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Post #1156

nah was just a love tap entering the hair pin LOL. Fuck all damage can barely see where it happened. The water barrier on the other hand though caused a bit LOL. Was all good anyways.

Post #1157

QUOTE (mitch_r32 @ May 17 2009, 06:50 PM) *
New car will be mine, as for the scene I don't know how much more it can grow past what we have now but I think we could push it out to 20-30 solid members. It will never be anything like the other states have though.

I agree. :thumbsup: In the southern states, there are clubs and drift groups that get together and do what they do ... drift!! Be nice to see the NT at the other state levels or numbers, but i guess only time will tell.

Post #1158

where did i say, 'now you guys have lost and arent going to ever drift again.........'
and mitch i think with a more drift events in the future, that teda could grow a fair bit bigger but not in the immediate future, as they say rome wasn't built in a day

btw i know vents were necessary because people are never going to be happy...if you want it judged properly then do it yourself i spose?

Post #1159

I said "you talk like" not "you said" please read carefully, and I did offer all the help I could including judging if I couldn't get tyres organised.

TEDA can grow yes, but we are and always will be limited by the population here :thumbsup: not a bad thing though because I hate long waits in the start line!

Post #1160

I should add that there was 2 key things I wanted to happen to help everyone understand the judging but they didn't:

1: judges briefing on what they will look for and how they score
2: the line the judges want to see and actually walk the track with the judges to understand where the line is

Post #1161

that needed to happen i agree. But still was a fat time and i hope i can get back out there soon.

Post #1162

Yep thats right, should have been part of the drivers briefing.

Post #1163


Post #1164

QUOTE (FDrifter @ May 16 2009, 09:55 PM) *
You can drive it but I get to drive yours :thumbsup:
Hmmm...the judges. Maybe we need people who actually have drift experience and knowledge not young lads who are all talk.

I know the judges, they used to be in DHS and we used to hang out. I must say that one of them (not mentioning names) favours some of the drifters (again not mentioning names) which I think is VERY unfair.

My suggestion would be to get older guys (not boys who just got out of school with their P's) who know what they're doing, and who have more experience behind the wheel. Also communicating with the judges would also help a little bit I think.

I'm just glad to see the sport grow in the NT :wavey:

Congrats to all the drifters having the balls to slam their cars into the wall :(

Post #1165

I should add that there was 2 key things I wanted to happen to help everyone understand the judging but they didn't:

1: judges briefing on what they will look for and how they score
2: the line the judges want to see and actually walk the track with the judges to understand where the line is

thats definately a plan.

If i did not have to sell the car i would be out there every meet to show some of the drivers out there where their skill level should be after 5 years of drifting

I said before that you are fucken good for how long you have been out there, sucks that you have to sell it, hope you can make it back soon.

Darren even you know that our first run was never meant to happen due to a massive fuck up and then even when the judges called a re-run along with a few hundred others in the crowd, 20 mins of back of forth between the judges and the HV officials (if you can call them that) resulted in you winning.

I'm not bitter really because as you said it was all for a piece of plastic but still, any competition should have a bit of organisation/competence behind it?

Oh and my oil cooler core is cracked

yeah that was fucked up, but I seriously doubt and hope that will not happen again... at the time i thought you were just drifting with me for fun, so i didnt have to drift alone... Those 4 battles are my favourite battles yet, cant wait to go up against you again.

also there is someone selling a cooler set in darwin for $300 I think on NS.

Anyway guys cant wait to do some more skids with you!....... but you wont keep up!

im too fast! :thumbsup:

Post #1166

I agree with mitch_r32, the drifting line of the course should be pointed out to the drivers.

Not to compare but just as an example in the D1GP, the judges and drivers sit down together and discuss what they (the judges) are looking for - How much angle, speed, what line and i guess how much 'impact' the driver has to offer to the spectators : lighting the tyres up, or how close to the barrieers they get, etc.

Again not to compare but looking at other established events may give examples to follow. :thumbsup:

Post #1167

all the thing everyone has said has been put to the ex president and the new president time and time again , and constantly falls on def ears

i don't know how many times the aboves has been mentioned and never get's done,

shane and jeff don't care about that, it's about them end of story!

