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Post #36

Scotty, been in 1600's since i was 7 when my brother got one well about 4 at the time,

my sister had one with axe wholes in the doors and bonnet,

my first car was a 1600 and during that time at 4 of them

Post #37

Go go datto-mobile, this has now become the 1600 thread :bowrofl:

Post #38

QUOTE(VLCT WALKY @ May 7 2008, 03:38 PM) [snapback]1282297544[/snapback]

Scotty, been in 1600's since i was 7 when my brother got one well about 4 at the time,

my sister had one with axe wholes in the doors and bonnet,

my first car was a 1600 and during that time at 4 of them

Sweet!! When I start the build I'll be looking for advice! They're definately a classic! I had the '69 model (no pun intended) :bowrofl:

Back on topic:

When are the drifters going to hire the track privately again?? :lol:

Post #39

QUOTE(paddles7 @ May 7 2008, 04:11 PM) [snapback]1282297560[/snapback]

Go go datto-mobile, this has now become the 1600 thread :bowrofl:

alex, we all know there the best :lol:

ask devo

Post #40

well there is a 200B SSS, a blue bird powered by FJ20 turbo... a 1600 with the maddest rollcage... minis everywhere.... and piles of different engines.... I still think RB30ET powered 200B is the go!!!! plus the stroker crank to take the FJ to 2.4 litre :bowrofl:

Post #41

QUOTE(Rattler @ May 7 2008, 03:32 PM) [snapback]1282297708[/snapback]

Sweet!! When I start the build I'll be looking for advice! They're definately a classic! I had the '69 model (no pun intended) :bowrofl:

Back on topic:

When are the drifters going to hire the track privately again?? :lol:

that takes money... organisation... and a time that suits all of those that are happy to pitch in.

so i think the first step for that is to establish when works for the most people.

Post #42

QUOTE(VLCT WALKY @ May 7 2008, 02:21 PM) [snapback]1282297046[/snapback]

the straight has nothing to do with drifting

most drifting around australia is only a few corner's and not a whole track

u got to remember how much tyres you would go through doing the whole track!

but sounds good either way

If TEDA ensure that NAMSC know that the straight isn't going to be used for any drifting, and perhaps keeping the 80/100km/h speed limit up the straight, then I wouldn't imagine there'd be as much resistance as if they simply asked to be able to use the whole track. I know it seems pedantic to have to specify the difference, but it may help you guys get to where you want to be sooner.

And if the number of entries is holding whole track drifting back, then someone give me a set of 16" wheels to suit the GT-Four, with tyres, and I'll be out there next meet. :bowrofl: Not that I can drift, but I can enter anyway. :lol:

Post #43

You will lose the ability to judge if you open up that much of the track - I think mastering a few corners will help anyway.

Post #44

The judging doesn't necessarily have to cover the whole track. Allow drifting to take place on all corners, but only have a small group of corners (eg. Turns 7-11) judged.

Post #45

just use the whole track on a prac day

I liked jeff's idea of two start point's , so one at turn 3-4 and one for the down hill part , so you have a break between sections

Post #46

but with all things

peoples wouldn't be drifting for that long in the day

the boys have problems with having enough tyres now, so u imagine if u open the whole track up, how long are the drifters going to be drifting for ?

Post #47

namsc has already said yes to us using the back section of the track on normal track days with the condition that only people good enough can use it, so we dont have someone new flying off and hitting a wall. I believe the system for deciding who is good enough will be decided at the next teda meeting.

Post #48

QUOTE(VLCT WALKY @ May 8 2008, 12:50 PM) [snapback]1282301692[/snapback]

the boys have problems with having enough tyres now, so u imagine if u open the whole track up, how long are the drifters going to be drifting for ?

Good point, but then that is the inherent issue with drifting - it's the ultimate tyre killer.

QUOTE(UNKNOWN @ May 8 2008, 01:29 PM) [snapback]1282301919[/snapback]

namsc has already said yes to us using the back section of the track on normal track days with the condition that only people good enough can use it, so we dont have someone new flying off and hitting a wall. I believe the system for deciding who is good enough will be decided at the next teda meeting.


