old bitch in a huge people mover ON THE WRONG SIDE OF THE ROAD comes around and locks up as she almost runs into me and then, after she inches around me as I'm reversing to let her go, she gives me the filthiest look and steps on her horn! What the fuck! Not ALL P platers in modified cars are fuckwits, and people should stop thinking that and blaming us for everything.

/End rant

Post #451

QUOTE (BlueSwiftGTi @ Aug 9 2010, 11:53 AM) *
Oh, and to anyone who thinks because I'm a P plater, i'm a horrible driver and thus, thinks everything is my fault. Coming around a blind corner in the Loganholme shopping village, this old bitch in a huge people mover ON THE WRONG SIDE OF THE ROAD comes around and locks up as she almost runs into me and then, after she inches around me as I'm reversing to let her go, she gives me the filthiest look and steps on her horn! What the fuck! Not ALL P platers in modified cars are fuckwits, and people should stop thinking that and blaming us for everything.

/End rant

You shouldn't have been on the wrong side of the road man, go mum.

Its your fault.

Post #452

Coming back from Glasshouse yesterday a guy on a motor bike sat so close to me he might as well have been holding on to my tray then when I was merging onto the highway half in the lane he decides to over take me in the same lane and he was lucky I saw him.

Post #453

QUOTE (67-FKD @ Aug 2 2010, 12:48 PM) *
im not going to bring unnecessary attention to myself by undertaking a police car, plus when i say completely empty i mean he had opportunities to pull to the left lane and allow traffic to pass, sitting in the right lane for no reason does nothing but slow the flow of traffic.

Heh, funnily enough look what's popped up on their facebook page today xD

Traffic police announced today that they will be targeting drivers on the M1 who are not using the overtaking lanes appropriately.

Metropolitan South Regional Traffic Officer Inspector Lawrie Sturgess said that drivers failing to keep to the left lanes when not overtaking is a major contributor to tailgating, and subsequent nose-to-tail crashes.

“Tailgating is a major cause of stress for other drivers, as well as a contributor to many crashes and incidents of road rage,” Inspector Sturgess said.

“In the first step in addressing this issue, traffic officers in Metro South and South Eastern Region have announced a coordinated operation to remind drivers to stay left unless they are overtaking.

“A little consideration for other drivers goes a long way towards making our roads safer for everyone, particularly on high speed, high density roads such as the M1.

Post #454

QUOTE (MJ187 @ Aug 9 2010, 01:45 PM) *
You shouldn't have been on the wrong side of the road man, go mum.

Its your fault.

What do you mean? I was on my side of the road and she was on the side I was on. SHE was on the wrong side. :headwall:

Post #455

QUOTE (BlueSwiftGTi @ Aug 9 2010, 06:27 PM) *
What do you mean? I was on my side of the road and she was on the side I was on. SHE was on the wrong side. :headwall:

How old are you..... :headwall:
He was just having a go at ya. Suprising how you actually take it seriously.

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