R32 Skyline Inspection - Urgent Help Please  

  • jtole3
  • R32 Boat
  • Member No.: 151,629
  • Joined: 10-December 08
  • Posts: 2,245
  • From: Brisbane QLD
Post #1 post 13th January 2010 - 12:06 AM
Ok i have taken some pics of the damage to my suspension components and etc today and I'm just wondering if i could get some help from well mechanically minded people from boost. Obviously the castor rod need's replacing because it is snapped but I'm not sure about other parts :S as I'm not really that up to date when it comes to identifying suspension parts. The camber arm on the top looks fine but the main arm (i think its called a main control arm :S) has been pushed back around 1.5 inches back so that when i have a wheel on the car it rubs on the edge of the quarter panel near the door and that's with 15 180sx stocks on:(

I'm wanting to get this all fixed ASAP so I'm going through every measure i can to get this all done really quick. I'm going to go through with this thread and depending on if this works or not ill ask someone to come around and have a look
thanks boost hopefully i receive help:S

Even if you have the parts i need pm me as i have cash and am wanting this fixed ASAP

Thanks Boostcruisers?
Post #2

New lower control arm
New Castor Rod
New swaybar mount
New Tie Rod(replace tie rod end as well, most likely has damage as well, you dont want it snapping mid corner and getting the above result again wink.gif)

I would also be checking the bearing at the top of the strut so you do end up with stiff steering or a collapsed strut.
I would also consider replacing the entire upper control arm despite it having new bushes already... I would atleast get new bolts which would have taken the most impact stress.

REPLACE EVERY BOLT YOU CAN, they suffer the most sheer stress

Post #3

thanks so much man seriously I'm going crazy over the r32 sitting in the garage and not even knowing what to fix and be looking for to buy you've helped heaps man.

Post #4

I've got R33 lower control arms if you want a little more track/camber(they're slightly longer than R32 units)

Post #5

I cant be sure but on a second look it also looks like you need a new swaybar link pin based on what I can see in the 4th and 8th pictures

Post #6

QUOTE (Mongrel @ Jan 13 2010, 08:26 PM) *
I've got R33 lower control arms if you want a little more track/camber(they're slightly longer than R32 units)

will i have to use some other parts from a r33 to use the lower control arms on my 32 or are they alright with the other stock r32 parts?

thanks man

Post #7

Direct swap over smile.gif

I would consider getting adjustable rose jointed castor rods while its all apart as well, since you will probably be paying silly prices sourcing these parts from an import wrecker. Atleast that way you have 'new' parts smile.gif

Post #8

ball joint and inner bush are the same, it's just a little longer, direct bolt in.

Post #9

change all of it including the castor rod bracket thats is normally the most bent part and every one forgets to do it , the suspension up rite always bends on these too .
the only thing that you might not have to do is the hub carrier and hub but better off doing it all as its always heaps cheaper to buy all the parts at once . try and leave the upper arm if you want to keep those bushes it should be ok

Before you do all this though check that your rail isnt bent some times they do pull down from the impact

Post #10

Castor rod backets are in good condition as can be seen in above pics, but adjustable Castor rods can dial out any 'movemnet' that has occured when the wheel alignment is done.

Double wishbone suspensions rarely damage the suspension upright as it is a 'free floating' assembly and the bolts/ball joints take all the sheer stress. hence why replacing all of the upper control arm bolts/nuts, a new lower control arm with ball joint would be more than enough. There is also no weld fractures or flaking paint from deformed steel on the upright wink.gif

Your right about the chassis rail needing to be checked for alignment though but I also did not see any flaking paint on the inner guard area. I also checked the upper control arm mounting point and there seems to be no obvious signs of deformation.

I would only replace the lot if a super deal can be found on a complete set of parts.

Post #11

alright well I'm grabbing most of these parts now

do you think i will be fine doing it my self with a bar breaker and equipment like that or will i need electrical equipment to get the job done. I'm not wanting to take it to mechanics because the price they will give me will probably be pretty stupid.

