Attempting To Break A World Record - Come be a part of it!  

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  • mr_squiggle_1
  • Standard User
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  • Joined: 27-January 05
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  • From: Brisbane
Post #1 post 7th December 2009 - 09:03 AM
Hey Guys,

We are after people and car that would like to try and break a Guinness world record. The record that is attempting to be broken is for ‘MOST CARS PERFORMING DONUTS’.

We would like to see at least 100 cars and smash the previous record.

There are obviously guidelines we need to abide by and they are -


1)In keeping with the spirit of this record, the cars must be based on a standard production vehicle. Although modifications to the drive train (engine and transmission) are permitted if necessary to enable the back wheels to spin, the vehicles should not as a general rule be modified in any other way (other modifications must be cleared with Guinness World Records beforehand). A full description of the vehicle outlining its specifications must be supplied, as well as high-quality photographs of the car from various angles.

2)Tyres need not be standard for the cars and may be chosen for suitability.

3)The tyres may not be coated with any substance or modified in any way that will lessen their grip.

4)The surface on which the record takes place must be asphalt or concrete. It should be completely dry and free of ice, oil or any other lubricants.

5)The record is based on the number cars simultaneously performing ‘donuts’ for a period of 10 seconds.

6)Donuts must be performed continuously – cars must remain in ‘circular’ motion throughout the duration of the record attempt.

7)Any cars coming to a stop will not be counted.

All those that are interested please email Your Name, Car details, Contact Details, etc to - [email protected]

This is a record that will be documented by Guinness World Records themselves and may even appear on TV (in their show they have) it will also feature in the next publication of their book!

The attempt will take place on the 23rd of January 2010

This post has been edited by mr_squiggle_1: Dec 7 2009, 10:02 AM


Need info about anything going on at Queensland Raceway? Pm me...
DUNLOP MOTORSPORT TYRES AVAILABLE. PM me for price and availablility!
Post #2

where is there a big enough area for 100 cars to do donuts?

Post #3

Id be interested lol. More info needed though. When, where, is the area big enough for that many cars.. etc.

Post #4

You could scatter 100 cars across QR track

Emailed!!Althought i dont know if the laurel will be allowed with its mods? But my 180 shuold be sweet

Post #5

Its on the track at Queensland Raceway...

I work out at QR and we would like to hopefully see the entire track covered in cars doing donuts. This would wipe out the previous record by a long way!

Like I said in my original post, if you want to be part of it you HAVE to email me.

We have no set date when this will take place just yet so I'm collecting names and contact details and everyone will be informed.

Simply put, no email, no donuts.

Post #6

That is so tempting, Is there a set date when this will happen?

Post #7

QUOTE (mr_squiggle_1 @ Dec 7 2009, 09:36 AM) *
Its on the track at Queensland Raceway...

I work out at QR and we would like to hopefully see the entire track covered in cars doing donuts. This would wipe out the previous record by a long way!

Like I said in my original post, if you want to be part of it you HAVE to email me.

We have no set date when this will take place just yet so I'm collecting names and contact details and everyone will be informed.

Simply put, no email, no donuts.

Post #8

Correction... I have just had confirmation of a date from the boss.

23rd of January 2010 will be Guinness World Record Afternoon.

Will be attempting to break a number of records in the same afternoon.

Post #9

Sweet as smile.gif How leniant are they on modifications??

James Dean
Post #10

Where are the kids in VN's?

Post #11

As long as the car is based off a standard production vehicle, with a motor also found in a standard production vehicle there should be no issues. So those of you for example that have a Silvia with a 1J in it will be fine.

Basically in your eyes (the owner) this modification was required to make the vehicle perform donuts, right?

Post #12

But ofcourse haha. My car will be fine the Laurel was my only concern but i guess it will be fine smile.gif

Post #13

Email sent smile.gif

Post #14

Up to 17 people now...

Looks like we might make the 100!

Also confirmed is Matt Mingay who will not only be doing the donuts with you guys but will also try for the longest power skid on a motorcycle.

