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Post #141

your work is outstanding!!
wat camera you using???

and for your own shotz recently... did u just use suction cups to hold the camera? & to take it did u put it on timer, jump in the car, start drivin then let it shoot?

great work, so many questions biggrin.gif

Post #142

Nice ride mate. Seems a little empty with the flash though, like the beam to me seems quite narrow, perhaps you need a third for some roof bouncage.

matt mead
Post #143

QUOTE(revhead888 @ Jun 10 2008, 04:26 PM) [snapback]1282453613[/snapback]

your work is outstanding!!
wat camera you using???

and for your own shotz recently... did u just use suction cups to hold the camera? & to take it did u put it on timer, jump in the car, start drivin then let it shoot?

great work, so many questions biggrin.gif

thanks mate i use a canon 350d

for those shots i used a suction cap and did exactly what you say, i had a flash on my lap to fill the cabin with light however that shot is actually a chop of a static pic and motion pic joined together as i could never get the lighting on my face right while getting the car moving lol.. 10seconds isnt enough time lol

QUOTE(Nick_ @ Jun 10 2008, 05:29 PM) [snapback]1282453936[/snapback]

Nice ride mate. Seems a little empty with the flash though, like the beam to me seems quite narrow, perhaps you need a third for some roof bouncage.

yeah i used 1/200 i should of used something like 1/60th for some extra lighting...but ill know that for next time..and yeah another flash is on the cards...want to buy a really good one that will work on camera like a canon 550ex or simliar

Post #144

QUOTE(matt mead @ Jun 10 2008, 05:39 PM) [snapback]1282454003[/snapback]

thanks mate i use a canon 350d

for those shots i used a suction cap and did exactly what you say, i had a flash on my lap to fill the cabin with light however that shot is actually a chop of a static pic and motion pic joined together as i could never get the lighting on my face right while getting the car moving lol.. 10seconds isnt enough time lol

yes i know what your meaning... i've done the 10 second scramble a fewtimes with my P&S...

bought how fast were u goin when she took the picture?

matt mead
Post #145

just rolling pace as i would kill the engine to stop the vibrations

Post #146

QUOTE(matt mead @ Jun 10 2008, 05:39 PM) [snapback]1282454003[/snapback]

thanks mate i use a canon 350d

for those shots i used a suction cap and did exactly what you say, i had a flash on my lap to fill the cabin with light however that shot is actually a chop of a static pic and motion pic joined together as i could never get the lighting on my face right while getting the car moving lol.. 10seconds isnt enough time lol
yeah i used 1/200 i should of used something like 1/60th for some extra lighting...but ill know that for next time..and yeah another flash is on the cards...want to buy a really good one that will work on camera like a canon 550ex or simliar

550 yikes! why not a 430?

You're right about your settings for that shot - not saying that it's not a good shot, it just could be that little bit better.. 100th might have been it, oh well..

Post #147

550ex produces more flash.

matt mead
Post #148

Went to Oran Park on Saturday, and the guys from FOSC throw together one amazing event with over 250 entrants in 5-6 classes. I luved the vairty off cars that where there...anyway all shoot where taken with canon 350d with 55-250 and 18-55...Nd filter was slapped on for the slower shutter stuff.. enjoy

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and the rest of the images can be seen in my flickr gallery

hope u like

Post #149

GREAT pics man.

- Casey

Post #150

5 because I love the slap on the back 'cheer up/oh well' style. Made me laugh.

12 for the valli giving it a bit of power slide.

Post #151

Number 9 is outstanding, well done.

Post #152

Love the pics of the datto, MK1 escort and MK1 cortina

matt mead
Post #153

Well i got away from my norm, motor sport stuff, and got the chance to do some portrait stuff... was a good laugh sitiring up this guy making him do funky poses lol... i can only show one as there going in a mag

but this guy is the President of Js Racing Japan which is a Japanese modified car part manufacture...

anyways here is the shot:

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Strobe info:
Vivitiar 285hv camera left lowest setting shot through white umbrella
Vivitiar 285hv camera right lowest setting shot through white umbrella
trigged by ebay triggers

let me know what you think

Post #154

Nice work. Sounds like it was a fun shoot!

Lighting on the exhaust looks good. The black background seems a little patchy in areas though (particularly arond the muffler)

matt mead
Post #155

damn you tongue.gif you noticed lol ....yeah the light reflected of the exhaust like crazy i have to mask it all off and make th background one colour...i was too lazy last night tongue.gif even thought it would of taken 5 mintues

will be fixed tonight

Post #156

I can't see any patches behind it..