Post #12

and are these to dogey to buy as i was looking for cusco and tein castor rods but they all retail around 400 300


Post #13

QUOTE (jtole3 @ Jan 21 2010, 03:43 PM) *
alright well I'm grabbing most of these parts now

do you think i will be fine doing it my self with a bar breaker and equipment like that or will i need electrical equipment to get the job done. I'm not wanting to take it to mechanics because the price they will give me will probably be pretty stupid.

Breaker bar and a few sockets/hammers etc should be fine. You know how to remove the lower ball joint by undoing the nut on the ball joint but leaving it on a few threads and then hitting the side of the hub knuckle where the ball joint goes to fee it up?

Avoid the cheap ebay shit, there is a few sponsors on here or maybe the skyline forum who would have better quality parts wink.gif That stuff looks like junk and is not even quenched(hardened) properly

Post #14

QUOTE (iamhappy46 @ Jan 21 2010, 08:27 PM) *
Breaker bar and a few sockets/hammers etc should be fine. You know how to remove the lower ball joint by undoing the nut on the ball joint but leaving it on a few threads and then hitting the side of the hub knuckle where the ball joint goes to fee it up?

Avoid the cheap ebay shit, there is a few sponsors on here or maybe the skyline forum who would have better quality parts wink.gif That stuff looks like junk and is not even quenched(hardened) properly

okay man i see now

well I've been offered all the parts i need for my r32 at a good price the only problem is its from a r32 gtr and I'm just wondering if it would be compatible with my car? Thanks guys so far you've helped a lot especially you IAmHappy

Post #15

ok i really need someone to come around and look at it in person and dismantle the parts. I dont have the equipment to unbolt the nuts and so on.Ill give you money just to come unbolt parts biggrin.gif and have a quick inspection?

Pm me how much you want to look at my car. I'm in Southside Brisbane Rochedale i need someone to come look ASAP i really need my car back on the road for working purposes.

Thanks boost

Post #16

alright someone surely wants to make some really easy money?

Post #17

hey man if uve damaged it slidin into gutter or whaterver id replace everythin on that side and also maybe cradle housing, i hit a gutter and ull be surprised what looks straight isnt and ull waist ur time when u go to get a wheel allighnment, just my experience anyway. gl man

Post #18

QUOTE (akaaa7 @ Jan 29 2010, 05:17 PM) *
hey man if uve damaged it slidin into gutter or whaterver id replace everythin on that side and also maybe cradle housing, i hit a gutter and ull be surprised what looks straight isnt and ull waist ur time when u go to get a wheel allighnment, just my experience anyway. gl man

thanks bro i might just replace the tension castor rods and the lower control arm and new bushes and nuts on everything and maybe the sway bar link and get a wheel alignment. well see how i go from there

Post #19

I should have some info on a guy who may be able to do the work tomorrow, got to ask him once he finishes work.

Post #20

QUOTE (iamhappy46 @ Jan 30 2010, 12:27 AM) *
I should have some info on a guy who may be able to do the work tomorrow, got to ask him once he finishes work.

cheers bro yeah I've sussed out someone to look at it well see how i go from there fist thanks man.

Post #21

You just want shit removed? I'm pretty handy with a breaker bar...

Post #22

QUOTE (the_random_hero @ Jan 30 2010, 09:26 PM) *
You just want shit removed? I'm pretty handy with a breaker bar...

^^^and even handier with a gas axe

Post #23

QUOTE (Mongrel @ Jan 31 2010, 09:38 AM) *
^^^and even handier with a gas axe

Or plasma cutter if I need some finesse tongue.gif

Post #24

QUOTE (the_random_hero @ Jan 30 2010, 09:26 PM) *
You just want shit removed? I'm pretty handy with a breaker bar...

Yeah something like that but ill just see how it goes with the person i have now.

Post #25

thanks for the help everyone mods please close

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