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Territory Laser Cutting
Post #386

I have just been looking at the last few pages, it has been a while, and not much has changed, the same people complaining, lots of miss-information, and lots of anti-TEDA slander.

I am actually quite offended, personally, as I hold my name close to TEDA, and I am proud of how far we have come. Drifting was a part of the NAMSC calendar for the whole year, and with much anticipation in 2009 for us to be there again. That is a whole lot more consistency than any one else has been able to do any other time. But thanks for your gratitude.

What is most offensive is that for the most of it, the ones who are proclaiming that they wont have anything to do with TEDA, will talk to my face about genearal crap, then go and state how much the club sucks, and we are all a bunch of nazi's. Whatever happend to pulling a mate aside and letting him in on your thoughts or feelings, or actually just talking about your problem with the club with me personally.

The fact is, they have never persisted long enough to make a difference, and that is why they use TEDA as an excuse not to drift, rather than find a way to drift. I mean, they found out that they didnt have to be a member, but none of them even turned up??? Mad keen arn't they!

You guys never had to do anything, but turn up, drift, dont talk to or socialise with anyone, and go home. But you wont even do that.

The fact of the matter is this:
TEDA is here to stay.
TEDA WILL BE the recognised club for NAMSC to deal with for 2009.
TEDA is a public club, with a constitution, so if you dont like the way it is run, then register yourself for a committee position, or at least turn up to a few meetings, and at least voice your opinion.
Too many of you have turned up once, dont get your way the first time, and never return. Harden TF Up!

I have been constantly knocked by you pricks for my efforts for over a year now, what have you done to help promote drifting in the last two years? Your a bunch of know-it-all, never-wills and wish I did's.

Seems as you have such a big list of people who want to drift, but wont SUPPORT me (coz god knows I have always asked for it) start your own club and deal with NAMSC yourselves! or do none of you have the mentality to do that.

Note: To any other persons outside of the "LOOP" that may be new to Darwin. Dont be surprised by the shitfest, it is a result of many people with previous personal problems.

If at all you are interested in Drifting, come and help me out, offer you advice, or at least come and join us for one day and form your own opinion before listening to people who actually have not drifted at hidden valley for at least two years, if at all ever.

Looking forward to 2009.
Shane Davidson.

Post #387

well said

Post #388

I think that was a very well constructed post Shane. And as someone on the outside looking in, I can pretty much agree with you, in regards to the manner of behaviour exhibited by users of this forum, based on what I have seen written on this forum.

I can only imagine.

If anyone has anything else to say on the subject of TEDA and whether you need to be a member to drift, or you dont like the club, or you have ideas for the club or whatever....

PM Territory Laser Cutting.

Keep the whinging out of this thread.

Post #389

QUOTE(MADcunz @ Dec 1 2008, 01:34 PM) [snapback]1283227305[/snapback]

well said

x2! :(

**as a fellow 'other' motorsport committee member! (with similar frustrations!)

Post #390

good post shane,

wow some many digs at me not funny :(

"What is most offensive is that for the most of it, the ones who are proclaiming that they wont have anything to do with TEDA, will talk to my face about general crap, then go and state how much the club sucks, and we are all a bunch of nazi's. Whatever happened to pulling a mate aside and letting him in on your thoughts or feelings, or actually just talking about your problem with the club with me personally."

have done time and time again, but waste of time! the president of the club does more damage for car people up here with his constant hooning and driving like a cock on the street! as well as numerous other members, which no committee members or members have addressed ?????? why be in a club that condones that sort of shit? no other club in Australia puts up with that, but once again why talk to a club that all decisions are made by 1 person or over turned and

"The fact is, they have never persisted long enough to make a difference, and that is why they use TEDA as an excuse not to drift, rather than find a way to drift. I mean, they found out that they didnt have to be a member, but none of them even turned up??? Mad keen arn't they!"

why persist with something that's not done properly or to a standard, that meet's the rest of the country?
regarding the keen bit, as 90% of your club members don't show up what's that point got to do with anything? probably the same reason your 90% didn't turn up, money car issues, or wanting to sleep in?

"Note: To any other persons outside of the "LOOP" that may be new to Darwin. Dont be surprised by the shitfest, it is a result of many people with previous personal problems. "

previous personal problems, mmmmm well i'm not sure who's else that's a dig at shane, but pretty sure that's me again! i have a problem with a usless shop that did shit work on a car, that is all! i've told u that, and u agreed with me about his standard of work etc, my issue with the club is once a gain, nothing is done properly from the begining to a standard, i spent many hours finding info from down south and speaking to one of the people for over 2hours on my phone with info on how to start the club properly, once again, def ears!