Post #49

QUOTE(VLCT WALKY @ May 8 2008, 11:50 AM) [snapback]1282301692[/snapback]

but with all things

peoples wouldn't be drifting for that long in the day

the boys have problems with having enough tyres now, so u imagine if u open the whole track up, how long are the drifters going to be drifting for ?

Cant afford the tyres, dont drift, simple.

Or, find sponsership. There's plenty of s/hand tyres around, you dont have to use brand new ones.

Post #50

true true :bowrofl:

Post #51

another thing is that turn 1 is absolutely useless to drift at. why? because there are no spectators allowed down there.

but hear about the back section is great news. will definitely be good to watch.

im guessing a lot of these guys have been chasing sponsorship anyway....

Post #52

QUOTE(UNKNOWN @ May 8 2008, 12:29 PM) [snapback]1282301919[/snapback]

namsc has already said yes to us using the back section of the track on normal track days with the condition that only people good enough can use it, so we dont have someone new flying off and hitting a wall. I believe the system for deciding who is good enough will be decided at the next teda meeting.

well i believe that even pro drifters all around the world can come off the track and hit walls ! true ?
even on tracks they are familiar with !

so at what point after coming off the track do you feel someone is better than anyone else before hitting the wall, and how would it be judged ! and who by ?

i am new to the sport having only drifted at an event once (last weekend) in my black gemini, i came off the track two or three times, yet if i remember correctly so did a few of the boys who have been drifting since the conception of teda.

even newcomers could be able to drift with amazing speed, angle and line, and keep it on the track all day
i feel that no one out there is better than anyone else when it comes to coming off the track, 9 times out of 10 its luck and not driving skill that will save you car from becoming a crumpled piece of scrapyard metal, and have you eating from a straw for the rest of your life, or not !

so in conclusion, i fail to see that judging who is more capable at drifting, is going to safegard anyone that is deemed to be (good enough) from hitting the wall.

Post #53

very impressed with your drifting on the weekend :hsdance: your where doing the hair pin pretty dam well,

it's lars by the way :wavey:

Post #54

QUOTE(VLCT WALKY @ May 8 2008, 07:22 PM) [snapback]1282303934[/snapback]

very impressed with your drifting on the weekend :hsdance: your where doing the hair pin pretty dam well,

it's lars by the way :wavey:

how are ya lars ?

yeah, i had heaps of fun tryin, tyre choice wasnt the best, only had 18psi in rears on first run, got them pumped up to 45psi for the rest of the day, but not happy with the feel of it drifting as the 13inch tyres i was running were had a 75 profile wall so felt like i was driving on butter !

next time i will use the 15x195/50 and see how that goes !

thanks for the encouragement, its appreciated !

Post #55

Were you in the wagon?

Post #56

nah man he was in the matt black TE sedan. its off chops. until i get out there :hsdance: its the forming of GDT hey heath.

Post #57

QUOTE(slydwayz @ May 8 2008, 07:43 PM) [snapback]1282303884[/snapback]

well i believe that even pro drifters all around the world can come off the track and hit walls ! true ?
even on tracks they are familiar with !

so at what point after coming off the track do you feel someone is better than anyone else before hitting the wall, and how would it be judged ! and who by ?

i am new to the sport having only drifted at an event once (last weekend) in my black gemini, i came off the track two or three times, yet if i remember correctly so did a few of the boys who have been drifting since the conception of teda.

even newcomers could be able to drift with amazing speed, angle and line, and keep it on the track all day
i feel that no one out there is better than anyone else when it comes to coming off the track, 9 times out of 10 its luck and not driving skill that will save you car from becoming a crumpled piece of scrapyard metal, and have you eating from a straw for the rest of your life, or not !

so in conclusion, i fail to see that judging who is more capable at drifting, is going to safegard anyone that is deemed to be (good enough) from hitting the wall.

