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Post #491

More than anything for me the image seems to busy and distracting.

Few of the shots have blurred trees in the way and the blurred background on a few has a ghosted appearance to me (trees). This is in no fault yours as there were obviously a hell of a lot of trees to contend with smile.gif

Post #492

Y'all should know what I post isn't worth reading anyway!! y'all...

WTF is up with y'all, I've grown into a southern american.. Hmm Where's my chicken? Double battered and deep deep fried!!

SO ANYWAY, yeah foreground obscuring vision etc do detract but you must admit it gives one hell of a feeling that they're really screaming along doesn't it!?

Jayrad is right though, some don't seem tack-sharp as the usual Matt goodies. Still he floors me in skill even his bad sets are better than my best haha!

I don't mind the content either.. Just so you know..

matt mead
Post #493

I got rid of some of the not so sharp images and added in one.

Just a thought it wouldnt surprise me if the AL Servo mode was front focusing or back focusing on the busy foreground/background??

maybe manual focus would be better suited.. i suck at manual focus haha. I cant wait to go back there but and spend a whole day shooting

Post #494

QUOTE(matt mead @ Jan 5 2009, 07:55 AM) [snapback]1283379900[/snapback]
I got rid of some of the not so sharp images and added in one.

Just a thought it wouldnt surprise me if the AL Servo mode was front focusing or back focusing on the busy foreground/background??

maybe manual focus would be better suited.. i suck at manual focus haha. I cant wait to go back there but and spend a whole day shooting

hahaha i think shooting at 1/20th is to blame here tongue.gif

Post #495

QUOTE('JayRad @ Jan 5 2009, 08:02 AM) [snapback]1283379915[/snapback]

hahaha i think shooting at 1/20th is to blame here tongue.gif


matt mead
Post #496

hahah caught up in the blur lol

Could be but there so close to sharp that im going to blame focus hahah and especially at the longer focal length, focus would cause that haha

Post #497

A nice set there. Some good editorial-type shots that would publish well.

I don't know if you wanted critique, but I have some spare time so will lightly critique all of them.

Fantastic shot, the strongest of the set by far. If I had to pick a fault I would say it's just a little dark.

An almost there shot. The car is just a little bit too left of centre so it is neither centrally framed, or off centre. Also a bit soft.

Good shot, I perhaps would like to see maybe a wheel-height (as a unit of measurement) more frame over the car.

Great shot. The tree is perhaps a little dense on the rear 1/4 but a strong shot.

As near to perfect as you'd like to get. Sharp, great exposure, great background. Perhaps if the car was a little more bottom left, but an excellent shot all the same.

Nice portrait, you have the subjects attention, the expression is one of attitude, but not agression. Lovely bokeh too.

Great shot. Little to fault about this one. I love the exposure.

Great shot, maybe the car is just a little too high. If you had just a bit of frame over the end of the arial it would be spot on. The little stars on the base of teh windscreen and bonnet are a nice touch without being overpowering or distracting.

A technically good pan but doesn't do much for me for some reason. Maybe a little dark? I wouldn't bin it, but one of the weaker of the set.

Strong shot, composition, exposure and pan are all great, perhaps the stick/branch is slightly distracting in that exact position.

I like this for the same reasons as the previous shot, and have the same remarks regarding distractions. If the car was 2m further forward this would be a real stunner, but I am distracted by the section of roof obstructed by the foliage.

Second only to the first. I love this shot. Composition is great, exposure just right, background is simple, you can see the track where the car is headed. It ticks all the boxes!

Probably the weakest of the set IMO. I can see what you're trying to do, but I can't help thinking that the car is about to run into the tree. Sorry.

Great shot. You did very very well to get the pan that sharp given the proximity of the car and it's position in the corner. Definitely in the top 3-4 of this set.

Cheers, Adam.

matt mead
Post #498

cheers adam, critque away :0 really appreciate your take on it. Given me some things to think about. I have this funny ability when processing that my photos get darker and darker as i process haha.

But saying that my monitor at work makes them look so so dark my calibrated monitor at home makes the exposure look good on all of them bar No.4

thanks again smile.gif

matt mead
Post #499

Some more good new for 2009 im now Australian Corespondent for which is a motorsport news/culture blog

IPB Image

and here is my introduction lol:

Post #500

You stud you! Congrats man smile.gif

matt mead
Post #501

lol gotta luv the mugshot haha cheers

matt mead
Post #502

Edited my first video, its a massive new world and i suck at it lol:

cant wait to start editing 5d mk2 footage

Post #503

Nice video mate.