"The fact of the matter is this:
TEDA is here to stay.
TEDA WILL BE the recognised club for NAMSC to deal with for 2009.
TEDA is a public club, with a constitution, so if you dont like the way it is run, then register yourself for a committee position, or at least turn up to a few meetings, and at least voice your opinion.
Too many of you have turned up once, dont get your way the first time, and never return. Harden TF Up! "

people who are teda members don't even have a say, or listened to so what chance does anyone else ?

"I have been constantly knocked by you pricks for my efforts for over a year now, what have you done to help promote drifting in the last two years? Your a bunch of know-it-all, never-wills and wish I did's"

no not really!

"Seems as you have such a big list of people who want to drift, but wont SUPPORT me (coz god knows I have always asked for it) start your own club and deal with NAMSC yourselves! or do none of you have the mentality to do that. "

mmmm u said not to start another club, when there is that much divide between your own club, why do that, drifting was there before teda, and anyone can join, so why start a club, that's what namsc is there for, not teda

"If at all you are interested in Drifting, come and help me out, offer you advice, or at least come and join us for one day and form your own opinion before listening to people who actually have not drifted at hidden valley for at least two years, if at all ever."

:lol: offer advice, once again falls constantly on def ears

and mel, u would fit in with there once sided one minded they are the be all about everything and there way or no way! thats way clubs up here run right!

u carry on about how much u are doing, but if it was done differently it would be so much more but your not interested! and u don't realise how much damage is also done, it's sad i'm one of the few that will say something, but hey most your club members bitched etc, pitty most of them are to scared to actually do something :P

Post #391

QUOTE(Territory Laser Cutting @ Dec 1 2008, 01:51 PM) [snapback]1283227257[/snapback]

I have just been looking at the last few pages, it has been a while, and not much has changed, the same people complaining, lots of miss-information, and lots of anti-TEDA slander.

I am actually quite offended, personally, as I hold my name close to TEDA, and I am proud of how far we have come. Drifting was a part of the NAMSC calendar for the whole year, and with much anticipation in 2009 for us to be there again. That is a whole lot more consistency than any one else has been able to do any other time. But thanks for your gratitude.

What is most offensive is that for the most of it, the ones who are proclaiming that they wont have anything to do with TEDA, will talk to my face about genearal crap, then go and state how much the club sucks, and we are all a bunch of nazi's. Whatever happend to pulling a mate aside and letting him in on your thoughts or feelings, or actually just talking about your problem with the club with me personally.

The fact is, they have never persisted long enough to make a difference, and that is why they use TEDA as an excuse not to drift, rather than find a way to drift. I mean, they found out that they didnt have to be a member, but none of them even turned up??? Mad keen arn't they!

You guys never had to do anything, but turn up, drift, dont talk to or socialise with anyone, and go home. But you wont even do that.

The fact of the matter is this:
TEDA is here to stay.
TEDA WILL BE the recognised club for NAMSC to deal with for 2009.
TEDA is a public club, with a constitution, so if you dont like the way it is run, then register yourself for a committee position, or at least turn up to a few meetings, and at least voice your opinion.
Too many of you have turned up once, dont get your way the first time, and never return. Harden TF Up!

I have been constantly knocked by you pricks for my efforts for over a year now, what have you done to help promote drifting in the last two years? Your a bunch of know-it-all, never-wills and wish I did's.

Seems as you have such a big list of people who want to drift, but wont SUPPORT me (coz god knows I have always asked for it) start your own club and deal with NAMSC yourselves! or do none of you have the mentality to do that.

Note: To any other persons outside of the "LOOP" that may be new to Darwin. Dont be surprised by the shitfest, it is a result of many people with previous personal problems.

If at all you are interested in Drifting, come and help me out, offer you advice, or at least come and join us for one day and form your own opinion before listening to people who actually have not drifted at hidden valley for at least two years, if at all ever.

Looking forward to 2009.
Shane Davidson.

OK Shane

If that was at me. GO FUCK YOURSELF. Simple as that. Me and you have spoken on this shit so many times it is not funny.

As for not getting involved Both Lars and myself tried so fucking hard to make something of it. I believe from yours and danny mouth was i am glad you and lars stepped in and brought up some stuff. You all lifted when Lars and I were in the middle of it and you all drifted fucking well. Then you know dam well that we both got shut out. Plain and simple.

I will be there next year and i wont be drifting with Teda. As i spoke with you when i took you around at the Motorkhana. If you think of me as a Your a bunch of know-it-all, never-wills and wish I did's. then you can again go fuck yourself and dont think i wont come see you bout this wheni get back from Sydney cos your going to be my first point of call.

I fucking told you that i would not be entering this meet due to my ECU being out of the car and with Microtech.

Lets see if you have stuff to say to that and then we shall talk.

And one last thing. I never criticized TEDA i merely asked do you need to be apart of them to drift. Shoot me for that and see what happens.