Thats not really true dude. I have been drifting for a few years, and i have seen first hand the people that come off the track and crash/hit stuff the most. Yes, the pro's do hit walls - but only during competition or due to mechanical failure. The most important thing in drifting is experience - by that i mean, experience drifting your car, knowing what it will do in certain situations, and what to do to correct your screwups.
Those new to drifting, are always the ones that come off the track the most. And although it's hard to tell from inside the car, people who know what they are doing can quite easily pick general skill levels from watching.
Picking those who are more experienced drifters will not guarantee that they wont hit walls, but it will drastically reduce the number of those that do.
I know from experience that the back section of track is very fast. And if you are good enough to link it from turn 5, you are carrying an enormous amount of speed through that section, and it is quite easy to come off, if you don't understand what your car is doing.

I think starting at turn 5 is the best place to start, because if you start any earlier on the track, you will be carrying a fair bit of speed into turn 5, and carrying too much speed on a down hill corner is never a good thing. I can practically guarantee that if the start line was moved any further back, a lot of people would be sliding straight through the corner. Not to mention spectators can't really see turns 3 & 4 anyway.

Instead of moving back, why don't those budding DK's try a scando flick before the first corner ? It's not really that hard, and if you get it right, sets you up for a nice line and speed through the first corner.

And remember kiddies - it's not luck that stops you hitting the wall, it's skill and more importantly experience that allows you to correct your mistakes, and keep driving. :hsdance:

Post #58

QUOTE(fly_rx7 @ May 9 2008, 03:25 PM) [snapback]1282306584[/snapback]

Instead of moving back, why don't those budding DK's try a scando flick before the first corner ? It's not really that hard, and if you get it right, sets you up for a nice line and speed through the first corner.

And remember kiddies - it's not luck that stops you hitting the wall, it's skill and more importantly experience that allows you to correct your mistakes, and keep driving. :hsdance:

OMG... someone else believes in the old SF... :wavey:

Post #59

how do u think he peg's the corner so well andy

he's the only one that does it and shows buy he's entry angle and speed!

Post #60

absolutely! always spectacular to watch him at work.....

and thank you very much for your input fly_rx7 :hsdance:

Post #61

QUOTE(VLCT WALKY @ May 9 2008, 03:53 PM) [snapback]1282306682[/snapback]

how do u think he peg's the corner so well andy

he's the only one that does it and shows buy he's entry angle and speed!

Umm, not quite. Scando flick is okay just to set up for a corner, but I like a bit of fun too, so I throw in a full feint before the first corner, using a SF to get into that, then link into the first corner. Lots of fun, and scares the hell :hsdance: out of anyone in the passenger seat too !

QUOTE(zmit @ May 9 2008, 09:51 PM) [snapback]1282307754[/snapback]

absolutely! always spectacular to watch him at work.....

and thank you very much for your input fly_rx7 :wavey:

Anytime... :cool: :wavey:

Post #62

Oh don't worry about pooing pants... old Larsypoo has made more then one person crap doing the old SF.... on purpose or not :hsdance:

Post #63

tis a lie andy it is the fact he does it one handed with the other planted in your crutch...

Post #64

yeap get's andy hard every time :hsdance: just like to check how hard

Post #65

well at least theres no bitching in this thread :hsdance:

Post #66

2nd that lol

well not yet


Post #67

shut up you two.

Were trying hard ok.

Post #68

clearly... you've resorted to the ghey comments :hsdance:

Post #69

yeah that is all i am allowed to say now LOL....

When is the next drift meet.

Post #70

QUOTE(fly_rx7 @ May 10 2008, 01:19 AM) [snapback]1282308162[/snapback]

Umm, not quite. Scando flick is okay just to set up for a corner, but I like a bit of fun too, so I throw in a full feint before the first corner, using a SF to get into that, then link into the first corner. Lots of fun, and scares the hell :hsdance: out of anyone in the passenger seat too !
Anytime... :cool: :wavey:

Sorry to go slightly off topic, but what's the difference between a Scandanavian Flick and a Feint? I always thought they were the same thing!

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