Who's GTi was it? (Yours?) Mods? Shots of the car?

I'll be placing an order for a Mk6 as soon as we can get a confirmed release date. smile.gif

matt mead
Post #504

nah its not mine its a mates. Im pretty sure its standard just better then standard tyres

i believe there is a shot in the last set of photos i took. It goes pretty well in stright line, its a very understeery car... personally i think there boring to drive tongue.gif

im going to post a video of me driving my car there very soon.

Post #505

<-------- I've got that as my performance/cruising car, Golf will just be a daily.

Look forward to your video, and whatever it is you drive, haha.

Post #506

What did you cut this vid with matt?

Post #507

Nice vid, pity about the auto tongue.gif

Squealy tires.

matt mead
Post #508

Cut with Adobe Preimer 6. pretty simple to do once u work out what your doing. I have cs3 but i dont have a working crack for it sad.gif

The footage is shot with the g10. Then compressed down. Original is 770mb compressed down to 150mb.

Squealy tires are due to the fresh surface just poured

Post #509

G10 sure takes nice some nice vid! Get the hachi out there and drift it up next time Matty.

matt mead
Post #510

Shot this on monday night. Draft cover for this months issue of "the Circuit" Its not perfect few things to fix as my monitor seems to be different to the printer.

IPB Image

setup shot:

IPB Image

Post #511

Oh wow not only is that Ek impressive, so is that rig setup.

Post #512

Just seen that shot on flickr, I crapped, then lol'd, then cried with jealousy.

Fantastic work matt!

Post #513

Clone it out pussy laugh.gif

Post #514

LMFAO @ Brasher

Top photos Matt.

matt mead
Post #515

Thanks everyone smile.gif

QUOTE(brasher @ Jan 14 2009, 04:42 PM) [snapback]1283423908[/snapback]

Clone it out pussy laugh.gif

hahah if only i had the skills to..

It suits the cover better like this anyway... it was shot in a street so its hardly where i a race car should be... with that crop on it it kind of looks likes on a track and the driver is turning into a none existant apex.

Post #516

QUOTE(matt mead @ Jan 14 2009, 10:04 PM) [snapback]1283425953[/snapback]

Thanks everyone smile.gif
hahah if only i had the skills to..

It suits the cover better like this anyway... it was shot in a street so its hardly where i a race car should be... with that crop on it it kind of looks likes on a track and the driver is turning into a none existant apex.

Yeah it does. Nice work, what ever happened to no more stills, it was all action, action & action!! ??

This I call a still tongue.gif You rig is sweet too. I feel perhaps the road is lighter than it should be (i guess this is probably because it's a track car and most tracks are rather dark bitumen etc. etc.).

matt mead
Post #517

QUOTE(Nick_ @ Jan 15 2009, 07:06 AM) [snapback]1283426639[/snapback]

Yeah it does. Nice work, what ever happened to no more stills, it was all action, action & action!! ??

This I call a still tongue.gif You rig is sweet too. I feel perhaps the road is lighter than it should be (i guess this is probably because it's a track car and most tracks are rather dark bitumen etc. etc.).

I got conned into it... and i surprised we will see

Im shooting the car again this saturday in the owners ghetto looking garage. Could be interesting or a massive failure lol

Post #518

like it all, well done

Post #519

QUOTE(matt mead @ Jan 15 2009, 07:23 AM) [snapback]1283426662[/snapback]

I got conned into it... and i surprised we will see

Im shooting the car again this saturday in the owners ghetto looking garage. Could be interesting or a massive failure lol

You'll pull it off, you always seem to.

matt mead
Post #520

Some more video editing stuff

watch in HD and full screen... im about to start on editing for my short film.. Should be interesting

Post #521

Very nice biggrin.gif The audio is weird listening to the two cars but i like it. Good job

matt mead
Post #522

my new cat

IPB Image

his name is rambo!

Post #523

I'm not fussed on the shot but he's gorgeous!! smile.gif

Full body shot?

matt mead
Post #524

nor am i hes just so cute... heas running a muck on my desk at the moment

idd try to get one when he settles the fuck down lol

Post #525

Someone once told me 'cats are the bane of all photographers'.

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