Wait a minute.. DAMN you must've stared HARD at that pic Chris! I couldn't even notice it until i was giving it the hairy eyeball for like half a minute!

matt mead
Post #157

haha its their i was just hopping no one would notice lol

besides that easy fix what does everyone think??

i wish i did a setup shot now

Post #158

lol it takes like a minute to find the spots, but lovely shot matt

perfect lighting, cant wait till i get my setup

- Casey

Post #159

Ditto, brilliant shot I rekon, definantly print-worthy..

Now you just need a big SLR.. D300 or 30D/40D at least.

matt mead
Post #160

thanks guys, that shot was actually taken with a mates 30d tongue.gif

ill eventually get a 40d, i have the money to get one, but i want to keep the 350d untill early next yr as i still have lots to learn, such as lighting technique and rig stuff before the body will start to hinder my progress..

matt mead
Post #161

was bored at my mates workshop so i busted the camera out

kinda happy with the results...but it always looks different in photoshop compared to when u export it out sad.gif

anyway lit with 2 vivtiars 285hv shot bare i think they where at full power

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let me know what you think

Post #162

I like it, can I have one?

Post #163

I don't comment much in this section unless i see something i like.and this i like..

Did you do any pp? if so i would do bit more make it more grungy looking..if that makes sense.. go there click portfolio then click second image..kinda like the look on that image..would look tops..

matt mead
Post #164

thanks damo,

yeah i know of easton chang,... i reckon that mustang shoot is one of the best car shots i have ever seen, but i also know how much pp work went into it... apparently around 400+ different layers... im no where near that level lol

but yeah abit of pp... its actually to images put together

one image was used to light the car how i wanted it.... the other was to light the background how i wanted.... then merged in ps... layer mask... abit of burning to make it look real.... desat the floor....and your normal levels, contrast and so on.. took about 30 mins to do...

im working on 2 more images now which are being bitchs to make look real

Post #165

I rekon Matts shot is pretty good as it is, I get what you're saying Damo but I think those shots have a lot more thought into it, such as the shoot location where-as Matts was just there.

I think maybe a little bit of desat over the majority of the image to pop that 86 would be good, it looks like there already is some but i think i like overkill on the desat.

matt mead
Post #166

nick i already Desated the floor then pumped contrast into it

anyway i went for a drive in the national park to try and snap a shot of my car... and here it is:

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i have mixed emotions about this shot... i actually spent time lighting the car but i sucked to much ambient light away from the shot so the flashs over powered, but i couldnt tell in my little viewfinder... so i used another shot or the car and then tryed to make it pop as much as i could...

the background is HDR and its from 4 different exposures then tone mapped in photoshop...pretty happy with that and i will probably use it more often...

anyway after this i have realised the next little set of goodies that i need to buy.... i need a better 10$ cheaper doesnt cut it any more so im looking at getting a manfrotto one aswell as buying another 2 off camera flashes.

anyway let me know what you think

Post #167

i reckon the sky looks great but tend to agree the car feels a little lost in the shot and doesnt feel like the focal point.

still a nice looking photo however.

matt mead
Post #168

ok well i went on a drive through some nice roads on the weekend with some mates.... Im still playing around with HDR i think i fluked the shoot above as its quite difficult to make look real..

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anyway, i think i will play with a different method the next time i try

anyway you wont see me for a week as im going away down the coast smile.gif

hopefully some nice pics when i come back

Post #169

cool pics matty smile.gif ive never done a HDR, not even sure how to do one

love the photo of ur car the sky is amazing

cant wait to see pix when u get back, have fun mate

Post #170

Maaaaaaaatty, THESE were the pics you were doing. I like the first one, ALTHOUGH i am a tad disappointed as they're not in the calibre you're now producing. I think the first shot is nice but the boat kills it for me, without the boat it'd look like you guys coulda been anywhere.

Second shot is dead for me, you cut off the 200 and there's a damned letter box in the road! Matty! You know better than that!

Post #171

Very well done as usual matt! I wish I could use photoshop to this extent! I better start learning tongue.gif
I love the picture of your car, im going to take a stab and say its probably my favourite! well done buddy

matt mead
Post #172

thanks guys, nick i like the boat so tongue.gif lol yeah the HDR automated thing in photo shop cut the car out so it could align all the pictures and yeah was too lazy to chop out the letter box lol

anyways im back from my holiday... lots of pictures to come and my 30$ tripod decided to break so more reason to get that manfrotto one on monday

while i was away the next issue of "the circuit" came out... im really happy with it, lots of my shots in it:

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Also his the link to the PDF...Check it out its a really good read!!!

matt mead
Post #173

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HDR from 3 different exposures, tone mapped in photoshoped... then used the 3 different exposed shots to mask out sections to make it look more realistic

i think the f7.1 apeature is so shallow for landscape stuff after looking at what others use dunno.gif

Post #174

my edit lol

matt mead
Post #175

lol, you should of masked out the sections so it only changed the sky....

Im going to redo that shot again when i get a proper trypod and light the car

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