Wrecking Yards In Qld With Valiants - Wrecking yards  

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Post #1 post 29th April 2008 - 06:39 PM
Has anyone seen any valiants, chargers, utes, sedans etc in wrecking yards of late? If so could u forward me on some details, cheers Dave.
Post #2

Not in the Brisbane area but i know of a quite large and comprehensive Valiant wreckers located on the Atherton / Tolga industrial estate in far north qld .

They sell and ship parts Australia wide via parts peddler , trade mags etc

Old man was down there the other day , will chase him up for details if you havent been onto them already , let me know if your interested

Star Guitar
Post #3

I know of a Charger shell for $250. Unfortunately i want it for myself so.. i'm not going to tell you where it is.

Its at a Holden wreckers though.. not a Mopar / Chrysler place.

Post #4

North Qld is probably too far, thinking more the general brizzy logan goldy area. Seems to be f*ck all around these days, I think I've come across two or three in the last year and that was just by random luck while looking for other parts.

If you change your mind on that charger mate i'd be sure to give it a good home.

Post #5

Tye at QLD Valiant spares down the gold coast

Star Guitar
Post #6


If i bought it.. and brought it back (Cause i gotta go up and get some parts for my EK).. would you buy it off me?

I know its a bit of a dick question but i need as much money for my EK as i can get my hands on.. and if you didn't buy it i'd build it one day myself anyway.

Post #7

try blue star spares they are at oakey q.l.d
cheers bob

Post #8


Post #9

If you need anything for a Val, shoot me a PM. I have a mate with about 40 in his back yard..

And he works for a towing business, so always up and down the coast.

Post #10

try Helen or Mike Fry on 0416 342 933 or (07) 5485 7549

Post #11

ap5 6 sedan wayfaier ute complete +spares 0428661417 nev

Post #12

Hi All..I just bought a Chrysler lebaron to wreck.Complete car.265 auto,power steer,t-bar ,air con.origional sankey benson wheels.
Chris superroo351@westnet.com.au

Charger 360
Post #13

QUOTE(Rawxygt @ Nov 1 2008, 11:01 PM) [snapback]1283086153[/snapback]

Hi All..I just bought a Chrysler lebaron to wreck.Complete car.265 auto,power steer,t-bar ,air con.origional sankey benson wheels.
Chris superroo351@westnet.com.au

Before you wreck her out - if she's still got the bits that make her a Lebaron then she will probably be worth more as a restorer. Valiants rust and anybody into them knows what are salvageable and which aren't - how bad is the old girl?

Le Baron sounds like its got most of the running gear they came with - Silver with matching vinyl roof was the colour of choice as well.

Post #14

Hi charger...The Lebaron is complete except the alternator & brake booster.( I have to revisit the bloke I got it from cause he prob has them under his house).Very untouched,,orig radio,cassete player etc.
Its got some rust in rear guards,bootlid & 2 doors & prob a bit under vinyl roof but cowl,plenum chamber is good.I know its rare,only 400 made & I would love to see it back on the road but no one seems interested at $900.If was a charger,GT or Monaro you would fix it for sure.Sad thing is its worth more $ in parts so thats probably were it will end up.
They only came in silver(No Choice), with red or blue velour trim & only 318 or 265 t-bar..Mines blue trim,265.Steer,Air,HD Brakes,radiator etc.

Charger 360
Post #15

Shame your in Qld mate - I'd take her off you.

Sounds like your pretty up on the old Vals - pretty unusual for a Ford fan to know so much about a special run in the Chrysler family.

Before you wreck her out if you are still keen to sell her 2 sites worth trying for the chrysler guys are www.moparmarket.com and www.hemi6pack.com. Both run a "for sale" section - Moparmarket in particular has a pretty big following for cars for sale.

I'd be very, very surprised that at the sort of money you are after if you don't get a taker. Rust in the rear guards is common and is an easy fix, bootlid and doors are simple hang-on items and can be replaced from any sedan basically. Alternator and Brake booster and standard ,easy to find items as well.

Common questions you'll get are is the engine original and is their any rust in the chassis rail (drivers side where the steering box bolts on is a very suspect spot) - probably the most expensive fix on the car besides the plenum.

Damn - I'm even coming up to Qld in Jan for hols - be worth towing her back to Sydney. Oh well - bad timing I suppose!

Post #16

Hi Charger, I only own GT Falcons but I look at and appreciate any car.I have just been in USA for 5 weeks looking at cars the whole time...eg.woodward av cruise in Detroit has 40 000 restored cars at one show.You woulda loved the Mopars...6 Roadrunners parked together...Wow.Reno hot august nights 5000 cars,Not to mention all the museams we went to.
I have always had a soft spot for chargers & may own one oneday.I also want a goggomobil dart & a Fiat 500 topolino so I guess I am not a oneeyed Ford lover only.lol.
If your goin through Bundaberg when your here,let me know as the lebaron might still be here.lol..I got a few other things more urgent first.
See ya

Charger 360
Post #17

Have a big liking for US Mopar Muscle - my favourite is actually the Roadrunner (69) - Aussie $ ain't helping for people importing now.

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