Ralli take this as you will mate but this in not bitching at TEDA nor was i. I asked a simple question that got answered. That is all. You can ask info last time i looked at forum rules.

Like i said i will be there next year but no not as apart of you guys. Why. Cos i dont need more politics that is why i was trying to stick up for Jeff the other day.

Post #392

QUOTE(JET_RB25 @ Dec 1 2008, 07:42 PM) [snapback]1283228943[/snapback]

OK Shane

If that was at me. GO FUCK YOURSELF. Simple as that. Me and you have spoken on this shit so many times it is not funny.


Ralli take this as you will mate but this in not bitching

well what would you call that then?

You, Lars and Shane have said your bits in here now.

If you have anything further to say to each other...use the PM system, or MSN, or perhaps even call or go have a sitdown Sopranos style and nut it out.

Otherwise, this will end up with the closing of the thread.


Post #393

QUOTE(VLCT WALKY @ Dec 1 2008, 05:49 PM) [snapback]1283228753[/snapback]

and mel, u would fit in with there once sided one minded they are the be all about everything and there way or no way! thats way clubs up here run right!

u carry on about how much u are doing, but if it was done differently it would be so much more but your not interested! and u don't realise how much damage is also done, it's sad i'm one of the few that will say something, but hey most your club members bitched etc, pitty most of them are to scared to actually do something :lol:

this bit directed at me too Lars! :(

Post #394

QUOTE(RalliSki @ Dec 1 2008, 07:00 PM) [snapback]1283229060[/snapback]

well what would you call that then?
You, Lars and Shane have said your bits in here now.

If you have anything further to say to each other...use the PM system, or MSN, or perhaps even call or go have a sitdown Sopranos style and nut it out.

Otherwise, this will end up with the closing of the thread.


I call it not whinging. I call it using a thread in NT section to ask a general question about not being a TEDA member to drift. I call it speaking my mind not hiding like some do. I clearly posted i will go and see Shane when i get back from Sydney, and i plan to do just that. If you read through it i actually tell Lars to stop it with his shit.


Yeah fine.

Your the man with the wand.

QUOTE(ScUd'EsS @ Dec 1 2008, 09:12 PM) [snapback]1283229940[/snapback]

this bit directed at me too Lars! :(

Mel take it to PM

Post #395

QUOTE(JET_RB25 @ Dec 1 2008, 08:57 PM) [snapback]1283230042[/snapback]

Mel take it to PM

intend on honey - but not gonna jump on the gun if its not directed at me! :(

Post #396

same shit same ppl get over it it. go out ther and do some skids fuck the rest of the shit.acting like lil grls over spilt milk. shanes put a lot of his time an deffort on gettin driftin of the ground. i dont see what u guys have contributed besides whining and bitchin about trivial matters. bring on 2009 see how many of you guys actually rock up for driftin and not bitch out at the end coz u might get shown up by a r32/vl/silvia/skyline watever. get out there and prove ur point not behind some keyboard. il be there if all goes to plan! come have a blast and let the past stay in the past.

Post #397

Bahahahaha funny man you are. I dont care any more. Bring it to the track

I have not once said shane did not put in alot of effort did i. Nope i did not. I asked a Q bout teda and drifting that is all. Good Bye.

See you there Bilal. You best bring it mate cos i will be

Post #398

All of this aside (I actually am clueless as to what got this whole argument going) I only care that I have the chance to get to the track. Its not all beer and skittles organising it and keeping it running. So to whoever is responsible for making it happen I could care less if I get along with them or not, as long as they get along with the track staff :(

Coming from Victoria and drifters being kicked off 2 tracks in less than a year wasn't very cool and its taken a LOT of work to get back to just one track. Everyone just be happy that you have a place that seems to take to drifting a shitload better than some places in Victoria did.

Next track day is when...... (discuss)

Post #399

next year now unless teda can secure a few private days during the wet season

Post #400

think they should

Post #401

anyone have any skidtastic footage?

Post #402

that wasnt directed at anyone. Take it as you want bj. Funny your the only one that took a bite to it. Must say somethin.will see you ther.

Post #403

Yeah i will.

Did not really bite, If i did i would have been more to the point. I was more recognising shane for his efforts and stating i dont think badly of him. Will see you there. Not in the aristo but what are you buying.

Post #404

yo unknown i has some footage, some of you but mostly all the drifters got the orange vl going off the track and matt lawson doing a 360 lol

Post #405

dont wanna say too much jus yet. Somethin alot more driftable. And yes its a nissan mayb keep the risto for daily if it dont sell.