Post #15

spectators aloud?

Post #16

are peg leggers allowed?

Post #17

Spectators are allowed, no charge to come watch. But it could be very stop/start with the guinness world record guys here and making sure everything is to their standards.

Peg Leggers - You are allowed but I have had concerns from some people already about the space that peg leggers require compared to those with a spool/lsd/locker etc.

As long as everyone is considerate of others and doesn't get to carried away we have no issues. Last thing I want to see is damaged vehicles!

Post #18

count me in smile.gif email sent

Post #19

Some emails I have recieved from Guinness World Records themselves -


Channel 7 are making a Guinness World Record television show and we need expert drivers who want a Guinness World Record and can do DONUTS!!!

Most cars performing donuts simultaneously - 47 and was achieved by Team GReeN (Japan) at Fuji Speedway, Shizuoka, Japan, on 27 May 2009.

This record is for the highest number of cars performing “donuts” simultaneously.
This record is to be attempted by several individual.
This record is measured by the number of cars performing donuts.
A doughnut or donut is a maneuver performed while driving a vehicle. Performing this maneuver entails rotating the rear or front of the vehicle around the opposite set of wheels in a continuous motion, creating (ideally) a circular skid-mark pattern of rubber on a roadway.

In keeping with the spirit of this record, the cars must be based on a standard production vehicle. Although modifications to the drive train (engine and transmission) are permitted if necessary to enable the back wheels to spin, the vehicles should not as a general rule be modified in any other way (other modifications must be cleared with Guinness World Records beforehand).
Tyres need not be standard for the cars and may be chosen for suitability.
The tyres may not be coated with any substance or modified in any way that will lessen their grip.
The surface on which the record takes place must be asphalt or concrete. It should be completely dry and free of ice, oil or any other lubricants.
The record is based on the number cars simultaneously performing ‘donuts’ for a period of 10 seconds.
Donuts must be performed continuously – cars must remain in ‘circular’ motion throughout the duration of the record attempt.
Any cars coming to a stop will not be counted.


Most donuts in a production car in 1 minute -22 donuts (360º spins) by Alistair Weaver, in a 1.8 litre Caterham Superlight at Elvington airfield, Yorkshire, UK, on 8 April 2002.

This record is for the most spins (“donuts”) performed in a production car in one minute.
This record is to be attempted by an individual.

1. The vehicle should be a standard production vehicle, unmodified in any way. The only exceptions to this rule are the wheels and tyres, which do not need to be standard to the car. The challenger may choose tyres he/she feels are most suitable for the record attempt.
2. The tyres may not be coated with any substance or modified in any way that will lessen their grip.
3. The surface on which the record takes place must be asphalt or concrete. It should be completely dry and free of ice, oil or any other lubricants.
4. All the donuts must take place within a circle drawn on the driving surface. The radius of this circle must be twice the length of the vehicle used. For example, if the car is 2.3 m long, the radius of this circle must be 4.6 m, and the diameter 9.2 m.
5. The vehicle must stay within this circle at all times during the attempt. Should the front or rear wheels touch or cross the line, the attempt must end.
6. Timing of the minute begins when the rear wheels begin spinning.
7. Before the car begins moving a mark should be made on the edge of the circle to record its position. The number of spins is recorded by counting the number of times the vehicle passes this mark. Only full revolutions count, i.e. should the minute end when the car is halfway around the circle, this half spin cannot be counted towards the total.

This new half hour prime time family show for Channel 7 pits Aussie record-breakers against the world as each week they attempt to bring another Guinness World Record home to Australia… The audience will watch the Guinness World Records book come alive in front of their eyes, with the craziest, funniest, and sometimes even downright silly world record attempts!
With an emphasis on the very humorous and very physical, Australians are challenged to beat the record ‘for their country’. Patriotism and ‘Aussies taking on the world’ is a very important theme…
Everything featured on the show is a genuine Guinness World Record attempt and if successful, will be recognised as an official Guinness World Record. We have a Guinness World Record adjudicator at every record attempt to officiate and rule on the results.
Our new show will captivate family audiences with a funny and positive take on the sometimes bizarre, occasionally shocking but always awe inspiring men and women pushing themselves to become brand new record breakers…all for their country!