Post #1168

ok i'm going to open my mouth a little bit here if you have a problem with the judging you need to get together as a group and talk to them and tell them what you as competitors want from them if that still dosn't work the group has to get together and find alternitive judges to fill the spots.

now i may be be what you guys call a grip racer but i have a very good understanding of what you guys need to be judged on and also the difficulty levels you are dealing with as i know how cars feel at speed and out of shape (something i try to avoid) but i know alot of you think that the grip racers know nothing about drifting but the dynamics are very similer (lines even angle)

i would be interested in being involved in the judging some events for you as a unbiased very hard to impress person and on the condition i had a set of rules to study that would be stuck to for the rest of the year if someone asked me to as i'm not racing this year while i'm building my new car but it is up to you

Post #1169

I reckon you should speak to shane POCOCK.. would be good to have you down there. Trust me the proper drifters dont think that grip racers are shit or anything like that in fact the racing dynamic is very similiar and you need to understand grip racing before you can drift properly especially on our track as its a very fast nigh traction track

Post #1170

ok bj i'll go have a chat to him and see what is said

track walks would have to happen on a saturday and breffing as well as the sunday's are to busy

Post #1171

this is what its about https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kqOsAJ3vq9M

Post #1172

QUOTE (buzurkracing @ May 18 2009, 08:00 PM) *

Hey, save some of that anger for friday night :thumbsup:

p.s... no external o2 sensor this time pls :(

Post #1173

Hell yeah extreme entry comp! time for some 4th gear 160km/h action!

Post #1174

i watched that last night and i hate to say the look it gives is not good from my angle no helmut's hangint out the car while doing doing nuts i hope any sponcers they have stop supporting them as they are sending a bad image about the sport

Post #1175

QUOTE (buzurkracing @ May 18 2009, 08:30 PM) *

:thumbsup: :( :wavey: :bowrofl: :bowrofl:

Post #1176

Almost every single one of those guys in that vid are sponsored and compete in DA/SD. I don't think you need to get all corporate on us with drifting, its not like its making anyone a ton of money, besides it was all being done on a closed track/skidpan.

If the drivers are classed as 'professional' then these are the type of things they can get away with. Enjoy it for what it is mate, if you ever went to japan and saw a drift matsuri you would probably have a heart attack.

Post #1177

gay if i didnt have rego and bass this week i would have come down...
aiming for the next meet

Post #1178

This is great. Remember the CARS movie. Here is Tokyo Drift version :thumbsup: :(

Post #1179

BAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! thats awesome :thumbsup:

Post #1180

HAHAHA. that was awesome. "Modified"!!! :thumbsup:

Post #1181

ditto , that

Post #1182

Hi Drift guys/gals,
I sent this via the teda email address on the website - hope it comes through ok - if not here is an extract from the NT Parliament Hansard from MLA ROss Bohlin - in regards to it being Volunteers week last week..

Debates - Eleventh Assembly, First Session - 04/28/2009 - Parliamentary Record No: 5
This is an uncorrected proof of the daily report. It is made available under the condition that it is recognised as such.
Date: 05/06/2009
Member: Mr BOHLIN
Other Speakers:
Status: Drysdale
Mr BOHLIN (Drysdale):

Obviously, the House knows that much of my passion revolves around motor sports. If it was not for those young people who are now involved, there would not be such sporting events like Drifting, which occurred a few ago at Hidden Valley. It is good to see that some of those young people can turn their focus from the illegal habits on the street and get involved in a club, and do their bit so that they can enjoy their sport.

I encourage anyone who is involved, or thinking about getting involved in sport they have passion for, to throw their hat in the ring, have a go, because everyone’s input makes the job of running one of these committees so much easier. The people involved get so much more fun and enjoyment out of the sport if they know that they help set that up. Whether they helped set up a barbecue or set up and take the gate takings, or whatever it may be, it is important. I urge anyone who is considering to volunteer now to get out there, do the best you can, and your work will be well appreciated by everyone.

Most events we go to, you now hear people recognising that and saying: 'We would like to thank all the volunteers’. So, to the young people, get out there and volunteer; everyone else, still get out there, have a great time in life, stay active and stay healthy.

:thumbsup: Mel

Post #1183

nice to see it got a mention Thanks for the info Mel

Post #1184

how was it today?

Post #1185


pics are there now

Post #1186

looks like there were way too many fords there for my liking :ph34r:

Post #1187

car concepts brought a herrod crew down.

Baracas had a ball thrashing all of them (on his 265r18 semi-slicks!)

Post #1188

QUOTE (POCOCK @ May 18 2009, 08:53 PM) *
i watched that last night and i hate to say the look it gives is not good from my angle no helmut's hangint out the car while doing doing nuts i hope any sponcers they have stop supporting them as they are sending a bad image about the sport

I love this vid , I am good friends with alot of these guys now and we all have such a ball when we go out drifting , as having fun and forgeting about comps, points and sponcers (to a degree), yes it did look unprofestional driving wise but I think it is one of the most true to form drifting video's ever. And yes Matsuri's are nuts , my $9 helmet was wearing me for protection.

try not to worry to much about judging as you will never have perfect judge's , just skid and have fun

Post #1189


Post #1190

Mmmmm jiggling boobs.
Nice effort leavn my work tonight BJ :)

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