Post #406

Firstly well done to everyone driving on sunday, i enjoyed it and was good to be spectating and not fixing cars! :( Congrats to Mitch good steering dude!
I beleive TEDA is important to NT drifting and it is a result of what namsc asked for, Namsc previously has never supported drifting, now there is a shift in momentum i think we are getting somewhere. More track time and more rope which is already netting results. Some critcs are also responsible for the improvement we see and there input is invaluable.
As Top End Drift Association Inc. has its own constitution and yes its available to everyone (PM me for it) anyone can nominate for a position on the commitee from president to secretary, it does involve a lot of work but i think its rewarding. (some new faces would help our public relations)As per constitutional regs we have to have an AGM where positions are noinated and voted by club members, all positions currently are temps and not official untill after an AGM.
Teda does not belong to anyone but everyone, unfortunately there are some issues between some people and thats life and it also has nothing to do with drifting or anyone else.
For Drifting to work in Darwin we have to be a whole, it means the commitee has to be more responsive and open to critisism ( it hasnt been), thats the way it works. I also believe people on the commitee have to behave in a way that represents the club favorably no excusses (we havent), we (all drifters and spectators) have the potential to grow into a club that has the ability to stage huge events, BTW free practice days come from TEDA affiliation with NAMSC so $44 ask is pretty fair. If there is a problem with the people currently running TEDA vote them out, simple!
I post here little, but I follow it, i think there is no issue here that cant be resolved, we have so many awesome people up here and its high time the club pulls tight, If we dont now it will never amount to anything more that a few different drift clubs arguing, stick with me on this im going somewhere, look at Namsc for example the inner fighting that has occured in the last 5 years has damaged it so much, we are the next generation that can entertain the public, we have something in common, we have oppourtunity!

Lets grab that by the horns!! :lol:

Post #407

nice post Danny.

Good to see a level headed approach from TEDA. I will come chat bout it when back from Sydney.

Post #408

What is the cost of entry for a prac day if you don't pay the TEDA affiliation? And if you get a NAMSC membership without the affiliation is it possible to pay the TEDA part at a later stage?

Territory Laser Cutting
Post #409

I assume your talking about a private practice,

Its $500.00 plus Insurance, for four hours.

With TEDA its $15 -$20.00 per person for four hours, theres one bonus for being a member!

We will always accept a late payment, if you like, you can pay $12.50 at a time (the day fee which NAMSC has forgot to include into the regulations since May this year, but we have let it slip, for now), until your membership is paid for.

Shane Davidson.

Post #410

So for me to come to a private practice day that TEDA hold it will cost me 500 plus insurance to drift. But if i am a teda member it will be 20 is that right.

Or if i wanted to hold a private day for me it would cost 500 plus but if i am a teda member it would be 20.

Can you specify Shane.

Post #411

i think that would be incorrect

nams members have the same as teda, so if your a nams member u would be covered under the same cost as teda

i can't see how it would cost more to go down if your where a nams member, than a teda member, considering teda is affiliated with nams

Post #412

Nah the 500 is to hire the track out for yourself.

Post #413

Yeah figured that but would like to confirm. It is not written like that, thats all.

Post #414

so as a nams member u can go down and drift, u don't have to be a teda member to have a private drift sessoin it's not locked to just teda

when is the next AGM danny!

Post #415

can you email me the constitution dude Me and Tess wanna have a scan through it.

Post #416

just spoke to some people

being a nams person your aloud to hire the track, so u don't need to be a teda member to drift, or have to wait for a teda drift meet,

becoming a nams member would mean u would be aloud to go down and the price would be the same, there are some rules and regs that have to be followed,

laure is probably the man to talk to mitch to get all the info u require to find out how to go down when the track is avalible and use it

Post #417

Your saying we can go hire it for 20 bucks or 500?

I confused

Post #418

500 to fly solo

Post #419

QUOTE(JET_RB25 @ Dec 2 2008, 08:30 PM) [snapback]1283234946[/snapback]

Your saying we can go hire it for 20 bucks or 500?
I confused

think of it this way bj

become a namsc member u can do all track events drift days etc

become a teda member means your also a namsc member u can do all the track days and the private teda days (as it's an only teda member thing so they force u to join to drift more) and also do your own days and yes for the cheap price, it's not just locked to teda, it's all namsc members

Post #420

QUOTE(JET_RB25 @ Dec 2 2008, 07:30 PM) [snapback]1283234946[/snapback]

Your saying we can go hire it for 20 bucks or 500?
I confused

To clarify what Lars is saying - for a non-namsc member to hire the track themselves, it's around the $500 (last time I checked) plus insurance (since no affiliation to a recognised club).
For a namsc member to hire the track, it is a much lesser amount (that I won't quote on a forum since it is subject to change). But in return for not having to front up with an additional insurance fee you need to follow certain namsc guidelines such as having a namsc committee member present.
The $20 charge is referring to an amount that the booker of the track may choose to charge people to cover track hire costs. If thats what TEDA decide to charge, that's what it costs if you want in on their private practice session. If someone books the track and decides they don't want any reimbursement for it - it'd be free.

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