We will be filming at Queensland Raceway on Saturday 23rd of January 2010.
You need to supply your own car and have current rego and comprehensive car insurance.

Post #20

Ill have a chat to a few amtes.. Might be able to gather up a handful!

Post #21

Count me in... I'll whack the stocko's on the back and come out for sure!

EDIT: My car may be a bit too 'modified' for this. I'm not sure if things like upping the boost + intake + front mount would count as the kinds of mods they're not allowing?

Rusty Night
Post #22

QUOTE (Mosquitocoil @ Dec 7 2009, 01:50 PM) *
Count me in... I'll whack the stocko's on the back and come out for sure!

PM me details as neccesary!

email him....

Post #23

I wish I still had my old wagon, it did awesome hoops biggrin.gif

Post #24

QUOTE (mr_squiggle_1 @ Dec 7 2009, 10:08 AM) *
So those of you for example that have a Silvia with a 1J in it will be fine.

Basically in your eyes (the owner) this modification was required to make the vehicle perform donuts, right?

LOLLLL. Cause everyone knows RBs and SRs cant do donuts smile.gif 1J only smile.gif

What other records are you guys attempting neil? Ive always had a secret fetish for "worlds longest drift train" smile.gif

Street Tuned
Post #25

Email sent very keen on this.

Post #26

There are a few idea's being thrown around at the moment.

Matt Mingay will be having a go at worlds longest burnout on a bike, possibly trying something like longest time driving on 2 wheels, most donuts in a minute (solo run), etc etc

Drift train to them (Guinness World Records) isn't a measurable activity, to many factors and possible flaws.

Post #27

hmmm that sucks. would be hell fun. can we just throw 50 cars at turn 1 anyway??? ph34r.gif mamoru.gif what sort of figure is involved for most donuts in one minute? held by a gemini with a v6 isnt it?

Post #28

this sounds pretty ok but im thinkin driving out to qr for a few donuts is to far.
will anything else be happening after the whole rec ord thing like drift/more skids?

Post #29

Held by a Caterham 7 in England... 22 in one minute. Rules for it are different to when RJ had the record. Now needs to be a stock standard vehicle.

Post #30

QUOTE (slide1600 @ Dec 7 2009, 04:20 PM) *
hmmm that sucks. would be hell fun. can we just throw 50 cars at turn 1 anyway??? ph34r.gif mamoru.gif what sort of figure is involved for most donuts in one minute? held by a gemini with a v6 isnt it?

Most donuts in a production car in 1 minute -22 donuts (360º spins) by Alistair Weaver, in a 1.8 litre Caterham Superlight at Elvington airfield, Yorkshire, UK, on 8 April 2002

that guys record must have been beaten

Post #31

sounds like fun ...can i decide next month if i wanna do it ?
is there gonna be a cut off point for the number of cars ?
and can we drift after wards ? please smile.gif

Post #32

I noticed that "You need to supply your own car and have current rego and comprehensive car insurance"

How about motorbike doughnuts, do they count? hehe

Post #33

QUOTE (s13viper @ Dec 7 2009, 04:37 PM) *
I noticed that "You need to supply your own car and have current rego and comprehensive car insurance"

How about motorbike doughnuts, do they count? hehe

ohh crap im out then

Street Tuned
Post #34

QUOTE (wannaslide @ Dec 7 2009, 05:41 PM) *
ohh crap im out then

Im sure that mean compulsory third party injury insurance that comes with your rego.

I doubt if any full comp insurance company will cover someone doing doughnuts at Queensland Race way.

Post #35

QUOTE (Street Tuned @ Dec 7 2009, 04:47 PM) *
Im sure that mean compulsory third party injury insurance that comes with your rego.

I doubt if any full comp insurance company will cover someone doing doughnuts at Queensland Race way.

lol sweet thanks mate thumbsup.gif

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